SAT Vocabulary and Reflection Journal

SAT Vocabulary and
Reflection Journal
English IV
Mrs. Guild
Vocabulary Directions:
• Copy words and definitions
from the board
• Find two synonyms and two
• Illustrate the meaning of the
SAT Vocabulary
August 26, 2008
1. Banal – adj.
commonplace; trite;
stale from overuse
2. Bellicose – adj.
quarrelsome; hostile;
inclined to fighting
Reflection Directions:
• Five minutes before the end of
class, respond to the quote or
reflect on what you learned that
class period.
• Use the two vocabulary words
in your reflection. Underline
• Collected and graded every
three weeks.
• Tell about someone who
made an impact on your life.
Explain how and why this
person is important to you.
(6-8 sentences)
• Reflect on what you have
learned today.
(6-8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
August 27, 2008
3. Finesse – n. delicate skill;
subtlety; v. to bring about
with skill; to evade
4. Glib – adv. done in a
smooth, offhand manner;
easily spoken; speaking too
smoothly to be sincere
• Describe a significant
setback, challenge, or
opportunity in your life and
the impact it had on you.
(6-8 sentences)
• Reflect on what you
learned today. (6-8
SAT Vocabulary
August 28, 2008
5. Pseudonym – n. a
fictitious name assumed
by an author; a pen
6. Lampoon – n. a strongly
satirical writing; v. to
ridicule or satirize
• Which Texas university
would you consider applying
to? Why do you think you
would fit in there? (6-8
• Reflect on what you learned
today. (6-8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
August 29, 2008
7. Lugubrious – adj. sad or
mournful, often to an
exaggerated degree;
8. Nefarious – adj. villainous;
infamous; having a bad
• Identify an exceptional
achievement, special talent,
or gift that sets you apart
from your peers. Explain
why and how this could
benefit society. (6-8
• Reflect on what you learned
today. (6-8 sentences)
Sat Vocabulary
September 2, 2008
9. Euphemism - n. a mild
expression used in place
of a harsh, crude, or
distasteful expression
10. Nebulous - adj. hazy,
vague; not clearly defined
• What would happen if you
could fly whenever you
wanted? When would you
use this ability? (6-8
• Reflect on what you learned
today. (6-8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 3, 2008
11. Nemesis – n. an
avenger; an unbeatable
rival; a person who
punishes another for
evil deeds.
12. Purloin – v. to steal
• If you could have been
someone in history, who
would it have been and
why? (6-8 sentences)
• Reflect on what you
learned today. (6-8
SAT Vocabulary
September 4, 2008
13. Abject – adj. hopelessly
low; wretched; miserable;
without self respect
14. Admonish – v. to reprove
mildly and kindly, but
seriously, to caution or
warn; to urge
• If you were the principal of
BHS what would you do
differently and why? (6-8
• Reflect on what you learned
SAT Vocabulary
September 5, 2008
15. Commensurate – adj. in
proper proportion; having
the same scale, measure, or
size; proportionate
16. Distraught – adj. in a state
of mental conflict; agitated;
• What do you think should be
done to keep people under
the influence of alcohol or
drugs from driving motor
vehicles? (6-8 sentences)
• Reflect on what you learned
SAT Vocabulary
September 8, 2008
17. Phlegmatic – adj.
sluggish; indifferent; calm
18. Propriety – n.
acceptable behavior;
conformity with
conventional standards.
• Reflect on what you
learned today.
(6 – 8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 9, 2008
19. prosaic – adj. matterof-fact; ordinary;
20. revile – v. to attack
with abusive language; to
call insulting names
• Reflect on what you
learned today.
(6 – 8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
• Have study guide,
vocabulary, and
something to write
with on your desk.
• Prepare for review.
September 9, 2008
• Reflect on what you
learned today as a
result of the review
(6-8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 22, 2008
1. Assimilate – v. to absorb
and incorporate food or
knowledge; to absorb one
group into another larger
2. Cognizant – v. aware of or
informed about something
• Reflect on your Hurricane
Ike experience, or on
what you have learned
(6 – 8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 23, 2008
3. Discursive – adj. wandering
or shifting from one subject
to another; rambling; long
4. Ennui – n. discontent or
listlessness from lack of
interest or occupation
•Answer the Essential
(6 – 8 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 24, 2008
5. Farcical – adj.
exaggeratedly comical
6. Fortuitous – adj.
occurring by chance;
accidental; fortunate
•Answer the Essential
(8 - 10 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
September 25, 2008
7. Hyperbole – n. an obvious
exaggeration, made for effect
and not meant to be taken
8. Incognito – n. one who is in
disguise or using an assumed
name; adj. disguised or using a
false name; adv. In disguise;
under a fictitious name
October 6, 2008
• You will need a sheet
of paper and a pen.
• Reflection: Answer the
essential question
SAT Vocabulary
October 8, 2008
9. mesmerism
10. omniscient
11. adroit
• Reflection: What historical
and social forces shaped the
Middle Ages?
(8 – 10 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
October 10, 2008
12. Allay
13. Blazon
14. Bravado
• What influence did history
have on the literary works of
the Middle Ages?
(8 – 10 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
October 13, 2008
15. Choleric – adj. having or
showing a quick temper or
irascible nature
16. Colloquy – n. a conversation
or conference, usually formal
17. Despot - n. an absolute ruler;
one in charge who acts like a
October 13, 2008
• How does Chaucer use
characterization to reveal
his pilgrims to the
(8 – 10 sentences)
SAT Vocabulary
October 14, 2008
18. Dirge – n. a funeral hymn; a poetic
or musical expression of grief
19. Expatriate – n. one who is exiled or
who has withdrawn from his or her
native land; v. to banish from one’s
native country; to withdraw from
one’s native land
20. Feign – v. to pretend; to make up
October 14, 2008
• How does Chaucer
satirize the Church?
(analyze two Church
8 – 10 sentences
Reading Quiz
October 15, 2008
On your desk have:
1. Sheet of paper
2. Pen
3. Canterbury Study Guide
SAT Vocabulary Quiz
October 16, 2008
On your desk you will need:
1. Paper
2. Pen only
3. Vocabulary and reflection journal
You will write a Gothic murder
mystery story using at least 10 of
the current vocabulary words.
Begin as soon as the bell rings.
Due at the end of class.
SAT Vocabulary
October 17, 2008
1. Amorphous – adj. shapeless; of
no particular form or type; not
2. Ascetic – n. a person who
practices unusual self-denial
or discipline, often for religious
reasons; adj. self-denying
• Which pilgrims does
Chaucer idealize?
Support your answer.
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 20, 2008
3. Decorum – n. proper action,
speech, and dress; good
manners and behavior; polite
4. Doggerel – n. badly written or
trivial verse, often with a
singsong rhythm
What irony do you see in
the Knight’s quest to find
out what women want?
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 21, 2008
5. Facile – adj.
6. Guile – n.
October 21, 2008
What opinions does the wife of
Bath express in her tale and
what do they say about her
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 22, 2008
7. Proffer – v. n.
8. Protégé – n.
October 22, 2008
How would the wife of Bath fit
into contemporary society and
what social trends would she
support or reject?
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 23, 2008
9. Sanguine – adj.
10. Seraphic – adj.
October 23, 2008
What is necessary for a
quality literary analysis
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 27, 2008
11. Dogma n. – a belief or set of
beliefs held to be true,
especially by a church or other
authority; a doctrine
12. Exhort v. - to urge strongly; to
advise or warn earnestly; to
October 27, 2008
What is the irony
in this tale?
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 28, 2008
13. Implicit - adj. implied;
naturally involved though not
obviously evident;
unquestioning, absolute
14. Inveigle – v. to win over with
trickery or flattery; to entice; to
coax with deceitful talk; to dupe
October 28, 2008
What insights do you obtain
about the character of the Host,
the Pardoner, and the Knight
from the action at the end of the
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
October 31, 2008
15. Nondescript – adj. not having
individual characteristics;
lacking in distinctive qualities;
drab; hard to describe
16. Nonentity – n. a person or
thing of little or no importance;
something that does not exist
or that exists only in the
October 31, 2008
What are the important
points of comparison
between the elements
for my paper?
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
November 3, 2008
17. Parsimonious – adj. too
economical; stingy; miserly
18. Scurrilous – adj. given to
the use of abusive or
indecent language;
November 3, 2008
What historical and
social forces shaped
the Renaissance?
8 – 10 sentences
SAT Vocabulary
November 4, 2008
19. Sundry – adj. various;
20. Vociferous – adj. loud
and noisy; clamorous;
November 4, 2008
How did the historical
context influence literary
works of the Renaissance?
8 – 10 sentences