Introduction to Pediatric Psychology

Introduction to Pediatric
Gregg Selke, Ph.D.
November 14, 2006
PSY 4930
What is Pediatric Psychology?
Concerned with physical health and illness
of children and the relationship between
psychological/behavioral factors and
health, illness, and disease.
 “Pediatric Psychology” first coined in 1967
by Logan Wright, “dealing primarily with
children in a medical setting which is
nonpsychiatric in nature” (p. 323)
Roots of Pediatric Psychology
Pediatric Psychology
Clinical Child Psychology
Developmental Considerations
Importance of the family
Health Psychology
Interaction between health and
psychological functioning
Defining Features
Promotion of healthy behaviors
Prevention of problematic health
effects (e.g., unhealthy lifestyles,
behavioral patterns….overeating)
Goal: Target behaviors early in life or
early in the onset of a chronic medical
Clinical Activities: Settings
Inpatient medical units
– Consultation/liaison services
– Medical units such as hem/onc, burn, PICU
Medical outpatient clinics
– Private pediatric practices
– Clinics such as craniofacial, endocrinology
Outpatient psychology clinics
Clinical Activities: Settings
Specialty clinics
– Physical rehabilitation centers, Child study
Camps or groups
– Camps for children with chronic illness
Types of Issues
Problems related to pediatric conditions
– Adjustment to disease
– Adherence
– Coping with procedural pain
Mental health problems arising in medical
– Behavior problems while hospitalized (e.g.,
– Bereavement (Death and Dying issues)
– Reintegration into school after hospitalization
Types of Issues
General mental health concerns
 Programs for health promotion and early
– Programs to increase physical activity
– Early intervention with high-risk infants
Mental retardation and developmental
– Assess, train, and educate parents and
Education/consultation for physicians
 Public health and public policy
It Looks Physical, But is it?
The pediatric psychologist is often called
on by physicians to determine whether
psychological factors are contributing to or
causing a child problems
 DSM-IV diagnostic categories of:
– Somatization Disorders
– Conversion Disorders
– Psychological Factors Affecting Medical
– Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or
Early Childhood
Pica, Rumination Disorder, Feeding Disorder of
Infancy and Early Childhood
Somatization Disorder
History of many physical complaints that occur
over a period of years and result in treatment
being sought or significant impairment in
 Following symptoms have been displayed
Four pain symptoms
Two GI symptoms
One sexual symptom
One psuedoneurological symptom
Symptoms cannot be fully explained by known
medical condition or substance use.
 If medical condition is present, symptoms are
beyond that expected for condition.
Conversion Disorder
One or more symptoms or deficits affecting
voluntary, motor or sensory functions that
suggest a neurological or other general
medical condition (and causes distress or
 Psychological factors are judged to be associated
with the symptom or deficit because the initiation
or exacerbation of the symptoms or deficit is
preceded by conflicts or other stressors.
 Symptom not fully explained by a general medical
condition or substance or culture.
Psychological Factor Affecting
Medical Condition
A general medical condition is present.
 Psychological factors adversely affect the
medical condition in one of the following
– The factors have influenced the course of the
medical condition - as shown by a close
temporal relationship between psychological
factors and the development or exacerbation,
or delayed recovery from the condition.
Psychological Factors
Affecting Medical Condition
– The factors interfere with the treatment of
medical condition
– The factors cause additional health risks
– Stress-related physiological responses
precipitate or exacerbate symptoms of the
general medical condition
– Example:
 Depression and diabetes
 Needle phobia and diabetes
Diagnostic Criteria for 307.59 Feeding
Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
A. Feeding disturbance as manifested by
persistent failure to eat adequately with
significant failure to gain weight or significant
loss of weight over at least 1 month.
B. The disturbance is not due to an associated
gastrointestinal or other general medical
condition (e.g., esophageal reflux).
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by
another mental disorder (e.g., Rumination
Disorder) or by lack of available food.
D. The onset is before age 6 years.
Considerations in
Psychological/Medical Links
With some medical disorders it is difficult to
assess and find the real cause of the
symptoms you are being consulted about.
The fact that psychological factors are
found to exist does not necessarily
mean that they are causally related to
an existing medical symptoms
There is a difference between correlation and
Psych Problems Due to Medical
Depression, anxiety or other psychological
issues can result from dealing with chronic
illnesses or stressful medical conditions
– coping with disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis,
craniofacial disorders
– having to undergo painful treatments such as burn
These child may often benefit from therapy
 Parents of these children may also need help in
coping with these types of conditions in their
Things to Look For
Do psychologically relevant factors (eg.,
trauma, stress, life disruptions, etc.) precede
Do these factors exacerbate “medical”
Is it possible to find evidence for secondary
gain resulting from the “medical symptom” or
Be cautions of “as yet undiagnosed” medical
conditions that may really account for
Cases referred for evaluation often turn out to
have some sort of physical problem.
Case Examples
Adolescent who had nauseau,
dizziness, and collapsing “spells”
The girl who refused to eat
Case Examples
Role of Pediatric Psychologist
– Systematic Assessment of Antecedents
and Consequences (Reinforcement
– Determine effective/noneffective strategies
of treatment team and family
– Strategies: Contingent or differential social
attention, shaping and fading procedures,
positive reinforcement (verbal and tangible
– Liaison between PT, OT, Speech, and
Examples of Pediatric
Psychologists on UF Clinic
 Transplant
 Diabetes Clinic
 Craniofacial Clinic
Transplantation Evaluations
Pediatric psychologists work with children
being considered for transplantation
– bone marrow transplants, heart transplants,
lung transplants, kidney transplants
Determining whether the child/family is a
good candidate for a transplant
– Assessment of medical and psychosocial
issues that contribute to the overall decision
making process
– Contraindicating Factors?
Issues to Consider in PreTransplant Evaluation
Presence of major psychological issues in
child or parent that could compromise
maintenance of the transplant
Knowledge of what is involved in the
transplant process
Motivation for transplantation
Barriers to adherence—past behavior best
predicts future behavior
Stress and coping
Social support
Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic
Outpatient tertiary care clinic
 Psychologist serves as a consultant in a
multidisciplinary team
Pediatric endocrinologist
Nurses, nurse practitioners
Diabetes educators
Residents, fellows
Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic
Most patients have type 1 diabetes (but
also type 2 and other endocrine
 Physician refers patients for:
– Adjustment difficulties
– Poor functioning (academic, behavioral,
family, emotional)
– Poor adherence/diabetes control
Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic
Psychologist conducts brief assessments (1530 minutes) and provides feedback to the
family and physician
 Family feedback
– Referrals
– Behavioral recommendations
– Problem solving
Physician feedback
– Referrals
– Prognosis
– Treatment regimen change?
Peds Endo Consult
Information collected about:
– Diabetes care
– Emotional functioning
– Academic functioning
– Behavioral functioning
– Social functioning
Pediatric Endocrinology
Consult: Typical Issues
Poor adherence
Inappropriate level of responsibility for child
Overbearing parent
Arguing about the diabetes regimen
Poor understanding of diabetes regimen
Stressors/life events impact adherence
Emotional, Academic, Social,
Behavioral functioning
– Poor functioning related to diabetes care or
other issues
Craniofacial Clinic
Clinic for children with genetic craniofacial
– Cleft lip and/or palate
– Craniosynostosis
Premature fusion of the sutures of the skull
– Hemifacial
Malformation of the jaw, cheek and ear associated with
vertebral defects, with deformity of the external ear and
abnormal smallness of that half of the face.
Psychologist is a member of an
interdisciplinary team including:
– Physicians, general surgeons, plastic surgeons,
dentists, oral surgeons, nurse, social worker,
insurance representative, orthodontists
Craniofacial Clinic
Psychologist conducts a brief
assessment of every patient
 Issues assessed:
Medical issues
Social functioning
Academic, psychological, and behavioral
Recent Developments in
Pediatric Psychology
APA Division Status
– 2001: The Society of Pediatric Psychology
became Division 54 in APA
Differentiated from clinical child, clinical,
and health psychology
Made the field more recognized and viable
Led to collaborations with the American
Academy of Pediatrics
Current trends
Managed Care and Reimbursement
– Has negatively affected delivery of
– Many peds psych services are not
covered by insurance:
 Pain management
 Interventions to increase
 Work on multidisciplinary teams
Response to Managed Care
Medical Cost Offset Research
– “The cost of pediatric psychology
services would be ‘offset’ by savings
in medical expedenditures” (Roberts,
Mitchell, & McNeal, 2003, p. 14)
 This research is somewhat controversial
Major Developments
Place of Employment
Primary Care
– Pediatric psychologists are moving
away from university-based hospitals
– Focusing more on primary care
intervention and prevention activities