Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 Cold Springs High School Team 2 The H.E.A.T. Helios Electromagnetic-radiation And Temperature Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 1.0 Introduction The H.E.A.T is a team of high school students designing a payload to accompany NASA’s Mercury Lander Mission. H.E.A.T. is an acronym for Helios Electromagnetic radiation And Temperature. Since the payload will be traveling in a direct path toward the Sun’s atmosphere, it is referred to as Icarus. According to Greek mythology, Icarus was the son of the master craftsman, Daedalus. Daedalus, in his attempt to escape from Crete with his son, constructed wings from wax to aid him in escaping from his imprisonment. Beforehand, he warned Icarus not to fly too close to the Sun; however, Icarus did not heed his father’s warning and perished. In addition to gaining close proximity with the sun, Icarus will measure both radiation and temperature changes while in pursuit of its main objective. 2.0 Science Objective and Instrumentation The objective of this payload is to determine how the temperature and gamma radiation profiles alter in correlation to an object’s proximity to the Sun. As the spacecraft approaches Mercury for landing, it will launch Icarus in a path toward the Sun, where Icarus will measure temperature and gamma radiation. Because of their ability to read extremely high temperatures (up to 1600 °C), type R thermocouples will be utilized. To measure radiation, an “Inspector” Geiger counter will be utilized. Table 1. Science Traceability Matrix Science Objective Determine the temperature and radiation profiles while in close proximity to the Sun. Measurement Objective Temperature Radiation Measurement Requirement Temperature measurements will be taken continuously to the nearest degree. Radiation will be continuously measured Instrument Selected Type R thermocouple “Inspector” Geiger counter Table 2. Instrument Required Resources (Draft) Instrument Type R thermocouple “Inspector” Geiger counter Mass (kg) .001kg Power (W) Self-powered Volume (cm3) 0.34 kg with battery 9v alkaline battery (2160 hours) 360 cm3 7.27 cm3 Data Rate (bps) Continuous measurement Updates every 3 seconds 3.0 Alternative Concepts The team divided into two groups and each group developed a design for Icarus. As the team discussed each concept, they realized the limitations of each group’s concept and developed a third alternative concept. Alternative Concept 1: As the lander orbits Mercury and Venus, the payload, Icarus, compressed helium will eject Icarus from the NASA spacecraft in a path toward the Sun. To survive as long as possible, Icarus will be covered with a heat shield similar to the one use on the Messenger mission. Once in flight, Icarus will begin measuring temperature and gamma radiation at a constant rate. An “Inspector” Geiger counter with an external probe will be positioned on the rear portion of Icarus and measure the gamma radiation levels. Two Type R thermocouples, located on one of the sides Icarus, will measure temperature. Data will be acquired, processed, and transmitted using a UHF antenna (located on the rear portion) to the lander every three seconds until Icarus is destroyed by the Sun. Page - 1 Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 Figure 1. Concept 1 Alternative Concept 2: The deployment method chosen for concept 2 is to utilize compressed helium to eject from the NASA spacecraft and achieve spin stabilization. This concept is designed to fly by the Sun without intentional contact. When it gains enough speed, two stabilized cables located on each side, will propel outward to cease Icarus’s rotation. Icarus will be protected from the Sun’s heat with a thermal blanket that will cover most of Icarus, except the back. Temperature will be measured by a thermocouple located inside a small window which will open for measurements and close. The front of the window will be a small solar panel providing a source of power for the robotic movement of the window. An “Inspector” Geiger counter will be used to measure radiation and will be located on the “cool side,” or the rear, of the payload. It will measure radiation continuously, or until its battery becomes exhausted (2160 hours), the data will be updated every three seconds, and transmitted to the lander immediately. Figure 2. Concept 2 Alternative Concept 3: The team considered comments from the preliminary design review and realized the limitations of the concepts that had been developed. Team H.E.A.T. took these limitations into consideration and began to develop a third alternative concept. Concept 3 is shaped like a soup can, with two type R thermocouples placed at the front and a Geiger counter located at the rear. The payload will deploy from the spacecraft utilizing helium that will shoot it through a rifled barrel and toward the sun. Concept 3 will measure temperature and radiation continuously and transmit the data to the lander continuously. Figure3. Concept 3 4.0 Decision Analysis Before deciding the final payload concept, the members of Team H.E.A.T. determined the figures of merit for the three design concepts. To help determine the best features of each concept, each figure was given an overall weight depending on its importance. All team members considered the key features of each design in order to plan the final concept. Concept 3 proved to be the best overall concept. Page - 2 Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 Table 3. Payload Decision Analysis Figure of Merit Weight Mass Protection Power Science 9 9 9 9 (3) Concept 1 (mushroom) 9 3 9 9 Concept 2 (cone) 1 9 3 3 Concept 3 (soup can) 3 9 9 9 Durability 3 9 3 9 Volume Stability Total 9 9 9 3 387/333 1 3 225/207 3 9 405/351 Criteria Low mass is desired High protection of payload Low power requirements Accurate and precise measurements Highly durable to withstand deployment and heat. Low volume Will not tumble toward the sun 5.0 Concept of Operations The concept of operations for Icarus has two phases: deployment and data acquisition. Prior to the spacecraft’s launch from Earth, Icarus will be positioned inside a rifled aluminum launch barrel. Icarus will be oriented so that it is on the side of the spacecraft that will be closest to the sun on its approach to land on Mercury. Phase 1 - Deployment Phase: As the spacecraft approaches Mercury for landing, the launch tube will be pressured to 0.03psi. The pressure will be released at a time and in a manner that will launch Icarus at a 90° angle to Mercury’s orbit. Phase 2 - Data Acquisition Phase: Icarus will begin measuring gamma radiation and temperature immediately after launch. Icarus will measure temperature continuously and transmit temperature data continuously. Icarus will measure gamma radiation continuously and transmit radiation data every three seconds. Icarus will continue in this phase for 176.4 hours or until it is no longer functional, whichever occurs first. Figure 4. Payload Concept of Operations 6.0 Engineering Analysis At the onset of the project, the team was given a set of limitations for mass (no more than 5 kg), power (no more than 10 W continuous), and volume (44cm x 24 cm x 28 cm). The team then began to analyze the payload making certain it met all the requirements. A problem was encountered when the team calculated the masses of the payload and the launching device and found that it exceeded the 5 kg limitation. The team looked for alternative solutions to reduce the total mass by reducing the payload to the smallest possible size that would accommodate the instrumentation and perform the experiment; however, the payload and the launcher still exceeded the mass constraint. The mass of the revised payload Page - 3 Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 design was calculated to be 3.12 kg, with 2.33 kg of the mass being the heat shield and 0.79 kg of the mass being the aluminum structure of the payload. The mass of the launching device was calculated to be 2.27 kg making the total 5.39 kg for the payload and launcher. Team H.E.A.T. submitted a proposal to the college team for 0.75 kg of additional mass, which was granted. Launch Barrel Length Analysis: The length of the barrel, or launching device, proved to be highly important. Team H.E.A.T. analyzed the exit velocity with varying amounts of pressure for three barrel lengths, 35 cm, 40 cm, and 44 cm. If the barrel length were to be 35 cm then the entire payload design would be under budget; however; having a shorter barrel requires more pressure which presents a possible problem for the instruments to work properly. As a result, the launching device was given a length of 44 cm. Velocity (m/s) Launching Device Analysis 1500 1000 35 cm distance 500 40 cm distance 0 0 2000 4000 Pressure (psi) 6000 44 cm distance Figure 4. Engineering Analysis Graph Launch Pressure Analysis: Launch pressure was the next aspect that needed to be found. It was determined the payload needed to have a final velocity of 100 m/s in order to escape Mercury’s sphere of influence. The launch pressure was calculated to be 0.03 psi. Table 6. Launch Pressure Calculations Calculations p = vf2m/ 2Ad p = 177.7464775 Pa p = 0.025787043 psi p – pressure m – mass d– length of barrel (44 cm) Variables A – area (over which pressure is applied) vf – final velocity (leaving launch barrel) Life Expectancy Analysis: The life expectancy of the payload was calculated in order to determine the amount of time the payload would take measurements and analyze battery requirements. The team assumed the payload would not survive beyond 0.2 AU, so the distance the payload will travel was determined to be the difference between Mercury’s distance from the sun (0.4 AU) and 0.2 AU. Table 7. Launch Pressure Calculations Calculations vf2 = vi2 + 2ad vf = 47096.98646 m/s Substitute vf in the equation below. Substituted Variables a=GM- rv2/r2 d=(0.2AU)(1.49598 x 1011m) vi = vsc + Δv = 4790 m/s + 100 m/s t= d/vf t = 635199.8769 s t = 176.4444103 hr Page - 4 Variables vf – final velocity (at 0.2AU) vsc – velocity of spacecraft Vi – initial velocity upon launch Δv – change in velocity to escape Mercury’s sphere of influence G – universal gravitational constant 6.67 x 10-11 N m2/ kg2 M – mass of sun = 1.9891 x 1030 kg r – radius at .4 AU = 5.98392 x 1010 m Proposal Mercury Lander Mission Spring 2012 6.0 Final Design The team decided on the third concept (soup can) as the final design. The design’s features include two thermocouples located on the forward section of the payload, and a radiation detector, transmitter, processor, accelerometer, and data logger located in the hollow space on the aft section of the payload and an antenna also wired around the aft portion of the payload. The instruments contained inside of the payload are protected from the sun’s heat by the heat shield and are still capable of performing their functions. The final design is a cylindrical shape with a radius of 21.14 cm and a length of 23.07 cm. The cylindrical shape provides a central axis around which it can rotate to prevent it from tumbling end over end. The launch device is a hollow cylinder that is closed on one end and rifled to provide the spin needed to prevent tumbling. The launch tube has a diameter of 21.64 cm and a length of 44 cm. Figure 4. View of aft portion of Icarus Figure 5.Sketch of Icarus and Launcher Figure 6. Front view of Icarus in launcher Table 8. Final Design Mass and Power Budget Component Number Type R thermocouple “Inspector” Geiger counter Heat shield UHF antenna Processor transmitter 2 1 1 1 1 1 Mass (kg) .001 0.34 w/battery 2.32 0.023 -----------0.03 Total Mass (kg) .002 kg 0.34 kg 0.03 Power (W) Self-powered Alkaline battery ---------------------------------DCv 3.3 battery 4 silver oxide batteries 3.6v battery accelerometer 1 0.01 data logger 1 Payload & launcher aluminum structure 1 3.06 ------------ TOTALS Page - 5 Total Power (W) Self-powered Alkaline battery 2.32 kg 0.023 kg -----------0.03 kg ---------------------------------DCv Battery 0.01 kg 0.03 kg 4 silver oxide batteries 3.6v battery 3.06 ------------- 5.45 kg Provided by batteries