2015-2016 application form for george e. tubb memorial scholarship

Applications are Solicited for the TSRA George Tubb Memorial Scholarships For the 2015-2016
School Year at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
(Applications are due in the TSRA office by June 12, 2015)
Mr. George E. Tubb was dedicated to the promotion of the shooting sports. This Canadian, Texas,
rancher was the Texas “Ambassador to the Shooting World.” This native Texan and war hero served his
nation and the people of Texas with distinction. He was President of the Texas State Rifle Association,
a Director of the National Rifle Association, a Distinguished Rifleman, A High Master in High-power
Rifle, and a member of eight U.S. Palma teams that competed internationally. In addition, he was a
highly decorated World War II veteran. He was inducted into the Army from the Texas A&M Corps of
Cadets and was a battle-tested Infantry Company Commander at the age of twenty. He loved his family,
God, ranching, his country, and the shooting sports. George was a true American patriot. This
scholarship was established at the main Campus of Texas A&M University to memorialize George
Tubb’s contributions to the Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), the National Rifle Association, and
shooting sports worldwide. TSRA expects scholarship recipients to continue the Tubb tradition of
promoting the shooting sports.
Tubb Scholarship Criteria
 The successful applicant will be a US citizen and a Texas resident.
 The successful applicant will be enrolled as a full-time student OR have been accepted for
enrollment at the College Station campus of Texas A&M University and will maintain a 2.75
or higher GPA (4.0 basis) during the tenure of the scholarship.
 The successful applicant is encouraged, but not required, to be a member of the Corps of Cadets.
 The successful applicant will be an active competitive shooter, with a classification card issued
by the national or international sanctioning organization for that particular shooting discipline, or
be an active member of a university, state, national or international recognized shooting team
(examples –TSRA Junior rifle or pistol teams; TAMU rifle, pistol or shotgun teams). The
shooting discipline is NOT required to be an active team sport at Texas A&M University.
 The successful applicant will demonstrate financial need.
 The successful applicant will be active in other community activities.
 The successful applicant will have demonstrated superior personal qualities.
Application Form:
The George Tubb Memorial Scholarship application form is attached. Three or possibly four Tubb
scholarships will be available to be awarded ($1,000 fall semester and $1,000 spring semester) for 20152016. Current 2014-2015 Tubb Scholarship recipients will need to reapply.
Texas State Rifle Association
At Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
(Applicants must be full-time students attending or accepted for attendance at the TAMU main campus,
College Station, TX)
Please print or type the following information.
Applicant Information:
Full Name ________________________________________
Street Address _____________________________________
City _____________________________ State __________ Zip Code__________
Home Phone (____) _____________ Cell (____) _____________
Email Address ________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________ Social Security Number ______________________
Parent/Guardian information:
Father’s name _____________________________ Daytime Phone _____________
Mother’s name ____________________________ Daytime Phone ______________
Signature ____________________________________
(signature of Applicant; or parent or guardian if applicant is less than 18 years of age)
Documentation to submit with this application:
Letter demonstrating financial need, personal qualities and service/volunteer activities. The letter
will answer the question: “Why do I need and deserve the Tubb Scholarship”.
A brief, yet complete curriculum vitae to include transcripts, major or intended major,
classification at Texas A&M University (Freshman, Sophomore etc).
Summary of shooting discipline(s), classification, experience, team membership, and a copy of
classification card(s).
Three letters of reference, one of which must be from the applicant’s shooting coach or mentor,
the other two from non-relatives attesting to the applicant’s personal qualities and community
Photograph suitable for publication in the TSRA Sportsman.
Send one completed application form and support documents, letters, and photograph to the
Texas State Rifle Association to arrive by June 12, 2015.
Texas State Rifle Association
ATTN: Tubb Scholarship Application 2015-2016
8411 N Interstate Highway 35
Austin, TX 78753
Notification: The TSRA Scholarship Committee goal is to review, evaluate, select, and notify
applicants by July 1, 2015