District Heating and Distributed Energy: Practical Experience Relevant to Northeast Asia Security William Chandler Laboratory Fellow Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1 Outline • Technology of rehabilitation • Economics of upgrading • “Financial engineering” of projects • New solutions 2 Why “District Energy” Matters Matter of survival in cold climate Large share of heating (70 % in Russia) Financial burden on governments and individuals Politically sensitive Consumer cost Stranded assets Economic efficiency 3 Centers Created: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, China, Bulgaria Functions • Policy reform • Technology transfer • Demonstration • Public information 4 Improvements to CHP “Nothing needs reforming quite so much as other people’s bad habits.” -- Mark Twain Before After 5 Details of the Deal Integrated Utility System Back Pressure Steam High Turbine Pressure Steam Heat Recovery Steam Generators Steam Driven Chillers Heating Steam Exhaust Heat Electric Power Chilled Water Electric Power Fuel Gas or Oil PEPCO Combustion Turbines Electric Power Heating Steam UMCP Campus Buildings Boilers 6 Results • $71M in improvements • Energy use cut by 1/3 • $120M Savings • Low cost, off-balance sheet financing 7 Typical Problems of District Energy: Financial Burden on Governments Pensioners protest “monetization” of utilities and other benefits, St. Petersburg, 17 January 2005 (Photo: A. Maltsev, Sipa Press, via MSNBC) 8 Russian Government Interest in Energy Management is Cost-Driven 1. Water and heat for public buildings cost $5 billion in federal subsidies, or 6 percent of budget 2. Savings of 30 percent could readily be obtained. 3. Subsidies to pensioners cost another 5 percent of GDP. - The U.S. and Russian governments have an agreement to cooperate on “Federal Energy Management” 9 Typical Problems of District Energy: Low Thermal Integrity of Buildings 10 Typical Problems of District Energy: Low Thermal Integrity of Buildings • Shortage of funds to pay for heat services >-5.1°C • Poor quality of heat supply -6.0 • Lack of heat meters -8.0 • Poor building insulation and maintenance -10.0 • Lack of qualified personnel -12.0 • Lack of financing to improve facilities’ energy efficiency -14.0 OSProf. 3 <-15.0°C 11 Typical Problems of District Energy Aging Equipment, Poor Maintenance 12 Major Problems of Heat Supply: Boilers Lack of financing and low fuel stocks Shortened heat supply season and lowered temperatures Absence of fuel and heat metering Shortage of qualified boiler personnel 13 Major Problems of Heat Supply Networks: Pipeline Maintenance Wear, failures, leaks, broken insulation, inefficient pumps, old heat exchangers, poor controls, multiple owners, non-collection of heat bills, overcharging of customers.... Source: Center for Energy Efficiency, Moscow 14 Russian District Heating Indicators Indicator CHP plants Heat generation Network losses Final heat consumption Fuel efficiency Heat tariffs, average Heat tariffs, range Heat sales Potential savings in efficiency Units No. Million Gcal Million Gcal Million Gcal % $/Gcal $/Gcal $ billion $ billion Volume 485 2,300 442 1,784 72 14 8-300 30.0 10.0 Source: Igor Bashmakov, Center for Energy Efficiency, Moscow 15 Heat Transportation Problems in Russia Heat losses range from 20 to 70% Maintenance requires 50% of DH costs Only 2% of pipes are replaced annually High leakages ratio, lack and low quality of insulation; Buildings are overheated or under-heated 16 Chernobyl—Aerial View 17 Closing Chernobyl by Saving Energy How did it work? U.S. AID/DOE grants through PNNL and others to develop project $30 million financing developed for buildings Kyiv City Administration invested $5 million World Bank invested $17 million in buildings and $100 million in DH system Results: ~30% savings in buildings alone $100 million financing developed for heat supply system 18 District Energy Efficiency, Kyiv Source: Arena-Eco and PNNL 19 Upgrading District Energy: Adding Heat Controls in Buildings Source: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 20 Kiev Institutional Buildings Program • KIBA, a $30 million energy efficiency project in 1,300 schools, hospitals, and cultural buildings in Kyiv • Savings equivalent to the output of a 160 MW power plant. 21 KyivEnergo Rehabilitation Item Boiler Plant Rehabilitation-1 Boiler Plant Rehabilitation-2 Pipe Replacement, Valves TETS 5 Rehabilitation TETS 6 Rehabilitation Substation Rehabilitation Distribution Pipe Rehab Cost FRR $M % 39 29 17 16 13 13 11 21 6 15 16 27 0.8 13 Source: Year 2004 Review, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agr., Env. , Water 22 Kharkiv District Heating Project • Add six steam turbines (84 MW) • Replace 50 km of transmission pipelines • Replace 200 km of distribution pipelines • Replace 443 old infficient boilers • Installation of 3,870 individual heat substations - Total cost = $173 million. - Saves ~$37 million per year. 23 Cost of Saved Energy in Czech Apartments 50 6 Savings Cost (USD/GJ) 40 5 1 - TRV’s, Allocators, & Balancing (15%) 5 – Floor Insulation (2%) 6 – Thermal Windows (16%) 2 - Weatherization (3%) 3 – External Wall Insulation (19%) 30 4 – Roof Insulation (7%) Cost-Effective Total = 44% 20 Current heat price from DH 10 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Saved energy (GJ/year) 1,400 1,600 Note: Interactions between measures not included. 24 Plutonium and District Heating 25 CSE, $/Gcal Cost of Saved Energy (CSE) Versus Energy Price, Zheleznogorsk 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CSE 26 $/Gcal 14,8 $/Gcal 9,1 $/Gcal 4,8 $/Gcal 22292527216 1413205 191 2812243 9 4 232 7 1115108 1626 Measure Number (see definitions) Source: CENEf and PNNL 26 Definitions of Measure Numbers, Zheleznogorsk 22 29 25 27 21 6 14 13 20 5 19 1 28 12 24 3 9 4 23 2 7 11 15 10 8 16 17 Hydropneumatic cleaning of in-house heating pipelines DHW regulation unit upgrade in open-type district heating systems Installation of a balancing valve at the building input Replacing hydroelevators with pumps and regulation and automation control system Restoration of re-circulation in the DHW system Insulation of outer walls from the inner side Insulation of windows (installation of heat reflecting films) Insulation of windows (doors) + elimination of holes between window (door) frame and the wall Insulation of in-house DHW pipes Insulation of attic floor Installation of electric water heaters Insulation of basement from the inner side Installation of individual heating points Insulation of flat roof Installation of heat meters on the building level Insulation of the floor (1st floor) Insulation of walls from the outer side with molded board lining Insulation of floor on the logs Installation of efficient faucets Insulation of basement ceiling Insulation of walls from the outer side with mineral wool and thin plaster Installation of heat mirrors Installation of energy efficient windows Insulation of walls from the outer side with plastic or aluminum siding Insulation of walls from the outer side with thermo-insulating slabs Installation of ceiling-mounted ventilators Installation of thermostatic valves on the radiators 27 Mini CHP Technology in China How to Start a Power Company? 317 kW gas-fired combined heat and power plant 28 Economics of Combined Heat and Power Economics of a Typical Commercial Building Combined Heat and Power Installation Capital 950 $/kW Size 1000 kW Initial Capital 950,000 $ Power Sales 6,570,000 kWh/Year Grid Power Price 0.090 $/kWh Contract Power Price 0.081 $/kWh Power Cost 0.040 $/kWh Power Sales Margin 0.041 $/kWh Annual Revenues 534,307 $ Source: W. Chandler 29 New Cement Plant in Zhejiang: Potential for 13 MW Heat Recovery 30 Cement Plant Heat Recovery 1. Zhejiang Cement Company, a 5,000 ton per day manufacturing plant near Hangzhou. 2. Waste heat recovery has been proven in Wan An plant in Shanghai. 3. Price of power is $0.065 per kWh. 4. Notional system: 13 MWe at $1,000/kW, 85 percent capacity factor. • Investment = $13,000,000 • Internal Rate of Return = 22% • Project financial life = 5 years 31 Policy 32 What Can Government Do? • Stabilize the investment environment • Develop legal and policy infrastructure • Conduct market reforms and decentralization • Share risk (financing) • Demonstrate new approaches and technologies • Provide information 33 Energy Intensity Improvement in the Transition Economies, 1990-2003 160 120 Central Asia Russia Ukraine 100 80 Central Europe 60 40 20 3 20 0 2 20 0 1 20 0 0 20 0 9 19 9 8 19 9 7 19 9 6 19 9 5 19 9 4 19 9 3 19 9 2 19 9 1 19 9 0 0 19 9 Index, 1990=100 140 Source: William Chandler, Energy and the Environment in the Transition Economies (Boulder: Westview Press, 2000), updated by the author 2005. 34 Reported Growth in Chinese GDP, Energy Consumption, and Power Demand 20 Percent Change on Previous Year 15 GDP Power 10 5 Energy 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 -5 Source: Jeff Logan, International Energy Agency, private communication, 2005. -10 35 Utility Bill Collections Rate, 2000 Russia Bulgaria Armenia Albania Ukraine Belarus Romania Georgia Uzbekistan Azerbaijan 0 10 Source: EBRD, Energy in Transition, 2001 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Revenues Over Billings (percent) 36 District Heating Subsidies Percent of Local Budget, 2001 Murmansk Chelyabinsk Zhukovsky Lytkarino Yu.-Sakhalinsk Kostroma Orel Dzerzhinsk Zeleznogorsk 0 10 20 Percent 30 40 37 District Heat Pricing, Selected Countries Russia Ukraine Kazakhstan Romania Bulgaria Czech Latvia 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $/GJ 38 Electric Power Prices, 2002 Czech Republic Hungary Kazakhstan Industry Households Poland Russia USA 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 US$ per kWh Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2004. Note: Kazakh data are for 2001. 39 Electric Power Prices, November 2003 (US$/kWh) City Industry Commercial Homes Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Beijing 0.047 0.047 0.121 0.077 0.054 Shanghai 0.110 0.065 0.114 0.067 0.074 40 District Energy Policy in Hungary Mandatory purchase of cogenerated electricity up to 20 MW with favorable prices Investment support for small scale CHP Investment boom in gas systems Regulatory issues in cost allocation between heat and power generation Source: International Energy Agency 41 Poland: Four Cities’ Experience, 1992 – 1999 • • • • 22% energy savings in district heat Heat tariffs dropped more than 50%. Consumer subsidies eliminated Customers able to control heat level Source: Ira Birnbaum, U.S. AID 42 WADE* Survey of Poland’s Electric Power Sector *World Alliance for Decentralized Energy Source: World Survey of Decentralized Energy, 2005, www.localpower.org 43 Steps to Reform Russian DHS markets Mandating municipal energy plans Transition to metered heat, gas and water Creating associations of communal services payers (ACSePs) Attracting ESCOs Launching “profits-from-savings” mechanisms to pay for rehabilitation Eliminate cross-subsidies and getting prices right Ending “cost plus” approach Source: Igor Bashmakov, Center for Energy Efficiency, Moscow, presented to the International Energy Agency, Prague, 2004 44 WADE* Survey of Russia’s Electric Power Sector *World Alliance for Decentralized Energy Source: World Survey of Decentralized Energy, 2005, www.localpower.org 45 China CHP Barriers/Opportunities Lack of well-prepared projects Lenders’ inexperience with efficiency projects Regulatory issues Lenders’ perceived risk for small and medium borrowers and for efficiency Source: Chandler, International Finance Corporation, 2004 46 China CHP Investment Risks Technical risk Uncertain regulatory environment Non-transparency of customer finances Lack of collateral Source: Chandler and Gwin, International Finance Corporation, 2004 47 Overview of Privatization and Competition Privatization of natural monopolies requires special steps: Determining competitive parts of the system, separating them, introducing competition. Creating legal, institutional framework to regulate prices and return on investment. Commercializing–introducing hard budget constraints for–all power sector enterprises. Attracting investment through concessions or privatization. Source: Coming in from the Cold: Improving District Heating Policy in the Transition Economies (Paris: International Energy Agency, 2004) 48 Frontier Financing Russia World Bank Housing Divestiture, $500 M Czech Republic: ESCO promotion, $30 M Ukraine: Kyiv City Buildings, $30 M 49 Project Financing in the Municipal Sector 10% 25% 7% 40% 16% 2% Loan Energy efficiency fund Oblast budget City budget Heat supply companies Population Subsidy shift--from fuel to capital Local budgets and regional efficiency funds Heat supply company investments Foreign, multilateral banks Consumer expenditures Source: Center for Energy Efficiency, Moscow 50 Purchasing power limits: Bashmakov’s wing 120% collection rate 100% 80% 60% Threshold 2: rigidity of collecting payments actions brings no results Threshold 1: collection rate starts declining 40% 20% 0% 0 2/1 4/2 6/3 8/4 10/5 12/6 14/7 16/8 communal and housing (numerator) and energy expenditures (denominator) as percentage of family income (%) Source: Igor Bashmakov, Center for Energy Efficiency, Moscow 51 District Energy Efficiency Investment Source: Mykola Raptsun, Arena-Eco, Ukraine 52