Module 5

Genetics is a relatively new branch of Biology. Genetics is concerned with the study of how information
is passed from one generation to the next generation, how this information is changed into the life
forms we see and what happens when the process encounters errors.
Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics
This chapter begins with the foundational genetic work of Gregor Mendel. Then students learn how to
predict what offspring from a particular mating are expected to be. Next students will examine how the
sex cells or an organism are formed.
Your tasks for this lesson are to
Read Chapter 11 in Section 4 Course Pack
Complete the DNA Extraction Lab
Complete Questions 1 – 11, 13 – 17, 19 – 25 on pages 332 – 333 of Section 4 Course Pack
[Assignment 7]. Have this corrected before you attempt the test.
Write the test for Chapter 11.
Chapter 12: DNA
In Chapter 12, students will study details of the chemical structure of DNA – the molecule that makes up
our genetic material, the various roles it plays in organisms, and how cells produce more DNA.
Your tasks for this chapter are to
Read chapter 12 in Section 4 of the course pack.
Complete Questions 1 – 4, 6, 9 – 15, 18 – 24 on pages 356 – 357 of Section 4 Course Pack
[Assignment 8]
Chapter 13: RNA & Protein Synthesis
In Chapter 13, students will study details of the chemical structure of RNA, molecules that enable the
genetic information found in DNA to be transformed into proteins, the process of that transformation
and what happens when there is a mistake in the DNA information or the process.
Your tasks for this chapter are to
Read Chapter 13 in Section 4 of the course pack.
Watch the video clip , “ Protein Synthesis” on the BioFlix DVD available at the campus library’s
reserve desk
Complete the Protein synthesis Lab [Lab 6]
Complete Questions 1 – 15, 18 – 24, 26 – 33, on pages 386 - 388 of Section 4 Course Pack
[Assignment 9]
Write the test for Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 [test 6]
Chapter 14: Human Heredity
In this chapter students will delve deeper into genetics by studying the transmission and expression of a
variety of human traits. You will also explore the impact of sex on the expression of genes and how sex
is determined.
Your tasks for this chapter are to
Read Chapter 14 in Section 4 Course Pack
Complete Questions 1 – 6, 8 – 14, on page 412 and Questions 26 – 28, 31 – 33 on page 414.
[Assignment 10]
Chapter 15: Genetic Engineering
The focus of this chapter is genetic engineering – its processes, uses, advancements, and the ethical
issues associated with this technology.
Your tasks for this chapter are to
Read Chapter 15 in Section 4 Course Pack
Complete one option in the bioethical assignment that follows. [Assignment 11]
Bioethical Assignment
You have a choice of media for this assignment. You may deliver a presentation to your class, you may
write a research paper or you may (with one other person) present a debate in class. Choose one topic
from the list below. You may agree or disagree with the statement in your assignment. If you are
interested in pursuing a topic not listed, have the topic approved by the instructor before proceeding.
Presentation Requirements
 15 minutes in length
 5+ references, minimum of 3 formats, none older than 5 years
 PowerPoint slideshow
15 slides
 Title
 Body
 References (1-2 slides may be used) (APA Format)
 Body
Background of issue / topic (who, what, when, where)
Importance (why)
Your position
 Arguments to support your position
 Details to support arguments
Research Paper Requirements
 800 - 1000 words, double-spaced
 APA format
o Title page
o Table of contents
o Use of headings
o In-text citations & References
 Introduction
o Background of issue / topic (who, what, when, where)
o Overview of your paper
 Body
o Importance (why)
o Your position
 Arguments (minimum of 3) to support your position
 Details to support arguments
 Conclusion
Debate Forum (2 – 4 people)
8 minutes of pro presentation
8 minutes of con presentation
2 minutes of con rebuttal
2 minutes of pro rebuttal
Audience questions (5 minutes)
Vote by the audience
Topic List
1. Stem cells from aborted fetuses and umbilical cords should be used for research.
2. Genetic fingerprints should be required before reproduction to reduce the occurrence of genetic
diseases that cost health care systems much money.
3. Life / Health insurance companies should use genetic fingerprints when setting premiums.
4. Governments of developing countries who are facing famine are justified in refusing food aid
from other countries if the food being offered is produced from genetically modified crops.
5. Significant efforts of time, personnel and money should be channeled into perfecting human