1. Bowing on entering and leaving the dojo 2. Bowing on and off the tatame 3. Instructor’s names 4. Ukemi (all breakfalls) 5. Name of the mat (tatame) 6. Name of the training hall (dojo) 7. Kuzuri-kata (breaking the balance 8 ways) 8. Kate Kata (any throw) 9. O-soto-gari (major outer reaping) 10. Ko-soto-gari (minor outer reaping) 11. O-goshi (hip throw) 12. Kesa-gatame (scarf hold) 13. Nage-wase (randori results not to count) 1. Ogoshi (major hip throw) 2. Ippon-seoi-nage (one arm shoulder throw) 3. Uke-goshi (floating hip throw) 4. De-ashi-barai (advancing foot sweep) 5. Kata-gatame (shoulder hold) 6. Kuzure kesa-gatame (broken scraf hold 7. Yoko-shiho-gatame (side 4 quarters hold) 8. Nami-juji-jime (thumbs in cross strangle) 1. Harai_goshi (sweeping loin throw) 2. Morote-seoi-nage (2 arm shoulder throw) 3. Ko-soto-gaki (minor outer hook) 4. Mune-gatame (chest hold) 5. Kuzure-mune-gatame (broken chest hold) 6. Juji-gatame (cross armlock) 7. Ude-garami (figure 4 armlock) 8. Kata-juji-jime (half cross strangle) 1. Hane-goshi (spring hip) 2. Hiza-guruma (knee wheel) 3. O-uchi-gari (major inner reaping) 4. Ko-uchi-gari (minor outer reaping) 5. Kami-shiho-gatame (upper 4 quarters hold) 6. Kuzure-yoko-shiho-gatame (broken side 4 quarters hold) 7. Waki-gatame (armpit armlock) 8. Hadaka-jime (naked strangle) 9. Sode-guruma-jime (sleeve wheel stangle) 1. Kube-nage (neck throw) 2. Koshi-guruma (hip wheel) 3. Eri-seo-nage (collar throw) 4. Tani-otoshi (valley drop) 5. Yoko-gake (side hook) 6. Tomoe-nage (stomach throw 7. Kata-gatame (shoulder hold) 8. Tate-shiho-gatame (lengthwise 4 quarters hold) 9. Kata-ha-jime (single wing strangle) 10. Gyaku-juji-jime (cross strangle thumbs out) 11. 3 counter techniques 12. 3 combination techniques 13. 3 link up techniques 14. Escape from 3 ground holds 1. Have your dogi folded the right way 2. Uchi-mata (inner thigh throw) 3. Okuri-ashi-barai (sweeping ankle throw) 4. Ushiro-goshi (rear hip throw) 5. O-guruma (major leg wheel) 6. Osoto-guruma (major outer wheel) 7. Kuzure-kata-gatame (broken shoulder hold) 8. Kuzure-Tate-shiho-gatame (broken lengthwise 4 quarters hold) 9. 5 strangls 10. 5 armlocks 11. 5 counter techniques 12. 5 combination techniques 13. 5 link up techniques 14. Escape from 5 ground holds 15. 1st set of nage-no-kata 16. 10 sit ups 10 leg raises 10 push ups 10 burpees 10 squats 1. Kata-guruma (shoulder wheel) 2. Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi (propping drawing ankle) 3. Okuri-ashi-barai (double leg sweep) 4. Yoko-wakare (side separation) 5. Uki-waza (floating throw) 6. Ushiro-kesa-gatame (reverse scarf hold) Kuzure-kami-shihogatame (broken upper 4 quarters hold) 7. 7 strangls 8. 7 armlocks 9. 7 counter techniques 10. 7 combination techniques 11. 7 link up techniques 12. Escape from 7 ground holds 13. 2 sets of nage-no-kata 14. 10 sit ups 10 leg raises 10 push up 10 squats 10 burpees 1. 5 te-waza (hand throws) 2. 5 koshi-waza (hip throws) 3. 3 ashi-wasa (leg/foot techniques) 4. 3 sutemi-wasa (sacrifice throws) 5. 10 ground holds without loss of control 6. 8 strangls 7. 7 armlocks 8. 8 counter techniques 9. 8 combination techniques 10. 8 link up techniques 11. Escape from 8 ground holds 12. 3 sets of nage-no-kata 13. 1st set of katame-no-kata 14. 15 sit ups 15 leg raises 15 push up 15 squats 15 burpees 1. 6 te-waza (hand throws) 2. 6 koshi-waza (hip throws) 3. 5 ashi-wasa (leg/foot techniques) 4. 5 sutemi-wasa (sacrifice throws) 5. 12 ground holds without loss of control 6. 10 strangls 7. 8 armlocks 8. 10 counter techniques 9. 10 combination techniques 10. 10 link up techniques 11. Escape from 10 ground holds 12. 4 sets of nage-no-kata 13. 2 sets of katame-no-kata 14. 15 sit ups 15 leg raises 15 push up 15 squats 15 burpees 1. 7 te-waza (hand throws) 2. 7 koshi-waza (hip throws) 3. 6 ashi-wasa (leg/foot techniques) 4. 6 sutemi-wasa (sacrifice throws) 5. 12 ground holds without loss of control 6. 10 strangls 7. 10 armlocks 8. 10 counter techniques 9. 10 combination techniques 10. 10 link up techniques 11. Escape from 12 ground holds 12. 4 sets of nage-no-kata 13. 3 sets of katame-no-kata 14. 20 sit ups 20 leg raises 20 push up 20 squats 20 burpees 1. 8 te-waza (hand throws) 2. 8 koshi-waza (hip throws) 3. 7 ashi-wasa (leg/foot techniques) 4. 7 sutemi-wasa (sacrifice throws) 5. 13 ground holds without loss of control 6. 10 strangls 7. 10 armlocks 8. 12 counter techniques 9. 12 combination techniques 10. 12 link up techniques 11. Escape from 13 ground holds 12. 5 sets of nage-no-kata 13. 3 sets of katame-no-kata 14. 25 sit ups 25 leg raises 25 push up 25 squats 25 burpees 1. 8 te-waza (hand throws) 2. 8 koshi-waza (hip throws) 3. 7 ashi-wasa (leg/foot techniques) 4. 7 sutemi-wasa (sacrifice throws) 5. all ground holds without loss of control 6. 10 strangls 7. 10 armlocks 8. 10 counter techniques 9. 10 combination techniques 10. 10 link up techniques 11. Escape from all ground holds 12. Escape from 5 strangls 13. Escape from 5 armlocks 14. 5 sets of nage-no-kata 15. 3 sets of katame-no-kata 16. 30 sit ups 30 leg raises 30 push up 30 squats 30 burpees