Jeopardy PHY101 Chapter 6 Review Study of Waves Study of Waves Basics Parts of a wave Speeds Properties Intensity Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Basics $100 What is a wave? ANSWER Basics $200 Name three categories of waves & given an example. ANSWER Basics $300 What is the difference between a longitudinal and transverse wave? ANSWER Basics $400 You drop a rock in a pond, and the water waves travel away from the rock with a certain speed. You drop a heavier rock in the water. The speed of the waves in the water from the heavier rock is ________. ANSWER Parts of a wave $100 What is meant by the amplitude of a wave? ANSWER Parts of a wave $200 What is meant by a wavelength? ANSWER Parts of a wave $300 The number of cycles of a wave passing a point per unit time is the wave's __________. ANSWER Parts of a wave $400 What is the equation for the speed of a wave? ANSWER Speeds $100 What is the equation for the speed of a wave on a string? ANSWER Speeds $200 What is the equation for the speed of a sound wave in air as function of temperature? ANSWER Speeds $300 What is the Doppler Effect? ANSWER Speeds $400 What is the speed of sound at O 0 C? ANSWER Properties $100 When will a shock wave occur? ANSWER Properties $200 What is diffraction? ANSWER Properties $300 What is constructive interference? ANSWER Properties $400 You shout at a cliff, and hear your echo in 2 seconds. If the speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s, the distance of the cliff from you is_________. ANSWER Intensity $100 What is the equation for intensity of a pt source? What the SI unit for intensity? ANSWER Intensity $200 What is the threshold of hearing? ANSWER Intensity $300 What is the decibel equation? ANSWER Intensity $400 What is the equation for intensity using frequency and amplitude? ANSWER Potpourri $100 Ultrasound is used to _______. ANSWER Potpourri $200 The 3rd harmonic of a complex tone has a frequency of 1,200 Hz. The frequency of the tone is __________. ANSWER Potpourri $300 A sound with ten times the amplitude of another sound is judged to be _______ . ANSWER Potpourri $400 Combining two sounds of equal intensity will give a sound level __________ higher than the sound level due to just one of them. ANSWER Basics $100 Answer What is a wave? A wave is a traveling disturbance carries energy and momentum. Back to Jeopardy Basics $200 Answer Name three categories of waves & given an example. Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Matter Waves Back to Jeopardy Sound wave, water wave light electron Basics $300 Answer What is the difference between a longitudinal and transverse wave? A longitudinal wave vibrates back & forth in the direction of motion. A transverse wave vibrates perpendicular to the direction of motion. Back to Jeopardy Basics $400 Answer You drop a rock in a pond, and the water waves travel away from the rock with a certain speed. You drop a heavier rock in the water. The speed of the waves in the water from the heavier rock is the same. Back to Jeopardy Parts of a wave $100 Answer What is meant by the amplitude of a wave? The maximum displacement of points on a wave. 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Back to Jeopardy 0 5 10 15 Parts of a wave $200 Answer What is meant by a wavelength? The peak to peak distance between two waves is the wavelength . 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 Back to Jeopardy 5 10 15 Parts of a wave $300 Answer The number of cycles of a wave passing a point per unit time is the wave's frequency. Back to Jeopardy Parts of a wave $400 Answer What is the equation for the speed of a wave? v =frequency * wavelength = f. Back to Jeopardy Speeds $100 Answer What is the equation for the speed of a wave on a string? Back to Jeopardy Speeds $200 Answer What is the equation for the speed of a sound wave in air as function of temperature? V = 20.1 m/(s*K.5)+(T in Kelvin).5 Back to Jeopardy Speeds $300 Answer What is the Doppler Effect? Apparent frequency change due to movement of source or observer. Back to Jeopardy Speeds $400 Answer What is the speed of sound at 0OC? 331 m/s At Room Temperature 340 m/s Back to Jeopardy Properties $100 Answer When will a shock wave occur? When an object moves faster than the speed of the medium. Back to Jeopardy Properties $200 Answer What is diffraction? The bending of a wave. Back to Jeopardy Properties $300 Answer What is constructive interference? Addition of two waves to get a bigger wave. Back to Jeopardy Properties $400 Answer You shout at a cliff, and hear your echo in 2 seconds. If the speed of sound in the air is 340 m/s, the distance of the cliff from you is 340 m. Back to Jeopardy Intensity $100 Answer What is the equation for intensity of a pt source? I = Power/(4pr²) Units in Watts/m² What the SI unit for intensity? Back to Jeopardy Intensity $200 Answer What is the threshold of hearing? IO = 1* -12 10 Back to Jeopardy W/m² Intensity $300 Answer What is the decibel equation? dB = 10 log10 (I/IO) Back to Jeopardy Intensity $400 Answer What is the equation for intensity using frequency and amplitude? IAVERAGE = .5*D*v*(2P*amplitude*frequency)² Back to Jeopardy Potpourri $100 Answer Ultrasound is used a. to form images of internal organs. b. by bats to navigate. c. In automatic focus cameras. d. to control insects. Back to Jeopardy Potpourri $200 Answer The 3rd harmonic of a complex tone has a frequency of 1,200 Hz. The frequency of the tone is 400 Hz. fN = NfO Back to Jeopardy Potpourri $300 Answer A sound with ten times the amplitude of another sound is judged to be 20 dB higher in sound level. Back to Jeopardy Potpourri $400 Answer Combining two sounds of equal intensity will give a sound level 3 dB higher than the sound level due to just one of them. Back to Jeopardy Thank You for playing Study of Waves Jeopardy!