Othello Test Study Guide

Othello Test Study Guide
Plot Development - Be knowledgeable in the following areas of plot development.
The reasons Iago hates Othello
The reason Roderigo dislikes Othello
The visit to Brabantio’s house
Othello’s methods of courtship (his “witchcraft”)
Why and How Desdemona fell for Othello
Iago’s methods of using Roderigo
Be able to discuss in detail how and what Iago does to manipulate Roderigo.
o Telling Brabantio
o Put money in thy purse
o The fight with Cassio, etc
Cassio and Desdemona’s goodness used against them
Cassio’s affectionate gestures, etc
How Cassio loses his lieutenancy – Iago’s hand in this
Ways in which Iago tries to create jealousy or doubt for Othello
The significance of the handkerchief
Iago’s “proof” of Desdemona’s infidelity (dream, handkerchief, conversation)
Setting -Know the reason for Venice and Cyprus
What is a Moor? What were common prejudices?
Why would Othello be asked to come to Venice?
Character identification – be able to identify the connection between each character. (Iago, Othello,
Desdemona, Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia. Montano)
Brabantio is Desdemona’s father
Desdemona is married to Othello
Roderigo lusts after Desdemona
Cassio is Othello’s luitenant
Iago is married to Emelia
Iago is Othello’s ancient
Emelia is Desdemona’s handmaiden
Iago is using Roderigo for his plot against Othello
Montano is the governor of Cyprus and friend of Othello
Literary Devices
Know the definitions and purposes of the following:
-Dramatic Irony
-Comic Relief
-Tragic Flaw
-Poetic Justice
Possible Short Answer Topics:
The story behind the handkerchief
Tragic flaws of the main characters
Was there poetic justice at the end of the play?
Compare/contrast Emilia and Desdemona
Multiple Choice Examples
Desdemona first listened to Othello’s stories when a) she followed him around town b) her
father invited Othello to their home c) she saw him at the Council meetings d) she heard him
boasting to Cassio
2. The Turkish fleet is a) destroyed in a battle with the Venetians b) destroyed by a storm c) a
subplot to bring humor to the play d) never an issue in the play
3. Iago thinks he should have been made lieutenant instead of Cassio because a) he has more
experience b) he’s Othello’s best friend c) his father used to have that position d) Cassio is
young and a drunk
4. The most important point that exposes Iago as a villain is when a) Roderigo is stabbed b)
Othello is convinced by Desdemona of her innocence c) Emilia understands the importance of
the handkerchief (napkin) d) Bianca is accused to Cassio’s attack
5. Which two characters tell Brabantio of his daughter’s marriage? A) Othello and Desdemona b)
Lodovico and Gratiano c) Emilia and Iago d) Iago and Roderigo
6. The setting of the play is a) Venice b) Florence c) Venice and Cyprus d. Florence and Cyprus
7. Brabantio claims that a) Othello used magic on Desdemona b) Othello won her fairly c)
Desdemona was kidnapped d) there was mutual attraction between the two
8. Roderigo doesn’t like Othello because a) Desdemona is married to him b) he gave Cassio the
position Roderigo wanted c) Othello is his boss
9. The first person to doubt Iago’s honesty, besides Roderigo is a) Cassio b) Emilia c) Othello d)
10. When Iago gets Roderigo to ambush Cassio, he hopes a) to have Cassio killed b) to have
Roderigo killed c) to disgrace Roderigo and Cassio d) both will be killed
True False Examples
11. According to Emilia, she might cheat on Iago. A) true b) false
12. According to Desdemona, she might cheat on Othello a) true b) false
13. What does Othello try to get Desdemona to do before he kills her? A) fight back b) bathe c)
pray/confess d) undress
14. Who is the new governor of Cyprus to replace Othello? A) Iago b) Montano c) Cassio d)
15. Desdemona’s father comes to Cyprus at the end of the play a) true b) false
16. Iago dies at the end of the story a) true b) false
17. Cassio and Desdemona slept together a) true b) false
18. Iago is in love with Desdemona and wants to be with her a) true b) false
Study Questions
Act I, Scene1
1. In Act I, scene 1 why does Iago say he hates Othello? What are all the charges he makes against the
2. Why does Roderigo hate Othello?
3. In Act I, scene 1, what is Iago’s master plot to annoy Othello and Desdamona?
4. What is Brabantio’s explanation of why his daughter has run off with Othello?
Act I, Scene 2
1. Who does Iago tell Othello badmouthed him to Brabantio?
2. List all of the negative comments or words Brabantio uses to describe Othello.
3. How does Othello react to Brabantio’s attack?
Act I, Scene 3
1. Explain how the relationship between Othello and Desdamona began. Who first initiated the idea of love?
2. Why is Desdamona’s response to her father’s question at lines 176 – 178 especially effective?
3. In this scene what does Desdamona tell us attracted her to Othello? What attracted her to him?
4. How does Iago manipulate Roderigo in this scene?
5. Why is Cassio a particularly handy scapegoat for Iago’s plot?
Act II, Scene 1
1. Why and how does Iago verbally attack his wife?
2. According to Iago what is all the most accomplished woman in the world is good for?
3. How does Iago convince Roderigo that Cassio is in love with Desdemona?
4. What emotion seems to be governing Iago’s thoughts and actions?
Act II, Scene 2
1. In the beginning, what is Iago trying to get Cassio to do? Why?
2. What is unattractive about Cassio's behavior as a drunk?
3. How does Iago manipulate the gentlemen of Cyprus to object to Cassio's behavior?
4. Describe how Iago, while apparently defending his friend Cassio actually encourages Othello to take action
against him? (II, 2, lines 218 -- 244)
5. Explain why Iago's advice is a perfectly natural response?
Act III, Scene 3
1. Is Desdemona's statement at III, 3, lines 20 -- 27 surprising? How will it affect the outcome of the play?
2. Why does Desdemona push so hard for Cassio to get his job back?
3. How does Iago manipulate Othello in this scene?
4. At what point in the play does Iago know for sure that he's hooked Othello?
5. What are the reasons Othello believes Desdemona may have betrayed him? What does he decide to do about
the betrayal?
6. Why does Emilia take Desdemona's handkerchief? What does that tell us about the relationship between
Iago and his wife?
7. Where did Iago's "dream" (III, 3, lines 407 -- 423) come from? Why did Iago select the particular details
that he chose?
8. How does the relationship between Iago and Othello change in the last 30 lines of the scene? How does
Shakespeare physically show the shift in power?
Act III, Scene 4
1. How does Emilia explain Othello's anger over the missing handkerchief? How effective a liar is
2. How does Iago control the communications between Othello and all the other characters? Why does
Desdemona excuse her husband's anger?
3. Who is Bianca and what's her problem? What similarities does she have with Othello?
Act IV, Scene 1
1. In the first 30 lines of IV, 1, how has the relationship between Iago and Othello changed since III, 3?
2. Why does Othello lose consciousness at IV, 1, lines 35 -- 44? How does Iago explain what happened? Why?
3. Do you think Iago anticipated Bianca's appearance at line 145? How is he able to use her arrival to further
his deception?
4. What's different about Othello's attitude toward Desdemona lines 178 -- 210? What causes this change?
5. How does Iago manipulate Lodovico in the last 20 lines of IV, 1?
Act IV, Scene 2
1. What does Othello mean when he addresses Emilia at IV, 2, lines 27 -- 30?
2. According to Othello what's the worst part of being a cuckold?
3. Where in Act IV, 2, does Desdemona finally start to fight back? Explain her physical reaction.
4. Where in this scene does Emilia almost figure out what happened? Explain her husband's reaction to her
5. Who is the first person in the play to figure out Iago's duplicity? How is Iago able to manipulate this person,
even after the truth is known?
Act IV, Scene 3
1. What is the point of Act IV, 3?
2. Explain the difference between Desdemona's and Emilia's attitudes toward adultery.
3. Explain exactly how Iago manipulates every single person who appears in this scene.
Act V, Scenes 1 & 2
1. Poetic Justice? What happens to all of the characters?