Chapter 31
Assisting with Office/Ambulatory Surgery
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Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization
• Surgical asepsis: all microbial life
destroyed before invasive procedure
• All equipment to be used is sterile
• Procedures to promote sterile technique
Surgical hand washing
Sterile gloving
Preparing patient’s skin for surgery
Sterile draping
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Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization
• Hand cleansing (hand hygiene) for
medical and surgical asepsis
– Removing pathogenic microorganisms from hands
after they become contaminated
– Crucial step in preventing health care associated
Infections (HAI)
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Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization
• Hand cleansing (hand hygiene) for
medical and surgical asepsis
– Antimicrobial soap, warm water, vigorous
scrubbing of hands, wrists, forearms
– At least 3 minutes
– Rinse hands and arms; maintain hands above
elbows and avoid contact with surfaces of sink
– Thoroughly dry hands and arms; don sterile
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Sterile Principles
• Sterile object may not touch nonsterile
• Sterile objects must not be wet
• 1-inch border between sterile area and
nonsterile area
• Do not turn your back on sterile field
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Sterile Principles
• Anything below waist considered
– Surgery trays positioned above waist
• Sterile objects held in front and away
from body and above waist
• Do not cough, sneeze, talk over sterile
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Sterile Principles
• Do not reach over sterile field
• Do not pass contaminated dressings or
instruments over sterile field
• Place contaminated instruments in
separate container or area
• Be aware of actions to determine
whether sterile field has been
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Sterile Principles
• Opening sterile
– Outer wrapper
– Open and drop onto
sterile field without
touching inner
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Sterile Principles
• Pouring sterile
– Pour into sterile
basin or cup without
touching bottle’s rim
or splashing
solutions on sterile
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Methods of Sterilization
• Gas sterilization
• Dry heat sterilization
• Chemical (“cold”)
Steam sterilization (autoclave)
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Common Surgical Procedures
Assisting with office/ambulatory surgery
Dressing change
Wound irrigation
Preparation of patient’s skin before
• Suturing of laceration or incision repair
• Sebaceous cyst excision
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Common Surgical Procedures
• Incision and drainage of localized
• Aspiration of joint fluid
• Hemorrhoid thrombectomy
• Suture/staple removal
• Application of sterile adhesive skin
closure strips (Steri-Strips)
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Additional Surgical Procedures
• Method used determined by provider’s
• Electrosurgery
– Electric current in concentrated areas to cut or
destroy tissue when pathological examination not
– Useful in removing benign skin tags and warts
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Additional Surgical Procedures
• Cautery
– Application of caustic chemical or destructive heat
• Chemical tissue destruction
– Silver nitrate or sodium hydroxide
• Cryosurgery
– Destruction of tissue by freezing
– Liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide
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Additional Surgical Procedures
• Laser surgery
– Light amplification by stimulated emission of
– Converts light into intense beam
– Specialty surgery
– Precautions
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Suture Material and Supplies
• Suture/ligature
– Bring together edges of a wound
– Hastens healing and lessens scarring
– Most material comes fused or swaged to needle
and packaged in various lengths
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Suture Material and Supplies
• Suture needles
Radius of curve
Type of point
• Staples >>
– Removal
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• Structural
– Form determines
– Handles
– Ratchets
– Serrations
– Forceps
– Teeth
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• Structural features
Box-lock hinge
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• Categories and uses
– Cutting
• Scissors and scalpels
– Grasping/clamping
• Hemostats, forceps, clamps, needle holders
– Dilating/probing
• Specula, scopes, probes, retractors, dilators
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• Care of instruments
Special care to prevent excessive wear and tear
Careful and frequent inspections
Basic rules and rationales
Ultrasound cleaning
Chemical “cold” sterilization
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Supplies and Equipment
• Drapes
• Sponges and wicks
• Solutions/creams/
Top: 4x4s >>
Bottom: Iodoform gauze >>
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Supplies and Equipment
• Dressings and bandages
– Dressings: sterile material applied directly onto
surface of wound or surgical site
– Bandages: supportive material applied over top of
dressings and are not sterile
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Supplies and Equipment
• Anesthetics
– Injectable anesthetics
• Drawing techniques
– Prior to applying sterile gloves
– After applying sterile gloves
– Topical spray anesthetics
• Applied to surface
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Patient preparation and education
Diet modification
Medication adjustment
Acquire special supplies
Insurance approval obtained
Postoperative period prepared for
Allergies checked for
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Informed consent
– Informs of medical or surgical procedure to be
– Describes actual procedure in lay terms
– Cites alternative treatments
– Lists possible undesirable outcome and risks
• Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN)
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Medical assisting considerations
Home health care
Ability to follow standard instructions
Financial ability to afford supplies needed
Prior medical history
Be a patient advocate
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Postoperative instructions
Should be written
Clearly understood by patient
Include important telephone numbers
Follow-up call
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Wounds, wound care, healing process
Open wounds
Closed wounds
Accidental wounds
Intentional (surgical) wounds
Superficial wounds
Deep wounds
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Patient Care and Preparation
• Wounds, wound care, healing process
– Inflammation normal process of wound healing
– Best treatment for infection is prevention
– Wound care is extremely important
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Basic Surgery Setup
Assembling supplies and equipment
Setting up surgery tray
Getting patient and room ready
Preparing to assist during surgery
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Surgical Process
Set up surgical tray
Prepare room
Prepare patient
Assist with surgery
Terminal care process of room and
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Preparation for Surgery
• Applying sterile gloves
• Setting up and covering a sterile field
• Opening sterile packages of instruments
and supplies and applying them to a
sterile field
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Preparation for Surgery
• Pouring a sterile solution into a cup on a
sterile field
• Preparation of patient’s skin for office
• Using dry sterile transfer forceps
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