Sustainability N' Stuff

N’ Stuff
Chandler Slavin
Dordan Manufacturing
Today’s Presentation
Context for business and sustainability
Dordan’s Sustainability Journey
Clamshell Recycling Initiative
Extended Producer
Responsibility/Voluntary Producer
Dordan’s Sustainability Efforts
Organic Garden
D200 Environmental Task Force
Contemporary Environmental
Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth
Increased reporting of natural disasters
Volatile global weather patterns, resulting in crop
Rising cost of natural resources i.e. fossil fuel
Increasing population
Irresponsible consumer disposal i.e. ocean debris;
irresponsible industrial disposal i.e. Gulf Coast “dead
Fear of chemicals and synthetic manufactured goods
Proliferation of environmental legislation
Dun dun dunnn!!!!!!
World Wild Life Fund estimates that current
demand for the Earth’s resources is 1.25
times what scientists believe our planet can
According to the Living Planet Index, on
September 25 of 2008 our resource use
surpassed what is sustainable.
But fear not!
Emergence of global dialogue around
World Business Council for Sustainable
Development U.S. Inc. (Vision 2050)
Sustainable sourcing certifications (fair
trade, “Bonsucro”)
GreenBlue (green construction, materials
and packaging)
The Sustainability Consortium (crossindustry coalition of CPGs and their supply
chains, NGOs, and academics)
Global Packaging Project (retail,
packaging/product relationship )
The most popular definition of
sustainability can be traced to a 1987 UN
conference. It defined sustainable
developments as those that "meet present
needs without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their needs”
(WECD, 1987).
Business and Sustainability?
“The Social Responsibility of Business is to
Increase its Profits” (Milton Friedman, New
York Times, 1970).
Emergence of Corporate Sustainability
Reporting (CSR); details actualization of
three “pillars” of sustainability i.e. social,
environmental, economic.
Widespread awareness that
environmental savings equate to
economic ones
CSR Motivations
Regulatory compliance i.e. Environmental
Packaging International
Risk management i.e. security of supply
Marketing i.e. “the Green consumer”
Reduce waste i.e. “zero-waste”
Increase recycled content
Reduce greenhouse gases i.e. Wal-Mart
Reduce water consumption
Increase use of renewable resources i.e. Coca
Cola’s PlantBottle™
Sustainability Coordinator?
Graduated DePaul University, 2009;
received degree in Ethics and Social Justice.
Offered “consultant” role at family company
Dordan Manufacturing researching
packaging and the environment.
Offered full-time job August, 2009.
Knew NOTHING about environmental
science but had a knack for technical
Dordan Manufacturing
3rd generation family-owned and operated
custom thermoformer of plastic clamshells,
blisters, trays and components for a variety
of industrial and consumer markets.
Packaging design and manufacturing firm,
based in Woodstock, IL; it spans over
50,000 square feet and has the capacity to
convert 75,000,000 pounds of plastic
Old Dordan, circa 1970
Package Design Rendering
Dordan’s First Sustainability
Joined the Sustainable Packaging Coalition;
the meetings laid the foundation for my
education in sustainability.
Introduced to “life cycle analysis” via
Environmental Profiles of Packaging
Materials, Technical Briefs; charted
environmental requirements of plastic vs.
paper vs. aluminum production for
conversion into packaging.
Life Cycle Analysis
A life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as
life-cycle analysis, cradle-to-grace analysis) is
a technique to asses environmental impacts
associated with all the stages of a product’s life
from cradle-to-grave i.e. from raw material
extraction through materials processing,
manufacture, distribution, use, and
Ex: Packaging life cycle
Benefit to LCA
Greater clarify on where materials come from
and how they are made.
Strengthens your position on selecting
materials/designs that align with sustainability
Identify hot spots for further investigation and
Identify opportunities for increased efficiency.
Reduce environmental impacts.
Respond to supply chain and consumer
LCA Tools
Guidelines—WRAP (Guide to Evolving
Packaging Design)
Packaging specific analytic tools—Wal-Mart
Packaging specific LCA based analytical
LCA software: “clean slate tools;” SimaPro,
Streamlined LCA software—Earthster,
Sustainable Minds
COMPASS case study
Tom Tom Objective
Reduce total packaging for GPS selling
Dordan Approach:
Redesign package to achieve a
lower product-to-package ratio
While in the redesign phase, Tom
Tom directed that the plastic
content be reduced by using a
0.015" RPET lid and 0.025" HIPS
tray for the GPS unit and
incorporating a paperboard carton
to house the tray, lid and
83% cost savings compared to previous
The old package consumed 198.14 grams of
plastic; the new package consumes 23.66
grams of plastic. This converts to an 88%
reduction in the weight of plastic consumed
for the package.*
*The integration of paperboard box resulted
in higher water, biotic and mineral
consumption and high aquatic toxicity.
Dordan’s Clamshell Recycling
2009—Discovered that thermoformed
packaging is not recycled in 60% or more
American communities; therefore, can’t be
considered “recyclable” as per FTC Green
While conceptually everything is recyclable,
only those types of package/material
combinations that are collected post
consumer, reprocessed and/or
remanufactured in the “substantial majority
of American communities” can be labeled
“recycled and/or recyclable” as per the
recently revised FTC Green Guides’
Power of Social Media
Winter 2009—Began a blog narrating dayby-day efforts to uncover the obstacles
keeping thermoformed packaging out of the
recovery infrastructure.
2010—Invited to serve as co-lead of WalMart Canada’s PET Subcommittee of the
Material Optimization Committee.
Introduced to EPR via “Stewardship
Extended Producer
A strategy to place a shared responsibility
for end-of-life product management on the
producers, and all entities involved in the
supply chain, instead of the general public
First implemented with the management of
electronic waste and vehicles, EPR now
extends to packaging: Today, over 30
countries mandate EPR legislation for
EPR Legislation?
Waste Management
Product Design
Refers to the funding of the recovery of
electronic and packaging waste
Refers to material restrictions and design
for recycling/reuse
Informational Requirements
Requires producers label the product,
user manual, and/or packaging to inform
the consumer of its end of life disposal
Voluntary Producer
Responsibility, Consumer
Estee Lauder’s “Bring Back to Mac”
Pepsi’s “Dream Machine”
Aveda’s in-store cap recycling program
TerraCycle’s Business Model
Partner with CPG’s to sponsor “brigades” i.e.
Capri-Sun brigade
For every package collected, volunteer
receives dollars towards charity of choice
Transport collected material to TerraCycle
facility where “upcycled” into branded
merchandise for resale i.e. Capri-Sun tote
TerraCycle Graffiti
TerraCycle Waiting Room
TerraCycle Office
Volunteer Producer
Industry Initiatives
PET bottle industry recycling program,
Tetra Pak’s recycling program, 2007
PET Thermoform recycling program, 2009
Initiative Recognition
Winter 2010—Published Recycling Report:
Truth about Blister/Clamshell Recycling in
America with Suggestions for the Industry.©
2010-2011—Published thought leadership
articles and presented Report© findings at
industry events.
Fall 2011—Awarded cover feature of Green
Manufacturer Magazine.
Progress in Thermoform
NAPCOR (2009): Conducted PET thermoform
reprocessing pilots.
 Adhesives
 Florescence
APR (2011): Issue bale specs for non-bottle rigids;
introduced new testing protocol for adhesives used
on thermoform labels.
SPI (July 2011): Propose grant for development of
model PET thermoform recycling facility.
RETAILERS (June 2011): Canadian grocers mandate
that thermoform containers transition to PET by 2012.
SPI (May 2012) award grant recipients for build-out of
PET thermoform recycling facility
Dordan Sustainability Efforts
Organic Garden—economic
D200 Environmental Task Force—social
Spring 2010—Dordan CEO announces goal
of Zero-Waste
Summer 2010—first waste audit
Fall 2010—second waste audit
Spring 2011—construct composter out of
post-industrial materials for Dordan food and
yard waste
Summer 2011—isolate corrugate to bale for
Organic Garden
Fall 2010—volunteer use of Dordan’s land to
local organics farmer.
Spring 2011—install irrigation system
utilizing rain-water run off.
Summer 2011—produce organics for closedloop economy between Woodstock farmers
and consumers.
Duke Alehouse & Kitchen
Farmer emily
Rain irrigation
The Plot
Spring 2011
Summer 2011
You and Sustainability?
Strong demand for sustainability
professionals in every facet of the
I literally created my job and continue to
develop projects based on industry insights;
must be self-motivated!
The youth are predisposed to be more
“environmentally savvy;” take advantage!
Entrepreneurship and
Sustainability, Ecovative Design
Business plan conceived by Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Seniors in 2008.
Students received support from RPI to test
out plan in the market; they received
governmental grants and latter investments
from 3M, RPI, and SealedAir to
commercially market their technology.
Material Science Innovation
“Grow” packaging materials and other products
out of agricultural waste, utilizing the biology of
mycelium to “bind” the substrates together.
Featured on TedX, Wired Magazine,
PlanetForward, How It’s Made, Pop Tech
Media, and more!
Received numerous sustainability awards,
 US EPA’s 2012 Environmental Quality Award
 Greener Package’s Innovator of the Year
 Dow’s Sustainability Honor
Cool shroom stuff!