Academic Experience - Queen's School of Business

Wayne A. Charles
Queen’s School of Business
Queen’s University
Goodes Hall, Room LL-173
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 3N6
Cell: +1.613.876.4538
Fax: +1.613.533.2622
Ph.D. – Finance and Economics
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Expected 2013
M.Sc. – Finance
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
B.Comm. – Finance and Economics
Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Academic Experience
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Tutorial Instructor – Applied Statistics and Econometrics (PhD/MSc level)
Tutorial Instructor – Forecasting And The Business Environment
Teaching Assistant – MBA Financial Strategy
Teaching Assistant – MBA Microeconomics
Tutorial Instructor – Empirical Finance (PhD/MSc level)
Tutorial Instructor – Introduction to Finance Theory (PhD/ MSc level)
Course Coordinator and Instructor – COMM121 Introduction to Finance
Tutorial Instructor – PhD/MSc Math Review
Research Assistant – Lynnette Purda and Fatma Sonmez
Teaching Assistant and Tutorial Instructor – Empirical Finance
Research Assistant – Fabio Moneta
Teaching Assistant and Tutorial Instructor – MBA Financial Management
2011 and 2012
2011 and 2012
2010, 2011, 2012
York University, Toronto, ON
Marker – Various Undergraduate and MBA Finance courses
2006 – 2009
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
Teaching Assistant – Various Undergraduate and MBA Finance courses
2006 – 2009
Private Tutoring
2006 – present
Various undergraduate, MBA and PhD courses in Finance, Economics and Quantitative
Wayne Charles—September 2012
Honours, Awards and Fellowships
Richard J. Hand Graduate Award
Michael Durland Graduate Fellowship, Queen’s University
D.D. Moneison Graduate Fellowship, Queen’s School of Business
Graduate Entrance Tuition Award, Queen’s University
Queen’s School of Business Award, Queen’s School of Business
Queen’s Graduate Award, Queen’s University
D.I. McLeod Fellowship, Queen’s School of Business
Dean’s Honour List, Ryerson University
2008 and 2009
2009 - present
2010, 2012
2010 - 2012
2004- 2008
Fields of Interest
Banking, Financial Intermediation, Political and Regulatory Issues in Financial Markets, Financial
Systems, Corporate Governance, Financial Malfeasance
Working Papers
An Examination of Socially Responsible Investment and Corporate Governance, 2009
Optimal Hedge Ratios in Currency Markets: The Effects of Misspecification, 2009
Back to the Future: Using Past Financial Crises to Back-test the New Systemic Risk Measures, 2011
Conference Participation
Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings, Key West, Florida, 2011
Session Chair, Dividend Policy
Discussant, “The ABA Top Performing Banks in a Time of Financial Crisis: Can They Outperform
the Worst?”
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meetings, 2012
Reviewer, Finance Area
Professional Membership
Financial Management Association
Southern Finance Association
Skills, Interests & Other Experience
Computer Skills: Stata, RATS, GRETL, SPSS, Microsoft Office
Languages: Fluent English, Intermediate French
Certifications: Red Seal trade certification as a journeyman cook (1998)
Other experience: Ten years work experience as a professional chef and hospitality manager
Interests: Active as a part-time musician (vocals & blues harmonica)
Volunteer Experience
Treasurer – Toronto Blues Society (Interim appointment)
Student Mentor – Ryerson Tri-Mentoring Society
Wayne Charles—September 2012