Understanding Computers - CIT Computer Information Technology

Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 14th Edition
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Understanding Computers
Chapter Six: Application Software
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching
experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in brown that you see in
the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the
section, all Figures and Boxes found in the section, Teacher Tips, and Classroom Activities. Pay
special attention to teaching tips and activities geared towards quizzing your students,
enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint
Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
For your students:
Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your
students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to
http://coursecasts.course.com, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their
mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State
University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology
classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and
sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your
students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or
close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
Table of Contents
Chapter Objectives
The Basics of Application Software
Word Processing Concepts
Spreadsheet Concepts
Database Concepts
Presentation Graphics Concepts
Graphics and Multimedia Concepts
Other Types of Application Software
Glossary of Key Terms
End of Chapter Material
Chapter Quiz
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Chapter Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Six when they can:
Describe what application software is, the different types of ownership rights, and the
difference between installed and Web-based software.
Detail some concepts and commands that many software programs have in common.
Discuss word processing and explain what kinds of documents are created using this type
of program.
Explain the purpose of spreadsheet software and the kinds of documents created using
this type of program.
Identify some of the vocabulary used with database software and discuss the benefits of
using this type of program.
Describe what presentation graphics and electronic slide shows are and when they might
be used.
List some types of graphics and multimedia software that consumers use frequently.
Name several other types of application software programs and discuss what functions
they perform.
 Review the purpose of a software license and the different types of ownerships rights listed in
Figure 6-2
 Discuss the difference between commercial software, shareware, freeware, and public domain
 Explain that software for mobile computers and handheld PCs is often different from
software designed for desktop operating systems. Direct the students’ attention to the mobile
app examples shown in Figure 6-4.
 Explain that software can be installed or Web-based.
 Explain that the commands for many programs within a software suite are very similar and
point out the common document-handling commands shown in Figure 6-8. Explain how
shortcut keystrokes are performed and what each of the commands listed in the figure are
used for.
 Explain the concept of the Ribbon used in Office 2007/2010 and demonstrate editing and
 Mention that being able to obtain help when using a software program is important. Run
through some of the most common options (application-based help, textbooks or reference
books, Web-based help, etc.) If you have a PC connected to a computer projector,
demonstrate using the Help system for one program that students will be using in
conjunction with this course.
 Inside the Industry: Open Source Software (pg. 215)
 Ask the Expert: Greg Weir, Webmaster, Tucows (pg. 216)
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Trend: Mobile Group Apps (pg. 218)
Technology and You: Mobile Voice Search (pg. 220)
Ask the Expert: Cor Nouws, Founding Member and Volunteer Contributor, The Document
Foundation (pg. 224)
 Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, Figure 6-4, Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, Figure 6-7, Figure 6-8,
Figure 6-9, Figure 6-10, Figure 6-11
If you will be teaching a software suite in this course, remind the students which programs they will
be learning so they pay extra attention to those software programs as they are discussed in this
1. Class Discussion: If you have a computer with a projection device in the classroom, start the
word processing program that students will be using in conjunction with this class. Ask the
students to guess the functions of several of the toolbar buttons by looking at the icons.
Demonstrate how a toolbar button and its keyboard shortcut perform the exact same
command. Also demonstrate how to copy content from one document to another, and then
repeat the procedure, asking the students to tell you what steps to take in order to perform
the copy.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Software programs that are distributed on the honor system and can be legally and
ethically shared with others to try out the software are referred to as
______________________. (Answer: a)
a. shareware programs
b. commercial software
c. public domain software
2. True or False: Software purchased via the Internet is always in downloaded, not packaged,
form. (Answer: False)
3. A group of related software programs sold together as one unit is called a(n)
______________________. (Answer: software suite)
 Students will likely be familiar with word processing, but explain that when you use a
computer to do the kind of work that you normally do on a typewriter, you’re doing word
 Mention that Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect are two of the leading word processors.
Explain which word processor, if any, students will be learning in conjunction with this
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By either directing the students’ attention to Figure 6-12 or by displaying a word processing
program on a PC connected to a computer projection system, briefly point out the important
features of a word processing program. If you have not yet done so, explain the role of the
insertion point and word wrap and cover the basic editing and formatting operations.
Mention some other common features found in word processing programs, such as being able
to insert and modify graphics, tables, borders, colors, etc., and the ability to using templates
and create Web pages.
 How It Works: Windows Speech Recognition with Microsoft Word (pg. 226)
 Figure 6-12, Figure 6-13
1. Critical Thinking Activity: Ask your students to brainstorm about the advantages of using a
word processor instead of a traditional typewriter. Record the advantages on the board or
overhead. Once you have a list of about 10 or so advantages (using graphics, different font
faces and sizes, spell-checking, editing, ability to save and retrieve, etc.), go through the list
and ask the students’ opinion regarding whether each advantage is specific to word processing
or if it might be an advantage for another type of software program, as well. Help students
with those answers if they aren’t sure or think it’s a word processing-specific advantage, but it
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Changing the line spacing of a document is an example of which word processing feature?
(Answer: c)
a. word wrap
b. editing
c. formatting
2. True or False: Microsoft Word is an example of a word processing program. (Answer: True)
3. The feature that always keeps the proper amount of text on each line as you edit and
format a document is called ______________________. (Answer: word wrap)
 Students may not be as familiar with spreadsheet programs and when they are used compared
to word processing or other application programs. Explain that spreadsheet programs are
typically used for documents that contain numbers and computations.
 Stress that the ability to change numbers and have the spreadsheet automatically recalculate
all formulas that involve those numbers is a huge advantage over paper and pencil worksheets
or performing calculations by hand and typing them into a word processing program.
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Mention that the leading PC spreadsheet programs include Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, and
Corel Quattro Pro. If the students will be learning a spreadsheet program in conjunction with
this course, be sure to let them know which one.
By either directing the students’ attention to Figure 6-14 or by displaying a spreadsheet
program on a PC connected to a computer projection system, briefly point out the important
features of a spreadsheet program. Explain the concepts of rows, columns, cells, and ranges
(blocks) and the difference between labels, values, formulas, and functions. State that many
editing and formatting features are similar to word processing, but some formatting is applied
on a cell-by-cell basis.
Explain how formulas are written and that the cell addresses of the numbers that should be
included in the formula are used rather than the values themselves, so the formula will be
automatically recomputed if the numbers in those cells changed.
Briefly mention some other common features found in spreadsheets, such as being able to
create and insert charts, perform what-if analysis, and create Web page content and Web
 Figure 6-14, Figure 6-15, Figure 6-16, Figure 6-17
1. Class Discussion: Create a very small spreadsheet on the board or using the overhead
containing a few columns and rows, but no formulas yet (such as the cells in the range A1
through C5 in the left screen in Figure 6-17). Use column and row headings for where any
totals or other formulas should be located and ask students to write down the formula (not
the value returned by the formula) that belongs in each cell. Remind them to start with an
equal sign or other required formula indicator for the spreadsheet program being used in
conjunction with this course. If possible, create the same spreadsheet on a PC connected to an
overhead projection system and ask the students to read their formulas for each cell to create
the total or other formula cells. If students read an incorrect formula (such as forgetting the
equal sign), enter it as the students say and see if they can figure out how to correct it. When
the spreadsheet is completed, erase all the formula cells, reenter each formula one time and
show how much faster the spreadsheet can be created by copying the formulas.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following is the correct cell address for the top left cell of a spreadsheet?
(Answer: a)
a. A1
b. 1A
c. Z1
2. True or False: A label is a special type of named formula, such as SUM to add up a group of
cell values. (Answer: False)
3. A spreadsheet document created in a spreadsheet program is often called a(n)
______________________. (Answer: worksheet)
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3. Critical Thinking Activity: Using a PC connected to a computer projector, enter an improper
formula (such as =600+200 for cell D2 in the left screen in Figure 6-17) and verify that the
answer at the moment is correct. Next, change the value of one of the two cells (B2 or B3)
and see if the students can figure out what the error is. Next, copy a proper relative formula
to show that the cell references are adjusted as the formula is copied. Change one reference to
be absolute and copy the formula again. Can the students figure out what the purpose of an
absolute reference is? Discuss when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use absolute
references and the benefits of writing formulas correctly so they can be copied.
 Begin by using real life examples (a phone book or address book, for instance) to explain the
concept of a database—a collection of data that is stored and organized in a manner that
enables information to be retrieved as needed. Explain that database software is used to create
and use a database on a computer.
 Use Figure 6-18 to explain the concept of a fields (columns), records (rows), and tables.
 Mention that the most common type of PC database software is the relational database
management system. Common programs include Access, Paradox, and Approach. If you will
be covering Chapter 14 later in the course and/or teaching a database program in conjunction
with this course, inform students of this.
 If you have a PC with a computer projector attached, demonstrate creating a new table in a
database program. At first, many students have trouble with the concept that you don’t see a
database all the time, like a word processing or spreadsheet document. Stress the fact that the
data is there and is saved automatically, but they have to select an object to view it.
 Mention the other objects (forms, reports, queries, etc.) that they will encounter in the
course. Explain these objects, using the figures in the text as needed (Figure 6-21 for forms
and Figure 6-22 for queries).
 Mention that databases are used all the time for Web applications and this is discussed in
Chapter 14.
 Figure 6-18, Figure 6-19, Figure 6-20, Figure 6-21, Figure 6-22
1. Group Activity: Divide students into groups of two or three and ask each group to design a
small database that they could use for a personal phone list. Included should be each
person’s name, home phone number, and cell phone number. If desired, they can classify
each person as family, friend, business associate, etc. They should design a sample report
on paper to determine the fields needed and then create a table on paper illustrating the
field names and types, and list one sample record for the table. If time permits, have one
group share their report and table with the class using the board or an overhead. Did any
groups have a different design that they feel is better? If so, have other groups share the
differences and discuss them.
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2. Quick Quiz:
1. A single type of data to be included in a database (viewed as a column in a table) is called a
______________________. (Answer: b)
a. record
b. field
c. table
2. True or False: A query is request for information from a database. (Answer: True)
3. In a database, a record is also called a(n) ______________________. (Answer: row)
 Ask students if they have created presentation graphics or an electronic slide show for a class
or business presentation before. If so, ask students to share the program used and type of
graphics created. Did they find the program easy to use?
 Explain that presentation graphics can be created using a variety of programs, but most
commonly appear in electronic slide shows. One of the most widely used presentation
graphics program is PowerPoint.
 By either directing the students’ attention to Figure 6-24 or by displaying a presentation
graphics program on a PC connected to a computer projection system, briefly point out the
important features of PowerPoint or a similar program. Explain the concept of a slide and the
elements that can be included on a slide. Show students what a finished slide show looks like
(refer students to Figure 6-25, if needed) and mention some of the special features
(transitions, animation, templates, etc.) that can be used to create a presentation.
 Explain that PowerPoint presentations accompany many textbooks for classroom
presentations (if you are using the PowerPoint slides that accompany this textbook, remind
your students of that fact), and are commonly used in both school and business presentations.
Some slide shows are also available through the Web.
 Figure 6-23, Figure 6-24, Figure 6-25
1. Classroom Discussion: If you have a PC with a computer projection system available, open
one of the PowerPoint presentations that accompany this textbook in PowerPoint. Display
one slide and ask students to identify the different elements included on that slide. Run the
slide show. Are there any transitions or other special features included? If time permits,
quickly create a few slides, adding dummy text and graphics, and specifying transitions or
other animated effects. Run the slide show to show the students how those elements appear
in the final presentation.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following is NOT a presentation graphics program? (Answer: c)
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a. Apple Keynote
b. Microsoft PowerPoint
c. Microsoft Access
2. True or False: Each slide in a slide presentation can contain only one type of element, such
as text, an image, or a video clip. (Answer: False)
3. Dissolving one slide into another during a slide presentation is an example of a(n)
______________________. (Answer: transition)
 Briefly review the various types of graphics and multimedia software (refer students to
Figures 6-26 through 6-29 for some examples).
 Ask the Expert: Ben Bardens, Creative Director, Bark Animation Co. (pg. 241)
 Figure 6-26, Figure 6-27, Figure 6-28, Figure 6-29
1. Class Discussion: Ask students which multimedia programs they have used and which they
use regularly. Have they ever had a compatibility issue, such as creating a music CD or video
DVD on one computer and then not being able to play it on a DVD player or in another
computer? Ask students to share their experiences and recommendations.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following types of software typically creates images with mathematical
formulas so that images can be resized without losing quality? (Answer: b)
a. Painting programs
b. Drawing programs
c. Audio editing programs
2. True or False: Many media player programs can be used to create music CDs. (Answer:
3. Recording content on a CD or DVD disc is referred to as ______________________ the
disc. (Answer: burning)
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 Mention that there are many other types of application software designed for various
 Discuss the software programs listed in the chapter and shown in Figures 6-30 through 6-33.
Can students think of any types not mentioned in the chapter?
 Figure 6-30, Figure 6-31, Figure 6-32, Figure 6-33
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to share the types of application software programs they use on
a regular basis. How many are part of a software suite? What non-office-suite software do
students use for personal use? On the job? If the students could only use only one software
program for personal use for one month, which one would it be? If time permits, have
students write down the name or type of program they’d select on a piece of paper and pass
them to the front of the class. Make a tally to see which programs the students view as the
most crucial for their personal use. Share the results with the students. Are the results
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following types of software is often a component of personal productivity
software? (Answer: c)
a. Personal publishing software
b. Personal finance software
c. Note taking software
2. True or False: Desktop publishing is another name for word processing. (Answer: False)
3. A program that can be used to track the progress of a project is referred to as
______________________ software. (Answer: project management)
3. Critical Thinking Activity: The chapter discusses how media player programs can be used to
play CDs and downloaded music, as well as transfer music to CDs and digital music players.
This activity is currently viewed as a legal fair use application, provided the CD is not copyprotected or copying to another medium is not specifically prohibited. Ask students if they
have run across any CDs that cannot be copied or cannot be played in a computer CD drive.
Do they think preventing individuals from copying purchased CDs to make custom music
CDs is fair? Why or why not? This might be a good time to have an early discussion about the
problems the music industry claims to have regarding lost profits due to illegal sharing of
music and the recent use of digital rights management (DRM) software to control the usage of
digital music. Do the students agree that unauthorized sharing of music will hurt the music
industry's profits? Why or why not? Are there other alternatives beside copy-protecting
music CDs?
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Application software (213)
Software as a Service (SaaS) (218)
Cell (230)
Software license (213)
Cloudware (218)
Software suite (221)
Column (230, 234)
Spreadsheet (230)
Commercial software (214)
Spreadsheet software (230)
Constant value (231)
Table (235)
Database (234)
Web-based software (218)
Database software (234)
Word processing (225)
Editing (223)
Word processing software (225)
Electronic slide show (238)
Word wrap (227)
Field (234)
Workbook (230)
Formatting (224)
Worksheet (230)
Formula (231)
Freeware (216)
Function (231)
Graphics software (240)
Insertion point (223)
Installed software (218)
Keyboard shortcut (222)
Label (231)
Microsoft Office (221)
Open source software (214)
Presentation graphic (237)
Presentation graphics software (238)
Public domain software (217)
Record (234)
Ribbon (223)
Row (230, 234)
Shareware (216)
Slide (237)
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END OF CHAPTER MATERIAL (solutions for the Review Activities and Projects are located
in the Chapter 6 Solutions file)
Summary: Summarizes the main concepts of the chapter-by-chapter objective. Includes all bolded
key terms in the chapter.
Review Activities: Helps students test their knowledge of the chapter concepts. Includes the
 Key Term Matching. Includes 10 key terms from the chapter to match up with their
corresponding definitions.
 Self-Quiz. Includes five True/False and five Completion and/or Matching objective
questions. The answers to the Self-Quiz are included in the References and Resources
Guide at the end of the textbook.
 Exercises. Includes five Matching, Completion, and/or Short Answer questions.
 Discussion Question. Introduces a topic and some questions to start a class discussion
on that topic.
Projects: A total of six projects are included in the following seven categories. Projects that
require Internet access are marked with an Internet icon.
 Hot Topics. Includes a topic for students to research. Typically, they are asked to
submit a short summary of their findings.
 Short Answer/Research. Includes a topic for students to research. Typically, they are
asked to write a short summary of their findings.
 Hands On. Includes directions for a hands on activity that students need to perform.
Typically, they are asked to write a short summary of their experience.
 Ethics in Action. Includes a topic for students to research and form an opinion about.
Typically, they are asked to discuss their position in class, via an online class
discussion group, in a class chat room, or via a class blog, depending on the
instructor’s direction. They may also be asked to write a short paper expressing their
 Presentation/Demonstration. Provides students with a topic to research or an activity
to perform. They are asked to present their findings to the class in the form of a
presentation, as well as to submit a written summary, if instructed.
 Web Activities. Directs students to go to the Web site that accompanies this text and
work the Student Edition Labs and Crossword Puzzle; watch the Video Podcasts and
Online Videos associated with the chapter; and explore the Further Exploration links
and the Flashcards. They are also instructed to review the Online Study Guide, and
then test themselves with the Key Term Matching and Beat the Clock games, and
then taking the Interactive Quiz.
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Expert Insight On… Software: This special feature, beginning on page 252, shares the opinions and
perspective of Stephen Rose, Senior Community Manager for Windows Commercial OS, this
module’s Guest Expert from Microsoft, on software now and in the future.
Reproducible Chapter Quiz
The Chapter Quiz on the following page may be reproduced to distribute to your students for
additional homework or an in-class quiz.
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Instructor: ______________
Chapter Quiz
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow 14/e, Chapter 6
Instructions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1.
Individuals typically purchase Web-based software in packaged form.
T F 2.
Moving a paragraph from one place to another in a document is an example of an
editing operation.
T F 3.
B6 is an example of a spreadsheet function.
T F 4.
Tables, forms, queries, and reports are examples of database objects.
T F 5.
DVD authoring software can be used to create home DVD movies.
Multiple Choice
Instructions: Select the best answer for each question and write the corresponding letter in the blank at
the left of each question.
______ 6.
Which of the following types of software is not copyrighted?
a. commercial software c. shareware
e. Web-based software
b. freeware
d. public domain software
______ 7.
Times New Roman is an example of a ____.
a. font size
c. font style
b. table
d. footer
e. font face
Instructions: Select the term that best matches each of the following statements and write the
corresponding letter in the blank at the left of each statement (all terms will not be used).
a. word processing
b. project management
c. spreadsheet
d. media player
e. database
______ 8.
The most appropriate type of software for creating a budget.
______ 9.
The most appropriate type of software for playing an audio CD.
______ 10. The most appropriate type of software for creating a memo.
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