File - My Digital Portfolio


By Ellece Ott

My Animation – exercise = endorphins

This animation will promote exercise to younger people by showing them the benefits of exercising daily.

For example, endorphins. Endorphins are released when people exercise, they make you happy therefore benefitting your everyday life by getting rid of stress.

the benefits - facts and figures

            Exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

It's medically proven that people who do regular exercise have: up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer a 30% lower risk of early death up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults) up to a 30% lower risk of depression up to a 30% lower risk of dementia


Narrator: we all know Exercise has its benefits... But did you know that it not only makes you healthier but happier too?

Little kid: how does it work?

Narrator: well there is this thing in you body called The hypothalamus this is the command-and-control centre of your endocrine system or gland system. It releases endorphins when you exercise, and endorphins make you happy. Little kid: wow that's a lot of science! Narrator: that’s because science is key! And its through science that we know exercise can reduce the risk of many major illnesses.

Little kid: like what?

Narrator: like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. Little kid: how can we stay fit?

Narrator: well you can run, jump and skip , you can hop, swim and flip Little kid: we can keep happy and healthy with our friends!

Narrator: how happy and healthy are you?

Scene one

Narrator: we all know Exercise has its benefits... But did you know that it not only makes you healthier but happier too?

This scene will last 5 seconds, a little girl will appear , then a healthy sign will pop up on one side of her and a smiley face on the other side. There will be a white and blue background for this scene. there's a little h&h symbol in the corner of the screen to symbolise happy and healthy.

Scene two

Little boy: wait so how does it work?

This scene will be 5 seconds long a little boy will walk on and stand next to the girl with question makes around him. The background will be white and blue for this scene.

Scene three

narrator : well there is this thing in you body called The hypothalamus this is the command-and control centre of your endocrine system or gland system. It releases endorphins when you exercise, and endorphins make you happy. This scene last10 seconds ,the little boy and the little girl will watch a picture of the brain pop up and jump out the way then they listen to the narrator. The background will be white and blue for this scene.

Scene four

Little girl: wow that's a lot of science! This scene will last 3 seconds, the little girl will talk in surprise with a science sign in the air. The back ground will be white and blue for this scene.

Scene five

Narrator: that’s because science is a key part in understanding things like how exercise can reduce the risk of many major illnesses.

This scene will last ... Seconds the word exercise will flash on the screen and the little boy and girl listen. The background will be white and blue for this scene.

Scene six

Little boy: like what?

This scene will last 3 seconds, the Little boy asks question with question marks above and the little girl nods after. The background will be white and blue for this scene.

Scene seven

Narrator: like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

Scene eight

 Wow! Lets get exercising! What kind of boring exercises Can we do then?

Scene nine

 Well who says that exercising is boring?

 You can exercise with you friends by joining a club such as football, dancing or Swimming. (background changes to football pitch, dance studio and Swimming pool)

Scene 10

 Or just by going out to the park and playing games like Tag and having competitions such as a running race.

Scene eleven

 Well that i can do  I’ll Race you!  3,2,1 GO!!!!

 (he begins to run off)

Scene Twelve

 Run, Jump And swim to a better you. (then she runs after him)

Target audience for animation

  My health and fitness animation is targeted at young teenagers, there are a few complex subjects within the animation specifically aimed at them. As well as the subjects, the characters with in the animation are around the teenagers age range of 13-15 meaning they will take what other people their age say into consideration rather than an adult (even if they are only cartoon characters).

This animation can be aimed at sporty teenagers as well as the lazier ones, since it give information about what exercise truly does to you, this is a benefit to both types of teenagers.

Purpose of the animation

  The purpose of the animation is to make young teenagers (13-15) aware of the benefits of exercise. By teaching them about this when they are younger it gets them into better habits as they grow up. It will show them how being healthy keeps them in the right frame of mind, with friendships, schoolwork and most of all within themselves.


 Alternative ideas for the animation would involve twisting the concept used to create it. In my animation I chose to encourage people to exercise for the benefits rather than focus on the risks and disadvantages.

 Example: Instead of talking about what will happen if you do exercise, I could have gone into what happens to your body when you abuse your body and dismiss exercise completely.

Why I designed my animation the way I did.

 I designed my animation the way I did because it’s a clear adaptation of the unit brief, to get across the message about a healthy life style- in my case to do with exercise. Pivot created a clear animation that was suitable for my target audience.

My Checklist

  My storyboard has 12 scenes in total with appropriate character's, objects and facts about the scene.

There is a folder in my documents with all the assets I have used and considered within.

            a storyboard (with at least twelve panels) showing the different characters, objects and audio assets, and how these all combine a list of any ready-made assets (graphics, audio and video) details of the soundtrack to be included with the animation.

The design documentation should also provide: a description of the requirements from the brief an explanation of the audience and the purpose of the animation a description of alternative design ideas, which could be annotated on the storyboard, and the reasons why you rejected these ideas a justification for why you designed your animation the way you did an explanation as to how your design fulfils the purpose of the animation and how each asset helps meet the purpose of the original requirements of the brief how it meets the needs of the target audience for the animation.

My storyboard has 12 slides (the minimum requirement) that displays each scene clearly showing how object will be combined in my animation along with the characters
