HAND THIS PAPER IN WITH YOUR MAPS CANADA MAP ASSIGNMENT NOTE: If you cannot fit the label at the specific place on the map, draw a line to the item you are labeling and put the name off to the side. How to Label a Map Properly Always print small and clearly– take your time. Draw a guideline with pencil where you want to write your label [erase these later] Print [beginning with a capital] your label in pencil Fill in the entire map before you go over your printing in fine-tipped black sharpie When you have filled out all labels in pencil, go over the printing in fine-tipped black sharpie and erase your pencil guidelines. 1. Label Provinces and Territories in ALL CAPITALS [no abbreviations please] and place the date they joined in Confederation/Canada. 2. Label Capital Cities [include the Capital of Canada] and Place a Star * at their exact location 3. Label the Following Secondary Cities with a dot Vancouver Calgary Saskatoon Timmins Montreal 4. Label The Following Bodies of Water [Draw them in if they are not on the map] Pacific Ocean James Bay Lake Ontario Mackenzie River Arctic Ocean Ottawa River Great Bear Lake Lake Superior St. Lawrence River Great Slave Lake Lake Michigan Bay of Fundy Lake Winnipeg Lake Huron Atlantic Ocean Hudson Bay Lake Erie 5. Go over all labels with black fine-tipped sharpie and erase your pencil guidelines THE COLOURING PART!!! 1. Shade all of the bodies of water blue [shade means colour lightly] 2. Shade each province and territory a different colour Note: do not use the same blue as the water, you can re-use a colour as long as the provinces do not touch OUTCOME S-201 Organize and record information in a variety of formats and reference sources appropriately. Examples: maps. KL-024 Identify on a map distinguishing elements of the physical and human geography of Canada. Include: political boundaries, capital cities. Below Level Emerging Skilled Insightful Gaps in understanding how to label and colour a map adequately. Please fix and resubmit Gaps in understanding how to create a clear map. Please fix and resubmit. Map is labeled, but need to work on neatness and/or clarity. Need more attention to details like spelling, shapes, and/or shading. Need to pay more attention to details like placement of cities and/or clarity of labels. Map is labeled somewhat straight, neat, and clear, with good attention to details like spelling, shapes, and shading, may have a few mistakes. Map shows some attention to detail, placement of cities is good, and labels are fairly clear. Map is labeled straight, neat, and clear, with specific attention to details like spelling, shapes, and shading Map shows excellent attention to detail, placement of cities is specific and labels are clear. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th HAND THIS PAPER IN WITH YOUR MAPS