ONE WORSHIP — 10:00 A.M.
Many of you wear a particular kind of hat for your work. Maybe you have one with
your company name printed on it. Perhaps you wear a big floppy hat to protect your face
from the sun. Many of you are sports fans and have your favorite team logo printed on a cap.
Cowboys like to don their western cowboy hats. Whatever hat or cap is your usual
headwear, please pull it out for Sunday, Sept. 1st, and feel free to wear it to our services
on that day.
That weekend, of course, is Labor Day. We are celebrating our diversity with our jobs
and vocations. We want to offer thanks to God for the many and varied talents He has blessed
each one of us with. It will be a celebration that morning seeing the hats and knowing our job
is truly our calling out into the world as a Christian who wants to make a difference with our
co-workers and people we meet on the job.
Honor and Integrity
by Charles R. Swindoll
Psalm 101:1–2
I once heard the president of a seminary express his concern over the school by
saying, "I fear we may be turning out graduates with a great number of beliefs but not
enough conviction." Conviction gives beliefs a backbone. David wasn't satisfied with a
set of theological truths floating around in his head; he pinned them down to concrete
convictions. It's as though he is saying in Psalm 101:1–4, "I'm committed to God's
purpose, whatever it happens to be." In these four verses he lists four great qualities
the believer must possess in order to discover clear direction. Each one assaults an
aimless mindset. Verses 1 and 2 describe the qualities of honor and integrity.
I will sing of loving-kindness and justice,
To You, O LORD, I will sing praises. (101:1)
Observe what David praises through song: loving-kindness and justice. These two
qualities not only define God, they represent the guiding values by which He wants the
world to operate. Many years later, the prophet Micah will write,
What does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)
The first value, translated "loving-kindness," is chesed. It combines the ideas of
extraordinary and unselfish mercy, love, friendship, kindness, and loyalty. The New
Testament concept of grace captures the spirit of chesed. The companion word,
translated "justice," is mishpat, which denotes an orderly, equitable administration of
government; it describes that quality of civil rule that allows everyone to live
peacefully and productively.
David resolves to make these two divine qualities the song of his life. He commits to
letting them animate every decision and every relationship.
I will give heed to the blameless way.
When will You come to me?
I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. (Psalm 101:2)
The first part of this verse has to do with public integrity as David says, literally, "I will
give heed unto the way of integrity." The original Hebrew term translated "blameless"
or "integrity" means "to be whole, complete, finished." It carries with it the idea of
being totally honest, thoroughly sound. The king of Israel knew that his life before the
people had to be solid and honest for the kingdom to remain strong.
The second part of this verse has to do with private integrity—he mentions being
sound in "my house" and "my heart." Integrity is about authenticity, which doesn't
change based on the audience or venue.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Pam Dolgner
Paul Andrus
Mary Ann Hoerig
Sharon Gilbert
Larry Appelt
Bill Kuenstler
Al Johnston
Tippy Boudreaux Dewayne Martin
Eunice Kern
Gloria Climers
Neil Posey
Royce Lee
Mrs DeBord
Sarah Rayburn
Mark Mc Collough & family
Danita Duran
Roxie Schulte
Betty Schlebach
Lillie Mae Duran
Jim Slaughter
Natalie Fraker
Wilburn Stalls
Samantha Garcia
Ernest Hengst
Luke 14:1, 7-14
“Every One Invited”
15th Sunday after Pentecost
8 & 10 Worship, Sanctuary, Holy Communion
September 8
Luke 14:25-33
“Follow Me”
16th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 Worship, Chapel, Holy Communion (pending roof/AC)
10:30 Worship, Sanctuary, Holy Communion
September 15 Luke 15:1-10
“Rejoice With Me”
17th Sunday after Pentecost
8 & 10 Worship, Sanctuary, Holy Communion
September 22 Luke 16:1-13
“Be Faithful”
18th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 Worship, Chapel, Holy Communion (pending roof/AC)
10:30 Worship, Sanctuary, Holy Communion
September 29 Luke 16:19-31
“Be Generous”
19th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 Worship
“God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday
September 8, 2013
Sunday, September 8 is the 25th anniversary as the ELCA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We are one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. We work every day to make our
community a better place. On September 8 we will join together with 4 million members of ELCA in one
dedicated day of service!
Here at Trinity Lutheran we want to be part of this day!
On Sept. 8 we will attend worship at the time of your preference. Each worship service will be
abbreviated so that we can begin our chosen service project or projects. We will work in teams or
family groups. We will begin the service projects at the conclusion of each worship service.
Sunday school students can begin their day of service during Sunday school.
We will have sign up posters in the breezeway for a variety of projects. We are using the sign ups to get
an idea of what we can accomplish and make the necessary arrangements for supplies and equipment.
Leaders have been selected to organize and coordinate the activities.
After the first service we will:
Make cards and/or care packages for the military, shut-ins, nursing home residents, and college
Help with the quilting project
Help tack quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Sunday school students will:
Help make the cards and/or care packages for military and nursing home residents
After the second service we will:
Lead worship for residents of Twin Pines Nursing Home
Deliver peanut butter and jelly to residents of lower income neighborhoods
Deliver water and goldfish to people in the park
Go to the food bank and provide volunteer services
Assist at Perpetual Help Home
Assist at Habitat for Humanity
Begin our winter coat drive
As time grows closer to September 8, more details will be available. If you have questions, contact one
of the members of the Worship team. If you have an idea for another project, feel free to contact the
We are accepting contributions of cases of water, peanut butter, jelly, and items for the trail mix. Please
label the items: God’s work, Our Hands. Leave the items in the kitchen.
Contact Leah, Pastor Barney, Kara or Don at the church office (573-4725) or Mary Anne (571-2092),
Emily (210-216-5200), Ronny D. (361-550-6150)
New Ventures in Bible Reading
1 Kings 1:1 - 2:46
1 Kings 3:3 - 28; 4:20 - 34
1 Kings 5:1 - 7:51
1 Kings 8:1 - 9:25
1 Kings 9:26 - 11:43
1 Kings 12:1 - 13:34
Psalms 102, 103, 104
1 Kings 14:21 - 16:28
1 Kings 16:29 - 18:46
1 Kings 19:1 - 20:43
1 Kings 21:1 - 22:53
2 Kings 1:1 - 2:25
2 Kings 4:1 - 7:20
Psalm 105, Proverbs 27:1 - 27
2 Kings 8:1 - 9:37
2 Kings 10:1 - 12:21
2 Kings 13:1 - 15:38
2 Kings 16:1 - 17:41
2 Kings 18:1 - 20:21
2 Kings 21:1 - 22:20
Psalms 107, 109, 110
2 Kings 23:1 - 25:30
Philippians 1:1 - 2:30
Philippians 3:1 - 4:23
Daniel 1:1 - 2:49
Daniel 3:1 - 4:37
Daniel 5:1 - 6:28
Psalms 111, 112, 113, 114, 115
John 1:1-51
September finds us starting a new year. Some of us are back to school as either a
student or teacher. We may have new surroundings. We will meet new friends and be
reunited with old ones. Often it is heard, “Who is your teacher?”
We all share a common teacher – our Lord Jesus. The subjects are the same each
year: Love your neighbor, follow His example, and tell everyone what He has done. Our
Teacher instructs us to have compassion for those who struggle.
Those new surroundings might be a nursing home, a hospital room or an unhappy
time caused by illness or family strife. In August, we contacted:
3 needing Hospital Visits
66 needing Nursing Home/Assisted Living/Shut-in Visits
27 needing Get Well/Care Cards
3 needing Get Well/Care Phone Calls
2 needing Visitor Cards/Letters/Contacts
Start the new year with a commitment to join the Hospitality Team and become a part of
our “home work” activities.
Your Friends at Victoria Christian Assistance Ministry would like to thank YOU for the generous
donation of $271. Your contribution allows VCAM to assist the less fortunate of Victoria. Thank
you for your continued support. Yours in Christ—Brenda Sloane, Volunteer
August 2, 2013
VCAM provided the following direct services to 1,383 households during July 2013:
Food Boxes:
Home Delivery:
10 (for the disabled)
Basic Needs:
Financial Assistance:
25 (water, rent, medication, transportation)
 We also provided 51 Courtesy Boxes to agencies such as VISD, Gulf Bend, Operation Blessing, and Midcoast Family Services. The 262 family members in these households included 159 children and 59
elderly individuals.
 Our supporting churches donated 533 pounds of food and 298 pounds of basic needs items in July.
These donations are not just welcome, they are needed. We purchased 41,706 pounds of food in
Current Needs:
Non-perishable Food
Basic Needs Items (toilet tissue, toothpaste, shampoo)
Clothing (especially children’s)
Plastic Grocery Bags (we use over 2,000 per month)
Egg Cartons (12 or 18 count)
Walking Canes, Walkers
We received 2,512 pieces of clothing in July. If you plan to donate clothing, please keep it seasonal. We
do not have space to store winter items.
We really need more volunteers. We need at least four more volunteers to help with clothing. Positions
are open in all areas! If you are interested in serving Christ at VCAM, please call Susan or Carol at 5720048.
Thank you for your continued support of this amazing ministry.
Susan Whitefield, Executive
New Orleans Neighbor to the Rescue
Jeremy is a 15 year old who just recently entered the foster care system and became one of the
newest BeREAL (Ready Educated Accomplished Leaders) participants. BeREAL is our program in New
Orleans that helps youth transition out of the foster care system INTO THE REAL WORLD.
A kind neighbor living in Jeremy’s impoverished, urban neighborhood, befriended him and his
sister. Jeremy met them when he asked to use their computer one day and offered to pay for the use
with Skittles. As the neighbors became better acquainted with Jeremy and his sister, they grew
increasingly alarmed at the children’s extreme independence and horrible living conditions. Their home
was the filthiest house they had ever seen. There was no mother in the picture and the father was
drunk and passed out, pretty much round-the clock. Jeremy took care of “the family,” from getting
ready for school to making meals with whatever food he could find. In one instance, when Jeremy woke
up with severe ear pain, it was discovered that a cockroach had crawled into his ear.
One night, the neighbors were awakened by a call from Children’s Hospital. Jeremy and his
sister had been beaten by their father during a drunken rage, and the neighbors were the only contact
the siblings had. The neighbors instantly agreed to take them home and care for them. The Department
of Children and Family Services (DCFS) was contacted and after successfully navigating that system, the
neighbors became Jeremy and his sister’s official foster parents.
DCFS immediately referred Jeremy to BeREAL. Through his horrific circumstances, he has
managed to stay strong academically and receive good grade, and he has become a top BeREAL
participant. Jeremy is thriving in his new home and as part of the BeREAL family. He has also been
matched with a BeREAL mentor who will provide even more support. But even now, glimpses of his
past horrors continue to haunt him.
Any time his BeREAL Transition Coach takes
him our for a meal, or if there are snacks at the center, he will always leave half of his food uneaten, so
that he can take it home to his sister.
[Note: for privacy and confidentiality reasons, the names of the children in the stories have all been
Tracy Arnold and Mark Skoruppa from George West, TX, have been foster parents since May
2011. Infant Jenna, now 21 months old, is their fifth foster child and was placed in their home on
December 5, 2011. They were told that she was a healthy little girl...but she had a cough that
mysteriously would not go away. In early 2012, after numerous doctor’s appointments and tests, it was
discovered that Jenna had SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease) and that she would need
a bone marrow transplant. Transplant Day was March 23, 2012, and on April 8, 2012, the transplant was
declared a success. Jenna (and usually Tracy) remained in the hospital from February 6th until Jenna’s
discharge n July 16th.
Before the family could take Jenna home, they had to prepare for her arrival. Because of her
immune system, germs and infection can cause very serious complications to her health, and the home
had to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, with hand sanitizer dispensers place throughout. When
out in public, Jenna remains in her stroller covered in a “bubble-like” plastic shield to protect her from
Jenna continues to have medical complications. Every complication with Jenna is serious and
many times she has been admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital. Her feedings are through a feeding
tube and medications administered via PICC line. Tracy takes her to doctor appointments in Houston
once a week and therapy in Corpus Christi twice a week. Jenna receives speech therapy, feed therapy,
occupational therapy, and physical therapy . She is on 24-hour nursing care to assist with all of her
medical needs.
March 23rd marked the one-year anniversary of Jenna’ transplant. The Robstown FIT office had
an Easter party for foster families on that day, and presented her with a “lil Ms. Survivor” sash and tiara
at the event.
SCID is a disorder that Jenna will have to deal with for the rest of her life. It is still unclear how
normal of a life she can lead, and if she will ever be able to attend school or do the things healthy
children do...only time will tell. Despite all the medical scares and complications that Jenna has had, the
Arnold/Skoruppa family is currently pursing adoption.
‘Providing help, healing, and hope in the name of Jesus Christ.’
Lutheran Social Services
August 12, 2013
GOAL: $300,000 or more
This is a report on the progress of the Special Funding Appeal to pay down the principle of our note to
renovate our facilities. We have this opportunity every 5 years. If we can pay this amount we will
reduce our interest more than $150,000 and payoff the loan in 5 years rather than 10. We ask that you
prayerfully consider helping us to reach this goal. Funds need to be received by March 1, 2014. The note
will continue even after we pay extra in March 2014, and your continued support is needed. If you
cannot give any extra, please continue to give every month with your regular giving.
The family of Claude Steen is so grateful for all the cards, phone calls, visits, food, kitchen
workers (previously thanked), memorials, and caring hugs following the loss of our loved one.
Our Trinity family has been so kind and thoughtful throughout these sad and difficult weeks.
We appreciate it so much. God bless all of you. Somehow we forgot to include everyone last
month; we hope all know their kindnesses have been most appreciated.
Delores Steen and family
Don’s Page for September 2013
I was reflecting on this summer and all the activities we have here at Trinity, and I came
to the realization that we have a very exciting summer going on. Oh I know it is over for the
most part as we gear up for the beginning of school, and get ready for our new Sunday school
year, but can’t you feel the excitement in the air, the anticipation, the wonder of it all. Kids
wanting to learn, to be with their friends, just like we did so many years back. I can remember
my Sunday School Days and how excited I was to start learning about Christ in my life and how I
was called by name and it is written upon God’s heart. I was special and Sunday School made
me feel that way.
During the Vacation Bible School I got to see firsthand when one of our little ones had a
realization about Christ, and how much he suffered on the cross to forgive our sins. All it took
was a Teacher, a Storyteller, telling about the cross, and the nails Christ had driven into his
hands and feet. As the teacher pressed the nail into the hand of our little one she realized
Christ must have loved us very much to endure that nail being driven into his hand for her. We
need to remember we are those storytellers to those around us who do not have Christ in their
lives. We are called by God and sent out to spread the Good News of forgiveness. Who have
you told lately the Good news of the Gospel that Christ died on a cross for their sins? We all
need to catch the excitement of the Gospel in our lives and pass it on to others in our lives. If
you are not excited about hearing the Word how will people know you have Christ in your
heart? We have the greatest calling in this world and that is to spread God’s love in this land we
love so much. I am asking you to get excited and share that excitement with someone else.
Listen to God’s word and let it build a flame in your heart that will not be put out, or
stopped. Live Christ in your life everyday as if your life depended on it, because your Salvation
does. God Bless your excitement!
Dear Trinity Church Family,
On behalf of Marina and Avelyn Vrana we would like to thank you for the beautiful baptismal gifts you
have bestowed upon our children. The shell medallions, baptismal candles, and handkerchiefs are
very treasured. And to the women who created the prayer wraps and tote bags, and extra big “Thank
You”! What a lovely keepsakes. Thank you all very much.
Wade and Brandy Vrana
Dear Church Family
Thank you so much for allowing me to go to camp and providing me a place to go. I had a lot of fun
and I really enjoyed it. I made a lot of new friends and I learned a lot about God. I had a really good
experience and I really hope that I get to return next year.
Diana Bitterly
Dear Trinity Lutheran Church,
Thank you for your support. I really appreciate all the church does for our youth. We all the church
congregation a thank you. Boundary waters was an amazing trip.
From your youth, Jason Bitterly
A BIG THANK YOU to Dawn Foerster for taking on the Chrismons Project Repairs and making new
ones. Thank you to everyone who helped and donated money.
Trinity WELCA
† Mike and Jana Radwanski were united in Holy Matrimony on July 13, 2013 at Trinity
Lutheran Church. Jana is the daughter of Jeff and Cindy Bittlebrun and granddaughter of
Mary Lou Urban and Janice and Paul Bittlebrun
† Brad and Morgan Lane were united in Holy Matrimony on July 20, 2013 at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Morgan is the daughter of David and Cathy Dierlam and the granddaughter of Gladiola Dierlam.
† Bradley and Rebecca Hauboldt were united in Holy Matrimony on August 10, 2013 at Trinity Lutheran
Church. Bradley is the son of Bryan and Kelly Hauboldt and Rebecca is the daughter of Russell and
Claudette Hofer.
☺ Brantley Tate Kruppa was born on July 23, 2013. He is the son of Zach and Nancy
Leita-Kruppa. Brantley weighed 7lbs. 10 oz.and was 19.5 inches long. He is the baby brother to Dylan,
Taylor, Carley, Ashley, Westin, and Emersyn. Brantley is the grandson of Patty Leita and Donnie Kruppa.
His great grandmother is Betty Bruner.
☺ Reagan Claire Vinson was born on June 5, 2013. She is the daughter of James and Jennifer Vinson.
Reagan’s big sister is Aubree.
† Brayden Blayne and Bryce Stephen Wacker were welcomed to the Trinity family on
August 11, 2013. Their parents are Blayne and Amy Wacker. Their grandfather is
Stephen Schmitt. Their great grandmother is Betty Bruner. Kade and Kaylie are the older brother and
sister. Brayden’s sponsors are Tammy Luster and Kenny Sills and Bryce’s sponsors are Devon Schmitt and
Tyler Revel.
† Sawyer Ann Schmitt was welcomed to the Trinity family on August 11, 2013. Her parents are Brian
and Devon Schmitt and her big brother is Brody. Stephen Schmitt is sawyer’s grandfather and Betty
Bruner is her great grandmother. Sawyer’s sponsors are Rachel Schmitt and Travis Shamberger.
† Wayne and Evelyn Dierlam on the death of Evelyn’s brother, Herman Sturm.
Would you like to be a member of Joyful Noise Choir? We are having a
startup date of Wednesday, Aug. 28th. We will be meeting in the sanctuary
(no AC in choir room right now) at 7:00 PM. We need those of you who have
some musical background to step forward and help us express our faith
through song! Even if you don't feel you know a lot about music, you are
welcome! We are all learning together
Some personal thoughts on choir:
Choir is a way to serve God by being a part of the worship service. Leah and all the choir members
genuinely welcome me even though I am only a "part-time" member.
Winter Texan Monette Garn, soprano
Joyful Noise is a great name for our choir! JOYFUL is how we feel when we praise our Lord in song.
JOYFUL is how we feel when we are together as a group. And we are JOYFUL when given the
opportunity to stretch our vocal chords into dimensions we never knew were there.
NOISE is in the ear of the listener. We are all amateur musicians with varied talents. You may have to
look hard to find perfection, but once in awhile we get lucky. We strive to transform NOISE into a pleasant
worship experience for ourselves and our listening congregation.
We invite you to join us in making a Joyful Noise. Put that "in the shower repertoire" to good use!
Steve Zimmerman, tenor
You always feel welcome and part of a big family when you're with the choir! It's wonderful to share
my love of music with fellow Christians and for others in the congregation to hear God's word through our
Katie Moore, soprano
Do you ever struggle with loneliness? Even very busy people can. And many, many people in our
world today do! Let’s explore a sure cure for loneliness. Soak up you Savior’s love as you consider His
promise to be with you!
You can find fellowship, companionship, laughter, and warmth at Luther Hall on many days during the
month and also the third Monday evening. Some of us who come really don’t sew, aren’t great cooks, and
aren’t creative. There is always something we can do to help. YOU are always welcome!
In September, we are busy finishing up our School Supply Kits and getting them ready to be bagged;
also, we are working on getting together the Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits (formerly called
health kits). These consist of one bath towel (size 52 X 27 $4 at Wal-Mart and Dollar Store), 2 bath-size bars
of soap in wrapping, 1 adult-size toothbrush, 1 sturdy, wide toothed comb, 1 metal nail clipper. In addition,
we can send any brand or size of soap in original wrapping.
Tuesday September 3---Mary Martha and Afternoon Circles-9:30 A.M.
Tuesday September 3—Executive Board 11:30 A.M.
Tuesday September 10—quarterly meeting of all circles at 6:30 P.M.
the Conference
Program by Michelle Schlinke from
Monday September 16—Ruth Circle meeting 7:00 P.M. in Chapel Parlor
(Perfect for anyone working, or needing to have Dad at home to baby sit).
Tuesday September 17—all day Sewing and Tacking, etc…
Wednesday September 18—Wednesday’s Friends & Games Party
Tuesday September 24—Plates of Love and Sewing
There’s more to follow in October: when we go to Twin Pines for a Birthday Party—2 P.M. This is always
lots of fun!!
So, you see, some of this is surely a cure for loneliness and by doing for others, we help ourselves.
Hasn’t God blessed us? Oh yes!!!
Blessings to all, Delores