agenda - ASCCC

ASCCC Curriculum Committee
August 29, 2014
ASCCC Office
1. Introductions – Michelle Grimes-Hillman, Rich Cameron (Cerritos), Kathleen
Rose (Gavilan) - CIO rep, Ginny May (Sac City), James Todd (Modesto), Terrie
Hawthorne (Moreno Valley), Sofia Ramirez (Allan Hancock), Cheryl Aschenbach
2. Meeting Schedule: All meetings are CCCConfer and will be from 7:30AM9:00AM unless otherwise specified
September 5, 2014
September 19, 2014
October 3, 2014
October 31, 2014
December 5, 2014
December 12, 2014
January 30, 2015 FTF (south Location)
February 20, 2015
March 13, 2015
April 3, 2015
May 1, 2015
June 5, 2015
June 26 FTF (location TBD)
3. Committee Charge
The Curriculum Committee is charged to make recommendations to the Executive
Committee on issues related to the development, review, and implementation of
curriculum both at the college and state level. The committee distributes
information through institutes, the website, and listservs, as well as senate
publications. Under the direction of the president, the chair and/or members of the
Curriculum Committee provide technical assistance to local college curriculum
committees, academic senates, and the faculty in general.
4. Travel, Reimbursement, and Participation Members were asked to check for email
from Felipe @ Senate office about travel links, policies, forms, etc.
5. Important Dates
a. Curriculum Regionals: October 17-18
North: Sacramento (at a Los Rios college TBD)
South: TBD
Chancellor’s office may partner with us to work with Curriculum
specialists alongside our Curriculum regional meetings
b. Fall Plenary: November 13-15, 2014 (Irvine)
Calling all voices – fall plenary theme
ASCCC Executive Committee is really trying to include equity ideals
throughout the year. Exec had their equity training, so there is a renewed
commitment to being as inclusive as possible.
c. CTE Curriculum Academy: (January 15-16, 2015 in Sacramento)
New – never done before! 1-day, possibly 2, with focus on sector
navigators (Econ. Develop division & Chancellor’s office-about 80 of
them), CTE faculty and curriculum chairs. The navigators’ job is to go to
industry and then help inform the faculty for curriculum changes, but
navigators may not understand how to help faculty develop curriculum
using our processes.
CCCAOE (Admin statewide organization-occupational education)
leadership training is Jan 15, so sector navigators will get that training on
one day and then get our training on the second day. Expecting possibility
of 150 people. Will be working with the ASCCC CTE leadership team.
We would help facilitate basic level curriculum training. Can be
considered a prep or preview for the curriculum institute.
d. Spring Plenary: April 9-11, 2015 (SFO Westin)
e. Curriculum Institute: July 9-11, 2015 (Anaheim)
Will need to start planning now. Look at last year’s program for ideas for
strands. Also start thinking about themes.
FYI Change of funding next year for college and career prep (as part of
budget language) – it may be time to start considering basic skills as noncredit. Curriculum institute could be a place for some of those
6. Curriculum Regionals – Location TBD
a. Date: October 17-18
North will be in the Los Rios District (Friday)
South TBD (Saturday)
b. Agenda planning
Members discussed draft agenda for Curriculum Regionals.
Besides including the Chancellor’s office specialists, the ASCCC Online
Ed committee may also want to participate.
Members agreed in a joint general session for all and individual afternoon
session for curriculum specials and curriculum chairs.
c. MGH will meet with the Online Ed chair and discuss needs and will draft
an agenda for review
d. Members identified several hot topics for curriculum chairs
i. CB21
ii. Disproportionate impact as part of local curriculum review
iii. Pre-requisites
CTE stuff
7. Fall Plenary Breakouts and Resolution Planning
a. Update the Curriculum Reference doc to include new changes (examples
may include prereq, repeatability, objectives and outcomes information).
Current document is from 2008 and in need of updating, but need a new
fall resolution. Ginny will work on it.
b. Local stand-alone course approval. We might want a resolution urging
Chancellor’s Office to go back to legislators to allow us to have local
stand alone course approval. Or, via resolution we may suggest additional
guidelines we want to the Chancellor’s Office to implement in regards to
stand alone course approval. Most likely a resolution; probably not needed
as a breakout unless as part of hot topics. Sofia will get this one started.
c. General Education issues. Perhaps a resolution that we support students
having GE pattern options for non-ADTs; reasserting local authority for
our GE patterns. Cheryl and Terrie will get started on this. For the
moment, this looks like is only a resolution and not a breakout session.
d. AB 86 and credit/non-credit curricular implications (with non credit
committee). There may not be enough information for AB86 yet, but the
non-credit committee may have more specifics that they’re ready to share
and could be helpful
e. Alternates to Math and English requirements. When minimum
ENGL/MATH requirements were changed, there was a promise made that
alternatives would be provided especially to help with CTE students.
There are questions about whether we as a senate ever had the discussions
about alternatives. Do we as individual campuses have alternatives, or do
we know of others that do? A breakout to explore the additional
alternatives and gather information that could later be turned into a
Rostrum article or a resolution.
f. CID/ADT/COT for non-transfer – one of our breakouts or a separate
breakout? If not a lot, could be part of curriculum hot topics. Or, explore
new directions for C-ID like CTE model curriculum, CB21 course
descriptors, etc.
g. Hot topics in Curriculum – very helpful to get a quick overview of
curriculum topics in one breakout session.
8. Resolution Sheet Update
Spreadsheet is a collection of resolutions that have been assigned to a committee.
Need to be prioritized in order to decide what to work on this year. Members
reviewed resolutions any several recommendations.
a. S13 9.01 Investigate Regional Coordination of Course Offerings –
Members think a survey to find out about current collaborations (James
will draft over next couple of meetings, needs to be approved by Exec,
intended audience could be CIOs and senate Presidents).
b. F13 15.01 Explore Potential Impacts of Endorsing LEAP General
Education Outcomes – Members agreed that this resolution is better
served by Accreditation and Assessment than curriculum committee
c. S12 9.02 Local Implementation of C-ID
Members agree this resolution is completed with resources
available for AOs and website
d. S12 9.03 Implementing Prerequisites for Enhancing Student Success
– Members agree that this resolution is almost completed. However,
members would like to ensure that disproportional impact is discussed in
light of Equity Plans and SSSP Plans.
e. S12 9.06 Transfer Model Curriculum Aligned Associate Degrees for
Transfer Members suggest that ICW present data to field
f. S12 11.01 Creation of Distance Education Effective Practices
Resource – deferred to Online Ed committee
g. F12 9.04 Ensuring Availability of Major Preparation
Members agree that this is an ongoing task and that a Rostrum might
complete thee resolution.
h. F11 6.01 General Fund Dollar Support for Community Service
SACC is working on addressing all of this. Draft guidelines should be out
in fall.
i. F11 9.01 Encourage Local Flexibility and Innovation in Revision of
Basic Skills Delivery Members agree this is completed
j. F11 9.02 Defining Credit and Noncredit Basic Skills and Basic Skills
Apportionment Members agree this resolution should be handled by the
noncredit committee
k. S11 9.05 Local Senate Oversight of All College Offerings Members
recommend a Rostrum article to address strategies
l. F11 13.04 Course Development and Enrollment Management
Possible Rostrum or paper. Sophia and Terrie will to draft an outline for
future meeting
m. S11 15.01 Reciprocity for TMC Courses in Associate Degrees for
Completed. TMC reciprocity policy on the C-ID website and the policy
will be reiterated in the ADT paper. We have mentioned reciprocity in our
presentations and Rostrum articles.
i. S11 18.04 Academic Credit for Veterans and Military Service
Members agree this is Completed - Rostrum article (2012)
completed as well as breakouts, and addressed in paper (2014)
9. Curriculum website review
a. It would be useful to have someone go through the ASCCC Curriculum
website to see what’s wrong, missing, in need of updating, etc. Rich will
get started on this although we all should be working on it. Bring lists of
issues back to a future meeting.
10. Summary
Adjourned at 2:30pm