805 Lion Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29175
704-726 -8520 Cell 1
803-804-7804 Cell 2
Accomplished Project Manager and Business Analyst
 Full SDLC lifecycle Waterfall and Agile technology development and implementation project management
methodology experience as program manager and scrum master; Develop storyboards, process flows,
dashboards, product backlogs, task plans, cost assessments and resource management including project
financials, multi generation program management, release and sprint plan management, burn down charts,
sprint reviews and retrospectives, service level agreement development and maintenance. Expert at
translating strategies into collaboration, developing specific goals and deliverables, and scope management.
 Requirements and Design Analysis: direct liaison with senior management and business partners, work with
change management, lead meetings and JAD sessions, perform data and gap analysis, and impact
assessments; Functional Specifications: work with technology to create architecture and process flow
diagrams – to develop conceptual and logical models, prototypes, mock-ups and pilots as well as use and test
 End to End Testing: Testing plans and execution of unit test, regression test, system integration test, and user
acceptance tests as well as defects and issues management. Tie in test results with continuous work flow in
the project management tools.
 Comprehensive release management process: close out DEV environment; SIT drop deployment and end to
end regression testing; UAT drop deployment, user test management and certification; PROD deployment and
production environment user certification management.
 Manage enterprise level projects through cross divisional coordination, communication, subject matter
expertise negotiation and influence. Coach and groom developers, QA analysts, BA’s, technology leads and
management, change managers and business partners and management.
Extensive Experience in Business and Technology
 Experienced in implementation and integration of systems that facilitate securities sales, trading, investment
management and data management capabilities. Trade, settlements and operations support, performance
measurement, P&L and financial analysis, accounting, data analysis, data mining, full trade cycle operations,
and reconciliation experience. Comprehensive understanding of the capital markets, wealth and investment
management products.
 Direct front office liaison experience with traders, sales representatives, financial analysts, and portfolio
managers, and senior management while partnering with the middle office operations and back office
 Experienced in buy side investment and wealth management trade process cycle. Perform valuation, portfolio,
benchmark and attribution analysis and reporting. Support equity, fixed income, derivative, mutual fund,
hedge fund and managed fund products.
 Experienced in sell side broker dealer fixed income offering and trade management. Full trade cycle sell side
ECN execution from offerings and trade reconciliations.
 Additional industry experience include: Enterprise credit risk management and compliance experiences with
risk - reward analysis, Basel II, SOX, and AML. Pension - defined benefit, defined contribution, variable
annuities, mutual funds, separate accounts. Mortgage servicing data analysis and reporting. Enterprise data
quality analysis, processes and marketing.
 BA: Computer Science - New York University, NYC
 MBA: Finance - Baruch College, NYC
Bank of America, Charlotte, NC
Enterprise Credit and Quantitative Risk Technology - Capital Markets
June 2012 – Current: Vice President, Project Manager
Agile Program Manager and Scrum Master for the Top of the House Data – The ASPEN initiatives.
 Manage programs of multiple work stream technology project teams to iteratively develop enterprise level risk
– reward portfolio management solutions for the bank for the near and long term goals.
 Facilitate and coach work stream project team with daily scrum meetings, iteration retrospectives, preplanning and planning sessions.
 Work with the change management and service delivery managers to form epic and release plans for multigenerational programs.
 Run weekly scrum of scrums meetings to regroup and retrospect, brain storm new ideas and procedures, and
document lessons learned.
 Provide weekly and periodic project metrics and management four blocker reports.
 Manage project financials including resource and infrastructure management.
 Manage PMO staff and contractors.
Quantitative Risk Technology - Capital Markets
Feb 2011 – May 2012: Vice President, Project Manager
Agile Program Manager and Scrum Master for the Enterprise Assess Aggregation and C4 initiatives.
 Manage programs of multiple work stream technology project teams to iteratively develop enterprise level risk
– reward portfolio management solutions for the bank for the near and long term goals.
 Facilitate and coach work stream project team with daily scrum meetings, iteration retrospectives, preplanning and planning sessions.
 Work with the change management and service delivery managers to form epic and release plans for multigenerational programs.
 Run weekly scrum of scrums meetings to regroup and retrospect, brain storm new ideas and procedures, and
document lessons learned.
 Provide weekly and periodic project metrics and management four blocker reports.
 Manage project financials including resource and infrastructure management.
 Manage PMO staff and contractors.
HLI Information Facilitation Group
June 2010 – Feb 2011: Vice President, Project Manager
Agile Program Manager for reporting and data analysis projects for the Home Loans initiatives.
 Manage project teams to develop and deliver mortgage servicing tools for metrics, analysis and reporting
functions. Built the “Command Center” application tools provide senior management level dashboard and
metrics reporting capabilities that serves as the decision making tools for the mortgage servicing teams of the
EIM MDE Data Quality
February 2010 – June 2010: Project Manager and Senior Technology Consultant - Contractor
Agile Program Manager for the data quality service projects for the Enterprise Data Quality division.
 Led the Data Quality Center of Excellence team of an enterprise solutions group to develop standardized data
quality processes for financial and party data throughout the bank. BASEL II and AML data elements used as
templates for enterprise wide key business elements (KBE).
Developed marketing strategies to promote our data quality services throughout the enterprise. Set up training
decks and programs. Performed demo sessions and lead team training.
Basel - Credit Risk Management
September 2006 - July 2008: Vice President, Project Manager
Working in matrix reporting teams - provided data quality, data mining, analysis, scrubbing, augmentation, and
reporting services. Contributed to the business and technology with subject matter expertise to ensure successful
project final product delivery and implementation.
Serve as a Change Manager for the Basel II Program - led weekly change control meeting to review and approve
change requests. Reviewed change requests and remedied discrepancies with the project managers and
development teams. Executed audits of the change controls submitted and processed through the Clarity project
management system. Carried out due diligence of audit discrepancies through reconciliation and remedy
methodologies. Produced project statistics, governance and milestones reports for the program.
Business analyst role with the Risk Management Program Management team to solicit, document, and prioritize
business requirements while partnering with the technology team to develop and document functional
specifications and design documentation. Full business solutions Waterfall and Agile software development lifecycle
methodologies with Sig Sigma. Partnered with Development and QA teams to plan, analyze, develop, test and
document system development projects. Identified, escalated, and resolved numerous project issues and progress
road blocks for the team.
 Developed and implemented management and reporting tools for the Change Management area of the Basel
II program.
 Designed the system architecture and developed the prototype for the enterprise wide Basel II requirements
traceability system.
 Performed technical analysis work, developed and implemented the ETL processes for Regulatory Reporting
Group. Re-engineered a regulatory reporting data gathering process to perform direct sourcing of risk
information from the “W” data warehouse into the Reg Reporter system.
Wells Fargo Securities – Broker Dealer Core Trading Services, Charlotte, NC
June 2009 – February 2010: Project Manager and Sr. Consultant - Contractor
Project Manager and Technical Analyst for the sell side fixed income trading and sales technology teams during the
Wachovia broker dealer merger effort with Wells Fargo.
 Facilitated meetings, interview, administer and elicit business and functional requirements with the
stakeholders, front office, middle office and technology.
 Developed support documents including business requirements, use cases, functional specifications, flow
diagrams, high level and low level designs, data and gap analysis, and testing documents.
 Performed successful integration and merger of offering, trading, accounting and compliance systems.
 Instituted proactive responsibility in working diligently with the front office, the middle office, and the
developers to ensure that all major development issues in the merger of the institutional and middle market
sales and trading data and systems are discovered, tracked and implemented successfully.
 Determined and examined all essential merger related business and functional requirements to draft the
management directed single point Functional Requirements Document.
 Produced comprehensive process flow diagrams for the legacy Wachovia and Wells Fargo pre-merger and
Wells Fargo post-merger trading and sales. The process flow diagram covers complex data and system
integration details for the trading and sales ECNs with (Wachovia) FISTS, Trace, Phase 3 and downstream
portfolio management and accounting systems. ECNs include: (Wachovia) Trading System, Bloomberg TOMS,
BondDesk, MarketAxess, TradeWeb, BrokerTec, eSpeed, NAPA, Ideal, Galaxy, (Wachovia) MATS and SOM.
 Assembled the essential business and functional requirements, process flow diagrams and use cases while
meeting with the business and technology stakeholders and the developers to contrive the functional
specifications document for the institutional and middle market broker dealer consolidation. Two main broker
dealer consolidation functional specs focused on (1) ECN integration with FISTS and Phase 3, and (2) Sales
Order Management System with (Wachovia) FISTS.
 Developed the broker dealer consolidation implementation testing documentation in conjunction with the QA
team. Testing Document implements the traceability matrix functionality to the Broker Dealer Consolidation
Functional Requirements Document and the QA test cases.
 Integrated Legacy Wells West side Core Sales and Trading Services.
 Bloomberg TOMS and BOOM to FISTS specific trading and sales team project management.
 Sales and Trading ECNs to (Wachovia) FISTS specific team project management.
 Performed complex trading and sales system and process gap analysis for the merger. Wells West trading and
sales systems were sunsetted and their data integrated into the more robust and superior legacy Wells East
systems. Gap analysis performed for the merger includes: Traders, Sales Reps, Inventories, Customers, MPID,
Offerings, and Unsettled Trades.
 Created and managed the SharePoint and Wiki sites for the Core Trading Services group to centralize,
organize and share the team project documentation.
August 2008 – December 2008: Sr. Consultant - Contractor
Project Manager and Technical Business Analyst for the investment modeling efforts with the Wealth Management
 Administered and facilitated meetings with stakeholders, front office, middle office and technology. Performed
multi-group interviews and meetings to facilitate requirements gathering and documents development.
Authored requirements documents, use cases, flow diagrams, high level and low level design documents, and
functional specifications documents. In addition, performed data and gap analysis and facilitated QA testing.
 Executed PM and BA roles for the “Unified Managed Account Program” – a Model of Models investment facility
utilizing Portia for modeling, Charles River for trading and Global+ for settlements and accounting. Created
the system design and architecture to handle (1) aggregation of investment models into Portia, (2) sub
allocate proposed trades into subaccounts for trading in CRD, (3) maintain investment balances for the
subaccounts for fees and performance calculations at the downstream integrated systems.
 Provided Portia technology support: problem resolutions; management of trade reports, restrictions,
calculations, security/product master file creating and management, and financial modeling. Performed
integration support service for Portia with Charles River, Global Plus, Advisor Tool Kit, market data
JP Morgan Chase – Investment Bank Technology, New York, NY
August 2004 - September 2006: Vice President, Sr. Technical Business Analyst
Project Manager and Lead Business Analyst to provide leadership, coordinate works of technology staff, plan,
organize, control, facilitate and schedule project activities. Worked as a part of an integral IB Project Management
team to support the front, middle, and back office work flow areas with risk management solutions development
 Defined and documented requirements, use cases, and functional specifications for software development
projects. Proposed solutions to the business and operational work areas translating the requirements and use
cases into functional specs. Performed comprehensive data and functional gap analysis. Direct liaise with the
business, system architecture groups through design phases to ensure meeting requirements.
 Developed test cases and executed scripts for unit, system integration, end to end testing and quality
assurance processes with Test Director.
 Performed the QIS4 phase for the Basel II implementation, developed and implemented the Basel II prototype
for the traditional credit products and OTC derivatives. Merged and consolidated intercompany credit risk data
and developed data dictionary for the bank integration of JP Morgan Chase and Banc One.
 Developed an ineligible assets calculator for the loan borrowing base calculation process for the underwriting
and credit monitoring group of the Commercial Bank Asset Based Lending business.
 Developed the Field Examiner work papers to support the Northeast regional group. Trained the staff and
outsourced field examiners and further, provided data analysis support ABL group nationwide.
American International Group – Global Investments, New York, NY
August 1999 - July 2004: Front Office Analyst
Working as the lead front office technical analyst, developed investment simulation and market data analysis
prototypes, and financial models for the front and the middle offices. Instituted comprehensive tools to performs
financial analysis, trade support, operations and settlement workflows. Implemented tools to facilitate middle office
post trade reconciliation processes.
Working as the lead technology liaison to the front and the middle office, developed requirements, use cases,
functional specifications, process designs, created test requirements, test cases and participated in unit, SIT, E2E,
UAT, and regression testing.
 Charles River – implemented the trade order management system for the equity and fixed income desks;
performed project management services and technical business analysis roles while providing integration
services with Portia, PAM, and the data warehouse systems.
 Portia implementation and upgrades.
 Sector Details - developed the high grade bond market and risk data analysis system.
 Dividend Roll – trading model for equity dividend and capital gains strategy.
 Stocks Plus – trading model for M&A arbitrage equity investment strategy.
 Equities Valuation Model – implemented stock valuation system in Citrix; then in web application.
 Equity Global Asset Allocation Conference - developed the reporting system to automate the global economic
and market data analysis for meeting of the global equity group in their monthly discussion to plan investment
strategies and policies.
 Investran - developed sub allocation add-on for the equity system.
 Structured Products – developed credit card and home equity loans analysis toolset database.
 Security Lending - developed a system to provide sector analysis of securities lending business.
 Derivative Solutions - developed process to import bond analytics data into Portia and the data warehouse
 MSCI Index - developed fixed income system to calculate MSCI indices based on front office groupings.
 Lehman Index - developed fixed income system to provide daily investment benchmarks.
 S&P and Russell Market Analysis - developed financial modeling systems to perform back testing and trade
simulation of investment strategies.
 Cash Reconciliations System - cash settlement reconciliation between Portia and custodian.
 Positions Reconciliations System - positions reconciliations between Portia and custodian.
Appaloosa Management LP - Hedge Fund, Chatham, NJ
February 1998 - March 1999: Performance Analyst, Project Manager
Responsible for daily and periodic P/L calculation, performance, benchmark and attribution analysis and reporting
by security, account and composite.
 Ad hoc Advent Axys reporting, market and investment data pulls and analysis, software upgrades.
 Developed the data analysis and management reporting system for the hedge fund.
New York Life Investment Management – Broker Dealer, New York, NY
August 1989 - February 1997: Director of Financial Analysis, Project Manager
Project Manager and Director of Performance Measurement data team for the mutual fund, variable annuity and
separate accounts broker dealer.
 Successfully instituted the Performance Management group for the broker dealer to support the mutual fund,
variable annuity, separate account and pension products business. The Performance Management group was
responsible for verifications of data, calculation and distribution of fund pricing and performance information.
The derived information is disseminated to the internal marketing and financial reporting areas and to the
external financial market data providers.
 Formulated and constituted the calculation methodologies for fund and separate account level P&L, AIMR
performance and yield calculations, and standard statistical analysis for the broker dealer.
Charles River, Bloomberg TOMS, Bond Desk, Market Axess, Ideal, ARTS, Calypso, NAPA Start; Wachovia: Trading
System, Sales Order Management System
Investran, Portia, PAM, Advent Axys, Eagle PACE, ReconPlus, Global Plus; Comserv AMAPS, Boeing PMS
Bloomberg, Reuters, Moodys RiskFrontier, MoneyLine, Lehman Point, DataStream, StockVal, Estimates Direct, ILX,
Reuters, First Call, Lipper, MorningStar, FactSet, Yield Book, Bond Edge; BAC: W, ECRIS
 JIRA / GreenHopper, Sharepoint/Wiki, Discovery, CA Clarity, HP Quality Center, Bugzilla, Visual SourceSafe,
SubVersion; MS Project, Visio, PowerPoint, Word; MS Excel/Access - Pivot Tables/Advanced
Functions/VBA/Add-Ins/API, data services;
 Software development project management: Quartz Suite; JAVA, C#, VB.NET, SQL, Unix, Javascript, VBscript,
Cobol II, Fortran; Messaging: Tibco EMS, JMS
 Relational database: Netezza, MetaMatrix, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata; RAM In-Line DBs:
Berkeley DB, Tangosol Coherence; Data Services: Hadoop
 ETL: TalenD, Informatica Powercenter/IDQ;
 DBVisualizer, Toad; SSRS 2008 ReportBuilder 2/3, Crystal Reports, Micro Strategy, Business Objects; SAS;
DataWatch Monarch data mining tool;
MBA Finance - Baruch College Zicklin School of Management, New York, NY
BA Computer Science - New York University, New York, NY
PMP training; 2012 Candidate
Green Belt Six Sigma / Fundamentals / Design For Six Sigma
VB.NET education
Internet Programming Certificate - Java
Expert level skills: MS Office Excel, Access with adv functions, pivot ables, API, VBA
NASD Licenses Series 7, Series 63 at NYLIFE Investment Management
APICS CPIM certification - 3 parts
Fluent in spoken and written Korean
US citizen