Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day

The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospitals NHS Trust
Would like to invite you to a 1 day conference
Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day:
Improving Hip Fracture Journey
Friday 20th March 2015
Education Centre Royal Liverpool Hospital
Cost £50
A multidisciplinary conference for staff working with patients who
have sustained a hip fracture
Will cover: enhanced recovery, best practice for hip fracture, the
patient’s perspective and more
Places are limited so please apply early
All enquiries to
Call for abstracts for posters (see attached guidance)closing date 31.01.15
Delegate application form “Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day”
conference@ RLBUHT 20.03.15
Name (and title)
Job role (profession)
Employing organisation
Contact address
Mobile number
Contact email
Any dietary requirements
Cheques made payable to “Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals”
Payment can be via BACS please liaise with Tracey Duffy Conference Administrator
contactable on
Send completed form and cheque:
Tracey Duffy
“Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day” Conference administrator
4C Link
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Prescot Street
L7 8XP
Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
“Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day”
March 20st 2015
Call for abstracts for posters
Abstracts are invited for the following categories:
 Research reports
Research reports are presentations of original scientific data collected by the authors.
Submissions with pending results will not be accepted. Any established research approach;
research design or research method will be considered.
 Clinical pathways, service evaluation and special interest reports
Reports concerned with patient and carer engagement; clinical pathways; specific aspects of
hip fracture management; organisation and regulation of hip fracture services; education in
hip fracture; research development and service delivery will be considered.
Conference theme: “Improving Hip Fracture Journey”
Presentation format
Poster Presentations in A1 or A0 portrait format only.
Posters are reports summarising information using brief written statements and graphic
materials, such as graphs, charts, figures and photographs.
Posters accepted for display must be produced according to the guidelines. It is not possible
to display posters which do not adhere to the guidelines.
Posters will be on display during conference hours. There will be opportunity for presenters
to discuss their poster with delegates and presenters will be assigned a specific time to be at
their poster.
Please note that poster presenters will be required to attend the event, booking at the
normal rate.
All posters accepted will receive a certificate acknowledging presentation. There will be an
award for the best poster
Selection criteria
The following selection criteria will be used.
 Abstract written clearly and concisely
 Relevance to the conference theme
 Title clearly describes the abstract
 A clear purpose is stated
 Context within current evidence base presented
 Method / approach applied appropriate to aims
 Evaluation / analysis and results appropriately applied and interpreted
Strengths and weaknesses of work highlighted
Relevance and implications to practice clearly expressed
Suggestions for further work
Submission guidelines
Each submission must be made electronically via email to
Subject field: “Royal Liverpool Hip Fracture Day conference poster submission”
The final date for submission of abstracts is 31.01.15.
Successful submissions will be notified by 12.02.15.
The submitting author must be the presenting author.
Correspondence will be with the presenting author.
The presenting author does not have to be the first named author.
Word count limits are described below.
Please take time to check your submission carefully, particularly where you have used
scientific notation, to make sure that your text is submitted as intended as accepted
abstracts will be printed in conference material.
Submissions should include the following:
Title of abstract [maximum 20 words]
Names and titles of presenter and co-authors
Contact details of authors to include: full name, organisation/institution, city and country
for all authors
E-mail, work telephone, fax number, mailing address for presenting authors
The completed abstract (maximum 300 words).
General information
Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in conference material. Presenters will
need to display their posters by first break on the conference day. All fixing materials and
boards will be provided. It is suggested that an A4 PDF of the poster should be made
available by the authors for the conference participants. Intellectual copyright remains the
property of the authors.