14th WRF Workshop 24 June 2013 How radiative processes can influence tropical cyclones Robert Fovell and Yizhe Peggy Bu University of California, Los Angeles rfovell@ucla.edu Thanks to: Greg Thompson, NCAR/DTC; Ligia Bernardet and Mrinal Biswas, DTC; Brad Ferrier, NCEP; Hui Su and Longtao Wu, JPL; Kristen Corbosiero, U at Albany 1 Theme • Focus is on cloud-radiative forcing (CRF) • CRF… • Is not clear-sky or “background” radiative forcing • Is modulation of clear-sky forcing by hydrometeors • CRF consists of… • Longwave (LW) cooling at cloud tops, at all times • Shortwave (SW) warming at cloud tops, during day • LW warming within clouds • CRF depends on microphysics parameterizations (MP) • Interaction with radiation is particle size-dependent, thus speciesdependent • MPs should share size information to the radiation scheme… and one of them finally does (thanks to Greg Thompson) 2 Background & motivation 3 Semi-idealized experiment very small part of domain shown • Real-data WRF-ARW @ 3 or 4 km for 72 h • Uniform SST • Single sounding • No initial flow • NO LAND • 7 MPs • One initial condition 4 Fovell et al. (2009) Fovell et al. (2010) Semi-idealized experiment very small part of domain shown • MPs yielded different… • …amounts of various hydrometeors • …diabatic heating patterns • …symmetric wind structures • …asymmetry patterns • …motions • …intensities 5 Fovell et al. (2009) Fovell et al. (2010) Influence of CRF CRF-on CRF-off 6 Fovell et al. (2010) Troposphere-averaged vertical velocity CRF-on CRF-off 150 km Fovell et al. (2010) with ARW, curved Earth CRF caused storms to be wider, less asymmetric, weaker 7 Semi-idealized HWRF experiments Single sounding, uniform SST, no initial flow, no land 8 HWRF experimental design • HWRF rev. 6557 (28 March 2013) • Greg Thompson’s microphysics scheme • RRTMG radiation package • • • • connected 2012 operational configuration (3 telescoping domains) Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on vs. CRF-off Operational HWRF* is Ferrier + GFDL Focus on structure 9 no land * For 2013 and earlier seasons HWRF simulation strategy for semi-idealized experiments Vortex-following 1 full diurnal cycle HWRF model physics called every time step 10 HWRF results when “clouds are cloudy” Control run: Thompson/RRTMG with CRF-on Averaged over 1 diurnal cycle 11 200 km 100 km Houze (2010) 400 km Lower troposphere vertical velocity (sfc-500 mb) Expected structural asymmetry owing to beta shear Thompson/RRTMG 12 18 km Thompson/RRTMG structure 354 km Radial (shaded) and tangential velocity (m/s) Temporally and azimuthally averaged 13 Thompson/RRTMG structure Condensation (shaded) and net radiative forcing (K/h) 14 Thompson/RRTMG structure net cooling ~ 7 K/day C W net warming ~ 1 K/day Condensation (shaded) and net radiative forcing (K/h) Net radiation = LW + SW and includes background (clear-sky) forcing Radiation contour interval differs for positive and negative values 15 C W LW only W SW only 16 Clear-sky radiative forcing (unperturbed by convection) SW LW Averaged over annulus of 350 km radius and one diurnal cycle 17 Clear-sky radiative forcing (after TC development; clouds still transparent) LW SW SW LW Averaged over annulus of 350 km radius and one diurnal cycle 18 From a CRF-off simulation Total radiative forcing (after including CRF) LW SW LW SW SW LW Averaged over annulus of 350 km radius and one diurnal cycle 19 CRF-on vs. CRF-off CRF-on CRF-off SW SW SW 20 Averaged over 350 km radius “A difference is a difference only if it makes a difference.” – Darrell Huff, How to Lie With Statistics 21 200 km 100 km CRF-on CRF-off 400 km Lower troposphere vertical velocity (sfc-500 mb) 22 Thompson/RRTMG icloud = 0 in namelist.input Note 34-kt wind radius > 70% larger with CRF-on 34-kt wind radii 23 Radial velocity (colored) & Tangential velocity (contoured, m/s) Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off 354 km 24 20 m/s tangential wind contour highlighted Radial velocity (colored) & Tangential velocity (contoured, m/s) Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off Difference field CRF-on storm: wider eye, stronger outflow, broader wind field 25 Total condensate (colored) & Net radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) C W Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on W Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off has clear-sky forcing only 354 km 26 Net radiation = LW + SW and includes background (clear-sky) forcing Radiation contour interval differs for positive and negative values Total condensate (colored) & Net radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) C W W Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off Difference field CRF-on storm: wider, thicker anvil Eye size difference 27 Microphysics diabatic forcing (colored) & qe (contoured, m/s) Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off 240 km 28 Microphysics forcing in Domain 3 340K qe contour highlighted Microphysics diabatic forcing (colored) & qe (contoured, m/s) Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off CRF-on storm: evidence of greater convective activity beyond eyewall Difference field 29 Extra heating Eye size difference Microphysics forcing in Domain 3 340K qe contour highlighted Analysis • TCs with CRF active have: • • • • Wider eyes Broader tangential wind fields More radially extensive diabatic heating Stronger, deeper upper-level outflow (stronger inflow, too) • Comparable results from WRF-ARW versions of this experiment (not shown) 30 The physics of CRF: how and why Axisymmetric simulations with George Bryan’s CM1 Moist and dry versions 31 CM1 experimental design • • • • • • • Axisymmetric framework (f-plane 20˚N) 5 km resolution Thompson microphysics* Rotunno-Emanuel moist-neutral sounding Goddard radiation Averaging period: 3-4 diurnal cycles Moist and dry experiments 32 *Not identical to HWRF version Radial velocity (colored) & Tangential velocity (contoured, m/s) CRF-on CRF-on storm: wider eye, stronger outflow, broader wind field CRF-off 300 km Stronger, deeper outflow Difference field 33 Eye size difference Radial velocity (colored) & Tangential velocity (contoured, m/s) CRF-on 34-kt wind radius considerably larger with CRF-on CRF-off Tangential wind at lowest model level Difference field 34 C W Total condensate (colored) & Net radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) CRF-on CRF-off CRF-on storm: evidence of broader convective activity Difference field 35 CRF-fixed CRF forcing actively encourages storm expansion 36 CRF < 0 Warming appears to be more significant factor CRF > 0 CRF-fixed 37 400 km Dry model radial wind response (colored) to applied radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) Radial velocity difference (colored) & CRF-clear sky radiative forcing difference (contoured, K/h) CRF-enhanced outflow carries hydrometeors outward, positive feedback 38 CRF < 0 Warming appears to be more significant factor (again) CRF > 0 39 Dry model vertical velocity response (colored) to applied radiative forcing difference (contoured, K/h) 0.0075 m/s ~ 650 m per day CRF < 0 CRF > 0 40 Dry model vertical velocity response (colored) to applied radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) CRF < 0 CRF > 0 Warming appears to be more significant factor (again) Weak but broad and persistent lifting leads to more convective activity 41 Cloud-radiative forcing (in-cloud) encourages stronger outflow and deep, broad ascent …leading to more radially extensive convective activity… …resulting in a broader wind field 42 A CM1 microphysics diabatic heating difference field (CRF-on – CRF-off) Extra heating owing to CRF 400 km Eye width difference 43 Diabatic forcing from moist model CRF-on Dry model response 44 400 km Diabatic forcing from moist model CRF-on widens, broadens Dry model response 45 400 km Diabatic forcing from moist model CRF-on Dry model response 46 400 km CRF-related cooling and warming in HWRF 47 48 Warming appears to be more significant factor (again) 49 Operational HWRF deep clouds are not cloudy (almost no CRF) Operational physics called every time step 50 “[A]ll models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful.” – George E. P. Box 51 Schematic model - I 52 Schematic model - II 53 Schematic model - III 54 Schematic model - IV 55 Summary • Cloud-radiative forcing can have a significant impact on storm structure • Directly by encouraging stronger outflow, broad ascent • Indirectly by fostering enhanced convective activity • Quickly -- much faster than one might guess • • • • Operational HWRF physics produces little to no CRF response Is direct validation of in-cloud LW forcing even possible? Thanks Jimy and Wei for the invitation Supported by the NOAA Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP) 56 [end] 57 C W W CRF-on CRF > 0 C CRF-off CRF < 0 Total condensate (colored) & Net radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) Thompson/RRTMG 58 CRF-on CRF-off RRTMG (CRF-on) GFDL (no CRF) [as in operational] Lower troposphere vertical velocity (sfc-500 mb) Ferrier-based 59 Thompson/RRTMG CRF-on Ferrier/RRTMG CRF-on Thompson/RRTMG CRF-off Ferrier/GFDL No CRF 60 CRF-on CRF-off Thompson Total condensate (colored) & Net radiative forcing (contoured, K/h) 354 km Ferrier 61 CRF-on CRF-off Thompson Radial velocity (colored) & Tangential velocity (contoured, m/s) Ferrier 62 CRF-on CRF-off Thompson Ferrier Microphysics diabatic forcing (colored) & qe (contoured, m/s) 240 km 63 SW Radiative forcing (K/day) averaged 0 ≤ R ≤ 354 km in domain 2 LW One full diurnal cycle T = Thompson F = Ferrier 64