American Dream Argumentative Essay

The Odyssey
Eng. 9A
Purpose of an
Argumentative Essay
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that
requires the student to investigate a topic; collect,
generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a
position on the topic in a concise manner.
Take a stand on whether or not
Odysseus fulfills the requirements of an
Epic Hero:
• Is Odysseus a hero? Why or why
Constructing a Claim
 It is an arguable statement
 It is a complete sentence that expresses your
position/opinion on a given topic
 It narrows down your topic to a specific, single focus
of investigation
 It establishes a direction for your entire essay
 It does NOT include any personal pronouns
Statement of Order
 The “road map” of your essay
 Claim __1st paragraph topic__, __2nd paragraph topic__,
and __3rd paragraph topic__.
 In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus is a hero because he is
intelligent, brave, and courageous.
 Odysseus fulfills the role of an Epic Hero when outwitting the
Cyclops, defending his men from Scylla and Charybdis, and
taking back his home at the end of his journey.
 Although traditionally known as an Epic Hero, Odysseus is
not heroic because he is lazy, boastful, and cowardly.
Introductory Paragraphs
 Hook
Shocking statement
 Give short and concise background on the
characteristics of an Epic Hero and The Odyssey
(critical context)
 Include the title and the author of the text
 State your claim and statement of order
Topic Sentences
Every paragraph should include a topic
sentence that identifies the main idea of the
Citing Textual Evidence
 Sandwich Analogy
 Claim- “Odysseus is
brave when he goes
into The Underworld”
(top bun)
 Quotation/Specific
Example that backs up
your claim (the meat)
 Analysis (bottom bun)
Integrating Quotes
 Odysseus explains, “_____________”
 Odysseus proclaims, “_____________”
 Odysseus laments, “_____________”
 Odysseus says, “_____________”
 Homer tells, “_____________”
 Homer explains, “_____________”
Types of Evidence
 Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow
segment of the source. They must match the source document
word for word and must be attributed to the original author.
 Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material
into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the
original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the
original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the
source and condensing it slightly.
 Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own
words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is
necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source.
Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a
broad overview of the source material.
Transitional Sentences
Transitions should
wrap up the idea from
the previous section
and introduce the idea
that is to follow in the
next section.
 moreover
 as well as
 together with
 of course
 likewise
 comparatively
 correspondingly
 similarly
 furthermore
 additionally
Review of Body Paragraph
 Topic Sentence
 Very broad explanation of what the paragraph is going to be about
 Claim
 Narrow down your topic sentence to a specific example
 Quote
 Direct quote from text that supports your claim
 Analysis
 Explain quote and how it supports your claim
 Repeat
 Transitional Sentence
 Connect current paragraph to the next body paragraph
Rebuttal Paragraph
 The rebuttal paragraph shows your readers that you’re being
fair, and that you’ve carefully thought about both sides of a
debate before making up your mind.
 Introduce the Opposing Argument
 One could say...
One may argue that...
 Acknowledge parts of the opposition that are valid (briefly)
 Counter the Argument
 Nevertheless,
 Give strong evidence to support your counterargument
Rebuttal needs to be strong and convincing to show your claim is
 Restate why the topic is important
 Review the main points of your essay
 Restate your claim
 End with:
 Include a brief summary of the paper's main points
 Use a quotation
 Evoke a vivid image
 Call for some sort of action
 End with a warning
 Universalize (compare to other situations)
 Suggest results or consequences
MLA Formatting
 Title (centered)
It should NOT be “The Odyssey Argumentative Essay”
Do NOT underline
 Citation (Author Line-Line)
 Proper MLA Heading (left aligned)
 Name
Instructor’s Name (Ms. Dombrow)
Class (Eng. 9A)
For Those Who Finish Their
Rough Draft In Class
 Finish labeling your rough draft looking for the
following essay elements:
 Opposing argument
 Counter argument
 With evidence
 Restated claim
 Reviewing main points
 Strong and meaningful ending