1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:37 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Joel Versace
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens– sgaspt@unf.edu
Quorum is established with 17 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Tordellino to approve the minutes from July 9. Second. No objections. Approved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Barrs to move SB-12SB-2622 to second read. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to move old business to after new business. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Kevin Fowler seeking general seat.
Student seeking associate justice position.
Student seeking a justice position.
Student Remarks
Guest Speakers
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi- sgasp@unf.edu
Final meeting of the summer. We have come a long way. Important to continue to progress. Proud of the development of all senators. Tonight there is a lot of business, so stay tentative.
Senate Committee Chair Reports a.
Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace – sgaesac@unf.edu
Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs – sgacsc@unf.edu
Had provision passed in committee. Constitutions have come in and will be passing them out soon. c.
Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones- sgasac@unf.edu
Thanks for the participations and support over the summer. Thank the 8 senators who conducted the surveys. Results:
510 students were surveyed. Majority of students were in favor of revamping the field. Majority of students in favor of seeing the grades from professors. d.
Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady sgabac@unf.edu
Fiscal request from committee tonight. e.
University Affairs Committee - Chairwoman Monica Bowman – sgauac@unf.edu
Last committee went over space committee and auxiliary oversight.
Space committee- student wellness center opens August 17. Osprey café active on August 17 as well. Greek housing picked a construction company, they are reliable. Can be done December 2013 but date is flexible.
Auxiliary oversight- Forward to get more experience, retired faculty can use the student wellness center as well.
Student Government Executive Reports a.
Attorney General – Joe Turner - sgaag@unf.edu
2 bills tonight. Title 6- put in statute that polls have to be open for 2 consecutive days and the act of campaigning in polling zone. Statutes of read changes are also being brought up.
Take a moment of silence for victims of shooting and for the death of Sally Ride. b.
Treasurer – Billy Namen - sgasbt@unf.edu
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Vice- President – Mike Naughton - sgavpres@unf.edu
2 Summer B events left this summer and week of welcome events start up on August 17 and end on August 26. Participate in blue and grey Wednesdays. Give back by participating or volunteering in these events.
Gives presentation on the branches of SG so everyone is aware of who is involved in this branches and what they do. d.
President – Carlo Fassi – sgapres@unf.edu
Recap on previous year’s initiatives- new shuttle stops. Representatives from Town Center mall are deliberating over the proposal of a shuttle stop. Blackboard mobile app available for more cell phones, now working on apple because icons were not compatible. $25,000 allocated to open up the library for longer hours starting in the fall. Wellness center opening August 17. Extended the game room, adding 3 ping pong tables. Those will be installed around August 10.
Going over this years initiatives- SunTrust ATM installed in Building 8. Students have been utilizing the free printing but have not reached the numbers we had hoped. Hope to get the word out with more advertising. Jags tickets will be sold again. Would like to know shirts or hats to give out? Shirts win for advertising for the selling of the tickets. Will be discussing intramural tennis coming. Have been gathering quotes for more on campus dining options. Will have more details on that at the first Senate meeting of the fall. Would like to dedicate a spot on campus for a military memorial.
There is a new campaign from the UF student body president and our student advocate has gotten involved in this. More information on this campaign will come. Orientations are done and would like to thank all the executive members who were involved in this. Tonight is Chief Justice Matt Yost’s last night and would like to thank him for his 3 years serving.
Also thank all the agencies during orientations as well because it wouldn’t have been the same without.
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each) a.
Volunteer Center - volunteercenter@unf.edu
Today our t-shirts came in for tie-dye at luau. Have an animal protection project. The Lend A Wing pantry needs your help. Please sign up if you are willing to take a shift. b.
Osprey Productions - opdir@unf.edu
Week of welcome need some help so encourage you all to get involved and volunteer. Tomorrow 12 -2 there is trivia in the boathouse. Tuesday in plaza there will be a guy doing airbrush t-shirts. On Friday of week of welcome need help for new event in the student union. Also need help at the comedy night on Saturday. Wednesday is the showing of the avengers. Saturday’s tailgate classic will be bringing together the campus and our athletics through music and lots of student participated activities. c.
Club Alliance - sgacluba@unf.edu
Currently processing all involvement. First general meeting is September 7. Two vacancies so if know any one interested, send our way.
Student Government Judicial Report a.
Chief Justice – Matthew Yost - sgajc@unf.edu
Last chance to speak in front of you all. But would like to say throughout past 3 years, have been able to do great things. Be here for the students and not for yourselves or for a resume builder. This is a great group. Wrote a future vision for the branch and would like to share with you as well. Never stop improving and the more you put into it, the more you will gain from it. All opportunities have been a blessing. Now it is yours to take advantage of. Have put a lot of time into training next in line Alex Goetz.
Pres. Varshovi- like to thank Yost for all his work and would like to announce a JR in his name.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to open up the agenda. Second. No objections. Opened.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add JR-12SB-2623. Second. No objections. Added.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to close the agenda for amendment. Second. No objections. Closed.
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve JR-12SB-2623. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- I have know Matt for a while and he always has a smile on his face and is so helpful. He has been an amazing role model.
Roll call vote.
Motion from Sen. Fountain for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. JR passes.
Judicial Confirmation Hearings a.
Chief Justice - Alex T. Goetz
Would like to first say that I express my gratitude for those who put me in this position. Thank Matt for all his guidance for the position. Have been learning the constitution, I am not taking the job lightly. It will be a smooth transition process.
Sen. Fountain- what is the most important quality for a chief justice to have?
I would say being fair with the students. You have to promote the whole student body and be unbiased.
Att. Gen. Turner- does not need to be confirmed according to constitution.
Alex Goets is sworn into office of Chief Justice.
Senate Appointments
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Dylan Farrell- a sophomore, sociology major. Interested in SG because I share a great passion for the students of this university. A few things I have done, I joined the swoop squad because of my passion for the students. With my major, I love helping people and benefitting them. Have learned the titles corresponding with the committees. Am learning and knowledgeable of some, but know there is so much to learn.
Sen. Bowman- What is one thing you like that you’ve seen and one thing you would like to improve?
I love how professionally things are done here. Would like to improve the overall of how the SG is upheld by the students and the community. Think to be successful need to be recognized by the community.
Fountain- Will you be running in the fall?
Yes I will.
Fountain- There are laws that hinder SG senators, can you name those two laws?
No I cannot.
Motion from Sen. Brady to confirm Farrell to general senate seat. Second. No objections. Discussion- Sen. Brady- although he did not know the laws, very few do and he came in here very prepared. Sen. Fountain- want to make sure appointees are involved before so they know what they are getting themselves into.
Electronic vote.
Motion passes 16-01.
Chief Justice Goets swears in Dylan Farrell.
Fiscal Requests from Committee a.
SB-12SB-2621: Executive Branch –Sen. Britt Stromquist
Exec branch is requesting funds to utilize the space in the SG office. SG is constantly growing, so this would be great to pass.
VP Naughton- we have grown exponentially. This request needs to be funded fully to use. Only asking $11,000 for an extra wall.
Sen. Fountain- Is this needed?
The office consists of confidential manners and a student would not feel comfortable without the wall being put there
Sen. Jones- when will this take place?
Goal is before fall semester.
Sen. Hebeishy- other space from osprey productions was renovated, what is that being used for?
Open space for other usage.
Motion from Sen. Stromquist to approve SB-12SB-2621 for $11,950. Second. No objections. Discussion- makes sense to use this money for this need.
Electronic vote.
Motion passes 17-01.
New Business a.
Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1 st Reading a.
SB-12SB-2622: Title V Revisions Act – Sen. Jerry Barrs
Advisor Delaney- this bill has not gone to second read and therefore there has not been given enough time to read over.
Sen. Barrs- reason for this was because this is the last senate of the semester and then we start back on a senate skipping a committee. This would put us in noncompliance.
Sen. Hebeishy- we are changing a lot and not giving the president enough time.
Sen. Barrs- we did not change too much. If you want to refer back, I encourage everyone to refer to the agenda.
Att. Gen. Turner– motion to refer to committee is just a majority. But is time sensitive and may want to do now.
Motion from Sen. Laundy to refer back to committee. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Fountain- unfortunate but did not follow the proper process. Either breaks a law or validates the process.
Sen. Brady- this was already changed on the agenda, think we should just do it now and go over the changes.
Elec. Vote.
Motion dies 7-11
Sen. Barrs may now continue with revisions act.
Sen Barrs- One problem we saw when looking back at this was did not describe authority. Chief Justice role was never detailed. Basically reordered it so it was more organized and flowed better. Process of agenda and giving the president due time. Puts the best person in the positions.
No questions.
Motion from Sen. Jones to approve SB-12SB-2622. Second. Objection- there is changes that need to be made before bill passes. Discussion: Sen. Brady- asks that you continue with the changes you would like to make. Sen.
Fountain- to strike majority approval to reduce redundancy and save space. Sen. Brady- think this needs to be
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
here to there is no confusion.
Take to an electronic vote.
Objection dies 13-05. No further discussion.
Role call vote on approval of SB-12SB-2622
Motion passes 17-01. b.
Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1 st Reading c.
Legislation considered for 2 nd Reading a.
SB-12SB-2619: Title XII Revisions – Sen. Megan Jones
Changing minimum of 4 senators for committee meetings because committee is small during summer and quorum wouldn’t have been met. All chairpersons changed to just chair. Adding in SAC. Changed grammatical errors. Clarify finals frenzy. Roundtables were a goal when I became SAC chair to get feedback from students about their concerns from elections and other issues. Have comment sheets so if they are in a rush to class they can just fill one out.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to restore up to 11 and strike a minimum of 4. Second. No objections. Discussion- Sen.
Hebeishy- for summer it says up to 11 and a minimum of 4 can hurt us in the fall. Summer senates are typically low. Sen. Barrs- Reason for setting a minimum was to prevent only having 2 senators in one committee. By putting a minimum it just explains what is needed to operate. Would like to see a minimum established so there is fairness. Sen. Hebeishy- why are 4 asked? I don’t see that as an equal representation. Sen. Jones- for voting purposes 4 is needed. Sen. Brady- 4 can be changed later but only having 2 or 3 over the summer is not as helpful.
Sen. Caudio- so if a committee does not get four senators, they are no longer active for the summer? Sen. Barrs- yes because if we have less than four we cannot function well. Two people do not represent the senate. Sen.
Caudio- so it would be better to not have the committee?
Sen. Hebeishy resends her motion.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve SB-12SB-2619. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Steven for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved and SB passes. b.
SB-12SB-2620: Print Media Revision – Sen. Anthony Stevens
Print limits to only the Spinnaker. Taking out “print” takes out the limitation. Can use Facebook, flyers, etc. and makes this more diverse.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve SB-12SB-2620. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Fountain for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. SB is passed.
Old Business a.
Tabled Legislation a.
SB-12SA-2598A: Title VI Elections and Appointments Act of Summer 2012 – Sen. Corey Amira
All that is in yellow are the recommendations from committee, still need changes before approval.
Change in the Table of Contents for better flow.
Act of campaigning- took out unsolicited manner.
Added deadline for act of declaration of intent.
Declaration of intent made more flexible and added candidate to clarify.
Took out made for appointees because it is repetitive.
Took out reject and change to disqualify.
Added or 2 hours for elections so if busy on one day of elections that wouldn’t hurt your absentee points.
Took out reuse campaign materials because no parties ever reclaim materials and therefore could use budget for other needs.
Added no active verbal campaigning to allow one to wear t-shirts in the polling area.
Added for 2 consecutive days instead of splitting up.
Added according to election time line.
Recommend motion to amend the bill to approve committee recommendation.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to amend SB to include the committee’s recommendations. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Fountain to under 3.5C, strike 2 and change to 4 and strike all after per. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Brady- not sure I see the point in this change, before it was more specific.
Att. Gen. Turner- asks to make a specific change to 2 hours but the new change leaves more open.
Motion from Sen. Fountain for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion form Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB-12SA-2598A as amended.
Sen. Brady- table of contents does not line up.
Sen. Hebeishy resends her motion.
Sen. Hebeishy- Joel had stated that the table of contents would be changed later on if approved.
Att. Gen. Turner- table of content will reflect the changes. Also like to bring up the voting materials about what to reuse. And a "‘s" needs to be added after president.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Discussion: Sen. Hebeishy- do not wish to approve without discussion
Sen. Hebeishy resends her motion.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to unstrike under 608.2A expenses. Second. Objection: Sen. Amira- this will change the money. Sen. Caudio- old materials are not the same price as new ones. Sen. Laundy- should be able to use. Sen.
Brady- all parties should have equal playing field even if some parties been around longer.
Sen. Versace- sorry for coming in late, I had exam. The total campaign cost is $16,500. Last elections with a total of
3,000 voters, parties came nowhere close to using this. Sen. Stevens- if not used, what is point to changing. Sen.
Versace- down the line this may helpful to new parties and would make the application process a lot simpler.
No further discussion.
Roll call vote.
Motion dies 7-11.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB as amended. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes and SB is adopted.
Announcements a.
The next Senate meeting will be held on August 20, the first day of classes. Has been a great summer working with you all!
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens – sgaspt@unf.edu
Quorum is reestablished with 18 voting members.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:39 pm.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution