The Wearable Artificial Kidney

The Wearable Artificial
Tom Jancura
What is Dialysis
 2 Types of dialysis
 Hemodialysis-uses a machine to filter the blood
 Peritoneal- Uses the lining of abdomen to filter blood
 Filters the blood of toxins, and waste products
 Used when a patient is waiting for a kidney transfer or
just not getting a transfer.
What is it?
• Being developed in
Washington by Dr. Victor
• Way for patients to receive
dialysis treatment and still
live and everyday life
• A 10 lb belt that goes
around the patients waist
with multiple components
to help with the dialysis
Problem Being Solved
• This device is to help treat patients with end stage renal
failure (kidney failure)
• This means their Kidneys can not filter the waste
products from their blood
• This can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure,
or other diseases
• If not treated can lead to increased acid levels, raised
potassium levels, decreased calcium levels, increased
levels of phosphate, and in later stages anemia
Current Technology
The Artificial Kidney
 Will make patients lives easier for dialysis treatment
 Will lower the mortality rate for chronic kidney disease
 Attached to the body through a catheter which will take the
blood from the body and filter the waste and replenish the
nutrients that are vital for the human body.
 Will use less water and not have to be distilled because
water can be recycled through the filtration devices on the
 The Artificial Kidney has been approved for clinical trials in the US
 Although trials of the kidney have already been conducted in
 The trial will last at least 24 hours and the goal is for 10 patients
to last the full length of the trial
 Successful trials have been completed in Europe ( in Vicenza, Italy
and London)
 Trials were completed successfully in Italy for 6 hours and in
London for 8 hours.
Current Trials
 Trials are being held in Seattle Washington, and trying
to get the device approved by the FDA for patient use
 Patients go through a normal dialysis treatment
 Then go through their clinical trial of 24 hours just on
the wearable artificial kidney
 Closely monitored by Dr. Victor Gura (head of
research) and his team of researchers in case of
 Must be worn at all times
 Powered by a battery, so the need for battery change/
 Worn around the waist and could get in the way
 The device is 10 pounds hanging from the waist
 Unknown cost because still in design and trials
• Make the belt smaller and more compact
• Make the belt lighter and more convenient for older
• Possible Design changes to become more efficient
• Pass clinical trials and be put to use for actual patient
 Victor Gura, Claudio Ronco, Andrew Davenport. The Wearable Artificial
Kidney, Why and How: From Holy Grail to Reality. Seminars in Dialysis.
Volume 22. Issue 1. pp 13-17. January 2009.