Chapter 5 The Ankle and Lower Leg Clinical Anatomy VERY IMPORTANT! Pages 136-145 Bones and bony landmarks Articulations and ligamentous support Muscles Compartments Bursae Clinical Evaluation of the Ankle and Lower Leg Bi-lateral comparison Patient Positioning Interrelated to foot and knee Evaluation Map, page 146 History Location of pain (Table 5-2, page 147) Nature or type of pain Onset Injury Mechanism (Table 5-3, page 148) Changes in activity and conditioning Prior history of injury Inspection General Weight-bearing status Bilateral comparison Swelling Lateral Inspection Structures Peroneal muscle group Distal one third of fibula Lateral Malleolus (Figure 5-15, page 149) Inspection Anterior Appearance of anterior lower leg Contour of the malleoli Talus Sinus tarsi (Figure 5-16, page 149) Medial Structures Structures Medial malleoli Medial longitudinal arch Inspection Posterior Structures Gastrocnemius-soleus complex Achilles tendon Bursae Calcaneus Palpation Utilize textbook pages 150-154 Refer to list of Clinical Proficiencies Palpation of Pulses Posterior tibial artery Dorsalis pedis artery Range of Motion Testing Talocrural Joint Affected by muscular tightness, bony abnormalities, or soft tissue constraints 100 of dorsiflexion during walking 150 of dorsiflexion during running If DF is limited, the foot compensates by increasing pronation Table 5-4, page 154 Goniometry (Box 5-2, page 155) Active Range of Motion Plantarflexion 700 of motion Figure 5-17, page 155 Inversion and dorsiflexion and eversion 250 of motion Figure 5-18, page 155 Passive Range of Motion Plantarflexion and dorsiflexion Measured with knee flexed and extended Firm end-feel • Anterior capsule, deltoid lig, ATF lig (PF) • Achilles tendon (DF) Inversion and Eversion Stabilize lower leg End-feel • Inversion – firm (lateral ankle ligs, peroneals) • Eversion – hard (fibula striking calcaneus) or firm (medial jt capsule and musculature) Resistive Range of Motion Box 5-3, page 156 DF, PF, INV, EV Toe-raise test (figure 5-19, page 157) Tests for Ligamentous Stability Specific testing for joint play and specific ligament tenderness and pain Test for Anterior Talofibular Ligament Instability ATF prevents anterior translation of the talus relative to ankle mortis Combination of PF, INV, and SUP place strain on ATF Anterior Drawer Test Box 5-4, page 158 Test for Calcaneofibular Ligament Instability Talar Tilt test (inversion stress test) Box 5-5, page 159 Also stresses anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments Test for Deltoid Ligament Instability Talar Tilt test (eversion stress test) Box 5-6, page 160 Kleiger’s test (external rotational test) Box 5-7, page 161 Test for Ankle Syndesmosis Instability Overpressure at end of DF Ankle syndesmosis, anterior tibiofibular ligament, interosseous membrane, posterior tibiofibular ligament Talus is wedged into talocrural joint, causing separation between tibia and fibula Kleiger’s Test (external rotational test) Neurologic Testing Dysfunction can occur secondary to compartment syndrome or direct trauma Common peroneal nerve Table 5-5, page 162 Figure 5-20, page 162 Lower 16) quarter screening (Chapter 1, page Pathologies and Related Special Tests Ankle Sprains Most occur secondary to supination and cause trauma to the lateral ligament complex, due to calcaneal inversion Less commonly, the medial ankle ligaments and distal tibiofibular syndesmosis are sprained Trauma to capsule Lateral Ankle Sprains Open-packed vs closed-packed position Sudden forceful inversion; specific structures injured depends on talocrural joint position ATF ligament – most commonly sprained Calcaneofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments may also be injured Lateral Ankle Sprains Anatomic and physiologic predisposing conditions Prophylactic devices Re-incidence rates Loss of ligament’s ability to protect and support joint Decreased proprioceptive ability Lateral Ankle Sprains Evaluation Table 5-6, page 163 Additional trauma may be overlooked Medial structures, peroneals, achilles tendon, etc. Figure 5-21, page 164 Secondary Findings conditions Thickened connective tissue, bone bruises, blood accumulations, etc. Figure 5-22, page 164 Lateral Ankle Sprains Traction injuries to peroneal nerve Evaluating ankle sprains in adolescents Treatment Syndesmosis Sprains Only represent between 10% and 18% of all ankle sprains Associated with significantly increased amounts of time loss Excessive external rotation or forced dorsiflexion = talus placing pressure on fibula = spreading of syndesmosis Figure 5-23,page 165 Syndesmosis Sprains Factors contributing to occurrence Evaluation Findings Table 5-7, page 167 Squeeze Test Box 5-8, page 166 Maisonneuve Fracture Figure 5-24, page 167 Treatment Medial Ankle Sprains Eversion is limited by: Strength of deltoid ligament Mechanical advantage - longer lateral malleolus External rotation of talus in ankle mortis Medial longitudinal arch and syndesmosis may also be involved Medial Ankle Sprains Evaluation Table 5-8, page 168 Injuries Findings to surrounding structures “knock-off” fracture (Figure 5-25, page 168) Pott’s fracture Interarticluar trauma to talus and tibia