Name: 3rd Grade ELA Date: March 3














Name: 3


Grade ELA Date: March 3-7 Reading/Writing/Social Studies

Objective/We will…

Use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning.

Product/Task: I will…

 Use NUBS-P strategies while reading nonfiction texts to help me comprehend what I am reading

 Define terms related to the Underground Railroad.

 Create a timeline of Harriet Tubman’s life

 Analyze maps of the Underground Railroad and determine the routes that Harriet Tubman might have taken.

Academic Language: achievement, slavery, north, south, civil rights, underground railroad


 T-Chart- What I Think I Know about Hariett Tubman/What I learned about Harriet Tubman

 Tree Map Thesis Outline

Summative Assesessment: Essay

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: Form a thesis and introduction for their essay

 Have kids write a sentence making a claim based on their choice of most important reason- but they cannot say the reason for blah blah blah. o IE: Many colonists did not survive the colonization of Jamestown because of bad relations with the indians. *then add on the other two titles for the remaining buckets.

 To create the introduction, take the following and combine. Thesis + Summary + Re-phrased title from day 3 o Thesis: Many colonists did not survive the colonization of Jamestown because of bad relations with the indians, bad water, and poor settler skills. o Summary: Jamestown was thought to be the first permanent English colony. Founded between the years of 1607-1611, many young inexperienced and unprepared people left England to find the three G’s (God, Gold, and Glory). o Re-phrased title: Why did so many early American settlers die?

Introduction for student essay: Many colonists did not survive the colonization of Jamestown because of bad relations with the indians, bad water, and poor settler skills. Jamestown was thought to be the first permanent English colony. Founded between the years of 1607-1611, many young inexperienced and unprepared people left England to find the three G’s (God, Gold, and Glory). Why did so many early American settlers die?

Formative: Thesis and introduction

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: DBQ- Organizing Information from buckets into a graphic organizer (pre-writing)

Review the information in all 4 buckets.

Choose the order in which they plan to write (buckets)

Choose evidence from documents to include in the essay

Formative: Pre-write graphic organizer

Students write their essay to answer the essential question.

 Paragraph 1: Students have an introduction

 Paragraph 2: Have them write about the bucket that they felt was most important first (b/c they have a lot to say about it)

 Paragraph 3: Pick one of the 2 remaining buckets, remind the kids to use ideas they heard from the thrash-out sessions and evidence from the documents to write a paragraph.

 Paragraph 4: Using the last bucket, use evidence from the documents and remind the kids to use ideas they heard from the thrash-out sessions to write a paragraph.

Paragraph 5: Closing- have the kids restate their claim and the essential question.

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: DBQ- Draft a thesis from graphic organizer

Review the information from graphic organizer

Write a draft of the essay

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: DBQ- Draft a thesis from graphic organizer

Review the information from graphic organizer

Write a draft of the essay

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: DBQ- Revise and edit the draft of our thesis

Review the information from graphic organizer

Revise and edit the essay for mistakes and sentence variety.





Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: DBQ- Publish the draft of our thesis

Review the information from graphic organizer

Publish our essay in our best handwriting

Summative Assesessment: Thesis

Anticipatory Hook- What was Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement?

Lesson: Determining Harriet’s most important achievement and place it in Telegami (app on ipads)

Students will use their essay to determine Harriet’s most important achievement

Student will draft a plan for Telegami (app on ipads)

Student will use their drafts to create a telegami presentation

Summative Assesessment: Teleigami Presentation
