Selecting the Best EvidenceBased Medicine Resources Daniel J. Van Durme, MD Chairman, Dept. Family Medicine and Rural Health Nancy Clark, MEd Director of Medical Informatics Education FSU College of Medicine 1 Objectives What is EBM? Formulate a clinical question Apply levels of evidence to decision making process including patient concerns What are the major EBM databases Search for evidence based information Using EBM hunting tools FSU College of Medicine 2 Handouts and Resources EBM Tutorial online EBM Resources handout Clinical Question Worksheet Cases Slawson article on EBM FSU College of Medicine 3 New Resource EBM Teaching Materials FSU College of Medicine 4 What is EBM? Evidence based medicine (EBM) was originally defined as the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. (Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ 1996; 312: 71-2) FSU College of Medicine 5 What is EBM? The revised and improved definition of evidencebased medicine is “the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values” It reflects a systematic approach to clinical problem solving. (Sackett DL, Strauss SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2nd Ed. London: Churchill-Livingstone,2000) 6 What EBM skills do all practicing clinicians really need? Among other skills: Information mastery: finding the best evidence for every day practice Have at fingertips “just in time’ information at point of care for clinical decision making web based and/or PDA Evaluate expert-based information, including colleagues, CME, presentations, reviews and guidelines Slawson DC, Shaughnessy AF. Teaching evidence-based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead? Acad Med. 2005 Jul;80(7):685-9. 7 Advanced EBM Skills Only a small percentage of clinicians need to be able to do the following Critical Appraisal and Interpretation of Research on: Critical Evaluation and Interpretation of: Therapies, Diagnostic Tests, Prognosis Systematic Reviews, Including Meta-analysis, Decision Analysis, Practice Guidelines, Pharmaceutical Advertising, Including Pharmaceutical Representatives Assigning Levels of Evidence to Research Findings Teaching Level 1 Skills Produce written Communication of Research Findings Physicians Patients (Slawson, et al) FSU College of Medicine 8 Lifelong Learning Old method: read a few journal articles per week Reality: Primary care docs would need over 17 hrs/day just to review reasonable and pertinent material Even in one narrow specialty would need 6+hrs/wk Practicing docs (all specialties) average 1-1.5 hrs/wk FSU College of Medicine 9 Lifelong Learning from Day to Day Encounters Reading the articles that happen to cross the desk does not help MY PATIENTS TODAY Finding evidence based optimal care for my patients today helps them AND helps me to stay current in my field and be an efficient and effective lifelong learner FSU College of Medicine 10 The EBM Process “The practice of evidence-based medicine is a process of lifelong, self-directed, problem-based learning in which caring for one's own patients creates the need for clinically important information about diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and other clinical and health care issues.” (Bordley, D.R. Fagan M, Theige D. Evidence-based medicine: a powerful educational tool for clerkship education. Am J Med. 1997 May;102(5):427-32.) FSU College of Medicine 11 The EBM Process The patient 1. Start with the patient -- a clinical problem or question arises out of the care of the patient The question 2. Construct a well built clinical question derived from the case The resource 3. Select the appropriate resource(s) and conduct a search The evaluation 4. Appraise that evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth) and applicability (usefulness in clinical practice) The patient 5. Return to the patient -- integrate that evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences and apply it to practice Self-evaluation 6. Evaluate your performance with this patient FSU College of Medicine 12 Constructing A Clinical Question P I C O patient intervention comparison outcome Who? What? Alternative Intervention? Outcomes “How would I describe a group of patients similar to this particular patient?” ”Which treatment, test or other intervention?” What is the “Compared to what patient oriented other treatment, test, outcome – better or perhaps compared prognosis? to doing nothing” Higher rate of cure? Etc.?” FSU College of Medicine 13 Examples P Kids with acute otitis media -2-4 y/o I C Antibiotics O No treatment except No pain after two acetaminophen days? for pain/fever Adult with microhematuria IVP CT scan Diagnostic accuracy (Predictive value or likelihood ratio) Adult patients <70 TIA No TIA Rates of CVA within 90 days Healthy adolescents Routine scoliosis screen No screening – Pain, disability, need evaluate only if for intervention problems FSU College of Medicine 14 Types of Questions Best Answered by EBM Resource Therapy Question Prognosis Question In diabetic patients with foot ulcers, is the diagnosis of osteomyelitis with MRI as predictive of healing as an audible pulse on Doppler examination? Diagnosis Question In patients with migraine headaches without auras, is Depakote more effective than Inderal for prophylaxis of headaches? In geriatric patients with suspected carotid stenosis, is duplex ultrasound as good as magnetic resonance angiography in detecting significant carotid stenosis? Harm Question For pregnant patients, does the consumption of large amounts of coffee, (compared to non-coffee drinkers) increase the rate of spontaneous abortion? FSU College of Medicine 15 Question Worksheet P - Who? I - What? C- Alternatively? Outcome? Type of Question Therapy Prognosis Diagnosis Harm/Etiology Using the worksheet provided, construct a clinical question from your own practice. FSU College of Medicine 16 Assessing Validity Definitions Level of Evidence (LOE): usually one study Strength of Recommendation (SOR): recommendation based on multiple studies A value of the confidence in the recommendation based on the quality of research Assigned by experts using specific criteria Ebell MH, Siwek J, Weiss BD, et al. Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT): a patient-centered approach to grading evidence in the medical literature. Am Fam Physician. Feb 1 2004;69(3):548-556. 17 Levels of Evidence Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford Level 1: Systematic Review (with metaanalysis) of Randomized Clinical Trials Level 2: Cohort Studies Level 3: Case-Control Studies Level 4: Case-series Level 5: Expert Opinion FSU College of Medicine 18 Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy A: There is good research-based evidence to support the recommendation. B: There is fair research-based evidence to support the recommendation. C: The recommendation is based on expert opinion and panel consensus. X: There is evidence of harm from this intervention. FSU College of Medicine 19 Bottom Line on LOE or SOR Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 A Highest level B C Lowest Level But still evidence FSU College of Medicine 20 Evidence Based Medicine Databases (Foraging Tools) People who do the heavy lifting for you. FSU College of Medicine 21 EBM Foraging Tools A high-quality foraging tool employs a transparent process that Systematically searches and reviews literature Identify useful, valuable, “quality” research Synthesizes into “bottom line” recommendation Patient oriented outcomes (POEM); not diseaseoriented outcomes (DOE) Assign level of evidence How to apply recommendations? (Slawson DC, Shaughnessy AF. Teaching evidence-based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead? Acad Med. Jul 2005;80(7):685-689.) 22 Major EBM Databases (Foraging Tools) Cochrane Clinical Evidence DARE ACP Journal Club InfoPOEMS Evidence Based _____ USPSTF National Guidelines Clearinghouse FSU College of Medicine 23 Cochrane Library The current resource with the highest methodological rigor For each clinical question, all of the English literature meticulously searched for randomized trials Large systematic reviews with valid methods + collaborative effort by Review Groups Conclusions are based on all the evidence from valid randomized trials (treatment and harm questions) FSU College of Medicine 24 Cochrane Library Full text at Cochrane Library at Wiley Abstracts in InfoRetriever Limitations limited to English only addresses questions amenable to randomized trials most of medicine has not been studied enough to allow for conclusions $235/year or abstracts only free FSU College of Medicine 25 26 ACP Journal Club About 140 internal medicine journals systematically surveyed Highest-validity articles abstracted Structured abstracts to guide critical appraisal Clinical commentary Web site Also published in Annals of IM Alerts available FSU College of Medicine 27 ACP Journal Club Limitations Limited pediatrics individual article summaries may not account for the “big picture” may have to read multiple items No “control” over what is covered $78/year ? FSU College of Medicine 28 29 POEMS InfoPOEMS Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters Journal of Family Practice and other specialty journals Systematic surveillance of 100 journals Reviews of recent research articles Effect patient concerns – morbidity, mortality, quality of life Included in Essential Evidence Plus (formerly InfoRetriever) Daily e-mail updates available FSU College of Medicine 31 32 Evidence Based Practice Summaries: structured search, critical appraisal, authoritative recommendations, clinical perspective, and rigorous peer review – Family Physicians Inquiries Network Appear in PEPID FSU College of Medicine 33 FSU College of Medicine 34 Stored at National Guidelines Clearinghouse Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 1600 Guidelines may be Explicit evidence-based Evidence-based Research-based (highly referenced) “expert consensus” Multiple guidelines on one condition FSU College of Medicine 35 US Preventive Services Task Force First convened by the U.S. Public Health Service in 1984 Since 1998 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Leading independent panel of private-sector experts in prevention and primary care Conducts rigorous, impartial assessments of the scientific evidence for effectiveness of broad range of clinical preventive services, including screening, counseling, and preventive medications Its recommendations considered "gold standard" for clinical preventive services FSU College of Medicine 36 USPSTF Tool Free PDA and online tool (ePSS) Enter age, gender Get recommendations Filter level of recommendations FSU College of Medicine 37 Hunting Tools Most Bang for Your Buck FSU College of Medicine 38 Drilling Down for Information Grandage KK, Slawson DC, Shaughnessy AF. When less is more: a practical approach 39 to searching for evidence-based answers. J Med Libr Assoc. 2002 Jul;90(3):298-304. EBM Hunting Tools A high-quality Hunting tool employs a transparent process that Searches multiple EBM databases (several foraging tools) Organizes results to make them easy to find Provides levels of evidence (Slawson, et al) FSU College of Medicine 40 EBM Pyramid InfoRetriever DynaMed 5, C MEDLINEFSU College of Medicine 41 Major EBM Hunting Tools Web and PDA Tools Cochrane Guidelines USPSTF LOE ACP Pier (Web only) Summaries Summaries PEPID Summaries Essential Evidence + Dynamed Clinical Evidence ACP Journal Club FSU College of Medicine 42 Clinical Evidence Includes >250 conditions Summaries of evidence Specific clinical questions: treatment and prevention Makes specific recommendations States when there is a lack of evidence Book Free from United Health Foundation Web and PDA versions available FSU College of Medicine 43 Clinical Evidence FSU College of Medicine 44 Do Clinical Evidence Case FSU College of Medicine 45 Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) POEMS -- JFP >104 journals surveyed Over 3500 article synopses Link out to PubMed Cochrane abstracts Selected evidence-based guidelines Basic drug info Clinical calculators/prediction rules FSU College of Medicine 46 New Content Essential Evidence summaries Organized like disease quick reference Bottom Line at top Links to InfoPOEMs, Cochranes Links to calculators and algorythms, images Uses SORT for level of evidence FSU College of Medicine 47 EE+ Features Essential Evidence (replaces 5MCC) EBM Guidelines Pearls –PDA; Favorites on Desktop Levels of Evidence explained ICD-9 and E/M coding tools Immunization Guide USPSTF Guidelines Derm Expert FSU College of Medicine 48 Symbols New 8/09 FSU College of Medicine 49 Essential Evidence Plus Comes in web, desktop and PDA versions Daily POEMS are available in mp3 podcast version Limitations individual article summaries may not account for the “big picture” may have to read multiple items $79/year FSU College of Medicine 50 Do EE+ Case FSU College of Medicine 51 PEPID FPIN summaries included in CRC module Drug and disease reference, interaction tool Clinical rotation aids for students with basic principles Lab manual, calculators, images Compares favorably with Epocrates, 5MCC PDA and Online $199 for individual subscription FSU College of Medicine 52 Using PEPID FSU College of Medicine 53 Links to Evidence Based Summaries FSU College of Medicine 54 DynaMed Designed as entry point to information Textbooks and Medline not efficient Intuitive clinical organization Brief summarized information presented Links out to articles and reviews if more details needed ICD-9 codes and links to patient information handouts FSU College of Medicine 55 DynaMed Sources Systematic surveillance of 18 primary journals – e.g. BMJ, JAMA, Lancet, NEJM, Pediatrics 12 major EBM resources – e.g. ACP Journal Club, Cochrane Library, InfoPOEMs, Alternative Therapies, 4 drug info sources – e.g. The Medical Letter, FDA MedWatch FSU College of Medicine 56 DynaMed Organization of Results Description (including ICD-9 Codes) Causes, Pathogenesis, Likely risk factors, Possible risk factors CC, HPI, Meds, PMH, FH, SH, ROS Physical Skin, HEENT, Neck, Extremities, Neuro, Pelvic Making the diagnosis, Rule out, Tests to order, Blood tests, Urine studies, Imaging studies, Pathology tests, Other diagnostic testing Prognosis Treatment Complications and Associated Conditions History Diagnosis Description, Also called, ICD-9 Codes, Types, Organs Involved, Who Is Most Affected, Incidence/Prevalence Causes and Risk Factors Treatment Overview, Diet, Activity, Counseling, Medications, Surgery, Consultation and referral, Other management, Follow-up Prevention and Screening References (including Reviews and Guidelines) Patient Information 57 DynaMed Limitations variable quality if not Cochrane or review areas with a lot of research can get hard to navigate. Lot of information-slower to wade through Hard to navigate on PDA $200/year or effort FSU College of Medicine 58 Do DynaMed Case Use CTRL-F to Find words in articles FSU College of Medicine 59 ACP PIER PIER: The Physicians' Information and Education Resource. Available online at ACP and PDA ($69/yr) Modules on Disease, Screening and prevention, complementary medicine, procedures, quality measures and drug resource (Clinical Pharmacology) Provide A-B-C levels of evidence Excellent Tables summarize recommendations FSU College of Medicine 60 Do ACP PIER Case FSU College of Medicine 61 Searching All Resources at Once WebFeat In development, but getting better all the time. Web Only FSU College of Medicine 62 Summary Need Treatment of common diagnosis Need to create a presentation on a topic Answers to clinical questions, use a clinical decision support calculator, ICD-9 code Tabular summaries of diagnoses, treatment, and follow-up of chronic or acute illness Broad and basic overview for med students organized by rotation CTRL-F Resource Clinical Evidence DynaMed Essential Evidence Plus ACP PIER PEPID 63 Find the Answer to Your Question Group exercise FSU College of Medicine 64