Student Learning Map Unit Title:_____________________________ Unit Key Learning: (What is the big understanding for this unit? What will you ultimately want students to understand as a result of the instruction? This is a “big picture” understanding, based both on the most critical standards and the thematic focus of the unit.) Unit Essential Question: (What broad question will students be able to answer as a result of the instruction? This question should reflect the most critical standards on which the instruction is based. This question is the inverse of the Key Learning; the Key Learning would provide an “ideal” response to this question.) Concept: (Each concept is a small “chunk” of the Key Concept: (The standards chosen for the focus of the Concept: (The number of concepts in the Unit Learning Learning/Unit Essential Question.) Map can vary, depending on the length and complexity of the unit.) unit’s instruction often suggest individual concepts to be addressed in the Unit Learning Map.) Specific Standard(s) addressed: (From the Specific Standard(s) addressed: (From the Specific Standard(s) addressed: (From the standards listed on the KU D, include the ones specifically standards listed on the KUD, include the ones specifically standards listed on the KUD, include the ones specifically addressed by this concept.) addressed by this concept.) addressed by this concept.) Lesson Essential Question(s): Lesson Essential Question(s): (What question—based on your grade-level standards— will direct and focus the learning in each lesson?) (The lesson essential question is explicitly posed to the (The lesson essential question forms the basis of the students at the beginning of the lesson to promote inquiry summarizing strategy for each lesson. The formative around the concept.) assessments within the lesson—the Assessment Prompts— are developed by deconstructing the lesson essential question, guided by the KUD.) Vocabulary: (Terminology, words, concepts, etc. that Vocabulary: (Explicitly stated or implied in the Lesson Essential Question(s): Vocabulary: (Related to each individual concept) are essential to understanding the content of the instruction context of the standard) and are grade appropriate) Ann Lewis (Laurel School District, Laurel, DE) and Aleta Thompson (Cape Henlopen School District, Lewes, DE). Adapted from Learning-Focused Strategies. Thompson, M., Thompson, J. (2008) 2/16/16 1