BU R&D Form No. 3 Republic of the Philippines BICOL UNIVERSITY Legazpi City QUARTERLY R&D MONITORING & EVALUATION FORM For the quarter July-September, 2011 Program/ Project/ Study/ Title: Design and Establishment of the Electrical Distribution System/Load Center with Direct Connection to National Grid Corporation of the Philippines in Bicol University Main Campus. College/ Unit: BU Research and Development Center/College of Engineering OBJECTIVES OUTPUT INDICATOR TARGETS Work Activity Time Frame ACCOMPLISHMENTS Work Activity Time Frame Study 1: 1.) Determine the existing electrical equipment and devices (ex. Size of wires, type of connection, and type of electrical devices) of the Bicol University Main Campus. * Status of existing electrical equipments and devices. 2.) To find out if each building in the Main Campus complies with standards based on Philippine Electrical Code Latest Edition (2009). DOCUMENT NO.: BU-F-RDC-03 REVISION NO.: 0 *Inventory of electrical equipment and devices. Status of Compliance of the electrical system in each building at BU Main Campus. REVISION DATE: EFFECTIVITY DATE: February 2009 REMARKS Study 2: 1.) Determine the existing KVA installed capacity of transformers at the BU Main Campus and to determine the buildings supplied by each transformer. *Analysis of installed transformer at the BU Main Campus. 2.) Determine the peak load for each building at the Main Campus. *List of KVA installed capacity of the existing transformers and the buildings connected to it. *Tabulation of the peak load for each building in the Main Campus. July to September 2011 *Sent and followed up letters to concerned offices requesting for survey on the building/s. *July to September, 2011 *Conducted energy Audit on BU-Admin Bldg. Measured ampere rating on the Service entrance. DOCUMENT NO.: BU-F-RDC-03 REVISION NO.: 0 REVISION DATE: EFFECTIVITY DATE: February 2009 *Conducted energy audit on BUCAL. Measured ampere rating on the service entrance. 3.) Determine if BU Main Campus can comply with all the requirements of NGCP for direct connection. *List of requirements for direct connection to NGCP *Conducted ocular inspection on BU Admin. Bldg. and BURDC. Photographed the electrical setting and installations of the service entrance. July to September, 2011 *Conducted ocular inspection on BUCAL and BUCS. Photographed the electrical setting and installation of the service entrance and main distribution panel. Prepared by: Noted: Engr. Fernan D. Dematera Project Leader Engr. Arturo C. Gesmundo Program Leader DOCUMENT NO.: BU-F-RDC-03 REVISION NO.: 0 Engr. Melvin B. Ballares College/ Unit Research Coordinator Arnulfo M. Mascariňas, Ph.D. Dean/ Director REVISION DATE: EFFECTIVITY DATE: February 2009