Practical Laboratory Testing for the Presence of Neurotoxins with

Practical Laboratory Testing for the Presence of
Neurotoxins with Evidence-Based Treatment
Protocols - Mark Schauss, MBA, DB
Copyright 2008 Crayhon Research. All rights reserved
My Research
• My journey into the
world of the effect of
toxicity and
neurological disorders
was driven by my
daughter Tasya who
suffers from a rare and
devastating form of
• Today I share a few of
my findings.
The Link Between Toxicity and
Neurological Diseases
• Due to skepticism, industry assurances,
politicians unwilling to address the issues, the
link between environmental toxicity and
neurological disease is unfortunately
becoming a battleground.
• It is complete with confusing and poorly
constructed studies funded by the industries
producing the toxins and highly paid lobbyists
and “spin doctors” who would deny any
Vaccines, Thimerasol, and Autism
• A prime example is the thimerasol versus
autism controversy.
• In the Archives of General Psychiatry, a paper
was published that claimed that they were
finally able to put to rest the link between
thimerasol in vaccines and autism.
• They claimed that since thimerasol was
removed, autism rates have continued to go up
which proves thimerasol does not cause
• This is akin to making the following statement:
• "Prescription Drugs That Killed Patients Found
Innocent Since Patients Did Not Come Back to
Life After the Drugs Were Removed"
Vaccines, Thimerasol, and Autism
• Here are some problems with this study the media failed
to report which is true tobacco science:
• There was a 70% dropout rate in the study!
• All 18 authors had some financial ties to the vaccine
• Thimerasol was still in the stock pile of vaccines and has
only recently been used up.
• The age of many children used in the study were under
the age that autism would be diagnosed.
• It wasn’t until 2006 that thimerasol was mandated to be
removed in California.
• No one was checking whether the vaccine
manufacturers were actually complying with the 1999
recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics
to remove thimerasol.
Vaccines, Thimerasol, and Autism
• The authors of the study stated that the
levels of mercury were so low, no damage
could have been done.
• If there is no safe level of lead, which is the
standard of scientific knowledge, how can
there be a “safe” level for mercury which is
far more toxic?
• Lead exposure under 10 µg/dL has been
shown to cause dysregulation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in
– Gump, B., P. Stewart, et al. (2008). "Low-level prenatal and
postnatal blood lead exposure and adrenocortical
responses to acute stress in children." Environmental
Health Perspectives 116(2): 249-55.
Vaccines, Thimerasol, and Autism
• Mercury, being more toxic is therefore safer
for children than lead?
• Mercury is in vaccines, which make an
industry a fortune and if it were found to be
toxic at low levels think of the lawsuits that
would follow.
• Lead removal hurts relatively few industries
therefore is not financially as exposed as
Vaccines, Thimerasol, and Autism
• What the headlines should have read was:
– “Removal of Mercury From Vaccines Fails to
Halt Rise in Autism."
• There are far more toxins in the mix today
that cause neurological problems in both
children and adults than mercury.
• In my book, Achieving Victory Over A Toxic
World, I devote a chapter to what I call, “The
Loaded Revolver Theory of Toxicity”
• Sometimes, one toxic exposure is enough to
trigger an event, what we are finding in
modern toxicology is the synergistic effects of
Lead and Cortisol
• In the aforementioned paper by Gump, et al
in the latest issue of Environmental Health
Perspectives, “blood lead levels were
independently and significantly associated
with increasing cortisol responses to stress.”
• These series of tests done using saliva from
exposed children showed that after stress,
cortisol levels remained elevated throughout
the test period instead of tapering off as
• This suggests that when you see elevated
cortisol throughout a day, you may be seeing
the effects of lead poisoning, even at low
Combinational Toxicity
• In the article entitled “Low-level exposure to
multiple chemicals: Reason for human health
concerns”* the authors led by Kortenkamp
say that there should be a grave concern
about the effects of multiple toxin exposures
and human health.
• The term – NOAEL is used by toxicologists to
define the level of a toxin where No
Observed Adverse Effect Level is seen.
• When mixing multiple chemicals at NOAEL
levels, they found that there were effects
greater than the sum of the chemicals.
* (Environmental Health Perspectives, Dec 2007 Supplement pages 106-14)
Pesticides and Autism
• In the October 2007 issue of the journal –
Environmental Health Perspectives,
researchers led by Eric M. Roberts of the
Public Health Institute in Oakland, California,
reported that maternal residence near
agricultural pesticide applications during
gestation were associated with an increase of
autism proportional to the proximity to the
• This is yet another example of the loaded
gun theory. Problem is, we are giving each
infant being born, a loaded or near-loaded
• Phthalates, a common chemical found in plastics,
cosmetics, shampoos, scented candles and some
time-released medications have been implicated in
a number of endocrine disruptive pathways, many
leading to potential neurological disturbances.
• Phthalates are also found in many children’s toys.
• According to an article in the February 2008 issue
of Environmental Health Perspectives, phthalates
are toxicologically additive.
• Removing phthalates in anything that children
would be exposed to is essential as part of the
concept of the Precautionary Principle developed in
Germany in the 70’s in response to the
Waldsterben or “forest death”
• Phthalates have been implicated
in lower sperm quality in men,
fetal changes in males, and
shorter pregnancies.
– Hauser, R., P. Williams, et al. (2005). "Evidence of Interaction
between Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Phthalates in Relation to
Human Sperm Motility." Environmental Health Perspectives
113(4): 425-430.
– Frederiksen, H., N. Skakkebaek, et al. (2007). "Metabolism of
phthalates in humans." Mol Nutr Food Res 51: 899-911.
– Assay, SM. et al (2003) The Relationship between Environmental
Exposures to Phthalates and DNA Damage in Human Sperm
Using the Neutral Comet Environmental Health Perspectives
– McIntyre BS, Barlow NJ and Foster PMD, (2002) Male Rats
Exposed to Linuron in Utero Exhibit Permanent Changes in
Anogenital Distance, Nipple Retention, and Epididymal
Malformations That Result in Subsequent Testicular Atrophy.,
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology.
• It has been implicated in lowering
testosterone in men, increasing
insulin resistance and causing an
increase in male waist
– Stahlhut, R., E. Wijngaarden, et al. (2007).
"Concentrations of Urinary Phthalate
Metabolites Are Associated with Increased Waist
Circumference and Insulin Resistance in Adult
U.S. Males." Environmental Health Perspectives
115(6): 876-82.
• In another recent study on humans, it has
been shown that phthalates can affect thyroid
function as well.
• Meeker, J., A. Calafat, et al. (2007). "Di(2-ethylhexyl)
phthalate metabolites may alter thyroid hormone levels
in men." Environmental Health Perspectives 115(7):
• High levels of estrogen mimickers and other
hormone disruptors like monoethyphthalates
were found in almost all prepubescent girls.
• Wolff, M., S. Teitelbaum, et al. (2007). "Pilot Study
of Urinary Biomarkers of Phytoestrogens,
Phthalates, and Phenols in Girls." Environmental
Health Perspectives 115(1): 116-121.
• At this point, we have to rethink the way we
test for environmental toxins.
• Testing blood levels for petrochemicals or
doing fat biopsies should only be done when
industrial exposure is suspected.
• With petrochemical solvents, a urine test,
developed by US Biotek in Seattle, Washington
is the best way to test.
• These chemicals are so abundant that
everyone in this room has them in their blood.
• These include: styrene, xylene, benzene,
toluene, trimethylbenzene, parabens and
• While reviewing the thousands of test results
from US Biotek, I have made a few
• A moderate excretion rate of the styrene metabolites –
mandelate and phenylglyoxylate are important as
every US citizen tested since 1970 has measurable
styrene in their blood.
• Extremely high levels (greater than 500% above
normal) of phthalates are seen in many cancer
• High levels of toxins are often times seen in people
suffering from neurological disorders.
• Individuals with overall low levels of the metabolites of
petrochemicals are more symptomatic than moderate
• The interpretive report that comes with the
US Biotek urine metabolic profile and
environmental pollutants biomarkers is called
LabAssist™ and comes from Crayhon
• In each report you receive a comprehensive
review of the data, potential sources of
exposure and detailed detoxification
protocols for each of the pollutants and for
any metabolic blockades that are found.
Urine Organic Acid Testing
• Important aspects of organic acids as they
pertain to brain function include catecholamine
pathway markers vanilmandelate and
• These two markers help us more than just
telling us about phenylalanine and tyrosine
adequacy or the production of epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and dopamine.
• In the Journal of Environmental Science and
Health, researchers found links between
elevated homovanillate and petrochemical
– Tomei, F., M. Rosati, et al. (2003). "Work exposure to urban
pollutants and urinary homovanillic acid." J Environmental
Science and Health 38(12): 2909-2918.
Urine Organic Acid Testing
• In Environmental Health Perspectives,
this marker was also found to be
altered with heavy metal exposure,
particularly arsenic, lead, cadmium and
– de Burbure, C., J. Buchet, et al. (2006). "Renal and
Neurologic Effects of Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, and
Arsenic in Children: Evidence of Early Effects and
Multiple Interactions at Environmental Exposure
Levels." Environmental Health Persepectives 114(4):
Urine Organic Acids
• Both phenylacetate and benzoate, while oft times
touted as bacterial markers are better markers the
presence of common food additives and/or ubiquitous
petrochemical solvents. Another possible explanation
is that the body is attempting to remove excess
ammonia through the urea cycle.
– Hayes, A., Ed. (2008). Principles and Methods of Toxicology. Boca
Raton, CRC Press, p 714.
• Claims have been made that p-hydroxybenzoate is a
marker for dysbiosis but the majority of research
shows it to be a marker for paraben exposure.
– Ye, X., A. Bishop, et al. (2006). "Parabens as Urinary Biomarkers
of Exposure in Humans." Environmental Health Perspectives
114(12): 1843-1846
Organic Acids and Environmental
Pollutants Biomarkers
• With autistic children, we commonly find an
upregulated Phase I detoxification pathway.
• This upregulation causes the creation of more toxic
chemicals than the original compound.
• These newly created compounds irritate the
nervous system and the brain.
• When these children are given Nystatin or other
anti-fungals, this helps to down regulate Phase I,
relieving some of the neurological stressors.
• This may be why these children show a benefit by
using anti-fungals and not that yeast is having
anything to do with their autistic behaviors.
Organic Acids and Environmental
Pollutants Biomarkers
• I propose that it would be more beneficial to
upregulate Phase II, using glutathione
precursors or the amino acid Glycine
instead (but always test first).
• Using the Organic Acid and Environmental
Pollutants test, with the LabAssist
Interpretive Report, you can determine up
or down regulation of detoxification
LEAP MRT Testing
• Another issue to deal with is inflammation.
• We know that toxicity is a leading cause of
inflammation but then again so is food.
• Determining the inflammatory causing foods
has taken a giant leap forward with the
Mediated Response Test (MRT) known as
• The test looks for the release of proinflammatory prostaglandins, leukotrienes
and cytokeines in response to the ingestion
of 150 foods and food additives.
LEAP MRT Testing
• With both migraine and epilepsy, a food
sensitivity test such as LEAP can be highly
• With migraine Signet Diagnostics research
indicates 67% of the people with migraine will
receive a significant reduction in symptoms.
• In my experience with my daughter, seizure
activity is held at bay by following the dietary
LEAP MRT Testing
• LEAP allows you to determine the
inflammatory triggers for a number of
neurological disorders like migraine, ADHD,
epilepsy, and autism.
• What we have found at Crayhon Research is
that the more toxic the person is, the more
foods and additives they are sensitive to.
• Often times, you do not see high IgG or IgE
responses to foods even though the patient
is showing reactions.
Parasitic Effects on Neurotoxicity
• With schizophrenia, plasma amino acids are
minimally helpful but nonetheless beneficial.
• I would suggest testing for the parasite
Toxoplasma gondii (also with bi-polar
disorder). Unless the patient is on Depakote
which masks the test results.
• Dr. Paul Ewald, in his highly recommended
book “Plague Time”, reports how this
common parasite is found in a high
percentage of schizophrenics over the
general population.
Parasitic Effects on Neurotoxicity
• The effect of Toxo on mice and rats, their
natural carriers is very similar to
schizophrenia in humans.
• Cats then eat the mice making them infected.
• This is why women should not be near the
litter box of cats during pregnancy.
• People who develop schizophrenia have a
higher cat pet ownership ratio than nonschizophrenics.
Ewald, P. (2002). Plague Time: The New Germ Theory of Disease. New
York, NY, Anchor Books.
• The test for Toxoplasma can be run through
LabCorp or Quest.
Heavy Metal Testing
• Urinary DMSA/DMPS challenges are not the
ideal method for determining body burden of
heavy metals.
• While it is helpful in seeing an excretion
pattern of heavy metals such as mercury,
lead, arsenic and cadmium, it is unable to
accurately determine true body burden.
• Hair testing, using proper interpretive
methodology (LabAssist™) is a relatively
inexpensive and powerful test to assess
heavy metal burden and exposure.
Heavy Metal Testing
• The Whole Blood Elements test, done by
Doctor’s Data and available through Crayhon
Research is a relatively new test that reviews
not only the blood levels of heavy metals but
also a number of essential trace minerals as
• Instead of testing a specific compartment of
the blood – intracellular, plasma, or serum,
DDI developed a methodology to test all
three compartments simultaneously to give
you the most accurate and complete picture
available of trace mineral and heavy metal
Hormone and Cardiovascular Risk
• Crayhon Research, in conjunction with ZRT
Laboratories in Portland, OR have developed
a salivary hormone test with a blood spot
cardiovascular risk profile which includes
vitamin D.
• As I mentioned earlier, cortisol levels can be
affected by lead toxicity.
• Inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein
are also affected by toxicity.
Hormone and Cardiovascular Risk
• Other variables included in the test affected
by toxins include:
– Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA-S,
and four readings of Cortisol (all from saliva)
– Blood spot readings include – IGF-1, Free T4,
Free T3, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone),
TPO, (thyroid peroxidase antibodies), SHBG
(sex hormone binding globulin), PSA (for men),
LH (lutenizing hormone), FSH (follicle
stimulating hormone), Insulin, Hemaglobin A1C,
Triglycerides and hsCRP.
Plasma Amino Acids
• Many toxic exposed people have highly
abnormal amino acid profiles.
• Crayhon Research has developed a
comprehensive interpretive report that can
uncover imbalances, deficiencies and
excesses not always apparent from lab
• It also allows for a customization of an amino
acid supplement that can bring a rapid
balance along with improved detoxification
DNA Testing
• In my opinion, DNA testing is minimally
helpful when working with patients.
• A DNA marker which suggests that a person
has a higher risk for developing a disease is
helpful in only aiding a person in lifestyle
choices not treatment protocols.
• Women with the breast cancer gene while at
a higher risk for developing the disease need
to deal with the issue of what truly causes the
disease and that is not the gene.
• It is toxicity.
• Deal with the toxins and detoxification, not
the genetic material.
Treatment Protocols
• Each toxin must be dealt with differently
when it comes to detoxification.
• Using the LabAssist™ Report makes that
• The use of amino acids, especially glycine
are helpful in improving detoxification,
especially of solvents.
• Assessment of the toxins, knowing your
enemy is the only way to help patients
achieve real health and not just the lack of
In Review
• The bottom line is that we all have solvents
in our blood stream and many of us have
significant quantities of heavy metals as well.
• We can no longer hide behind good eating
and behavioral avoidance of toxins.
• It is everywhere.
• We need to make sure we are adequately
excreting these poisons.
• Environmental toxicity is at the root of most
• This is especially true of neurological
• "We are the humans in a dangerous and
unnatural experiment in the United States, and
I think it's unconscionable," said Dr. Leo
Trasande, assistant director of the Center for
Children's Health and the Environment at the
Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
• "We are in an epidemic of environmentally
mediated disease among American children
today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood
cancers, birth defects and developmental
disorders have exponentially increased, and it
can't be explained by changes in the human
genome. So what has changed? All the
chemicals we're being exposed to."
Contact Information
Dr. Mark Schauss
Crayhon Research
5355 Capital Court #101
Reno, NV 89502