The Dark Side of Being Boss Heather Scalf Director of Quantitative Assessment UT Arlington Libraries About me Brief bio ◦ BA Biology in 1984 About me Brief bio ◦ 7 years as an Army officer ◦ HAWK missile Tactical Control Officer and Battalion Control Officer About me Brief bio ◦ 6 years in retail distribution with Target ◦ Floor supervisor ◦ Brown field experience ◦ Opened new facility About me Brief bio ◦ Began working in libraries in 1999 ◦ Began as Circulation Manager/student supervisor ◦ Mary Baldwin College ◦ USMA ◦ Completed MLS in 2005 ◦ UT Arlington In the many career iterations that I have had, the common denominator has been that I have supervised, led and managed people in many different roles and a variety of environments. All this to say… Remember when The model Holland, Johnny. (2011, January 24). The A-B-C of Behaviour. Retrieved from What are the ABCs? Common example Bennett, Michael J (2013, April 30). Roasted chicken dinner plate. Retrieved from e,_Broccoli,_Stuffing,_Potatoes,_Demi_Glace.jpg Väsk. (2005, September). Ice cream cone photographed in Sweden. Retrieved from,_Tip_Top.jpg#filehistory Common example Common example Spring, Steve. (2005, November 28). Individually wrapped slices of American cheese. Retrieved from Behavior Consequences Positive ◦ Might not be what you think Consequences Positive ◦ Might not be what you think Negative ◦ Aka Punishment ABC grid Antecedent (Before) Behavior Consequence (After) Who was there, what was happening, what was the environment? What did the person do? What happened? What did I do? What did others do? A cautionary tale Retail distribution experience We had a two shift, seven day a week operation. Trailers have 3 days to be unloaded from the time the trailer is dropped on the lot. Antecedent—LOS standard, m-a-n-y trailers on the lot Planned behavior—increase cartons per hour productivity, get more trailers unloaded before their LOS date Consequence--We used a reward system that gave teams an extra 15 minute break for exceeding 110% productivity on a per shift basis Trailer 1 Retrieved from Trailer 2 Bartholdi, III, John J. (2003, September 27). Warehouse and Distribution Science. Retrieved from We rewarded productivity What do you think happened? 160 60 140 50 120 40 100 80 30 Productivity LOS 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Focus » Remember that the whole process is about changing behaviors, not the people themselves. » An attitude is not a behavior. An attitude can be demonstrated by behaviors, but the focus is on the behavior. Watch out! In the library Much more complex In the library Much more complex ◦ Customer service is key in our environment In the library Much more complex ◦ Customer service is key in our environment ◦ The process works the same, but you may have simultaneous behaviors going on at the same time In the library Much more complex ◦ Customer service is key in our environment ◦ The process works the same, but you may have simultaneous behaviors going on at the same time ◦ “Service with a smile” In the library Much more complex ◦ Customer service is key in our environment ◦ The process works the same, but you may have simultaneous behaviors going on at the same time ◦ “Service with a smile” ◦ But also with an answer Courageous conversations Courageous conversations The Cowardly Lion as illustrated by William Wallace Denslow (1900) Courageous conversations What? Courageous conversations What? ◦ A courageous conversation is any conversation with another person that may be difficult to have. Courageous conversations What? With whom? Courageous conversations What? With whom? How? ◦ Four steps Courageous conversations First, ensure that both parties are operating from a shared perspective. Courageous conversations First, ensure that both parties are operating from a shared perspective. Seek context Courageous conversations First, ensure that both parties are operating from a shared perspective. Seek context Focus Courageous conversations First, ensure that both parties are operating from a shared perspective. Seek context Focus Plan for future Courageous conversations What? With whom? How? When? Best response Kaylee. (2012, July 31). Sealing the Deal – Get the Volunteer. Retrieved from Most Common response All too often response Lucy and Ethel on the candy assembly line at See’s Candies. Photo credit: CBS Television. Coaching Process Coach and modify (Conversation) Examine environment (antecedents) Identify behaviors Measure results Apply consequences Questions?? Heather Scalf