MARTIN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) COMMITTEE MEETING MEETING MINUTES Monday, September 12, 2011 - 5:00 P.M. Martin County Administration Building Growth Management Conference Room, 1st Floor 2401 SE Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34996 (772) 221-1498 Members in Attendance: Mr. Ken Natoli, Vice Chairman Ms. Dee Spera Mr. Edward Vossen Mr. Rick Yost Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene Mr. John-Mark Palacios Mr. John Fanticola (For Barbara Timmerman) Excused Members Ms. Joan Moore, Chairperson Mr. Kevin B. Edwards Mr. Hal Forslund (Gone until November) Mr. Robert Taylor Mr. Jim Hudson (Gone until October) Mr. John Mildenberger Officer Michael Pope Members Not In Attendance: Mr. Joseph DeFronzo Officer James C. Brooks, (ex-Officio) Mr. Eric Cerniglia Staff in Attendance: Ms. Beth Beltran, Transit Planning Manager Ms. Margaret H. Brassard, Administrative Specialist II Mr. Michael Malham, Planner II Others in Attendance: Mr. Kev Freeman, CRA There was a quorum for the meeting. BPAC Minutes Page 1 of 8 September 12, 2011 1. APPROVE AGENDA Ms. Beth Beltran stated that she would like to add an item to the agenda as Agenda Item E; it will be the Martin County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Process. It contains information as to how the process works. A motion was made by Ms. Dee Spera to approve the Agenda with the additional item as noted. A second was made by Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene. The motion passed unanimously. 2. APPROVE MINUTES A motion to approve the regular minutes from the July 11, 2011, meeting, as well as the Subcommittee summary of the August 8, 2011, meeting was made by Ms. Dee Spera with a second by Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene. No objections were noted. The motion passed unanimously. 3. FDOT COMMENTS None. 4. AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Natoli stated that the scheduled meeting for next month is a subcommittee meeting, however, since there has been low attendance at the past couple of meetings, and the Action Plan is in need of some input and work from the committee, it was suggested that the October meeting be changed to be a regular meeting. Also, the meeting in November will be a joint meeting with the Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). This committee will not be able to work on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan at that time. It would be beneficial to this committee if the meeting next month was a regular meeting in order to work on this Plan. Ms. Dee Spera made a motion to change the meeting on October 10, 2011, and the November 16, 2011, to be regular meetings. This motion was seconded by Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene. There were no objections to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. A. MARTIN COUNTY CRA TIGER III GRANT PROPOSAL – STAFF PRESENTATION MEMO: temp12BPACa02.01 Mr. Kev Freeman, who represents the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in Martin County, was introduced. Mr. Freeman stated that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has been authorized to dispose of $562 million in discretionary grants. They are seeking projects throughout the nation which are innovative, involve multi-modal forms of transportation, and BPAC Minutes Page 2 of 8 September 12, 2011 are not entirely involved around transportation, even though the grant is transportation related. The grant does offer more point scoring for transportation items, however this grant will work closely with Housing Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in accessing these grant applications. This is known as the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) III Grant. By reviewing previous winners of the TIGER II grants, the CRA has learned what errors were made in their submission, and plan to submit a more complete and thorough project for the TIGER III grant. Indiantown was selected to apply for this grant as there is $140 million specifically set aside for rural communities. Because Indiantown is a CRA area, fairly isolated, and the results will be easily measured making it a good candidate for the grant. Indiantown is divided by a five lane highway, Warfield Boulevard. Most traffic, even the neighborhood traffic, is forced on to Warfield Boulevard. This community is a multi-modal area, walking, bicycling, and golf carts are major modes of transportation. The CRA held a workshop in Indiantown to determine where the residents would like to be in the terms of linkage, and have been able to glean valuable information. It was determined that approximately 60% of the local traffic is on this road, which is why FDOT wants to build a six lane highway through the town. It was learned that the residences do not want the six lane highway when that could be avoided by the utilization of better local links. The CRA is offering an alternative which would remove trips from Warfield Boulevard. Some considerations were where people want to go, and what mode of transportation will they be taking. It was learned that Indiantown has the most heavily used bus route in the entire county. A centralized hub area was envisioned to be a potential bus/train station in the future. So the CRA has looked at circular routes which could allow people to commute locally without having to get on to Warfield Boulevard. The CRA is looking to incorporate roadways and trail ways which would enable walkers, bicycles and golf carts to move about easily. One of the CRA’s main aims is to keep Warfield Boulevard as a primary, passthrough route, and use the local network for local transportation in Indiantown, while encouraging people to come into Indiantown and explore the trail network that connects to the center. The CRA anticipates applying for approximately $10 million of the grant. They are still in the design phase of the project. They will continue to work on the connectivity and the potential for a bus/train station in the future. Mr. Freeman is requesting a recommendation to the MPO Board, from this committee, to support the CRA applying for this grant. From there, the MPO Board will recommend the project to the Board of County Commissioners prior to applying for the grant. When the CRA applies for the grant they will update each of the committees with more details, as this project is still in process. There is a short timeline on this however, as the intention to apply for this grant must go out at the end of this month. BPAC Minutes Page 3 of 8 September 12, 2011 Mr. John-Mark Palacios of FDOT asked which of the roadways will be new. Mr. Freeman stated that some of the roads do currently exist but they are in need of improvements in order to accommodate the different modes of transportation. One of the priorities is that DOT wants these projects to be scripted and almost shovel ready. The CRA plans to have most of the project drawn out and there is lots of right-of-way so there will be fewer environmental issues with which to deal. The primary aim is to upgrade existing connections so that they can accommodate all the modes of transportation from walkers to golf carts. Mr. Palacios asked if the train service that currently ran through Indiantown was Amtrak. Mr. Freeman stated yes, but that the train no longer stops there, but the population in Indiantown would like the train to stop there again. They too would use the train in order to get to work if it were available to them. Ms. Spera asked what the trail way would consist of, a soft surface or concrete? Mr. Freeman stated that it will be a “green” transitional-type of surface. It will be aimed toward pedestrians however, the length of some of the trails will be long, so it must accommodate bicycles and golf carts. It may not be concrete but it will be stable enough to accommodate bicycles. Mr. Palacios asked what percentage of trips would be removed from Warfield Boulevard. Mr. Freeman stated that at this point in time, it is unsure, but it will be a major reduction in vehicle traffic. The CRA does plan to measure all of the different forms of transportation as there needs to be a base line as well as long term tracking. The grant requires the tracking to see what projects are viable for doing again in the future, which work, which don’t and how well or not. Mr. Freeman stated that the trails would also be a benefit to tourism as people could come to Indiantown and bike along the trails. Mr. Palacios asked if when the pedestrian and bike traffic was removed from Warfield Boulevard, did the CRA consider that the DOT may increase the speed limit on the roadway? Mr. Freeman stated that the DOT will allow for local input. The CRA hopes to reduce the car traffic on the Boulevard. The CRA has run collision reports for that area of Indiantown and the odds are one in six of being involved in an accident on Warfield Boulevard. The people of Indiantown want to slow the road down. Mr. John-Mark Palacios stated that Martin County has one of the highest bicycle fatalities and accidents in the state. Ms. Beltran stated that the Citizen’s and Technical Advisory Committee’s have made motions to recommend the MPO Board support the CRA in applying for the TIGER III grant. BPAC Minutes Page 4 of 8 September 12, 2011 A motion was made by Cheryl Lenartiene to recommend to the MPO Board to support the CRA in applying for the TIGER III grant as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Vossen. There were no objections. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Freeman discussed the winners of the TIGER II projects. He stated that measurability, and innovativeness were key factors to the projects which were awarded. Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene asked if we know if there are areas in Indiantown that have a larger populous of non-drivers? Mr. Malham stated that they do not have that type of information. B. BICYCLE and PEDESTRIAN ACTION PLAN MEMO: temp12BPACa02.02 Mr. Malham stated that as there are a lot of members absent tonight he was not going into a great detail on the changes which have been made. He did state that the committee needs to be reviewing the Action Plan as he would like the committee to prioritize the projects at the October meeting. Mr. Malham stated that during the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) that there was a massive public involvement campaign, so he has extracted some specific questions relating the Bicycle and Pedestrian issues from there, he’s tallied up some of the recommendations and he’s gotten the information into the Geographic Information System (GIS) to mention some of the changes. (See handout.) Mr. Malham advised the members present how the projects are being evaluated and scored. Mr. Malham stated that the number one project was the bicycle lanes on Willoughby Boulevard, from Cove Road to Monterey Road. Mr. Natoli stated that Willoughby is proposed to go all the way to U. S. Highway One so he felt that it should be included. Mr. Malham stated that it should be kept as a separate project. Ms. Beltran remarked that you still must keep in mind that Willoughby is not eligible for Federal funding. Mr. Natoli asked if Federal funding was one of the criteria. Mr. Malham stated that it is hoped that Federal funding will be used for many of these projects but this is excluded from receiving Federal funding. Mr. Natoli noted that this committee can’t allow the Federal funding to dictate the priorities. This is still an important link, even if it needs to stand on its own merit. Mr. Malham stated that this link could be incorporated at a later date so as not to over weigh another project or jeopardize something much more important. Mr. Natoli stated that regardless where on the plan it is, it is a plan and this portion needs to be shown, regardless of the prioritizing. Mr. Malham stated that it could be listed as an improvement project. The priorities are the top ten and the improvement projects are the next steps. Mr. Natoli stated that there will be other projects to include with this, but it’s not necessary to change the entire list for this BPAC Minutes Page 5 of 8 September 12, 2011 project. However, it needs to be on the list showing that it has been identified and maybe at a later date, it will be picked up by way of a new project coming nearby in which it could be incorporated. It has been noted that the BPAC has already made known to the County that all roadways should have bike lanes. Mr. Malham has indicated that the MPO Board will take the lead on some of these projects. It has been discussed having a consultant review these projects, and have Martin County maintain it. The next project is the Safe Route to Schools non-infrastructure project, which has partnered with the Commit 2 be Fit Organization, will begin in October in all of the elementary schools in Martin County. Mr. Malham met with people from the Parks and Recreation Department and they advised when the BPAC is suggesting projects to add landscaping as it makes the project more appealing. Another route that should be added to the bike lane list is Ocean Boulevard, from Downtown to Palm Beach Road. Mr. Palacious suggested that Mr. Malham should change the color of I-95 and the Turnpike to differentiate the roads from the bike lanes on the maps that he distributed showing roads and bike lanes. Ms. Beltran stated that it is very important that this committee review the maps and have them finalized at the next meeting. The November meeting is a joint meeting with the CAC and TAC. BPAC will need to have a strong presence at this meeting to support their desires using these maps and to be able to answer any questions presented to them by the other two committees. Mr. Natoli commended Mr. Malham on his efforts in compiling all the information and the maps. He also suggested that when Mr. Malham reminds the committee of the next meeting, that if members cannot attend the meeting that they should forward any input and prioritizing to Mr. Malham so that the information can be added at the meeting, for presentation at the November meeting. Mr. Natoli also suggested that the greenway planning should be shown on the map. Mr. Malham discussed the categories and the ranking and gave a brief overview as to what is expected of the members in scoring the different projects and how their score will affect the outcome. Ms. Beltran stated that based on the criteria Walmart is way down on the list, however, it’s a high traffic area for people whether by auto, bike, bus or walking. She stated that it is projects like this that should be reviewed by committee members to decide whether it should be rated as a higher priority. BPAC Minutes Page 6 of 8 September 12, 2011 Mr. Natoli believes that the order of the Bicycle Action Plan should be changed around. He believes that the committees’ vision and goals should be first, followed by the tables, the priorities, the improvement projects, the maps with the project lists then everything else. That way if someone looks at the plan, they will see the important information and maybe they will continue to read on. C. FY 2011/12 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN UPDATE MEMO: temp12BPACa02.03 Ms. Beltran stated that the PIP was approved by the MPO Board in December, 2009. Some modifications are being recommended in order to use the 2010 figures and to reference the 2035 Plan instead of the 2030 Plan as in the previously approved PIP. There is a list of modifications planned in the agenda package followed by the actual PIP that was approved. Staff is requesting approval from this committee to take these changes to the MPO board at their next meeting. Both the CAC and TAC have already seen the PIP and have given their approval. Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene made a motion to approve the PIP as presented by staff and recommend it to the MPO Board. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dee Spera. There were no objections. The motion was passed unanimously. D. SEABRANCH PROJECT UPDATE MEMO: temp12BPACa02.04 Mr. Michael Malham stated a Public Workshop was held to review the background of this project and to solicit approval for the project. There were 18 comments made in favor of the alignment and four opposing. The Seabranch Advisory Group was initiated by the Board of County Commissioners to review the proposed pathway alignment currently going through Seabranch State Park to explore additional alternatives. Commissioner Heard was appointed to the advisory group as it is in her district. The project is moving forward. They are trying to move the alignment a bit further into the park. E. MARTIN MPO PROCESS MEMO:temp12BPACa02.05 Ms. Beltran stated that this is a description and history of the Martin MPO Board, who is on the Board, the advisory committees, how they came about and what the responsibilities are for the members. This will be given to each of the new members so they will have a better idea as to what will be expected of them and why. BPAC Minutes Page 7 of 8 September 12, 2011 5. COMMENTS FROM COMMITTEE MEMBERS None. 6. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC None. 7. NEXT MEETINGS Mr. Natoli stated that the next two meetings will be regular meetings and they will be held on October 10, 2011 and November 16, 2011. The November 16, 2011 will be a joint meeting with the CAC and the TAC and it will be held at the Blake Library at 1:30 PM. This meeting will be in lieu of the November meeting. 8. ADJOURN A motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Dee Spera and seconded by Ms. Cheryl Lenartiene. There were no objections. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM Recorded and Prepared by: _________________________________________ Margaret H. Brassard, Administrative Specialist, II ________________________ Date Approved by: ______________________________________ Ken Natoli, Vice-Chair BPAC Minutes Page 8 of 8 _________________________ Date September 12, 2011