File - James Stephen Drumm


James S.Drumm


Sociology 1010




1 st Falling into the Amish community as a direct descendant at birth .This was from my father whom left the Amish community and farm life sometime in the United States Military involvement in World War,II.

2 nd The personal interaction of the strength of the kindness compassion of Religion every day ,every meal ,every blessing of birthing’s from human babies to weddings on my Grandfather’s farm. Family prayer with the Holy Bible as a family unit existed in every memory I still hold serene in my life.

3 rd Enter extended farm family community gradual change and acceptance to modernization, then osterization from the different branches of the Amish community, of my Grandfather .Who remained a spokesman and Agriculture, Commodity Advocate in production.

4 th I learned firsthand the basics of life with early work and Religious ethics involvement daily. As a dedicated farmer ,my grandfather was a teacher of mores ,values custom, to me .His dedication as a head of the family unit ,stillflows strong within my soul,with fondest memories.

5 th Farm advisor to the Amishmy Grandfather eventually reached some change to modernization ,yet did not have full modern plumbing or updated Electric in the family home up until my Aunt married and father had passed away.

6 th .Maybe the death of my father, my grandfather’s only son help influence ,my grandparents to shift to modernization of the telephone and eventually began to flow farther and farther from many Amish customs


th Experiencing Graying of America through the dedication of my grandparent to try stay dedicated to his farm ,well after his children allleft the farm.

8 th To witness as modernization and slow acceptance for machery achiements were created for modern industrialization

9 th Eventuallymygrandparents due in surmounting Social events of life. Medical illnesses ,advancing difficulty to manage the double90 acre farm.Combined age ,poor diet ,lack of complete acceptance modern conveniences .

10 th , Children grown extended and natural Family unit degeneration ,change of whom became head of household Mother figure ,became primary manager ,doctor, teacher, provider, paying and working two to three jobsto provide shelter ,food ,clothing ,love ,schooling.

11thRemarried ,and my father having been the only other younger male at 34 years old passed away just as the four children my mother and father had moved off the farm ,settling in Davenport ,Iowa in the early 1950’s.

12 th This allowed me to witness segregation of the then Social separation of ethnic isolation stereotyping the American Black and then referred to as Negro in all walks of life from the Caucasian race.

13 th Role conflict of balance of my role as college student, Disabled veteran occasionally conflict with school hourswith and Medical appointments.

14 th A.Sign Vehicles, of my personal social and work history, I was born, of lower middle class

Naturalized, born with four natural siblings, to two dedicated young parents.

14 TH B. Educated to use both English and the beautiful Scottish Celtic diverse language,and fond direct involvement in learning to competently converse in Deutch language. This along with my pother medical problems brought about positive outlook on life.

15 th Setting in early life was definitely the family unit, extended on the Illinois family unit, in Illinois.

16 th Religion particularly early instruction, help form norms. Moral, values, discipline variances with the

Family unit, extended ,and influenced creation of Patritism,to country and God, and family.

17 th Development of ideals of values of Patriotism Flows like blood through my veins .I was raised of hard workthe Bible, morals and values ,honesty ,family unity. Respect for thyself and family community health, childs safety,

18thTo begin I have had the wonderful opportunities to have physical,emotionally experiences a vast variety of cultures through birth.Not of the privileged Wealthy Economic classes,through rough and tumble learning folklore,heritage, norms, morals, values ,beliefs of the Amish people.

19 th Through being born of the Scottish Heritage, customs, folklore, norms, the diverse beautiful preparation of development of farm family individual work responsibilities

20 th A.Unity of learning Moral Work Ethic’s through family unity,proprer respect for God and country

,repectforallprimaryunit and eac member to love respect civil laws.

21 st.

Individually learning food preparation, from farm crop planting raising livestock. Additional farm morals and life’s values center on communication n with in family unit to work as as a synchronized unit

22 nd to prepare water well installation for water .Then also before the food is harvested , machinery

,such as Harvesters, Bailer’s, Tractors, mules, cattle, oxen, draft horses .and large herds of animals are maintained daily.

23 rd . Preparation of correct application of natural fertilizers, garden and field preparation ,to through planting seed and seedlings ,irrigation ,weeding ,rototilling ,harvest to food preparation in diversedifferent food at meals Norwegian,German, people.3

rd D.Ethnic family heritage, from which today I remain strong with mores and strong morals.

24th Patriotism to God and country and family values.Grow within, these heritages with unconditional love of family unit. Through experiencing, of valuefamily unity,

25 th Ethrocentitism, experiencing Graying Aging of America unity of life early on the farm. Responsibility formed from individual daily jobs, ingenuity to develop survival skills came as part of the shoeing, shod ding, curing,feeding watering, worming of horses, and stall and pasture upkeep.Again milking of cows, separating livestock for breeding ,,branding, veterarian, ,birthing ,even separating to go to specific feeding time frame, pasture, or to be sold or butchered livestock with daily jobs, chore created norms more, song dance to grow with memory telling morals and family heritage.

26 thth Accept responsibility of morals and values, devotion to serve God, and really learn to respect through Military service to Patriotism of country,by serving Honorable in the United States Army, during the Viet Nam war. I learned firsthand what it is to face both physical life or death situations,to decide not over a discussion of table of men weather to take a person’s life but too instantly respond to surviveactions to survive are instantaneous.No video Game can fully grasp those scenarios in actuality

.27th h Criminal law , I realize today every person is individuals able to make their own moral distinctions of right or wrong.To learn to accept the man next to me, in life as a brother as taught by my father both of them,through the men who were honorable Grandfathers.

28 th But do not stomach the immoral assumption to allow any one to molest, sexually assault nor kill anyone other than in defense of absolute life. Then to kill is a civil violation of the laws and a immoral sin. That I have now opened this discussion no one should ever believe it is correct to commit any form of murder.That law Enforcement under legal representation and the United States Militatary in the acts of Defense of property,country People ,in time of Terrorism and Certifiable defensive counter Acts of

War are allowed .

29 th I exist today for my family unit ,because of the Honorable distinction of having been privileged to have been allowed to serve with as a Honorable member of the United States Army, Staff Sargent First

Class Lee Roy Brown.

30th h . This person was an immediate Supervisor, whom as soldier was also anTechnical Instructor, on the job Humanitarian, with a strong degree in Sociology. He would not giveup on fine tuning

,othersEducation andcommunication in moral, growth .Growth of knowledge is found in practical

growth of developing work acceptance, vales, with knowledge of hands on practical practice of techniques that are found in Practical and Technical, Scientific books.

31 st Prior EMERGENCY Medical Technician level one, and prior Life Flight Trauma , Mountain Rescue

Trauma technician in Utah.

32 nd Grateful to the variety of different cultures ,I was exposed to experience as a child ,after my mother moved from the branch of old Amish German community in Illinois.

33 nd .Grateful the Education in life experiences I received in the United States Military. The direction to not give in to insurmountable forces ,build strong morals ,values, ideals ,I try to be ever so grateful to unspoken sacrifices of my fellow soldiers .

34 th Bond every day to helping someone stand and walk again after injury ,is very rewarding, I am grateful to have had help learning o walk again.

35 th Civil Volunteerism Today seriously creation of United Front, Community Awareness Food Drives monthly .Clothing Household donation boxes, at County and School Libraries are excellent drop off locations. Create book drives for Children. Create recycle coat and clothing drives as I have always even donated Microwaves, and Blankets, Coats to Veterans Hospital.

36th Veterans can always find a veteran to use a hand up. I am personally grateful for the coats, and

Food boxes, sandwiches to ward off immediate hunger. Housing Assistance and college use of computers to even type set this article, out of the Redwoods Campus at, S.L.C.C. in Salt lake City, Utah.

The tremendous staff, at the Veterans center, and the Math tutor in the center.

37 th Grateful for Health, everyday to survive Cancer of the Prostate, and advancing slow Glaucoma.

38 th Grateful, to help others, daily create a Warm Coat, and Food Donation Drives.

39 th Very Grateful for the tremendous open community support of the Deseret Industries the clean recycled books and Bicycle drives for lower income families and single Veterans.

40 th Very Grateful to the kindness of the Industrial world in Utah. The different Community, interventions of the American Red Cross,to offer any Utility bill, reduction programs.

41 st Very Grateful for the National Suicide Prevention Program, for returning to college can create tremendous stress Being Diagnosed with forms of Cancer. To stay in college and not let the stress of life crack this old soldier.

42 nd
