thesis statement practice

Thesis Statement Practice: Persuasive Research Paper
Name___________________________________________________ Period__________
Working Thesis: This thesis statement may change after you write your paper, but the
basic idea of it should stay the same. ALL of your Reasons/ Support listed about MUST
connect to your thesis statement. Follow these guidelines:
a. Your thesis statement is one sentence in length.
b. Your thesis statement will be the last sentence of your introduction.
c. Your thesis will take a stand/ position on your topic.
d. All of your reasons/ support must connect to your thesis statement.
Thesis Statement Examples: (Topics are bolded)
Americans must take responsibility for their own obesity rather than blaming the fast-food
The American government must incarcerate or deport illegal immigrants who become
involved in gang activity due to the increasing murder rates within the country.
Harsher penalties must be enforced when punishing child abusers in order to protect the
lives of innocent children.
Reducing the exposure of children to violent media is essential to prevent a large portion
of brutally aggressive crimes.
Children should not be prescribed mind-altering medications without full psychiatric
evaluations because the medications may cause them serious harm or even death.
The United States must mandate recycling programs in all private and public places to
protect the future of our planet.
A. Many of the thesis statements above inform the reader what must be done in
order to resolve the problem addressed. Do you see the word ‘must’ repeated? (You
do not have to use the word ‘must’.)
B. The topic of the research paper is included in the thesis statement.
C. The authors of the thesis statements provide a single, important reason why their
position must be accepted by the reader.
Your Turn: For each of the topics below, write a one-sentence persuasive thesis
statement. It does not matter what position you take on each topic. Follow the above
guidelines and review the examples.
1. Public smoking (cigarettes) : ____________________________________________________________________
2. Teen driving age:__________________________________________________________________________________
3. Cosmetic testing on animals: _____________________________________________________________________
4. Animal hunting:____________________________________________________________________________________
5. Genetic engineering of embryos: ________________________________________________________________
6. DNA testing & record banking of all criminals: _________________________________________________
7. Drug testing in school: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Online high school: ________________________________________________________________________________
10. Child labor in sweatshops: ______________________________________________________________________