2014-2015 JLL Grant Application & Checklist

2014-2015 Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment Grant Information
The Junior League of Lafayette is currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 grant cycle
and is happy to announce the availability of funding to aid your organization in furthering its
service to the community.
Any organization applying for funding through a Junior League of Lafayette grant must
meet ALL three of the following stipulations:
1. Must be recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Service Code
2. Must have a local Board of Directors.
3. The program or project to be funded must be located in Lafayette Parish
Funding WILL NOT be granted for the following:
 Fundraising events
 Research efforts
 Deficit financing
 Conference or seminar fees
 Travel expenses
 Endowments
 Scholarships
Media events
Sectarian religious projects
General operating expenses
Office furniture
Production and developments of
television or radio programming
or lobbying
No grants will be made to individuals.
Mission Statement of the Junior League of Lafayette
The Junior League of Lafayette is an organization of women committed to promoting
voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the
effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and
Applications which will directly impact the Junior League of Lafayette’s focus areas of child
health and the development and the general well-being of women will be given priority.
Applications that are congruent with our Mission Statement will also be given priority. Please
note that 50 percent of the projects chosen each year must be new projects for the
Collaborative Opportunity Grants Committee.
Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment Grant Specifics
The Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment Grant enables the Junior League of
Lafayette to fund community needs by providing money for nonprofit agency projects and
programs in Lafayette Parish. The Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment Grant
will be awarded in amounts up to $25,000. There is a total $60,000 that will be awarded during
the 2014-2015 grant cycle.
The Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment monies will be allocated in
mid-September of 2014. Grants are awarded for a one-year period of time. All agencies
receiving Community Resource Fund/Community Enrichment grants must submit a written
report to the Junior League of Lafayette on a quarterly basis. A final report will also be required
after completion of the project. A grant reporting form will be provided.
Grant Application
All required documentation must be included in order for the application to be considered.
Please see the checklist provided to ensure inclusion of these materials. The Junior League of
Lafayette will evaluate requests for funding based upon information submitted in the
All applications must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. June 27, 2014. One (1) printed copy
must arrive via postal carrier or be hand-delivered to Junior League of Lafayette Headquarters.
Please see the address below. One (1) electronic copy must also be submitted via Dropbox to
grants@juniorleagueoflafayette.com. Please see the attached informational sheet on how to
submit your application electronically. Any application that is received after the deadline will
not be considered in the current grant funding cycle.
Please use the address below when mailing or hand-delivering your completed application:
Junior League of Lafayette
Attn: Collaborative Opportunity Grants Committee
504 Richland Avenue
Lafayette, LA 70508
The 2014-2015 Collaborative Opportunity Grants Committee looks forward to working with you
and your agency. Please direct all questions to Caroline Potier by email at
caroline_sonnier@yahoo.com or by phone at (337) 212-9137.
Caroline Potier
Collaborative Opportunity Grants Chair 2014-2015
2014-2015 JLL Grant Application & Checklist
Date of application:_____________________
Organization Name:__________________________________________________________
Phone Number:_______________________ Email Address:__________________________
Name of Chief Executive Officer:_______________________________________________
Chief Executive Officer’s Contact Number:________________________________________
Email Address:______________________________________________________________
Name of Project Director:______________________________________________________
Project Director’s Contact Number:______________________________________________
Email Adress:_______________________________________________________________
Organization’s Mission Statement:______________________________________________
Brief Summary of the Program/Project:___________________________________________
Demonstrate Community Need for Program/Project:_________________________________
Amount of Funds Requested:___________________________________________________
This section of the application should be no longer than three typed pages and should include the
following information, in the order listed below:
1. Concise history of the organization with an overview of current programs and activities. Please
tell us who you are and what you do. (100 words or less)
2. What is the program/project to be funded by the Junior League of Lafayette? Please include:
a. a timeline for the program/project
b. the number of people impacted
c. the target population
3. A brief statement of how you plan on evaluating the success of your program/project and whether
or not it has been made accessible to your target population. Is it possible to measure the
outcomes for this project?
4. A brief statement regarding how this program/project is congruent to the Mission of the Junior
League of Lafayette.
5. State whether or not this is a program/project the Junior League of Lafayette has previously
6. Is this program/project a collaboration with any other agencies? If so, how will the
responsibilities be coordinated and what is the expertise that each agency brings to the project?
7. State whether or not this program/project can be partially funded.
Checklist of Attachments: Attachments should include the following information and be supplied in the
order listed below. If your agency’s name has changed, all attachments required within must be in the
name of the agency submitting the application.
____ 1.
Copy of Internal Revenue Service letter stating that the organization is tax exempt or a
copy of the organization’s fiscal agents 501(c)(3) designated letter. If the organization is
using a fiscal agent, a letter from the fiscal agent’s organization stating its willingness to
serve is also requested.
____ 2.
A list of the organization’s current board members and officers. The organization is
required to have a local Board of Directors.
____ 3.
Statement from a representative of the organization’s Board of Directors authorizing the
request and agreeing to implement the project/program if funded.
____ 4.
If applicable, please provide a letter from a representative of the collaborating agency or
____ 5.
Detailed project budget, including income sources and expenditures. Applicants are
strongly encouraged to itemize and provide supporting documentation of all proposed
expenditures, including any pertinent estimates or bids for goods or services to be
obtained from outside sources. Also include a list of other sources of funding (pending or
approved) for this program/project.
____ 6.
A list of the organizations top three (3) funding sources, the last three (3) years of the total
revenues and total expenses for the organization, a current operating budget and a
statement of what percentage of the most current year’s budget was spent on
____ 7.
An audit or IRS Form 990 from the organization’s most current fiscal year.
Applicants should submit one (1) copy of their complete application stapled but not bound to:
Junior League of Lafayette
Collaborative Opportunity Grants Committee
504 Richland Ave.
Lafayette, LA 70508.
Applicants should also submit one (1) electronic copy of their completed application via Dropbox to
grants@juniorleagueoflafayette.com. Instructions to complete the electronic submission of your
completed application have been included.
Applications must be received on or before the deadline of 12:00 pm on Friday, June 27, 2014. All
applications received after this deadline will not be considered.