1 mark answer

Physical Education
Standard Grade
Past Paper 2005
Describing performance:
There are many different words you can use to describe a
performance. Consider these ones:
• In what style can a performer move? They can walk, run,
hop, skip, jump, side-step, twist, roll, dive, turn, go upside
down, or lunge.
• In what direction can a performer or object move? To
perform the action they can move forwards, backwards,
right, left, upwards, downwards, over, under, sideways or
• What shape can a performer have? They may become
straight, tucked, arched, wide, narrow, streamlined,
Describing Performance Cont.
• At what speed can a performer or object move? They may
move, slowly, quickly, steadily, explosively or by
• You might also describe a performance by using words like:
- overhead
- apart
- underarm
- jerky
- above
- smooth
- below
- powerful
- heavy
- light
- together
Describing a single skill
For your exam, you'll need to know how to use the words
above to describe a single skill.
For example
Serve for badminton, dive for swimming, vault for
Describing a Single Skill Cont.
Using the words we learned earlier, you could describe a
basketball performance like this:
The performer held the ball in two hands at waist height in
front of her body. She bent her knees and lifted her head to see
the basket. She then brought the ball up to her forehead before
driving up with her legs and pushing the ball away with her
right arm. She finished on her tiptoes with both arms straight
out towards the basket.
Describing a Single Skill Cont.
In your exam, it's likely you'd be asked to describe a single
skill under headings like:
Preparation, action and recovery
Start position, diving action and recovery to surface
Run up, take off and landing
Arms, legs and body
Describing a series of skills
A series of skills are actions combined to create a fuller
For example, a free kick in football, a sequence in dance, a
rally in tennis.
Describing a series of skills
Again, using the words we learned earlier, you could describe
a hockey performance like this:
First, a diagonal pass was made to the top of the circle. The
next player made a low down stop with his stick before
making a short, square pass to a teammate on his left. As he
did this a decoy player made a run straight toward goal. The
final player controlled the ball, carried it forward and lifted it
high into the left corner of the net.
Suggesting improvements
You suggest ways to improve performance, whether single skills
or a series of skills, by making judgements about the
appropriateness and effectiveness of what you've observed.
To do this you have to use your knowledge to make clear
decisions about the good and bad points of the performance and
make clear decisions on what improvements are required
Suggesting Improvements Cont.
But what if you have no knowledge of the activity?
Your evaluation exam will usually let you see a good
performance and a poor performance. In this case, the best
way of suggesting improvements is by comparing the two
You may want to use your knowledge of a similar activity
to make judgements about performance. In this case, you
could use your knowledge of badminton to help you judge a
tennis performance.
Website Link:
Bitesize Scotland
Question One
Part A:
Action shows girls practising a netball training drill.
Describe in the correct order the actions of the
highlighted player (C, in the dark shirt) after she
receives the first pass.
Answers Q1 Part A
Acceptable Responses:
• 2 steps/ runs/forward/ towards team mate
• 2 handed pass/ chest pass/ forward/ to team mate
• Turns/ runs behind team mate
• Picks up/ collects ball in two hands
• 2 handed pass/ chest pass/ forward/ to team mate/
• Runs forward/ moves to side/ feints/ checks back/ to right
• Jumps off L foot/ reaches high/ with two hands/ to catch/
intercept ball/ pass
• Lands on two feet to jump/ scoot stop.
One mark rewarded to each correct response.
Question 1 – Part B
Watch another piece of netball action.
Watch the highlighted player (GA, in the white shirt).
(i) Describe two actions she does well.
Action 1________________________(2marks)
Action 2________________________(2marks)
(ii) Suggest one improvement she could make to her
performance. (2marks)
Answers Q1 Part B
(i) 2marks rewarded for detailed description
1 mark rewarded for limited description
2 mark answers
• Bounces/ on toes/ feints to move for pass
• Dodges away from opponent to receive pass/ catch ball in
two hands/ into the centre third/ to her right
• Accurate/fast/two handed/ R handed/ shoulder pass to team
mate/ towards circle/ D/ diagonally/ to her right
• Moves in front of opponent arms/ hands raised/ high
1 mark answers
• Bounces on toes
• Dodges away from opponent
• Accurate pass
Answers Q1 Part B Cont.
(i) (ii) 2 marks rewarded for detailed description
1 mark rewarded for limited description
2 mark answers
• She could move quickly after the pass into the circle
• Get in front of opponent to move into/ closer/ towards
• Dodge opponents to get into circle
• Get in front of opponent at the post/ jump to try to get
the missed shot
1 mark answers
• Get into the circle
• Get in front of opponent
Question 2 Part A
Action takes place on a tennis court.
Watch the highlighted player.
Complete the blanks in the grid below.
(4 marks)
Answers Q2 Part A
1 mark for each correct response
(4 marks)
Question 2 Part B
Now watch a similar piece of tennis action.
(i) Describe one thing done well by the highlighted player.
(ii) Suggest two improvements the highlighted player could
make to his performance.
First improvement________________________(2marks)
Second improvement______________________(2marks)
(Total of 6 marks)
Answers Q2 Part B
(i) 2 marks for detailed description
1 mark for limited description
2 mark answers
• Accurate service into box
• Moves quickly/ to back of court/ to return the ball
1 mark answers
• Moves quickly
• Plays shots into court
Answers Q2 Part B Cont.
(ii) Acceptable answers for improvements
• Faster/harder/ wider service
• Hit forehand return down the line/ away from opponent
• Stay at the back of the court after weak return/ forehand
• Play approach shot deeper/ away from opponent
1 mark answer
• Play shots away from opponent
• Stay at the back of the court.
Question 3 Part A
Action shows a girl performing a rhythmic gymnastics
sequence. Place the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 next to the
movements of the girl in the order they take place.
Number 4 has been completed for you. (4marks).
Throws rope high and
catches on leg
Passes rope round one leg
Spins rope above head
while turning
Circles rope at sides of
body and skips/jumps
Circles rope in front of
body balancing on one leg.
Answers Q3 Part A
Throws rope high and
catches on leg
Passes rope round one leg
Spins rope above head
while turning
Circles rope at sides of
body and skips/jumps
Circles rope in front of
body balancing on one leg
Question 3 Part B
Watch the girl performing a similar rhythmic gymnastics
Suggest three improvements she could make to Performance
First improvement:__________________________(2marks)
Second improvement:________________________(2marks)
Third improvement:_________________________(2marks)
Answers Q3 Part B
2 marks for detailed description
1 mark for a limited description
2 mark answer
• Centre of Gravity over base during 1st balance
• Hold of 1st balance for longer/ maintain body tension during 1st
• Keep leg high when spinning rope above head
• Straighten left/back leg while passing rope round leg
• Maintain/ hold balance for longer when passing rope round leg
• Throw rope straight in the air/move under rope to catch on leg
• Back straight/ head up to finish/ in kneeling position
Answers Q3 Part B Cont.
1 mark answer
• Straighten leg
• Catch the rope on leg
• Hold balance for longer
Total of 6 marks (max of 2 marks for each improvement)
Question 4 Part A
Action shows a girl performing the high jump.
Describe three actions she performs.
Action 1: __________________________________(2marks)
Action 2: ___________________________________(2marks)
Action 3: ___________________________________(2marks)
Answers Q4 Part A
2marks for a detailed description
1mark for a limited description
Action 1
• Goes up tonto toes and steps back/ onto foot
• 7 step/curved/ measured/ accelerating/ controlled run up to bar
Action 2
• Takes off left foot/one foot to jump high
• Plants left foot for take off
• Bends knees/straightens legs to drive upwards
• Drives up leading with R arm/ R arm leads to clear bar
• Turns to go over bar backwards.
Answers Q4 Part A
Action 3:
• Arches back to clear back
• Flicks legs over bar to clear
• Lands on back on the mat
• Rolls backwards/ back on one shoulder/ on mat
1 mark answers
• Runs up to bar
• Bends knees
• Jumps high
• Arches back
• Lands on the mat
(Total = 6marks)
Question 4 Part B
Watch a boy practising his high jump technique.
For the following parts of his performance, suggest one
improvement the boy could make to his high jump technique.
Take off______________________________________(2marks)
Clearing the bar________________________________(2marks)
Answers Q4 Part B
2 marks for detailed description
1 mark for limited description
2mark answers
Take Off
• Take longer last stride to bend knees more/sink hips
• Bend knees more/more vigorous push with legs to drive
• Swing arms up more to gain more height
• Extend leading R arm more/higher
Answers Q4 Part B Cont.
Clearing the Bar
• Lift hips to arch back
• any other relevant technical detail
1 mark answer
• Bend knees more
• Arch back
(Total = 4marks)
Question 5
Part A:
Action shows girls practising their football skills. Watch the
highlighted player. Describe three actions she performs.
Action 1:_________________________________(2marks)
Action 2:__________________________________(2marks)
Action 3:__________________________________(2marks)
Answer Q5 Part A
2mark answers:
• moves/runs forward/ into own half/ away from marker/
towards ball
• checks/turns to run towards goal/ into space/ opponents half
• Adjusts body position to let ball run through
• Runs down wing/ pitch onto ball
• Diagonal pass with R foot/ first time/ inside/ along around/
to teammate
• Plays 1-2 pass with teammate/ along ground.
• Continues to run towards goal/ into space
• Passes/crosses ball first time/ R foot/ low goal mouth/
penalty area/ towards other attackers.
Answers Q5 Part A Cont.
1 mark answers:
Moves forward
Lets ball run
Plays a 1-2
Crosses ball
Passes accurately/ to team mate
HOMEWORK for next Tuesday (25th January)
For the following 5 activities put 3 words that could be used to
describe them:
For example: Tennis – smash, underarm, net shot.