
The Rivage Site
corner of Ridge, Kelly and Calumet
at the Falls Bridge
Site is owned by the RDA
Bought to make sure development was
good for the community
Not a large site – 1.6 acres
RDA has issued a Request for
Proposals – public process due Oct. 3
At the request of the EFDC, Selection
Committee will include a Community
Representative from the EFCC
The EFDC has worked with the
RDA to have a community process
The EFDC will inform the community about the process
(such as this meeting, articles in the Fallser).
The EFCC will have a representative to the Selection
The RDA will eliminate any application that does not
meet minimum selection criteria and Eligible Projects will
be presented at a meeting of the EFCC – tentatively
scheduled for Oct. 17, 18, if more than three developers
submit proposals.
Community members will give input to developers at the
meeting and to the community representative
The community representative will participate in the
recommendation of the selection of the developer.
If there are zoning changes, they will come before the
RFP requires the developer to do
things beyond a normal
development – usually the end of a
zoning process and not beginning
The Developer will pay for Phase IV of
East Falls Reconnects to the River: widen
Ridge Avenue and Calumet Street along
the site.
The Developer must address the
community’s Controls and Guidelines
Rivage Development Controls and
• Controls: those elements that must be met
• Guidelines: those elements that are
encouraged to best serve the site and the
surrounding community.
Proposals will be evaluated as to the extent they
meet both controls and guidelines.
Site Constraints
Control: A plan for parking, service
and loading
“The developer must provide a plan for
parking, service and loading, including
access and egress, that mitigates any
impact on surrounding streets.”
 EF Overlay requires: Retail: 4 spaces for
every 1000 sq.ft. For restaurants: 1 space
for every 4 seats.
 Zoning requires: New residential must have
one space per unit.
Aldi’s in West Philly – not mixed
use. 3.6 spaces per 1000 sq.ft.
9 stories with grocery –
subsidized by U of P
Specialized Markets
Big supermarket (Acme, ShopRite) does
not fit on the site and won’t come here
Smaller or specialized markets (Fresh
Grocer, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s) in
Philadelphia usually do not meet our retail
parking requirements
Smaller market alone is not feasible
Whole Foods in Spring Garden
2.5 cars per 1000 sq.ft.
Trader Joe’s on Market Street
Ratio: 2.9 spaces per 1000 sq.ft.
Traffic Controls
No drive through uses allowed
No access on Kelly Drive
Loading on site
No back up delivery trucks
Control: Kelly Drive
Buffer in 25 foot setback
A landscape design should be created
within the 25' setback between Kelly Drive
and any structure.- landscaped berm or
stormwater management
Control: build public streets
Widen Calumet for left turn onto Kelly
Widen Ridge for on street parking, with
turning lane for the am rush hour.
Widen road for stacking
25 foot set-back Landscaped buffer or berm
Kelly Drive
widen road for parking and a.m. turning
Height Variance – set back
For developers seeking a height or
building length variance above the overlay
Overlay: 25 foot minimum height and 35 foot
maximum height at the set-back line. One foot
higher allowed for every foot back with a Maximum
height shall continue to be 60 feet.
Any additional height should be concentrated
along the Ridge Avenue, Calumet Street frontages
or the new proposed western elevation.
Variations in cornice line are encouraged
When it is done right, it can work:
Lively storefronts and housing
Example: Variation in Cornice Line
Gateways and Architecture
 “The development should be considered
and designed as a gateway to the East
Falls Community. The corners of Kelly &
Calumet & Ridge offer exceptional
possibilities to express this idea and the
developer is encouraged to consider that
 “Use of high quality materials .”
Gateway architecture
includes variation in cornice line
Gateway with Cafe
Green Building
Incorporate green building techniques
Make it pedestrian friendly
Public space on Calumet Street to draw
people info the neighbhrood
Streetscape and signage according to
East Falls Reconnects to the Rver
Good ground floor uses
Next Steps
Proposals come in Oct. 3
Evaluated for basic compliance
Community meetings in October
Developer Selection by December