Secondary I Science and Technology FINAL EXAMINATION REVIEW PACKAGE Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____ This study guide is to help you prepare for your Science and Technology exam. Your goal should be to study for 30-60 minutes during the week and then give yourselves a break on the weekend. A break from studying for finals not from homework or studying for regular tests! The more review you do now the easier it is the week of finals. You will feel less stress and that will help increase your success. Pick one or two topics a night and just review for 10 - 15 minutes. For review you could work through this study guide, work on flash cards, review with someone at home or write out your own notes. Choose whichever strategy works best for you. TABLE OF CONTENTS About the Exam…………………………………….…….….2 Exam Preparation Planner (To Do List)...……….……….….3 Exam Preparation Planner (Time Mgmt)………..…………..4-6 Topic 1: Scientific Method/Experimental Design…….…….7 Topic 2: The Light Microscope……………………………..8 Topic 3: The Metric System………………………………...9 Topic 4: The Living World/Diversity………………………10 Topic 5: The Living World/Reproduction……….…………11 Topic 6: The Living World/Life Processes…………………12 Topic 7: Earth and Space/General Characteristics of Earth...13 Topic 8: Earth and Space/Geological Phenomenon………...14 Topic 9: Earth and Space/Astronomical Phenomenon……...15 1 ABOUT THE EXAM Test Date: Wednesday, June 17 Test Materials: You will need pencils with erasers, ruler, calculator Test Format: 100 total marks 40 Multiple Choice questions @ 1 mark each 10 Matching questions @ 1 mark each (Scientific Method) 10 Matching questions @ 1 mark each (Microscope) 10 Short Answer questions @ 4 marks each ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Materials To Study: All Homework Problems, Classroom Worksheets and Handouts All Quizzes and Tests All Notes taken/made in Classwork Hilroy Copy Book All assigned pages in textbook (Eureka) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Topics To Study: Scientific Method/Experimental Design (433-435, Handouts) The Light Microscope (456-457) Metric System (Handouts) The Living World/Diversity of Life Forms (218-239) The Living World/Reproduction of Living Organisms (242-279) The Living World/Life Sustaining Processes (280-288) Earth and Space/General Characteristics of Earth (292-305) Earth and Space/Geological Phenomenon (316-325, 336) 2 Earth and Space/Astronomical Phenomenon (356-357, 363-367, 372375) Exam Preparation Planner – Secondary I Science and Technology Academic Skills for Exams Content Area Topic “To Do List” available to download as a word document. Break up each content area into topics. Write down a set of tasks (reading, pair associating, sub-vocalizing, test reviewing etc) for each topic. Tick off tasks as you complete them. Tasks Done 3 Time Management Skills Time Exam Preparation Planner – Secondary I Science and Technology available to download as a word document. Weekly Study Planner Start by sorting out your exam commitments below. Then commit your study time. MonTueWedThuFriSatSunJune 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 Morning 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 4 Time Management Skills Time Exam Preparation Planner – Secondary I Science and Technology available to download as a word document. Weekly Study Planner Start by sorting out your exam commitments below. Then commit your study time. MonTueWedThuFriSatSunJune 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 Afternoon 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 5 Time Management Skills Time Exam Preparation Planner – Secondary I Science and Technology available to download as a word document. Weekly Study Planner Commit your study time below MonJune 8 TueJune 9 WedJune 10 ThuJune 11 FriJune 12 SatJune 13 SunJune 14 Evening 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 6 TOPIC 1: Scientific Method/Exp Design (433-435, Handouts) Key Terms and Concepts: Observations, Inferences, Qualitative, Quantitative, Hypothesis, Control, Variable, Manipulated Variable, Responding Variable, Controlled Variable, Procedure, Analysis, Conclusion Notes: 7 TOPIC 2: The Light Microscope (456-457) Key Terms and Concepts: Eyepiece, Body, Revolving Nosepiece, Objectives, Stage, Light, Diaphragm, Arm, Coarse Adjustment, Fine Adjustment, Focus, Magnification Calculations, Use of Microscope Notes: 8 TOPIC 3: Metric System Key Terms and Concepts: Prefixes, Base Units, Conversions, Estimations, Metric Rulers, Graduated Cylinders Notes: 9 TOPIC 4: The Living World/Diversity of Life Forms (218-239) Key Terms and Concepts: Taxonomy, Sexual Reproduction, Evolution, Species, Scientific Name, Fungi, Protists, Monerans, Anatomy, Fossil Ancestors, Genus, Vertebrates, Cold-blooded, Warm-blooded, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals, Habitat, Adaptations, Physical Adaptations, Communication Adaptations, Reproductive Adaptations, Niche, Food Chain, Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, Population, Natural Selection, Chromosomes, Genes Notes: 10 TOPIC 5: The Living World/Reproduction of Living Things (242-279) Key Terms and Concepts: Asexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Flowering Plants, Conifers, Spores, Seeds, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Pollination, Fertilization, Gamete, Zygote, Ovule, Spermatozoon, Seed Dispersal, Mating, Fertilization, External Fertilization, Internal Fertilization, Larva, Oviparous, Viviparous, Ovoviviparous, hermaphrodite, puberty, pituitary gland, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, human male reproductive organs, human female reproductive organs, Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Embryo, Placenta, Gastrula, Cell Differentiation, Gestation, Trimester, Pregnancy Risks, Birth, Contraception/Methods, STDS Notes: 11 TOPIC 6: The Living World/Life Sustaining Processes (280-288) Key Terms and Concepts: Cell, Plant Cell, Animal Cell, Organelles, Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Vacuole, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Mitochondria, Cell Wall, Chloroplast, Inputs, Outputs, Selective Permeability, Diffusion, Osmosis, Nutrients, Photosynthesis, Cell Respiration Notes: 12 TOPIC 7: Earth and Space/Gen Characteristics of Earth (161, 292-305) Key Terms and Concepts: Crust, Mantle, Core, Biosphere, Geologist, Abyss, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Homogeneous Mixture, Heterogeneous Mixture, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ozone Layer, Cataract, Ultraviolet Rays, Hydrosphere, Fresh Water, Drinking Water, Lithosphere, Greenhouse Effect Notes: 13 TOPIC 8: Earth and Space/Geological Phenomenon (316-325, 336) Key Terms and Concepts: Fossils, Pangaea, Plate Tectonics, Continental Shelves, Oceanic Ridges, Convection, Divergence, Convergence, Slip, Fault, Trench, Water Cycle, Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Run-off, Infiltration Notes: 14 TOPIC 9: Earth and Space/Astronomical Phenomenon (356-357, 363-367, 372-375) Key Terms and Concepts: Sun Big Bang, Planets, Earth’s Rotation, Day/Night, Seasons, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Polar Aurora’s, Moon, Phases of the Moon, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse Notes: 15 16