Research Survey: Automatic Hypothesis Generation using Literature

Research Survey: Automatic
Hypothesis Generation using
Literature-Based Discovery
Kathleen Padova, June 2015
Undiscovered Public Knowledge
 Don R. Swanson (1924 – 2012)
 Concern over increased domain specialization [1]
 Focused on computer-aided information retrieval
 Uncovering unseen links between two distinct areas of
study (aka disjoint literatures) could yield new discoveries
a.k.a. “undiscovered public knowledge.”
 Pioneered the field of literature-based discovery (LBD)
ABCs of Literature-based
 ABC Method
 Open vs. Closed
“Fish Oil and Reynaud’s Disease”
 Swanson hypothesized a connection between
dietary fish oil and Reynaud’ Syndrome
 1986 - Two papers on same topic:
 Library Quarterly [1]
 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine [2]
 Validated 3 years later in clinical trials [3]
 1989 - Magnesium Deficiency and Migraines, also
supported later by clinical trials [4]
Search Process
Literature on:
Vascular Reactivity
Spreading Depression
Calcium Channel
Platelet Aggregation
Cerebral Anoxia
Image reproduced from [4]
Previous LBD studies were “partially systematic”
Swanson joined with Neil R. Smalheiser, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Together they developed a set of interactive software and database search
strategies to facilitate discovery [5]
 Assessing a gap in the biomedical literature: Magnesium deficiency and neurologic
disease. Neuroscience Research Communications [6]
Indomethacin and Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology [7]
Linking Estrogen to Alzheimer's Disease: An informatics approach. Neurology [8]
Calcium-independent phospholipase A-sub2 and schizophrenia. Archives of General
Psychiatry [9]
Intermediate Literatures
Image reproduced from [5]
Basic LBD methodology
 Information/Entity Retrieval/Extraction
 Query the literature for areas of interest
 Identify key concepts/terms
 Characterize the literature
 Hypothesis Generation
 Find connections between retrieved literatures
 Evaluation / Vetting
 Review connections for novelty, feasibility
 Swanson’s method very manual
 Query formulation essential [10]
 As literature grew, search results became overwhelming
 Further research attempted to resolve by use of:
 Controlled Vocabularies [11][12]
 Established Subject Headings/Ontologies (e.g. MeSH) [13][14]
 Text mining techniques incl. ranking, weighting, clustering [16]
 Information modeling [17][18]
 Relationship Extraction[19]
Hypothesis Generation
 Early LBD relied on manually creating a 2nd query and
co-occurrence of query terms
 Later research improvements include:
Semantics/NLP to extract relationships [20][21][22]
Latent Semantic indexing [23]
Vector Space Modeling [24][25][26][27]
Lexical Statistics [28]
Fuzzy Set Theory [29][30]
Baysian Nets [31]
Ranking, weighting [14][32][33]
Hypothesis Evaluation / Vetting
 Dependent on domain expert review
 Results typically in lists and tables, long to review
 Later LBD methods include ranking and more recently,
visualizations [34][35]
 Still requires a domain expert; but evaluation is easier
Beyond ABC
 Discovery patterns [27]
 Multiple intermediary steps [36]
 LBD seen largely in biomedical sciences (mining
MEDLINE, PubMed, newer Gene dbs)
 Drug repositioning [37]
 Drug-Disease linkages [38]
 Gene Disease linkages [39][40][41]
 A few non-medical science applications
 Water purification [42]
 Technology and social issues [43]
[1] D. R. Swanson, “Undiscovered Public Knowledge,” Libr. Q., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 103–118, 1986.
[2] D. R. Swanson, “Fish oil, Raynaud’s syndrome, and undiscovered public knowledge.,” Perspect. Biol. Med., vol. 30, no. 1,
pp. 7–18, 1986.
[3] R. A. DiGiacomo, J. M. Kremer, D. M. Shah, M. D. Albany, and N. York, “Fish-oil dietary supplementation in patients with
Raynaud’s phenomenon: a double-blind, controlled, prospective study.,” 1989.
[4] D. R. Swanson, “Swanson 1988 Migraine and magnesium- Eleven neglected connections.pdf,” Perspect. Biol. Med., vol. 31,
no. 4, pp. 526–557, 1988.
[5] N. R. Smalheiser and D. R. Swanson, “Using ARROWSMITH: A computer-assisted approach to formulating and assessing
scientific hypotheses,” Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 149–153, 1998.
[6] N. R. Smalheiser and D. R. Swanson, “Assessing a gap in the biomedical literature: Magnesium deficiency and neurologic
disease,” Neurosci. Res. Commun., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 1994.
[7] N. R. Smalheiser and D. R. Swanson, “Indomethacin and Alzheimer’s disease,” Neurol. , vol. 46 , no. 2 , p. 583, Feb. 1996.
[8] N. R. Smalheiser and D. R. Swanson, “Linking estrogen to Alzheimer ’ s disease : An informatics approach Hippocampal
formation size predicts declining memory performance in normal aging,” Neurology, vol. 47, pp. 809–810, 1996.
[9] N. R. Smalheiser and D. R. Swanson, “Calcium-independent phospholipase a2 and schizophrenia,” Arch. Gen. Psychiatry,
vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 752–753, 1998.
[10] R. Kostoff, M. Briggs, J. Solka, and R. Rushenberg, “Literature-related discovery (LRD): Methodology☆,” Technol.
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[12] R. Mack, S. Mukherjea, a. Soffer, N. Uramoto, E. Brown, a. Coden, J. Cooper, a. Inokuchi, B. Iyer, Y. Mass, H. Matsuzawa,
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[13] X. Hu, “Mining novel connections from large online digital library using biomedical ontologies,” Libr. Manag., vol. 26, no.
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[14] P. Srinivasan, “MeSHmap: a text mining tool for MEDLINE.,” Proc. AMIA Symp., pp. 642–646, 2001.
[15] J. Demaine, J. Martin, B. De Bruijn, and B. De Bruijn, “Haystacks and Hypotheses,” in Proceedings of the ASIST Annual
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[16] P. Srinivasan, “Text mining: Generating hypotheses from MEDLINE,” J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 396–
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[17] J. R. Katukuri, Y. Xie, V. V Raghavan, and A. Gupta, “Hypotheses generation as supervised link discovery with automated
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[19] J. M. Vicente-Gomila, “The contribution of syntactic-semantic approach to the search for complementary literatures for
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[22] K. M. Hettne, M. Weeber, M. L. Laine, H. Ten Cate, S. Boyer, J. a. Kors, and B. G. Loos, “Automatic mining of the literature
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[42] R. N. Kostoff, J. L. Solka, R. L. Rushenberg, and J. a. Wyatt, “Literature-related discovery (LRD): Water purification,”
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[43] V. Ittipanuvat, K. Fujita, I. Sakata, and Y. Kajikawa, “Finding linkage between technology and social issue: A Literature
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