Corporation and Society Restoring Confidence in the Corporation Costas Kataras Athens University of Economics and Business AUEB, International MBA 19 February, 2009 Slide 1 The Mood… Mission Impossible I ? Are Bankers Charlatans ? Focus 29/01/2009 At blame for the financial crisis is the ( greedy ) nature of man, say two renowned scientists: Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and bestselling author Nassim Taleb ( "The Black Swan"). Taleb calls for rigorous changes: nationalize banks.. Slide 2 The Mood… Mission Impossible II ? Business is a (necessary ? ) evil in society … only the worst sort of people are involved.. Plato, c. 340 BC Slide 3 The situation is hopeless… but not serious !! Plato, c. 340 BC Slide 4 Understanding the Landscape (1/2) Understanding the Landscape of Business Ethics can be Problematic Business Ethics / Integrity /Practices (ie how to conduct business responsibly ) Corporate Compliance ( ie focused on complying with laws and regulations ) Corporate Governance (ie policies and practices that stockholders, executive managers and board directors use to manage themselves and fulfill their responsibility to investors and other stakeholders ) Slide 5 Understanding the Landscape (2/2) Understanding the Landscape of Business Ethics can be Problematic Corporate Responsibility ( ie fulfilling the responsibilities or obligations that a company has towards its stakeholders. For example profit vs environment ) Corporate Social Responsibility ( ie as above, but with greater stress upon the obligations a company has to the community. Sometimes encompasses all responsibilities to stakeholders-ethical, social and environmental ) Corporate Sustainability ( ie aligning an organization's products/services with stakeholder expectations, thereby adding economic, environmental and social value) Slide 6 Business Ethics: The Definition Challenge “ ..achieve commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities, and the natural environment..” ( Source: Business for Social Responsibility- nonprofit CSR Ass., US ) Slide 7 Restoring Confidence in the Corporation Topics 1.The Business of Business… 2. The Rise of Corporatocracy 3. Corporation and Society 4. Restoring Confidence 5. Social Issues Become Strategic 6. Government and Society: A Larger Role 7. “Nice” Capitalism ( Wanted !!) Slide 8 1.The Business of Business… Slide 9 The Long-Running Debate Two Contrasting Ideological Positions “ the business of business is… business” vs “ corporate social responsibility “ Slide 10 And the Winner is .. …Prof. Milton Friedman & the School of Chicago “ ..the business of business is business..” “ responsibility is a fundamentally subversive doctrine..” “ ..managers that will invest recourses to deal with ethical issues should be fired..” Naomi Klein, in her book The Shock Doctrine, accuses Friedman of being complicit in military coups in countries such as Chile and Indonesia that were used as a way to shock the population into accepting unpopular neoliberal policies for the benefit of foreign multinational companies. ( Milton Friedman, 1912-2006 ) Slide 11 Corporations Disregard all Human Laws Carl Marx was Right “ ..companies with 10% profits feel secure enough.. with 50% became adventurous.. with 100% disregard all human laws and with 300% can even take the risk of committing crimes ” ( Carl Marx ) Slide 12 ..Deceiving Coca Cola and its Dasani Bottled (Tap !!) Water It comes from the same source as local tap water Result :Coca Cola withdraws bottled water from UK (2004) and admits that Dasani is nothing but tap water Slide 13 ..Cheating Starbucks coffee 200% more expensive in Athens than NY A cappuccino costs : 4,65 $ in Athens, 2,35$ in New York, +100% Average PP of an American : + 100% Result : +200% Plus : Cheating and stealing the tips of personnel .”California court orders Starbucks to return $100m in tips to baristas” Slide 14 ..Controlling Monsanto’s Terminator Technology Controls genetically engineered seeds (ie rice, corn, etc) for which farmers pay high prices Terminator technology is used to sterilize crops, ie the seeds lose their ability to reproduce Result : 80% of farmers committing suicide in India, are farmers not able to pay off their debts / loans used to buy expensive GM seeds Slide 15 ..Killing Mrs Anderson vs General Motors (1980) Chevrolet Malibu cars fuel tank, not sufficiently protected in collisions GM cost- benefit analysis shows : Repair cost : 8,59$ / per car Anticipated fatalities (Human Life): 500 If pay the cost of each human life , ie 200.000$ /per life the average cost is: 2,40$ per car Result : Decide not to repair the cars !!! Slide 16 ..Plus Dehumanizing- Labor Camps (ie Nike, Gap) Suppressing – Military Coups (ie United Fruits ) Imprisoning our Mind- PCs controlling Users (ie Microsoft Defender /Kill Switch Claiming Ownership of Natural Recourses-Privatizing the Rain in Volivia (ie Bechtel and Mrs G.Shultz, C.Weinberger ) Owning our Genes – A Nation’s Genetic Code for Sale (ie Iceland and deCODE/Hoffman La Roche) , plus the case of Mr Moore vs University of California Slide 17 2.The Rise of Corporatocracy Slide 18 Corporatocracy Towards a Definition “The accumulating corporate power and the evolution, and finally transformation, of the corporation to a social institution ( pseudo- authority ) dominating the civil society and nations, with the support of banks, the financial establishment, powerful elites and powerless governments” (Kataras) Slide 19 Corporatocracy The Meteoric Rise.. 1720 : The creation of a corporation, as a legal entity, constituted a serious crime in the West (England) entailing serious punishment 2000 : Of the 100 largest economies in the world,51 are corporations and 49 are countries (in GDP and sales terms) Slide 20 Corporatocracy .. of Corporate Global Power Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are corporations and only 49 are countries Top 200 corporations’ combined sales is equivalent to 27,5% of World GDP (from 25% 15 years ago ) Top 200 corporations’ combined sales are bigger than the combined economies of all countries in the world, minus the biggest ten While sales of Top 200 are equivalent of 27,5% of world economic activity, they employ only 0,78 % of the world’s workforce U.S. corporations dominate the Top 200, with 82 slots (41%), followed by Japanese firms with 41 slots Almost 50% of U.S. corporations in Top 200, did not pay the full standard 35% federal corporate tax during 1996-1998. Seven actually paid less than zero ( ie Texaco, Chevron, PepsiCo, Enron, Worldcom) Source :Institute for Policy Studies, 2000 Slide 21 Corporatocracy .. in Numbers General Motors Exxon Mobil General Electric Shell IBM Nestle (GDP/Sales, 1999) > DENMARK > GREECE > PORTUGAL > IRAN > IRELAND > HUNGARY Source :Institute for Policy Studies, 2000 Slide 22 Corporatocracy The Global Pyramid of Power Slide 23 Corporatocracy How Corporations Became so Powerful ? Arrogant, Selfish, U.S. Capitalism and the School of Chicago creating inequality in the society (Disaster vs Nice Capitalism books, Naomi & Costas) Gate Keepers (Media) manufacturing/ engineering consent (The Century of the Self ) Technology / Globalization/De localization/Export of Jobs (Lou Dobbs, etc ) The “Other Hollywood Effect”-Weak Political Leadership (Myth of the Powerless State / Nation) Slide 24 Corporatocracy Two Prophetic Books.. June 24, 2008 July 22, 2008 Slide 25 “Katharsis”: Topology of Factors Undermining the Future Brands’ Overdose (5) Loss of Entrepreneurial Spirit (6) Extreme Market Polarization (8) Increased Complexity & Unpredictability (1) Frenetic Time Acceleration (4) Scarcity of Human Attention (9) Information Economy Arrogant Corporation Rise of Eclecticism (11) Violent Emotional Detachment from Brands (12) Collapse of Information Asymmetry (3) Explosion of Brands’ Consumer – Insignificant Generated Dramatic Impact on ROI Personal Media Erosion of & Parent (10) Middle Class Company (7) Stock Price (2) ECONOMY Slide 26 Mega – Trends : A Synopsis Corporations in a New, Hostile, Terrain Complexity Society Technology plus Corporate Confidence Erosion Slide 27 Complexity The Butterfly Effect Have you ever been wondering how the current bank and financial crises started? Have you been aware of a company Fanny Mae or Freddie Mack ? Slide 28 Technology The Trojan Horse ? OPPORTUNITIES Productivity Globalization Delocalization Etc THREATS Transparency Reduced Information Asymmetry Empowered , Educated, Never Satisfied, Distant, Unreachable Consumers etc Slide 29 Society Society Dominates Corporations The Coca Cola , Dasani case Slide 30 Corporate Confidence Erosion Route Causes Increased Income Inequality / Power Distances in Society U.S. Losing Favor in the West A Growing Sentiment Against Globalization in All Rich Countries Corporations: Lack of Trust in Business is Growing Brands :Consumers are Falling out of Love with Brands…a corporation’s most valuable asset (3080%) Slide 31 Inequality: A Roadmap to Crisis Source :PricewaterhouseCoopers, World Economic Forum, UNDP, World Bank (2007/8) Slide 32 US Losing Favor Across Europe and the West Source :PricewaterhouseCoopers, World Economic Forum, Pew Global Attitudes Survey (2008) Slide 33 The Growing Sentiment Against Globalisation in All Rich Countries Source: Financial Times , Harris Research , 2007 Slide 34 Mistrust The Lack of Trust in Business is Growing % of the public that agreed that you could trust business leaders: 2002: 36% 2004: 31% 2006: 28% (Source :D.YANKELOVICH, 2007 ) Slide 35 Brand Erosion Brand Importance Goes Down in Recent Years Brand Awareness : 20 % Brand Esteem : 12 % Brand Perception of Quality : 24 % Trust in Brands : 50 % Brand Loyalty : 9 % ( from 40 % !!!) (Source: WPP, The Brand Bubble by John Gerzema ) Slide 36 3.Corporation and Society Slide 37 Corporation and Society New Issues OLD ISSUES Growth Globalization Competitiveness Innovation etc NEW ISSUES Regulation Environmental Sustainability Labor / Unions Civil Society Governments as Owners Consumer over stimulation and mental health Business Confidence Erosion etc Slide 38 Major Periods of Corporate Confidence Erosion 1929: Great Depression (Unemployment ) 1968-80: Banana Republic ( Multinationals, Cynicism, UF syndrome , School of Chicago) 2001- : Antisocial (From the Enron Scandals in 2001 to the Virtual Money Game of Lehman Brothers in 2008) Slide 39 The Antisocial Era of Corporations Towards a Diagnosis Failure to conform to social norms,( i.e. evidence by repeated unlawful behavior) Deceitfulness, repeated lying, use of aliases or manipulating others for profit Reckless disregard for safety of (self) or others WHAT IS THIS ? According to the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders) this is the definition of a ….. Slide 40 The Corporation is a.. Psychopath !!! (Antisocial Personality Disorder -APD ) A PSYCHOPATH ALSO CAN BE : Charming, manipulating, focusing solely on selfgratification, deceiving and swindling the unsuspecting. (Hare 1999, Black 1999) Slide 41 Who ? In Managers /CEOs We Trust.. Ordinary, Good People Become Monsters in an Evil Place? The Power of the Institution (ie Corporations larger than many Nations, are becoming Social Institutions, Pseudo Authorities, etc ) The Power of the Situation ( ie Poverty, DFI, WTO, IMF, FED, Globalization, Labor Camps ) The Power of the Lucifer Effect (ie How good people turn into evil / sadists ) Slide 42 Chilling Findings about People and Authority “ Ordinary People, Doing their Jobs can become Agents in a Terrible Destructive Process under the Umbrella of a Legitimizing Ideology and Social Institutional Support” Stanford Prisoners Experiment /SPE (Prof. Philip Zimbardo, Stanford 1971) The Milgram Obedience to Authority Experiment (Prof. Stanley Milgram , Yale 1963) Slide 43 The Lucifer Effect (1) Demonstrates the impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimizing ideology and social and institutional support Stanford Prisoners Experiment /SPE (Prof. Philip Zimbardo, Stanford 1971) The Stanford experiment ended on August 20, 1971, only 6 days after it began instead of the 14 it was supposed to have lasted. The experiment's result has been argued to demonstrate the impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimizing ideology and social and institutional support Slide 44 The Lucifer Effect (2) Obedience to Authority :Chilling findings regarding the weaknesses of human nature The Milgram Obedience to Authority Experiment (Prof. Stanley Milgram , Yale 1963) Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority. When Good People Do Evil: 45 years ago, Stanley Milgram's classic experiments showed that, under orders, decent human beings will do anything. ( at 90% level , while psychopaths are at 1%) Slide 45 4. Restoring Confidence Slide 46 Can We Restore Confidence ? Plato: …” business is a necessary evil in society… only the worst sort of people are involved”... Slide 47 Towards a New Corporate Social Contract Corporation and Society : Evolution Phases Corporate Social Responsibility / CSR: The “Green Wash” Era (ie Corporations react to pressures from NGOs, etc ) Triple Bottom Line / TBL :The Unfulfilled Era ( ie Charmy annual reports regarding CFP,CSP,CEP and no binding promises) Corporate Social Contract / CSC: The License to Operate Era (ie Civil society and government take control through the license principle and ensure that big corporations comply regarding CFP,CSP,CEP and CHP or the “Corporate Quartet Principle/CQP”) Slide 48 Corporate Social Contract / CSC The License to Operate Era , and the “Corporate Quartet Principle” for a Multiple “Corporate Zero Footprint” Government and society could provide a license to corporations to operate , based on the approval of their annually submitted plans and performance on the following : 1. Corporate Financial Performance / CFP (ie Tax Equality- MS in Greece ) 2. Corporate Social Performance / CSP (ie Humanity- Feminization of Man in US cities ) 3. Corporate Environmental Performance / CEP (ie Sustainability – The Big Five oil companies ) 4. Corporate Health Performance / CHP (ie Engaging the Brain-From over stimulation(2500 ads/day) to Neuromarketing and the “Buy Button” in our Brain /BrightHouse studies ) Slide 49 A New Corporate Footprint Physical and Mental Health/ Happiness and Depression • • • • Depression the second largest killer, after heart disease, by 2020 15% of the population in developed world suffers severe depression 15% of depressed people will commit suicide “..studies document that strong materialistic values (imposed by persuasive advertising..) lead to low life satisfaction and happiness , to depression and anxiety and to personality disorders” ..(T.Kasser) Slide 50 The Secret Paths to Depression in a Materialistic Culture Cultivated by Corporations Through Brands Brand “Values”: Imposed Values of Success (State of Discrepancy) Atrophy of Individual Values (State of Permissiveness) Isolation & Receptiveness to Brand Stimuli (State of Apathy) Affluenza Oniomania (ie Compulsive Spending) Feelings of Inadequacy (Low Self- Esteem ) Brand Overstimulation: BRAND Brand Overdose: Brands’ Hedonic Treadmill: DEPRESSION Decision Paralysis High Level Expectations Low Satisfaction / Disappointment Adaptation (Hedonic Treadmill) Seek Higher Satisfaction (Satisfaction Treadmill) Comparison Disappointment (Comparison Treadmill) Slide 51 5. Social Issues Become Strategic Slide 52 When Social Issues Become Strategic New Organizational Challenges for Corporate Leaders The case for incorporating an awareness of social and political trends into corporate strategy has become overwhelming Issues: privacy, obesity, safety, health, offshoring, environment, etc Companies should look for signs of emerging hot topics and be ready to respond to them early CEO’s must be willing to ensure a coherent approach, to engage in external debate and to consider collaboration with others ( Source :McKinsey) Slide 53 Ensuring a Coherent Approach Organizational Coordination- Reinventing Public Affairs Slide 54 CR Delivers Improved Financial Performance CR Index Outperforms FTSE by 3,3% to 7,7% pa ( Source : Ipsos /MORI , BITC , 2008 ) Slide 55 6. Government and Society: A Larger Role Slide 56 Ensuring Corporate Treatability “Treatability” is questioned (ie According to top psychiatrists … ) Enforcement through the License to Operate Principle ( ie Initiatives and self – regulating promises /tactics not acceptable) Strong Watch Mechanisms in Place Slide 57 “Treatability” is Questioned GM/Ford : Private Jets AIG : Spa FORTIS : Monte Carlo Slide 58 Watch Mechanisms “ ..people are basically honest. And they are even more honest when you are watch them..” ( Alan Greenberg, ex Chairman Bear Sterns ) Slide 59 The Myth of the Powerless State Government and Society Take a Larger Role “ ..shareholder value is growing increasingly irrelevant as government and society take a larger role in shaping business and industry..” ( Ian Davis, MD , McKinsey ) Slide 60 7. Nice Capitalism (Wanted !!) Slide 61 The “Nice Capitalism” Movement Nice Capitalism, Corporations and Nations are Interrelated Democracy , Justice , Transparency ( no Corruption ) Equality ( narrow income gap, Scandinavian Model ) Responsibility , Honesty, Human Centric Attitude , Human Improvement Sustainable Development High Standards of Governance Human “Ethos” Focus on Well – Being , Happiness , “Eudemonia” “Metron” (Human Measure ) Slide 62 “ Man is the measure of all things ..” ( Protagoras ) Slide 63 Thank You (Available in Slide 64