Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements
James Kuhn
Will lexical and semantic evaluation of every biblical
term relating to “magic,” comparison and contrast to
the convergence of prescribed and proscribed
behavior during cardinal biblical events, and logical
deduction produce a general definition for the
concept of magic, or must the term necessarily
remain defined by more specific terms?
Jana M. Swartwood
Does a fundamentally Jewish sub-meaning,
informed by Isaiah 47 and other relevant
texts, underlie the “Harlot” Interlude of
Revelation 17-18?
May S. Manning
The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether
the theological construct of ‘union’ or ‘identification’
with Christ and its relation to the work of the Spirit is
the context in which one must place Romans 8:14-17.
If so, this background would form a proper framework
for understanding the passage, infusing meaning into
its theological concepts. It would also result in
important implications in the life of the believer. This
study seeks to ascertain the nature of these meanings
and implications if the first part of
the thesis holds to be true.
Nicholaus John Berens
The purpose of this thesis is to present
how the Regula Fidei, or Rule of Faith, was
used by Irenaeus to refute Gnostic idea of
secret revelation.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the
Lucan theme of “bearing fruits worthy of
Repentance,” with special regard to the account
of Zacchaeus, in order to show that repentance
is inseparably attached to restitution in Lucan
The purpose of this thesis is to define the
religious influence of Jezebel and her daughter,
Athaliah, on the Israelite religion, in order to
determine the extent of Baal Melqart worship
and child sacrifice in Israel.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate all
the phenomena and incomprehensiveness of the
theophany at Sinai, in order to confirm that the
heart of God in this event is God’s seeking
intimate relationship with human beings.
Joy L. Ames
The purpose of this thesis is to present Paul’s
theology of the cross given to the Corinthian
Church by exegeting 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 and 2
Corinthians 5:16-21, in order to understand how
Paul presents the message of the cross as the
paramount solution to the decisive issues in the
Corinthian Church and as relevant to the decisive
issues in the Church today.
Dennis E. Pendergast
This thesis is to give the results of an in-depth
exegetical study of Isaiah 52:13-53:12, in order
to provide the data necessary to compare and
contrast the opinions presented by scholars
and ministers concerning the place of divine
healing in the atonement of Christ.
Stephen Gary Zarlengo
The purpose of this thesis is to look into the
ascetic spirituality involved in movements, such as
Monasticism, through a historical study of the
origins of monastic lifestyles and beliefs within the
Christian Church, and compare them to present
offshoots, in order to determine whether ascetic
spirituality is a necessary ingredient for living a
righteous lifestyle.
Mike Folmer
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the meaning
of the “Son of Man” phrase within the Hebrew
Scriptures, the Jewish Apocalyptic Literature,
and the Gospels, in order to illustrate its importance
within the Christian Faith, while exploring the
phenomenon of its virtual disappearance after the
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Ruth Chang Whiteford
The purpose of this thesis is twofold: first, to critically
analyze Nehemiah 5:1-13, with regards to its
relevance to deuteronomic and levitical lending laws,
to determine its original interpretation; and, second,
to compare and contrast the Nehemiah passage with
Hillel’s enactment of prosbul, in order to determine its
hermeneutical relevance for the 21st century.
Marlene Mankins
Although the Lord’s Prayer is one of the most wellknown prayers in the Christian world, all too often
its words are merely recited, while the greater depth
of their meaning remains unexplored. This thesis will
examine the Lord’s Prayer in light of the context of
Old Testament prayer and Jewish liturgical prayer of the
Second Temple Period, in order to penetrate and
illuminate the purpose and significance of Jesus’ teaching
on this prayer, and to apply it to individual and
corporate prayer today.
Lawrence Matthew McElroy
The purpose of this thesis is to examine
Paul’s usage of the phrase “works of the
Law” in Romans 3:21-31, in order to
determine the role of Mosaic Law in the
life of the believer in Christ.
Jordan Renae Olsen
The purpose of this thesis is to study the term
“sanctification” in the Old and New Testament and to study
Paul’s thought on sanctification through an exegetical study
of Galatians 5:16-26 that will determine the historical
development of sanctification, in order to practically apply
sanctification in the Contemporary Church. Sanctification is
an important concept of Paul and plays an important part
in the Christian life. How it is to be understood in the
contemporary world is best informed by an exegetical
study of Galatians 5:16-26.
Alvin Ray Propst Jr.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the
phrase “fear of the LORD,” in relation to the
“knowledge of God,” by examining Proverbs 2 and
other key texts, and by making observations from
other Northeastern Semitic languages and some
New Testament passages for insight into its
semantic range. This concept is central in both
Judaism and Christianity, for its role in instilling
obedience, covenant loyalty, and intimate
knowledge of God.
Richard Warren Hannon
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the
theme of the poor and oppressed in the
Gospel of Luke, in order to understand the
author’s sources, theological emphases, and
message for the Church today with respect to
that same group of people.
Assif Reid
Based on his Hebraic/Greek background,
Paul uses the Greek word hilasterion, in
Romans 3:25, to convey to his readers
that Christ’s death was both expiation
and propitiation.
Johan Winbo
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the
development of exorcism in the writings of
Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, in order to
understand how the Church of the Second
Century created the teaching on demonology.
David K. Hebert
Was the Rapture of the Church taught
as an orthodox belief of the Early
Church or did it just recently arise out
of the teaching of Dispensationalism
around 1830.