ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Promoting Good Governance In Indian Corporate Sector Award Conferment Function Monday, 15th December 2003 It is my proud privilege to welcome SHRI LAL KRISHNA ADVANI Hon’ble Deputy Prime Minister of India HON’BLE JUSTICE SHRI M N VENKATACHALIAH Former Chief Justice of India and Chairman of the Jury SHRI M M K SARDANA Secretary Government of India, Department of Company Affairs, Ministry of Finance SHRI G N BAJPAI Chairman Securities and Exchange Board of India Corporate Governance rests with the Vision and Perception of the Corporate Leadership and The ICSI has adopted a Vision for Corporate Governance Our Vision global leader in development of professionals “To be specialising in corporate governance” Corporate Governance for ICSI ”Corporate Governance is the application of best management practices, Compliance of law in true letter and spirit and adherence to ethical standards for effective management and distribution of wealth and discharge of social responsibility for sustainable development of all stakeholders” -The Institute of Company Secretaries of India Our Mission high calibre professionals ensuring good corporate governance and effective management and to carry out proactive research and development activities for protection of interest of all stakeholders, thus contributing to public good” “To continuously develop The Strength behind our Vision and Members Mission is our ICSI Parivar Students Human Assets A Closely Knit Family of Professionals Principles of ICSI Parivar Fairness to all stakeholders Mutual Trust, Transparency and Togetherness Unrestricted Communication and Continuous Feedback Sharing Knowledge, Success Stories and Experience Sharing Happiness and Concerns Helping Each Other – Round the Clock These principles are the foundation of Best Governed Organisations irrespective of their form and size Advantages of applying Best Corporate Governance Practices Growing Revenues Growing Profits Growth Growing Market Value Widening Customer Base Ready Market for New Products Widespread Goodwill and Brand Reputation Access to Global Markets Better Access to Human Capital CUSTOMERS INVESTORS EMPLOYEES Enhanced Trust and Confidence of all Stakeholders GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORS SUPPLIERS SOCIETY Leading to… Environment SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Civil Society Business Society Commitment to well-being and progress of all stakeholders is our age old mantra Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara - Taittariya Upanishad “Forever speak the truth and follow the dharma” Truth : Disclosure of Actual State of Affairs (Transparency in operations and transactions) Dharma : “Dharma is for the stability of society, the maintenance of social order and the general well-being and progress of humankind.” - Karna Parva of the Mahabharata. Verse-58 in Chapter 69 Governance Concept in ‘Ramayana’ To provide “the maximum happiness for the maximum number of people for the maximum period, based on the principles of Dharma – righteousness and moral values.” - Ayodhya Kand “The Customer is King” - Mahatma Gandhi This is the soul behind modern Marketing Management Worshipping 33 Crore Godheads signifying various species, plants, cosmic elements, … Care for Panchtatvas - Prithvi, Jal, Vaayu, Akaash and Agni that make a human being This is our approach to Environment Protection The four essential principles of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy Truth, Ahimsa, Trusteeship and Constructive Action Corporates are also expected to use their Capacity, Knowledge and Resources TOWARDS Dharma Maximisation of stakeholders’ value and wellbeing and progress of humankind THROUGH Truth Transparency, accountability and truthful disclosure of state of affairs This is our own age old mantra of Good Governance Company Secretaries are acting as Catalyst in applying this mantra of Good Corporate Governance Company Secretary Ethics and Mutual Trust Regulatory Compliances Management Functions Company Policies COMPANY SECRETRY navigates the CORPORATE GROWTH with GOOD GOVERNANCE Company Secretary is a Vital Link Company Secretary Course Curriculum Focuses on Essentials of Corporate Governance Extensive PreMembership Training Company Secretaries are adequately developed to take this challenging job Compulsory Continuing Education PMQ and Short Term Courses Company Secretaries are also bound by the strict Code of Conduct Integrity Independence Thus ensuring highest level of Excellence Innovation The ICSI initiatives towards Good Corporate Governance Post Membership Qualification Course in Corporate Governance Objectives “To provide expert knowledge to understand, analyse and apply the principles and practices of Good Corporate Governance in real life situations .“ Course Coverage Paper 1- Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance Paper 2 - Corporate and Board Management Paper 3 -Legal and Regulatory Framework of Corporate Governance Paper 4 - Board Committees and Role of Professionals Paper 5 - Corporate Governance - Codes and Practices Dissertation/ Project Report Issuing Secretarial Standards Secretarial Standards issued by the ICSI so far SS-1 Meetings of the Board of Directors SS-2 General Meetings ICSI is the only professional body in the world to issue Secretarial Standards SS-3 Dividend Guidance Note on Passing of Resolution by Postal Ballot Guidance Note on Buy Back of Securities will be issued today Model Formats for Corporate Governance Reporting • Original research covering 1700 companies • Covering best practices and formats for better Corporate Governance … and starting as an annual feature ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Promoting Good Governance In Indian Corporate Sector ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Best Governed Companies 2001 ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Best Governed Companies 2002 Company Secretaries of winning Companies are also awarded Corporate Captains who have Translated Excellence in Corporate Governance into Reality were also honoured ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Life Time Achievement Award for Translating Excellence in Corporate Governance into Reality 2001 2001 2002 DR. VERGHESE KURIEN RAI BAHADUR MOHAN SINGH OBEROI DR YUSUF KHWAJA HAMIED Chairman Emeritus National Dairy Development Board Chairman The Oberoi Group Chairman and Managing Director Cipla Limited Companies that have won ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance have Consistently earned high returns, increased their net worth and enhanced their shareholders wealth Invested significantly in proactive research and development Developed people into ‘achievers’ than just ‘performers’ Dealt ethically with customers, government and business partners Maintained and updated their professional management culture, system and processes ..and accomplished WINNING EMPLOYEES DELIGHTED CUSTOMERS TRUSTED SUPPLIERS GROWING INVESTORS HAPPY SOCIETY SATISFIED GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORS