Discovering Content Pattern of the Library Web Sites Jadranka Stojanovski Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia “No stereotype of libraries as quiet, uneventful places could survive the 1990’s. Whatever stability and predictability libraries once had as ordered storehouses of the treasures of the printed word were shattered by the digital revolution. The intellectual function of libraries -- to acquire, arrange, and make accessible the creative work of humankind -- is being transformed by the explosion in the production and dissemination of information in digital form, especially over global networks.” LC - 21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress Who are our users? students faculty/employees researchers & scientists staff of the university/institute local community – general public librarians international audience ... From RBI log files analysis RBI library Web site (10th anniversary!) with 1500 visits/day 23,93% employees of Ruđer Bošković Institute Croatian Universities - 10% of total accesses different institutes and hospitals take part with about 2,5% main Croatian companies like “Pliva”, “Ina” and “Podravka” are participating with 0,6% in spite of the fact that all Web pages are both in Croatian and English language since 1994 - only 31% of total hits are assigned to visitors that come outside “.hr” domain Web site evaluation Purpose or focus of the Web site Audience or target for the Web site Access to information on the site Logical design or construction of the site Visual design considerations Site information Selection process Purpose or focus of the Web site to support scientific research and HE Audience or target for the Web site scientists teachers students Access to information on the site free Selection Google advanced search Language = English “lib” or “library” in URL limit to country domain (.at, .hr, .it, .hu, .fi, .cz, .ie, .de, .uk, .si) first five scientific libraries were selected library must have its own directory in the HTML tree structure of the institution or its own domain library must have the English version of Web site national libraries are not included 10 European countries Austria Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Finland Germany Ireland Italy Slovenia UK Academic and research institute’s libraries hr American College of Management and Technology Faculty of Graphic Arts Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation Ruđer Bošković Institute Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries at Research Institute of Molecular Pathology Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen University of Graz Mozarteum University Library it The Abdus Salam ICTP Library Free University of Bozen The Johns Hopkins University SISSA Library Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) hu Central European University Library MTA SZTAKI is the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI campus University of Veszprém Library of the Institute of Enzymology fi Helsinky University Library Joensuu University Institute of Technology Vaasa Polytechnic Helia, Helsinki Business Polytechnic cz CERGE-EI Library English College in Prague Resource Centre Institute of Physics University Library International Baptist Theological Seminary si Central Technological Library Nova Gorica Polytechnic University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Physics, Astronomical Observatory University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Zootechnical Department Faculry of Medicine, Central Medical Library ie Trinity College Library Dublin University College Cork NUI Maynooth Library Online University of Limerick Dublin City University uk Bodleian Library, University of Oxford Cambridge University Library John Rylands University Library of Manchester University of Edinburgh Glasgow University Library de DESY Library The Szilárd Library at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) Friedrich Ebert Foundation University of Heidelberg Xenu’s Link Sleuth as robot tool multi-threaded spidering software that checks Web sites for broken links robot modified for that purpose (thanks Tilman!) it is free, works extremely fast and gives a useful output with the link title listed in the same order of the links that are given on the page Link description • URL address • status • type • size • title • • • • • • date level links out links in server error List of categories single-concept descriptors, easy to assign (this approach sacrifices term relationships and context) 22 main categories/concepts were defined experience from ten years of the RBI web site Xenu reports were filtered using C++ program – adding sub-terms from Web sites into categories INFO ASK LIBRARIAN NEWS REFERENCE LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ELECTRONIC RESOURCES DIGITAL LIBRARY CATALOGUES SUBJECT GATEWAYS SEARCHING SEARCH ENGINES ACCESS SERVICES CIRCULATION AND ILL EDUCATION EDUCATION SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT PUBLISHING FILE FORMATS LIS ENTERTAINMENT OTHER NUMBER OF LINKS BY CATEGORY UK SLOVENIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY FINLAND CZECH REP. CROATIA AUSTRIA 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 INFO ASK LIBRARIAN NEWS REFERENCE LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ELECTRONIC RESOURCES DIGITAL LIBRARY CATALOGUES SUBJECT GATEWAYS SERVICES CIRCULATION AND ILL SEARCHING SEARCH ENGINES EDUCATION EDUCATION SUPPORT PUBLISHING INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT ACCESS FILE FORMATS LIS ENTERTAINMENT OTHER 14000 General info (1) ADDRESS LOCATION OF THE LIBRARY VIRTUAL TOUR FLOOR PLAN PARKING PHOTOCOPYING CHARGES HOLDINGS DESCRIPTION TERMS & CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF USE LIBRARY RECORD REGULATION RULE FEES WELCOME TO THE LIBRARY BASIC INFORMATION ON USING THE LIBRARY INFORMATION ABOUT VISITOR INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE LIBRARY INFO ABOUT ABOUT THE VISIT US ABOUT US SURVIVAL GUIDE General info (2) OPENING HOURS LIBRARY STAFF DISABILITIES STATISTICS CONTACT CONTACT US FEEDBACK STAFF QUESTIONS & ANSWER FAQ READER'S GUIDE FURTHER ASSISTANCE FINDING AID A TO Z INDEX A TO Z GUIDE POLICY STRATEGY DISCLAIMER PRIVACY POLICY LIBRARY MISSION MISSION Info - policies UK SLOVENIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY FINLAND CZECH REP. CROATIA AUSTRIA 0 50 POLICY PRIVACY POLICY 100 150 STRATEGY LIBRARY MISSION 200 DISCLAIMER MISSION 250 General-info pages lack: guides, assistance, finding aids welcome to the library basic information visitor information Collections UK SLOVENIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY FINLAND CZECH REP. CROATIA AUSTRIA 0 100 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY 300 400 PERIODICAL 500 600 JOURNAL 700 THESIS 800 BOOK 900 E-”packages” SLAC JSTOR AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND GERMANY HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY SLOVENIA UK KLUWER PUBMED EMERALD EBSCOHOST SWETSWISE SPRINGERLINK SCIENCEDIRECT 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Collection – reference library UK SLOVENIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY FINLAND CZECH REP. CROATIA AUSTRIA 0 100 200 300 ENCYCLOPEDIA DIRECTORY COLLEGE 400 500 DICTIONARY STANDARD SCHOOL 600 700 800 LIBRARIES HANDBOOK MAP 900 1000 Catalogs 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND GERMANY CATALOGUE HUNGARY CATALOG IRELAND OPAC ITALY SLOVENIA UK Search engines 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND SEARCH ENGINE GERMANY HUNGARY ALTAVISTA IRELAND GOOGLE ITALY YAHOO SLOVENIA UK Education HELP COURSE HOW TO AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND GERMANY HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY SLOVENIA UK SEMINAR LEARNING TRAINING WORKSHOP EDUCATION EVALUATION INSTRUCTION INTRODUCTION TO 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Education educational content offered through library web pages is not connected enough with education process at the university libraries should cooperate with teachers in order to provide better support to students syllabus, curriculum, exams, teach*... should be more used lack of tutorials Infrastructure & equipment UK SLOVENIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY FINLAND CZECH REP. CROATIA AUSTRIA 0 50 PHOTOCOPYING PRINTER 100 WIRELESS LAPTOP 150 NOTEBOOK NETWORK 200 250 COMPUTER 300 Entertainment TV JOB GAME AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND GERMANY HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY SLOVENIA UK WORLD HEALTH NATION SPORTS PERSONAL SHOPPING 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 LIS issues ACQUISITION BINDING HOLDING AUSTRIA CROATIA CZECH REP. FINLAND GERMANY HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY SLOVENIA UK THESAURUS CATALOGUING SITE LICENCE SUBSCRIPTION COPYRIGHT LAW CLASSIFICATION LIBRARY PROJECT VIRTUAL LIBRARY 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Patterns CATEGORY 1st 2nd SUBJECT GATEWAYS 5 2 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES 2 1 REFERENCE LIBRARY 1 1 2 1 1 COLLECTIONS 1 3 1 3 INFO 1 EDUCATION 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 2 1 9th 1 1 1 8th 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 Future analysis more libraries richer vocabulary / more labels controlled vocabulary or thesaurus (synonym and homograph control) level should be included position on the web page (?) ... everyone is invited to cooperate Lycos Top 50 Nick Berg – execution video War in Iraq – prisoner abuse Paris Hilton – video star Clay Aiken – America’s idol Britney Spears KaZaA Pam Anderson Dragonball WWE – Divas fight Brooke Burke – calendar star Poker – celebrity showdown Baseball – MLB Atkins Diet South Beach Diet Weight Watchers Amierican idol Dindsay Lohan Neopets – virtual world Harry Potter Jessica Simpson – summer tour Pokemon – card play Usher – confessions Las Vegas The Bible Final Fantasy Hilary Duff Princess Diana – crash photos The Olsen Twins Marijuana – wacky weed “Top web library site terms” PDF SPIRES JOURNAL MAP LINK BUSINESS SEARCH HTML PS SERVICE COLLECTION PHYSICS NEWS RESOURCE BOOK WORLD COLLEGE DATABASE EDUCATION HELP HEALTH PUBMED REPORT ENGINEERING HISTORY LIBRARIES LANGUAGE STUDENT CHEMISTRY MEDICINE CONFERENCE EBSCOHOST DIRECTORY SCHOOL CONTACT COMPUTER PUBLISHER ART REGISTER JSTOR POLICY THESIS SUBSCRIPTION BIOLOGY CATALOGUE JOB NETWORK DICTIONARY CONTACT US “Cheshire Cat,” Alice began, “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. Lewis Carroll