
Record of Proceedings
Regular Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2013, 6:00pm
The Ranch House Meeting Room
A regular meeting of the Executive Board Members of the River Valley Ranch Master Association, in the county
of Garfield, State of Colorado was held on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 444 River Valley Ranch Drive,
Carbondale, Colorado 81623 with the following people present:
Executive Board of Directors
Jim Noyes, President
Lani Kitching, Vice-President
Jack Gausnell, Secretary
Bob Schoofs, Treasurer
Peter Frey, Director-at-Large (by phone)
Todd Richmond, Director-at-Large
Management Representatives
Ian Hause, Executive Director
Suzie Matthews, Director of Finance
Pamela Britton, Recorder
Homeowner Attendees
Call to Order
RVR Executive Board President, Jim Noyes called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. A quorum was established.
Approval of Agenda
Directors Kitching and Gausnell moved and seconded to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Consent Agenda
Directors Kitching and Gausnell moved and seconded the adoption of the meeting’s consent agenda and to
approve the Board Meeting minutes of January 29, 2014. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
 None
RVaRT – Artist for the Month of February/March is Frosty Merriott
Mah Jongg – A Mah Jongg social group is forming; all are welcome Tuesday afternoons at the Ranch
RF Teacher Yoga – Tuesdays and Thursdays through March 13th
RVRMA Board Meeting – Wednesday, February 26th, 6:00pm
CBRC Meeting – Thursday, February 27th , 3:00pm – 5:00pm
CBRC Meeting – Thursday, March13th , 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Third Thursday’s with Habitat – upcoming dates are March 20th, April 17th, 8:15am – 3:30pm
Spring Kick-off Event – March 21st , details to follow
RVRMA Board Meeting – Wednesday, March 26th, 6:00pm
CBRC Meeting – Thursday, March 27th , 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Committee Reports
Executive Director’s Report
Management –The organization is operating within the Board adopted, Member ratified 2014
Operations and Reserve Budget.
Member Services Director, Erin Mattice, has returned to work one-day a week or 20 hours per pay period.
Welcome back Erin!
Miriam Flores, long time Front Desk lead, has taken a full time job with local law firm, Garfield and Hecht.
We are very excited for Miriam. Go get ‘em Miriam!
Pam Britton, long time contract service provider for the RVRMA, has officially joined the team! Pam has
provided administrative, governance and special project services for the RVRMA since 2010 and we are
thrilled to have her as a permanent member of the team.
Four Seasons continues to provide snow removal at the Ranch House, The Settlement and Old Town.
RVRMA Crews continue to provide snow removal on Ranch House walks and patios, open space trails and
the 4’ walks in Old Town and along RVR Drive.
The Town of Carbondale is responsible for snow removal on all paved paths and public streets.
In consideration of an historic snowfall and subsequent unseasonable warming event, the ED is VERY
pleased with the performance all of the designated service providers response and efforts to these unusual
A snow removal protocol, process and contact sheet is on the board at the office, at the Front Desk and on
the website.
The Covenant and Bylaw Review Committee (CBRC) has been fully subscribed and appointed by the
Executive Board. The CBRC continues to meet at least monthly and will provide progress reports as
The RVRMA, in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity, is proceeding with the ‘Third Thursdays with Habitat’
program. This will be hosted the third Thursday of every month. We had 8 attendees on the January
function and have 11 signed up for the February function. So far the program is very successful and has
created a lot of great PR for the RVRMA and its Members.
“RVR on Ice” was held Saturday, February 1st from 6 to 8 pm. The function was poorly attended and only 7
Members and Guests showed up. However, this was right on the heels of the historic snow event, a Friday
school closure and right before the Super Bowl. We believe the weather and school closure had the greatest
impact on attendance. The venue was spectacular and we will try this one more time next winter as it could
be a really great annual function.
RVR Irrigation H20 – Rich Myers has completed re-installing the refurbished Cla-Valves. Rich’s contract
is effective March 1st and preliminary irrigation system startup will commence at that time.
The Plan for Augmentation, Water Court Case 10CW60, is complete. The final decree has been signed
by the Judge and filed in Water Court.
The final decree for the conditional water rights case 12CW60 has been filed in Water Court. There is a
6-year window from filing, within which we must show diligence in intent or actual beneficial use of the
conditional rights to finalize this decree. This decree should be completed in 2018.
The second conditional water rights case 04CW210, needs to either be continued by filing with the
Water Court no later than February 28th, 2014 or the conditional rights will be abandoned and the case
will be canceled. It is the recommendation of the ED that the rights be abandoned and the case no
longer be pursued. The Town and the Golf Owner agree with the ED that the case should not be
pursued further. The ED has noticed Counsel to cease any further work 04CW210.
There are several reasons to not proceed with this final case; those items will be presented at the
We plan to participate in a one-day in-stream flow test with adjoining water rights holders and the
Colorado Water Trust. This was originally scheduled to occur last year but was postponed due to widely
ranging flows in the Crystal River due to weather. Once re-scheduled, we will only divert 5 cfs of water
and leave the remaining rights in the river for analysis.
RVR Irrigation H2O is operating per plan and budget to date. Monthly payments as per the mutually
agreed upon budget, less the 2013 credit, are being made.
The Reimbursement Assessment, issued to beneficial end users of the raw water irrigation system only,
is exactly the same it has been for the last two years. The Reimbursement Assessment will be issued the
first part of May 2014.
Golf Course Superintendent, Chad Weaber, has been designated as the Water Quality Control Officer.
Member Services, Hospitality, Media and Public Relations –RVR Owner Frosty Merriot is the featured
artist for Feb and March. Frosty is presenting wildlife photography, primarily featuring the Alaskan
Grizzly Bear.
Although the details have not been finalized, we are planning a social function for Friday, March 21st.
This is the second official day of spring.
Staff would like to introduce an Adopt-a-Bench Program. This type of program could also support
tree/shrub/flower plantings, fish stockings, programming, functions etc.
The Bench program would identify specific locations for the RVRMA Spec bench with a plaque if desired.
We would negotiate firm pricing for the products with a preferred vendor. If an individual wanted to
adopt the bench and plaque at their cost, our staff would do the installation and maintenance. The
program participants would get recognition in the ‘News or on the website if they so desired.
“RVR on Ice” was poorly attended but will be tried again next year. Staff believes weather conditions
and the Super Bowl hurt attendance numbers.
We have introduced a no-fee yoga program as a benefit to RFHS Teachers. Owner Dianne Agnello is
volunteering her time to instruct the course and the RVRMA is hosting the program free-of-charge
during low occupancy hours. This will be two times a week.
Operational Refinement – Water aerobics is planned to re-commence in March, subject to the end of
winter conditions.
We have switched out 27 CFL bulbs in the great room and lower level exterior with a new LED bulb
which is represented to be a “life time” bulb and consumes 10% less power than the CFL. Additionally,
they are virtually unbreakable (no glass), do not get hot and do not contain mercury.
Staff will submit a plan, schedule and budget for a spring renovation of the Cardio and Strength Room.
The plan includes new equipment, flooring, finishes, features and benefits. The work is planned to
commence on the afternoon of Friday, April 11th and be completed by the 6 a.m. opening on Thursday,
April 17th. The timing is related to closure of the local ski areas and the advent of “mud season”.
The RVRMA has purchased a 2002 GMC 4WD pickup truck. The truck has a bluebook value of $4600.
We purchased for $3750. This is included in the 2014 Capital Reserve Plan and Budget. We also plan to
place a plow on the truck to enhance our ability to provide snow removal services
Social Media (Website, Weekly News, Surveys, Facebook) – The website continues to be updated. A
winter image loop is currently on the home page slideshow. This is refreshed at least twice each month.
The directory is being populated and invoiced. A summary of costs and revenue will be presented at the
January meeting.
Technical - Ranch House Mechanical – The utility charts and notes are included in the Board packet.
Addition of functional variable Frequency Drives to the Boiler Pumps is included as a capital expense in
2014. The budget for this work is $8000. With value engineering we have been able to get that number
down to $4000 including a small contingency. The work is scheduled to commence the first of February
upon receipt of equipment.
Ranch House Pool- The rec pool is closed for the Season. All mechanical systems are functioning
Replacement of the egress ladder on the north-west end of the pool has been completed. Lap pool and
spas will remain open year round.
The planned capital improvements for the pool deck include a large shade structure near the wading
pool in the old splash garden location and repair of the lap pool cover. Since the Capital Budget was
approved, we have been informed by our pool tech, Mark Fisher, that the large rec pool pump should be
refurbished as preventative maintenance. Since this effort defers acquisition of an additional pump, the
work will be considered a capital expense. Even though this was not budgeted, the overall capital
expenses will not exceed the Board approved amount of $104,000 in aggregate. The pump was
removed the week of January 13th and will be completed by February 1st. We have a back-up pump
specifically for this purpose and in the event of an unanticipated pump failure.
Ranch House Building – The Cardio and Strength Room renovation will commence on April 6th. A
proposal for improvements will be presented at the January meeting.
We have completed the annual Test and Inspection of the fire alarm and fires suppression system. The
elevator annual preventative inspection and maintenance has been successfully completed. The annual
Boiler Inspection has been completed.
Irrigation System O&M – The 2013 Irrigation Water Delivery Reconciliation is complete. We used 48.5%
of total raw irrigation water used.
Between the maintenance budget and capital projects the RVRMA will have a $44,125 credit due from
golf for 2013. This will be realized by deducts to our monthly payment to golf in 2014. The credits will
apply to the Reserve balance.
All deferred, necessary, capital and maintenance projects, with the exception of a potential
turbidity/telemetry system above the sediment control structure, are complete.
Rich Myers has removed all Cla-Valves for annual maintenance.
The 2014 Reimbursement Assessment will be issued May 1st.
Site work and Landscape
Turf Grass – All turf grass operations have ceased until March 2014.
Trees – We are evaluating preventative treatment measures for the Emerald Ash Borer which has been
discovered on the Front Range and is expected to move westward. We have requested Licensed
Arborist, Jason Jones to write an opinion regarding this matter and recommended next steps. Once a
plan is confirmed, we may plan and budget accordingly. The report was included in the January Board
We had requested from the Town of Carbondale that we be allowed to remove several volunteer cotton
woods on the north end of Triangle Park. These trees were not original plantings so we are taking the
position that no replacement should be required under the PUD. Additionally, the cottonwoods are
damaging existing higher value trees, and other facilities. The permit was issued and the trees have
been removed.
We have removed and pruned trees in Old Town that were causing damage to fence which is an RVRMA
RVRMA Crews have completed significant pruning and removal in the vicinity of the slide, steps and
water fall. The purpose was three-fold: 1. Reduced maintenance to pool and tennis courts, 2. Improve
sight lines for life guards, and 3. Enhance growth of desirable species, primarily non-leafing
We have engaged Aspen Trees Service to complete structural and aesthetic pruning at Triangle Park and
along Pioneer Point and Court. This work was completed the week of January 6th and completes the
entire four phase, four year project.
In 2014, we completed the three year phased replacement of dead, dying and diseased trees at RVR.
We have no further obligation to the Town of Carbondale with regards to tree replacement. This will be
managed on a case-by-case basis going forward.
We have had one tree on Crystal Bridge Drive destroyed by a car accident and another damaged.
Flowers – No additional activity until spring 2014.
Noxious Weeds – No additional activity until spring/summer 2014.
Beautification and Mitigation – RVRMA Crews commenced install of Holiday Decorations the week of
December 2nd. The decorations were removed the week of January 6th.
Infrastructure – The TOC has completed 2013 repair of additional roads at RVR in anticipation of
resurfacing in 2014.
RVRMA Crews are placing mag chloride road base as needed at south entry exit stacking area. Slopes,
intersections and known trouble spots.
We have ordered a new street identification sign for the intersection of Crystal Bridge Drive and the
emergency access lane which cuts across the golf corridor. The original sign only identified a single
address. There are now 4 completed homes accessed by the drive. We have identified all 4 addresses
on the new sign.
We have once again reported all street lights to Exel Energy for repair. This typically takes two to six
weeks to complete.
Licensing and Registration – The Secretary of State and Division of Real Estate registrations are
complete. The Sales Tax License is renewed. The Retail Food Service License is renewed. Our Liquor
License is up for renewal in June. Director of administration and Finance, Suzie Matthews is responsible
for all licensing and registration.
Settlement and Old Town 2014 Paint Program – The goal is to price and contract in April and
commence both scopes of work by May 1st with the intent of all services being completed no later than
July 1st.
Budget and Finance – The 2014 RVRMA Reserve and Operations budget as adopted by the Executive
Board and ratified by the Members at a 4:1 margin is in effect.
In consultation with Director/Treasurer Bob Schoofs, staff has completed the year-end closing check list
to confirm we have started 2014 clean with the new accrual accounting process and a confirmed reserve
A new reserve collection and expense (RCE) report is now included with the monthly financials.
The Board will be asked to approve specific capital projects as they are necessary or desired. As these
projects are approved and completed they will be included in the RCE report.
Continuing Education for Staff – Erin Mattice and Pam Britton are booked for the M-100 Class in April
2014. Once competed, Erin, Pam Ian and Suzie will proceed towards State Licensing.
Ian also indicated that we were able to replace our old Toyota truck, selling it and purchasing a wellmaintained newer truck. We will be able to put a plow on this newer truck to manage smaller snow
removal clean up jobs.
Finance Director Report
Starting next month, Finance Director Suzie Matthews will be providing a Finance Director Report, using
the new reporting systems that have been established with the input and support of Board Treasurer,
Bob Schoofs.
Suzie provided and reviewed some highlights of this month’s financials and fielded questions and
comments from the Board.
Bob pointed out that on the Changes in Equity account, this will updated monthly so we have a real-time
understanding of our equity position.
Suzie is also creating an inventory tracking system that will provide better controls over our inventory.
Suzie is also going to be starting to do RVRMA payroll as of March 15th, taking over from ASAP payroll
Old Business
New Business
Proposed Allocation of Funds
Directors Schoofs and Kitching moved and seconded the following Draft Motion B. Discussion was held. The
motion passed unanimously.
Draft Motion B: Resolved that the RVRMA Executive Board hereby approves the following allocation of funds:
Old Town: $5,735.59 in excess operating funds to be transferred to the Old Town Paint Reserve
The Settlement: $1,592.99 in excess operating funds to be transferred to The Settlement Paint
The RVRMA: Allocation of $114,781.88 in deficit operation funds from The Capital Reserve Account
to fund the 2013 operational deficit
Proposed Strength and Cardio Fitness Room Capital Reserve Expense
Directors Schoofs and Richmond moved and seconded the following Draft Motion C. Discussion was held. The
motion passed unanimously.
Draft Motion C: Resolved that the RVRMA Executive Board hereby approves a Capital Reserve Fund expense of
$33,676.25 for the refurbishing of the Strength and Cardio Room.
Proposed Fifth Amendment to the RVRMA Design Guidelines
Directors Gausnell and Kitching moved and seconded the following Draft Motion D. Discussion was held. The
motion passed unanimously.
Draft Motion D: Resolved that the RVRMA Executive Board hereby ratifies and adopts the proposed Fifth
Amendment to the RVRMA Design Guidelines.
Adopt-a-Bench Program
Ian presented the idea of creating an “Adopt-a-Bench” program for the Board consideration. This would involve
individuals/groups purchasing a designated bench to be installed at designated locations at RVR. These benches
would include the option of putting an engraved dedication plaque on the bench.
The Board supported having staff proceed with developing and implementing this program.
Executive Board Governance Binders
Director Bill Grant raised the question of whether we want to continue having hard copy versions of the
Executive Board Binders, or just go digital.
Jim suggested that we hold discussion on this question until the next time we need to do a major update to the
Emerald Ash Borer
Ian reported that staff is of aware of the appearance of the Emerald Ash Bore in Boulder, Colorado. We have
been in consultation with our tree maintenance experts and are monitoring the situation. At this time, no
direction action is required.
Executive Session
There was no Executive Session.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53.