SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Syfy Channel Neverland Night One As Broadcast 1 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE TITLE CARD: SYFY PRESENTS EXT. SPACE (SHOTS OF THE COSMOS.) TITLE CARD: RHYS IFANS TITLE CARD: ANNA FRIEL TITLE CARD: CHARLES DANCE (TWO COMETS RACE SIDE BY SIDE THROUGH SPACE.) TITLE CARD: Q’ORIANKA KILCHER TITLE CARD: RAOUL TRUJILLO TITLE CARD: AND BOB HOSKINS (WE COME CLOSER TO A PLANET.) TITLE CARD: A PLANET, SECOND TO THE RIGHT AND STRAIGHT ON TILL MORNING EXT. FOREST – CONTINUOUS (LOOKING UP THROUGH THE TREES.) TITLE CARD: WITH CHARLIE ROWE AS PETER TITLE CARD: KEIRA KNIGHTLEY AS THE VOICE OF TINKER BELL (FLYING CREATURES GLIDE THROUGH THE FOREST AND COME TO A STOP TO LOOK AT A MOUNTAIN. A HOODED MAN STANDS HOLDING AN ORB.) Tinker Bell: (vo) What’s he doing? (THE TWO COMETS SHOOT DOWN TOWARDS THE MAN WITH THE ORBS.) Tinker Bell: (cont) (vo) (gasps) No! (TINKER BELL FLIES TOWARDS HIM AS THE COMETS COME TO HIM.) Tinker Bell: (cont) (vo) Stop! Hooded Man: No! 1 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 2 EXT. THE JOLLY ROGER – DAY (BONNY STANDS ON THE DECK HOLDING UP A HOOK.) TITLE CARD: NEVERLAND Bonny: Fire! Pirates: (cheering) (CANONS BEGIN FIRING FROM THE SHIP DESTROYING A NEARBY SHIP.) TITLE CARD: THE SPANISH MAIN, 1726 Bonny: Fire! (MORE FIRING AS PIRATES GET MORE CANNONS INTO POSITION.) TITLE CARD: CASTING BY AMY HUBBARD CSA TITLE CARD: MUSIC COMPOSED BY RONAN HARDIMAN Starkey: She’s a-sinking already! Bonny: Board! her! Before she takes her booty with (THE PIRATES SCATTER ABOUT THE DECK.) TITLE CARD: COSTUME DESIGNER EIMER NI MHAOLDOMHNAIGH (MR. SMEE WATCHES THE BOAT SINK.) Mr. Smee: (laughs) (THE BOAT GOES UNDER.) TITLE CARD: VISUAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR LEE WILSON (A BOAT FULL OF SAILORS LOOKS PAST WHERE THEIR BOAT HAS SUNK TO THE JOLLY ROGER.) TITLE CARD: EDITOR ALLAN LEE INT. THE JOLLY ROGER – MOMENTS LATER (BONNY SITS AS STARKEY AND ANOTHER MATE BRING OVER A LARGE CHEST ALONG WITH SMEE.) Mr. Smee: It’s a heavy one, Captain. Starkey: (grunts) Deus de Dio. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 3 (THEY PUT DOWN THE CHEST.) Starkey: (cont) (groans) It’s a war chest, I imagine, filled with Spanish doubloons. (SHE NODS AND HE STARTS TO OPEN IT.) Starkey: (cont) (grunts) (THEY OPEN IT REVEALING A LARGE ORB.) Starkey: (cont) Eh? Bonny: What the hell is it?! Mr. Smee: It’s the Holy Grail. Starkey: Don’t be ridiculous, Smee. There’s no such thing. Mr. Smee: Well, it’s Aladdin’s lamp then. Idiot. (BONNY LOOKS CLOSER AT IT AS IT STARTS TO GLOW.) Bonny: There’s something inside it. (AN IMAGE OF TINKER BELL APPEARS.) Bonny: (cont) (screams) Starkey: What’s the matter? (BONNY HAS HER GUN OUT.) Bonny: It’s possessed. The damn thing’s got a ghost inside it. Mr. Smee: Or a genie! Maybe it’ll grant us a wish or two. Bonny: It’s not of this world. (SHE SHOOTS IT AND THE ENTIRE BOAT DISAPPEARS INTO THE FLOATING ORB. MEN ON A LIFEBOAT NEARBY SEE IT AND POINT.) Man On Boat: (speaking in Spanish) SUBTITLE: Look the magic orb. EXT. LONDON STREET – DAY TITLE CARD: LONDON, ENGLAND 1906 (SOME WELL-DRESSED MEN COME OUT OF A BUILDING AS A PHOTOGRAPHER READIES HIS CAMERA.) TITLE CARD: PRODUCTION DESIGNER AMANDA McARTHUR SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE TITLE CARD: 4 DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY SEAMUS DEASY EXT. NEARBY STREET – CONTINUOUS (TOOTLES RUNS FROM CURLY AND NIBS.) Tootles: Help! Curly: Let me at him! Nibs: I’m gonna kill him! Curly: Come on you little runt! EXT. LONDON STREET – SECONDS LATER (PETER WATCHES FROM A ROOFTOP AS THE BOYS CHASE TOOTLES.) TITLE CARD: PRODUCED BY REDMOND MORRIS Tootles: (screaming) Help! Curly: Come on you runt! Tootles: (screams) (TOOTLES RUNS RIGHT INTO THE GROUP OF WELL-DRESSED MEN.) Well-Dressed Men: (muttering) (PETER BEGINS PLAYING A FLUTE UP ABOVE. BEHIND A PILLAR.) Slightly: SLIGHTLY MOVES FROM That’s us. (SLIGHTLY AND ANOTHER BOY JOIN IN THE SCUFFLE. PLAYING.) TITLE CARD: EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS ALAN MOLONEY AND MARK GRENSIDE (TOOTLES ESCAPES THE GROUP AND NIBS FOLLOWS. OF THE MEN’S WALLETS.) Man: SLIGHTLY GRABS ONE Oi! Boy’s got my wallet! thieves! (THEY HAVE SLIGHTLY AS THE OTHERS GET AWAY. OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOFTOP HE’S ON.) Man: PETER KEEPS Their PETER RUNS TO THE (cont) Thieves! (BELOW ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING, TOOTLES WALKS WITH NIBS AND CURLY.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Nibs: 5 A gold watch? an artist. Blimey, Tootles. You’re (PETER PLAYS HIS PIPE.) Curly: (sighs) What now? EXT. ROOFTOP – CONTINOUS (PETER RUNS AS HE PLAYS.) TITLE CARD: EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS ROBERT HALMI, SR. AND ROBERT HALMI, JR. EXT. STREET – CONTINUOUS (THE BOYS POP OUT FROM AROUND A CORNER.) Tootles: What’s up Twins? The Twins: Slightly’s gone and got himself nicked. (THEY WATCH AS THE MEN HOLD ON TO SLIGHTLY.) Curly: And instructions from Peter? The Twins: No. He’s, he’s gone quiet. (PETER PLAYS ANOTHER SONG.) Curly: That’s Beer Barrel Bertie. Nibs: We don’t have no plans for Beer Barrel Bertie. Do we? (A CART GOES BY WITH BEER BARRELS.) Tootles: Hey, look over there. (TWO COPPERS WALKS SLIGHTLY ALONG AND FOX STOPS THEM, HOLDING A STICK OUT.) Fox: Excuse me, officer. dropped this. Copper #1: What? Impossible. loose. You, uh, you Must have a buckle (FOX PULLS OUT A WHISTLE.) Fox: And, uh, you dropped this. Copper #2: That’s my whistle. Fox: It was down there with your keys. Well, how did you… (THE COPPER SEES HIS KEYS ON THE GROUND AND FOX PULLS A KEY FROM BEHIND HIS BACK. THE COPPER BENDS DOWN TO GET IT.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Copper #2: 6 My keys! (FOX UNLOCKS SLIGHTLY’S CUFFS.) Fox: (THEY RUN OFF. Copper #1: Go. THE COPPERS FOLLOW.) He’s got the blighter loose! (THEY CHASE THEM THROUGH THE WELL-DRESSED MEN AND TOWARDS THE CART OF BARRELS.) Coppers: You there! Come here! (PETER BEGINS TO PLAY THE WHISTLE. THE HORSE’S EARS PERK UP AND IT REARS BACK. THE BARRELS ROLL OFF OF THE CART AND KNOCK DOWN THE COPPERS.) Coppers: Whoa! (SLIGHTLY AND FOX RUN AWAY.) Peter: (quietly) Yes. TITLE CARD: WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY NICK WILLING INT. WHITECHAPEL FENCING ACADEMY – DAY (A GROUP OF FENCERS FIGHT IN PAIRS. Jimmy: JIMMY ADDRESSES THEM.) Don’t watch his sword Stevens, watch his eyes. Remember a man’s intent is in his eyes. (JIMMY WALKS THROUGH THEM AS THEY CONTINUE TO FIGHT. HE STOPS BETWEEN A PAIR AND HOLDS A SWORD UP TO ONE OF THEM. THEY BEGIN TO FIGHT AND JIMMY STRIKE HIM.) Fencer: (yelps) (THEY GO AGAIN AND JIMMY DISARMS HIM AND RETURNS HIS SWORD.) Jimmy: Sometimes smaller is smarter. (SLIGHTLY, CURLY, FOX, NIBS, AND THE TWINS ENTER AND HEAD INTO ANOTHER ROOM. JIMMY FOLLOWS.) INT. THE BOYS’ ROOM – CONTINUOUS (THE GROUP BEGINS TO UNLOAD THEIR LOOT AS PETER ENTERS THROUGH A WINDOW.) Curly: Jimmy’s gonna love this. Fox: Well done, Peter. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE (TOOTLES BEGINS TO COOK. 7 JIMMY COMES IN.) Jimmy: I’ve got a nice job for you boys. Curly: How nice? Jimmy: Harbottle’s Antiques. Curly: Are you mad? Jimmy: You’re ready. Nibs: That place is tighter than the Tower. Curly: We’ll get nicked for sure. Jimmy. Too dangerous. Peter: I think it’s a brilliant idea. Harbottle’s has two doors as I remember. One in the front and one at the back leading to an alley. There is a night guard, of course. And the windows are sealed shut. But, there are other ways in if you’re small and cunning. Curly: If we get nicked it won’t be the orphanage they throw us in. It’ll be the clink. We wouldn’t last a week. Peter: Weren’t you at the bottom of Hackney Canal when Jimmy found you? Tied in a sack with stones around your wrists and ankles. Jimmy’s rescued every one of you. He’s pulled you from the workhouses and asylums. He’s given you a home. Food in your belly and shoes on your feet. Isn’t it time we paid him back? Harbottle’s Antiques. Sorry (HE RAISES HIS HAND.) Peter: All who’s with me raise your right hand. (THEY ALL GRADUALLY RAISE THEIR HANDS.) Jimmy: A word in your ear, Peter. (HE GOES UP THE STAIRS.) INT. WHITECHAPEL FENCING ACADEMY – MOMENTS LATER (JIMMY SITS TO TALK TO PETER.) Jimmy: (cont) Curly’s right. dangerous. This one’s too SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Peter: But it’s worth it. Jimmy: How do you know? Peter: You wouldn’t risk it otherwise. Jimmy: You’re growing up quickly Peter but you still have a lot to learn. Peter: Do you want to do this job or not!?! Jimmy: Oh, I want to do it all right. It’s what I’ve been waiting for. It might get me back where I belong. But I’ve changed my mind. I’m going it alone on this one. (HE GETS UP.) Peter: You don’t trust me. Jimmy: I don’t want you to get nicked. Peter: I’ll get us in and out safe. Jimmy: No. This one’s mine. Things will be different when you’re older. (HE WALKS OFF.) EXT. ROOFTOP – NIGHT (PETER LOOKS OUT AT LONDON. Fox: FOX JOINS HIM.) Licorice? (small chuckle) (PETER SHAKES HIS HEAD NO.) Fox: (cont) What do you think of accounting? Peter: What? Fox: Bookkeeping. I had an uncle in Pinner who made bucket-loads from just adding things up. (laughs) Peter: Sounds a bit dull, Fox. Fox: He had a good life. Married a draper’s daughter from Bexley Heath. (sighs) Brenda Fitzwilliam. Nice smile. Peter: Fox, what are you talking about? Fox: The future. Something to look forward to. What about you Peter? You ever think of the future. 8 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 9 Peter: I’m stickin’ with Jimmy. Fox: (scoffs) If you’re not careful you’ll grow up to be just like him. Peter: What’s wrong with that? Fox: It’s a dangerous life. Peter: Adventurous you mean. Fox: (scoffs) Peter: (overlapping) You wanna spend the rest of your days in a shoe box? Fine. But I want more. Now, Jimmy’s going places and so am I. One day we’ll be partners. Believe me. That day can’t…can’t come soon enough. Come on, we’ve got a job to do. (PETER GETS UP.) Fox: What? Job? Peter: Yeah, Harbottles Antiques. Fox: Tonight? Whoa, Jimmy didn’t say anything about doing it tonight. Peter: Jimmy doesn’t have to know. surprise him. Remember? We’ll INT. JIMMY’S OFFICE – NIGHT (JIMMY POURS A DRINK AS JEFFRIES SITS TALKING WITH HIM.) Jeffries: Make it look like an ordinary break-in. Take whatever else you want. Jimmy: Of course. Jeffries: And, should you be lucky enough to find the artifact there handle it with the utmost care. Jimmy: Have you considered my terms? Jeffries: Money’s not a problem but the other business is more difficult. (JIMMY GIVES HIM THE GLASS.) Jimmy: I’m afraid it’s not negotiable. Jeffries: My client is using what influence he has but… SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 10 Jimmy: But what? Jeffries: Re-establishing your position in London society is proving more troublesome than he thought. The Granville Club won’t take you back. And most of the new businessmen he spoke to want concrete references. Introduction’s no longer enough. Jimmy: Well, if anyone can do it, Fludd can. Jeffries: As I said, he’s doing his best. INT. FENCING ACADEMY EXIT – MOMENTS LATER (JIMMY LETS JEFFRIES OUT. ) Jeffries: (cont) If there’s a slip-up I don’t know you. Understand? Jimmy: Perfectly. (JEFFRIES LEAVES AND JIMMY CLOSES THE DOOR.) INT. THE BOYS’ ROOM – MOMENTS LATER (JIMMY COMES DOWNSTAIRS AND TURNS OFF A LIGHT. HE STARTS BACK UP BUT TURNS BACK AND DESCENDS THE STAIRS. HE FINDS THE BEDS EMPTY.) EXT. HARBOTTLES – NIGHT (ESTABLISHING SHOT.) INT. HARBOTTLES – CONTINUOUS (THE NIGHT GUARD WORKS AT A DESK AND HEARS A RING. HE GOES TO THE DOOR AND LOOKS OUT TO SEE SLIGHTLY AND TOOTLES.) Slightly: Penny for the Guy, mister. Night Guard: It’s September! (A FIRECRACKER IS THROWN BEHIND THEM.) Night Guard: (cont) Get lost! Ruddy pests! (THE FIRECRACKERS GO OFF AND THE TWINS DANCES IN.) The Twins: Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! (A SACK COMES DOWN A CHUTE.) The Twins: (cont) Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! Penny for the Guy! SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 11 (THE NIGHT GUARD TURNS BACK IN AND SEES A MOUSE.) Night Guard: Where’d you spring from? (HE GRABS A PAIL AND GOES AFTER IT.) Night Guard: (cont) Come her. (kissing sounds) Come on, now. (HE PUTS THE PAIL DOWN.) Night Guard: (cont) Got ya! INT. HARBOTTLES – BACK HALL – MOMENTS LATER (THE NIGHT GUARD WALKS THE PAIL TO A BACK DOOR, OPENS IT, THROWS THE MOUSE OUT AND HE HIS HIT ON HIS HEAD. HE FALLS. PETER SWINGS IN.) Peter: (sighs) (FOX ENTERS.) Peter: (cont) See? Fox: (small laugh) Couldn’t be easier. (THEY TURN ON THE LIGHT AND LOOK AROUND. ENTERS.) Fox: (cont) Not bad. Curly: Whoa! THE WHOLE GANG (THEY BEGIN LOOKING LOOKING AT ITEMS AND SCOOPING THEM UP.) Slightly: (sharp inhale) Peter: (small laugh) (JIMMY ENTERS UNNOTICED. PETER FINALLY LOOKS UP.) Jimmy: What the hell do you think you’re doing? Peter: Isn’t this what you wanted? Jimmy: You know it isn’t. I changed my mind. I told you I was doing this one alone. Peter: Yeah, but look. Curly: Why didn’t you tell us Peter? Peter: ‘Cause you wouldn’t have done it. Curly: Oh, so, you lied to us. We’re in! SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 12 Peter: I wanted to show Jimmy what we were made of. He thought we were too young! Tootles: I am too young. Jimmy: Fill your bags and wait by the door. Curly, keep an eye out the back. Nibs, watch the front. INT. HARBOTTLES – FRONT OFFICE – MOMENTS LATER (JIMMY GRABS KEYS FROM THE GUARD’S DESK.) INT. HARBOTTLES – HALL – MOMENTS LATER (JIMMY TRIES TO OPEN A LOCKED DOOR AS PETER APPROACHES.) Peter: Sorry, Jimmy. I just wanted to show you that I could do it. Jimmy: If you’re going to be my partner one day you must never go behind my back. Peter: One day? Jimmy: Believe me, you’ve got a lot of growing up to do first. But, I’m ready now. (JIMMY UNLOCKS THE DOOR.) Peter: (small laugh) INT. HARBOTTLES – STORE ROOM – CONTINUOUS (THEY ENTER AND JIMMY BEGINS LOOKING AROUND.) Peter: (cont) You looking for something in particular, Jimmy? (JIMMY LOOKS UP TO SEE A CHEST. ENTERS.) Peter: (PETER EXITS. HE CLIMBS TO IT AS CURLY (cont) I’ll go find something to force it open. THE OTHER KIDS ENTER.) INT. HARBOTTLES – MAIN STORE – SECONDS LATER (PETER LOOKS AROUND.) INT. HARBOTTLES – STORE ROOM – SAME (JIMMY UNLOCKS THE CHEST AND OPENS IT. ON IT. IT BEGINS TO GLOW.) INT. HARBOTTLES – MAIN STORE – SAME HE SEES AN ORB AND TAPS SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 13 (PETER FINDS A SMALL DAGGER.) INT. HARBOTTLES – STORE ROOM – SAME (THE GLOWING IS MORE INTENSE.) Kids: Whoa. Whoa. Fox: Wha-, what is it? Curly: Wow. INT. HARBOTTLES – MAIN STORE – SAME (PETER WORKS WITH THE DAGGER.) Peter: (laughs) INT. HARBOTTLES – STORE ROOM – SAME (JIMMY LIFTS THE ORB.) INT. HARBOTTLES – MAIN STORE – SAME (PETER SHEATHES THE DAGGER.) Peter: (cont) Not bad. INT. HARBOTTLES – STORE ROOM – SAME (JIMMY HOLDS THE ORB AND THERE IS A LOUD SNAP. OFF OF THE SHELF.) Jimmy: HE FALLS BACK Ah! (THE ORB CRASHES AND THERE IS A BRIGHT LIGHT.) INT. HARBOTTLES – MAIN STORE – SAME (A FLASH AND PETER SEES THE ORB HAS APPEARED, STILL GLOWING.) INT. THE BOYS’ ROOM – NIGHT (PETER STANDS TALKING TO HIMSELF.) Peter: It’s all your fault Peter. If you’d done as Jimmy said and just, just left it alone. (HE LOOKS AT THE ORB SITTING IN A BAG.) Peter: (cont) Then they’d still be here. (HE CROSSES TO IT.) Peter: (cont) You were looking for this, weren’t you Jimmy? Who were you SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 14 working for? (A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. IT TO SEE JEFFRIES.) PETER GOES TO IT AND LOOKS OUT. Jeffries: Where’s Jimmy? Peter: He’s out. Jeffries: When will he be back? Peter: What you want him for? with Jimmy? HE OPENS What you want (JEFFRIES WALKS AWAY.) Peter: (cont) Oi, come back! (PETER CLOSES THE DOOR.) EXT. STREET – MOMENTS LATER (JEFFRIES WALKS AND PETER QUIETLY FOLLOWS HIM. A MANSION. THE SOUND OF MEN SINGING.) Men: JEFFRIES ENTERS (singing in Latin) (PETER OPENS A MANHOLE COVER ON THE STREET AND GOES DOWN.) INT. MANSION – CELLAR – CONTINUOUS (PETER COMES DOWN THROUGH THE CELLAR AND WALKS.) INT. MANSION – HALL – MOMENTS LATER (PETER COMES TOWARDS A ROOM WITH HOODED MEN IN IT.) Men: (cont) (singing in Latin) (JEFFRIES GRABS PETER FROM BEHIND.) INT. MANSION – STUDY – LATER (JEFFRIES STANDS BEHIND PETER AS FLUDD ADDRESSES HIM.) Fludd: Why’d you follow Jeffries, boy? didn’t send you, did he? Peter: What do you want with Jimmy? Fludd: That’s my business. Peter: Just gone. Fludd: What do you mean “gone?” Peter: A bomb in Harbottles. Jimmy Where is he? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 15 Fludd: He found the orb, didn’t he? Peter: You know what that thing is? Fludd: So, it was in Harbottles after all. Peter: Jimmy was working for you? Fludd: Where is it now? Peter: It blew him up and all my crew. Fludd: Let him go Jeffries. blown up. Peter: Where are they then? Fludd: Another world more beautiful than you can imagine. But I can get them back if you tell me where the orb is. Peter: How? Fludd: It’s a portal. A kind of door. And the slightest knock will activate it. But we must hurry. Heavens, Jeffries, if I’d have known it was at Harbottles for sure I’d have engaged someone more diligent… Tell me! They weren’t (PETER RUNS.) Jeffries: Hey! Fludd: After him! (THEY RUN AFTER HIM.) EXT. MANSION – CONTINUOUS (PETER RUNS OFF AND THEY COME TO THE DOOR TO SEE HIM GO. JEFFRIES RUSHES BACK IN.) Fludd: Hurry Jeffries! INT. THE BOYS’ ROOM – LATER (PETER LOOKS AT THE ORB.) Peter: A door to another world. (HE PULLS OUT HIS DAGGER.) Peter: (cont) The slightest knock, hey? (HE TAPS IT WITH THE DAGGER AND THE ORB BEGINS TO GLOW.) Peter: (cont)_ (breathless) What a weird SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 16 looking place. But you’re in there somewhere, ain’t ya Jimmy? (A KNOCK AT THE DOOR.) Fludd: (os) Open up, Peter! We can help you. Peter: Help me!? When has a toff ever helped the likes of me? (HE TURNS BACK TO THE ORB BUT THERE IS A GUNSHOT AT THE DOOR.) Peter: (cont) I got him into this… get him out. I’m gonna (HE STRIKES HARD AT THE ORB WITH THE DAGGER AND IT FLASHES AND HE DISAPPEARS. JUST THEN FLUDD ENTERS.) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – DAY (PETER LOOKS AROUND.) Peter: (breathing heavy) (HE TRIPS AND GETS BACK UP.) Peter: (cont) Hello!? Where am I? (HE HEARS SOMETHING AND LOOKS UP.) Peter: (cont) (gasps) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – TREE TOP – MOMENTS LATER (PETER CLIMBS ACROSS A HIGH BRANCH AND LOOKS DOWN AT A 10-LEGGED CROCODILE BELOW.) Peter: (cont) Come on. Where are you? (HE LOOKS AROUND AND SEES SMOKE IN THE DISTANCE.) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – SAME (TOOTLES AND THE TWINS SIT BY THE SMOKE.) Tootles: (sighs) Lots of smoke. No flames. (HE GRABS AT THE WOODEN MODEL OF THE EIFFEL TOWER THE TWINS IS HOLDING.) Tootles: (cont) Gimme that. The Twins: No! Slightly: We’ve landed in hell I tell you. Soon Lucifer’s demons will rise up to record our sins and throw us down there into the everlasting fire of damnation where SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 17 we’ll burn in agony for all eternity. EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – FURTHER AWAY - SAME (PETER RUNS TOWARDS THE GROUP.) Peter: Jimmy! Fox! EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – SAME The Twins: Hear that? (CURLY LOOKS OUT.) Curly: They’re headed this way. Jimmy: (grunts, inaudible) (HE GRABS A BAT.) Jimmy: (cont) Hide quickly! (THE BOYS ALL SCATTER AND HIDE.) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – FURTHER AWAY - SAME (PETER RUSHES TOWARDS THEM.) Peter: (breathing heavily) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – SAME (JIMMY HIDES WITH THE BAT BEHIND A TREE. A GUN PRESSES INTO HIS NECK AND STARKEY AND ANOTHER PIRATE APPEAR.) Starkey: Bon journo, amigo. (laughs) Curly: Leave us alone! Boys: (os) Let me go! Got any goodies? Just get off! (A GROUP OF PIRATES HAS GRABBED THE BOYS.) Pirate #1: (laughing) Found another five… Tootles: Get off of me! Pirate #1: …little ones. (laughs) Boys: (struggling) (THE PIRATES DRAG THEM OFF.) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – MOMENTS LATER (PETER RUSHES UP TO FIND EVERYONE GONE.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Peter: 18 (panting) Jimmy!? (HE LIFTS UP A SOCK AND SMELLS IT.) Peter: (cont) Tootles. (A GUNSHOT.) EXT. NEVERLAND BEACH – MOMENTS LATER (PETER RUNS UP TO SEE THE PIRATES BOATING THE OTHERS ACROSS THE WATER TOWARDS THE JOLLY ROGER.) Peter: (cont) Pirates? Pirate Voice: (os) We’re coming along! (PETER RUNS OFF.) EXT. NEVERLAND FOREST – LATER (PETER COMES BACK TO WHERE HE WAS AND HEARS A SOUND.) Peter: (cont) (breathing heavily) (HE PULLS OUT HIS DAGGER AND WALKS FORWARD TO WHERE FOX IS LYING.) Peter: (cont) Ah! Fox: (yelps) (sighing) Peter: (laughing) Fox! (FOX JUMPS UP TO HIM.) Fox: Where did you spring from? Peter: You have no idea how glad I am to see you. Fox: Where the hell have we landed? Peter: I have no idea. All I know is we’re not in Shorditch anymore. Fox: It was that thing in Harbottles, wasn’t it? Peter: I’m sorry Fox. It’s all my fault. We should’ve never broke into Harbottles in the first place. Fox: If Curly was here he’d string you up. Peter: I’ll make good. I’ll get them off that ship and home safe. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Fox: Ship? Peter: A pirate ship. Fox: (laughs) It’s a bloody nightmare. Weird crocks, spooky woods, now pirates. What’s next? Swarms of flying beasties? (THEY HEAR A SOUND COMING AND TURN TOWARDS A BUZZING SOUND.) Peter: What’s that? Fox: Oh, what now? (A FLOCK OF FLYING CREATURES COME TOWARDS THEM.) Peter: Run! (THEY START RUNNING AWAY.) Peter/Fox: (panting) (THE CREATURES KNOCK FOX DOWN AND SWARM HIM.) Fox: (shrieking) (PETER RUNS BACK AND HELPS HIM UP.) Peter: On your feet! (FOX RUNS AND PETER FOLLOWS.) Fox: (panting) Peter: We gotta stay ahead of the swarm otherwise we’re dead! Fox: (moaning) (THEY GRAB AT PETER. A HILLTOP.) HE RUNS ALONG WITH FOX AND THEY COME TO Native Americans: (chanting) (THEY SEE THE NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBE JUST AS THE CREATURES ARIVE AND ALSO COME TO A STOP.) Holy Man: (screams) (THE CREATURES FLY AWAY.) Peter: Indians? EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DAY (JIMMY AND THE BOYS STAND BEFORE BONNY.) 19 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 20 Bonny: What year’d you come from? Jimmy: Nineteen hundred and six. Mr. Smee: Oh, that’ll make me 163 next October. Pirates: (laugh) Starkey: 263 you mean. Mr. Smee: Oh, maybe I’ll start thinking about settling down. Pirates: (laughing) Starkey: (overlapping) Hm? Mr. Smee: A nice cottage on Venus. (laughs) Jimmy: From the 1700’s? Mr. Smee: Cod liver oil, stewed prunes and regular trips up the rigging. Pirates: (laughing) How is that possible? (BONNY APPROACHES JIMMY.) Bonny: And what are you good for I wonder. (SHE GRABS HIS WATCH.) Bonny: (cont) (whispering) It still works. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. (louder) Tick-tock. Tick-tock… (SHE BEGINS SWINGING THE WATCH AT THE PIRATES.) Bonny: (cont) Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Starkey: (overlapping) Hey, hey, hey. Pirates: (overlapping) (groaning) Bonny: (overlapping) Tick-tock! (SHE TURNS BACK TO JIMMY.) Bonny: (cont) Did you bring anything else with ya? Did ya? Ah, sugared almonds perhaps? Jimmy: Just what you see. Bonny: Pity! (SHE LOOKS AT THE INSIDE WATCH COVER AT THE PICTURE OF A WOMAN.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 21 Bonny: (cont) How sweet. of his true love. He carries a picture Jimmy: What is this place? Bonny: Can’t you tell? It’s Heaven or Hell! (laughs) Depending on your point of view! (laughs) Pirates: (overlapping) (laughing) (THE BOYS STAND TOGETHER.) Slightly: See, Lucifer’s demons. Starkey: What shall we do with them, hmm? Mr. Smee: Well, I want, I want the English lads. Starkey: What for? Mr. Smee: They look so tender. Bet they taste good in a stew. (laughs) Jimmy: My boys stay with me. Starkey: He’s a bold one, no? Bonny: And he’s not a bad looking wag. Starkey: Eh? Bonny: Ooh. Maybe I could find a use for him in my cabin. Starkey: Good idea. Bonny: Just playing with ya Starkey. I’m just playing with you. Throw him to the crocs! Pirates: (cheering) Bonny: Smee, you can keep the boys. Mr. Smee: Oh, thank you, ma’am. You won’t be sorry. I’ve got some coriander seeds and some ginger saved. Bonny: (shrieks) Maybe I need a rest, eh? (THE BOYS FLINCH.) Mr. Smee: (chuckles) Right. Now you better come with me. You’re not gonna like this next bit. Curly: Jimmy. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Mr. Smee: 22 Come on. (HE LEADS THE BOYS OFF AS TWO OTHER PIRATES TAKE JIMMY TO THE SIDE OF THE SHIP.) Pirates: (muttering) (JIMMY LOOKS DOWN AT A CROC SWIMMING BY AND FIGHTS OFF BOTH PIRATES, GETTING ONE OF THEIR SWORDS.) Pirate #2: Oh! (HE KNOCKS THEM BOTH OVERBOARD.) Two Pirates: (screams) Jimmy: My boys stay with me. (BONNY MOTIONS TO ANOTHER PIRATE AND HE BEGINS TO SWORD FIGHT WITH JIMMY. STARKEY STARTS TO HOLD UP HIS PISTOL.) Bonny: Wait. I want to watch. (JIMMY FIGHTS HIM TO THE EDGE OF THE BOAT, STABS HIM AND HE FALLS IN. THE CROCS DEVOUR HIM.) Jimmy: You asked what I was good for. Well, as you can see I’m handy with a blade. Bonny: Who are ya? Jimmy: My friends call me Jimmy. Bonny: Jimmy. Jimmy: But the name’s Hook. James Hook. EXT. WOODS – DAY (THE NATIVES LEAD PETER AND FOX TO A STOP AND REMOVE THEIR BLIND FOLDS.) Holy Man: I’m sorry for this but entrance to your village is secret. (PETER LOOKS AT THE INDIAN VILLAGE.) Native Americans: (muttering) Peter: What are you gonna do with us? Holy Man: Dinner. Fox: You’re gonna eat us? Holy Man: Why? Do you taste good? must be hungry. Come. You SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 23 (HE LEADS THEM INTO THE VILLAGE.) Tribe: (chattering/laughing) EXT. VILLAGE – LATER (PETER AND FOX SIT WITH THE TRIBE EATING.) Peter: What’s this meat? Holy Man: Xaw. (HE POINTS AT A LARGE CROC SKULL.) Fox: Are we in America? Holy Man: Not anymore. Peter: But you’re Indians. Holy Man: We are Kaw, people of the raven. become part of this world now. Peter: Do you know the way back to London? We’ve (THE CHIEF WALKS OUT.) Tribe: (chanting) Holy Man: (overlapping) The Chief. Chief: (calling out in Indian language) (laughs) (HE WALKS UP TO THE HOLY MAN AND THE BOYS.) Chief: (cont) (speaks in native language) SUBTITLE: Are these the newcomers, Shaka? Holy Man: (speaks in native language) SUBTITLE: They’re very hungry. Chief: (speaks in native language) Holy Man: Chasing Tree Spirits is hungry work. Chief: (laughs) Tribe: (laughs) Chief: (speaking in native language) Holy Man: He asks if you want to join our tribe? Peter: Thank you, but, um, once we finish SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 24 dinner we’ll be on our way. Holy Man: (speaking in native language) Chief: (speaking in native language) SUBTITLE: Wild men! Tribe: (overlapping) (laughing) Holy Man: We saved you before. We may not be there to save you again. Peter: We’re very grateful. But we have to rescue our friends from pirates. Holy Man: (speaking in native language) Chief: (speaking in native language) SUBTITLE: Today I will eat with my guests. (laughs) (HE SITS.) Fox: Where are we? Holy Man: We call this geih gwaay. Peter: Why? Holy Man: Because we never age here. You might not believe this but I am 130 years old. Innu’s son is 81. Neverland. (THEY LOOK AT A BABY.) Chief: (shouts in native language) SUBTITLE: Daughter! (AAYA COMES OUT WITH FOOD.) Holy Man: The Chief’s daughter. She is called Aaya K’aang. Tiger Lily in you language. She is named this because she is as wild as she is beautiful. Chief: (speaking in native language) Holy Man: Don’t get any ideas because she is almost one-hundred years old. (chuckles) Chief: (speaking in native language) SUBTITLE: For some reason it never seems to put them off. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 25 Chief: (cont) (laughs) Holy Man: (overlapping) (laughs) EXT. JOLLY ROGER – NIGHT (ESTABLISHING SHOT.) Bonny: (vo) You’ve left me with a bit of a… INT. JOLLY ROGER – BONNY’S CABIN – SAME (BONNY ADDRESSES HOOK WHO IS TIED TO A CHAIR.) Bonny: (cont) …problem. Three of my best men dead. One was my personal body guard. Hook: It was self-defense. Bonny: That’s not the point. replacements here. Hook: No? Bonny: You’re not in London now, Hook. Did you notice anything unusual out there? Hook: I don’t follow. Bonny: Orion, Polaris. the Pole Star. Hook: Astronomy’s not my best suit. Bonny: Well, if it was you’d notice that there isn’t a Pole Star. And Orion is over there. In the wrong place! Hook: How’s that possible? Bonny: The planet Earth is in a different galaxy far, far away. There’s no way back. Hook: Are you sure? Bonny: I’ve had almost two-hundred years to work it out. I can’t get Maybe you can point to INT. JOLLY ROGER – THE HOLD – SAME (THE BOYS SIT EATING AS SMEE WATCHES.) Mr. Smee: (sighs) We’re gonna fatten you up, no mistake. Tootles: Any bread and jam? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Mr. Smee: 26 Hm. I’ve got cream cakes, sweet meats, pickled herring and crystalized dates. But, sadly no bread and jam your highness. (chuckles) INT. JOLLY ROGER’S – BONNY’S CABIN – SAME (BONNY STILL TALKS TO HOOK.) Bonny: We’re stuck here but it needn’t be all bad. (SHE OPENS A SMALL BOX THAT BEGINS TO GLOW.) Bonny: (cont) This planet has something special to offer. (SHE PULLS OUT A VIAL.) Bonny: (cont) It’s mined by creatures of this world. The Indians call them Tree Spirits. This is the stuff that makes them fly. Hook: Indians? Bonny: We’re not the only ones from our world Hook. See, a year ago I captured one of them. He was carrying this mineral. And under torture he told me of it’s power. It’ll make you feel more alive. (SHE POURS SOME OF IT OUT ON A TABLE.) Bonny: (cont) More complete than you’ve ever felt. It’ll light you up from inside. Literally turn you into a god. (THE PAPER SHE POURED IT ON BEGINS TO FLOAT.) Bonny: (cont) And give you the power to fly. Hook: Incredible. (THE PAPER BURSTS INTO FLAMES.) Bonny: (SHE SITS IN HIS LAP.) (shutters) As you can see it’s unstable. But that’s only because I don’t know how to use it yet. Besides, I only have enough for this magic trick. We need more. Lots more. The only problem is we can’t get near the Tree Spirits. They’re protected by the Kaw Mountains on one side and the savages on the other. Join me Hook. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 27 Bonny: (cont) I badly need fresh blood and you bring knowledge from a modern world. You help me defeat the savages and together we can rule Neverland like gods. And turn this endless purgatory into an eternal paradise. Hook: Gods. (SHE CUTS HIS BONDS.) Hook: (cont) (grunts) Bonny: (overlapping) Yes, gods. Hook: (grunts) (THEY KISS.) EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DECK – NIGHT (SMEE NOTICES STARKEY.) Mr. Smee: What are you doing up here, Starkey? (STARKEY DOESN’T RESPOND.) Mr. Smee: (cont) (laughs) Don’t the captain need you tonight? Starkey: Leave me alone! Mr. Smee: (laughs) Oh, dear. (laughs) EXT. FOREST – NIGHT - DREAM (TINKER BELL FLIES THROUGH THE FOREST AND COMES TO PETER WHO IS FLYING IN THE AIR. SHE PASSES HIM AND GOES TOWARDS THE MOUNTAIN WHERE TWO COMETS ARE COMING DOWN. AS BEFORE, EVERYTHING BLASTS TO WHITE AS SHE REACHES THE HOODED MAN AND THE COMETS REACH THEM BOTH.) INT. FOREST – MORNING (PETER WAKES IN THE INDIAN VILLAGE.) EXT. CLIFFS – LATER (PETER STANDS AT THE EDGE LOOKING OUT.) Peter: There must be a way down. (AAYA WALKS UP.) Aaya: We will build you and your friend a hut. Peter: Thank you. Why live up here? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 28 Aaya: To be near the Tree Spirits. That is their city. We protect them from the pirates. Peter: How do you get down to the sea from here? Aaya: The same way you were brought in. Through a secret passage. Through those mountains. Peter: Will you show me? Aaya: If you try to rescue your friends the pirates will capture and torture you until you show them the mountain passage. Peter: But I can’t just sit on my hands. I’m the one that got them into this mess. I’ve got to find a way to get them home safe. Aaya: There is no way home. Peter: What? No. must be. There is a way back. There (HE RUNS OFF.) EXT. VILLAGE – DAY (A GIRL SHOWS FOX HOW TO WEAVE.) Fox: (small laugh) (PETER RUNS UP.) Peter: Fox! (HE GIVES HIM A LOOK AT HE FOLLOWS PETER OFF TO THE SIDE.) Peter: (cont) (quietly) Fox, I have a plan. Fox: For what? Peter: To get us out of here and on to that ship. Come on. (THE CROSS TO A TREE AND WATCH SOME NATIVES CARRYING A NET.) Peter: (cont) See what they’re carrying? Fishing nets. Fox: So? Peter: We seen any fishing waters around here? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 29 Fox: No. Peter: Exactly. Fox: I don’t understand. Peter: That’s how we’re gonna find the secret passage through the mountains. Come on. (THEY WALK OUT TOWARDS THE INDIANS WITH THE NETS AND CANOES. PETER SNEAKS UNDER A BOAT AND FOX FOLLOWS. THEY CLIMB UP INTO IT.) EXT. MOUNTAIN PASSAGE – ENTRANCE – DAY (THE NATIVES CARRY THE BOATS INTO THE SECRET PASSAGE.) EXT. MOUNTAIN PASSAGE – THE OTHER SIDE – LATER (THE NATIVES EMERGE AND PETER AND FOX SECRETLY ROLL OUT FROM THE BOAT.) EXT. BEACH – LATER (PETER AND FOX SNEAK AWAY WITH A BOAT.) EXT. WATER – NIGHT (PETER AND FOX ROW TOWARDS THE JOLLY ROGER.) Fox: My God. Look at the size of her! EXT. JOLLY ROGER – MOMENTS LATER (PETER AND FOX HAVE ARRIVED TO THE BOAT.) Fox: (cont) Grab on to that. on to it. Peter: (shushes) Quiet. Quick. (PETER FASTENS THE BOAT AND THEN BEGINS CLIMBING UP. AT A WINDOW LOOKING INTO THE HOLD.) Grab THEY STOP Peter: (cont) Do you see Jimmy? Fox: No. How are we gonna get ‘em out, Peter? They’re surrounded by pirates. Peter: Yeah. But, sleeping pirates. sleeping pirates. Drunk, INT. JOLLY ROGER – THE HOLD – MOMENTS LATER (PETER AND FOX SNEAK THROUGH ALL OF THE SLEEPING PIRATES. WAKE UP THE BOYS.) THEY SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 30 Tootles: Peter? Peter, you’re here! The Boys: Peter. Peter. Peter: (overlapping) (shushes) (quietly) Come on. Curly: (whispering) I’m not goin’ anywhere with you! Fox: Shut it, Curly. Curly: Yeah, well, we don’t need his help. Nibs: Yeah. He’s the one who got us into this mess in the first place. Peter: And I’m the one that’s getting you out. Fox: You want to stay? Fine. live, follow us. He’s here to help. You want to EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DECK – MOMENTS LATER (SMEE TALKS TO STARKEY.) Mr. Smee: Did I ever tell you my recipe for turtle soup? Starkey: Please, Smee. Shh! Hey. (sniffs) (HE STANDS AND LOOKS AROUND.) Starkey: (cont) Something, she is not right. Mr. Smee: What? Starkey: I’m gonna go look around. Mr. Smee: I wouldn’t do that if I was you. up there in Bonny’s cabin. Not (HE HANDS SMEE A CUP.) Mr. Smee: (cont) Thank you. (chuckles) EXT. WATER – SAME (THE LAST OF THE BOYS GET INTO THE BOAT.) Peter: (grunts) Where’s Jimmy? Tootles: That Captain’s quarters. Peter: You sure? Tootles: (laughs) She’s got a shine for him. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Peter: 31 She? (PETER STARTS TO CLIMB BACK UP.) Fox: Where are you going Peter? Peter: To get Jimmy. Fox: But we’re all here. We can make a clean getaway if we go now. Peter: I’m not going without Jimmy. (HE CLIMBS UP.) EXT. JOLLY ROGER – BONNY’S QUARTERS – MOMENTS LATER (PETER LOOKS IN THE WINDOW’S TO SEE BONNY IN BED WITH A MAN.) INT. JOLLY ROGER – BONNY’S QUARTERS – CONTINUOUS (PETER SPOTS A GUN AND STARTS TO SNEAK IN. Peter: HE GRABS THE GUN.) (cont) Where’s Jimmy? (HOOK RISES FROM THE BED.) Hook: Peter. Peter: Get your clothes on. waiting below. Hook: Put the pistol down, Peter. friend. Peter: Bonny? Bonny: How many more in your litter, Hook? Hook: Let me speak to him. I didn’t know he was here. Give me the gun, Peter. (STARKEY BARGES IN. How did you get here? I’ve got a canoe Bonny’s a PETER TURNS THE GUN ON HIM.) Starkey: (grunts) Bonny: (overlapping) Wait, Starkey! Hook: Peter, give me the gun! (STARKEY HOLDS OUT HIS GUN.) Peter: Tell him to put his away first! Hook: Listen to me Peter. Captain Bonny and her men are on our side. She’s assured me that the boys will be well looked SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 32 after. Peter: The Indians say they’re crazy. Hook: Indians? Bonny: He’s with the savages. Hook: Trust me, Peter. They’re anything but crazy. These are our people. It’s a dangerous place. They can help us survive. Peter: You wanna stay here with her!?! Hook: We’ve nowhere else to go! Peter: We can stay with the Indians until we find a way home. Bonny: They’ll scalp and skin the lot of ya. Peter: No they won’t! Hook: How do you know? Peter: They’re kind. Hook: Listen to me Peter. I’m staying here. If you want to stick with me give me the gun. Peter: (crying) I don’t trust them Jimmy. Hook: (whispers) So, trust me. Peter: (crying) Hook: Give me the gun. Peter: (shuddering) They’re good people! (HE GIVES THE GUN TO HOOK AND HOOK HUGS HIM. HIM AWAY.) Starkey: Come on. Hook: Leave him be. STARKEY GRABS (HOOK STARTS TO FOLLOW.) Bonny: Hook! Leave it. (HOOK GOES AFTER THEM.) EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DECK – MOMENT LATER (STARKEY BRINGS PETER OUT ONTO THE DECK. FOX WATCHES SECRETLY SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 33 FROM THE SIDE.) Starkey: (growling in Spanish) Your boys are gone Smee. But I captured this one. Mr. Smee: He’s not one of my boys. Starkey: Hook, he had him working behind our backs. Mr. Smee: What did you do with my boys? (HOOK COMES OUT.) Hook: Leave him be! He’s just a boy! doesn’t know what he’s doing. He (HE GOES TO PETER.) Mr. Smee: I’m gonna keel-haul him if he don’t tell me what he’s done with my boys! (FOX JUMPS ON DECK.) Hook: Where are the others Peter? all stick together. We must Peter: Not here. Hook: (shushes) You’re safe with me. Now, let’s go inside, get something to eat and forget this foolishness. Hm? Not with these crazies! (PETER LOOKS AROUND AT THE PIRATES AND JUMPS AWAY.) Hook: (cont) Peter! Starkey: Stop! Get back! Mr. Smee: (overlapping) Oy! back here! Starkey: Hey! Come here! (PETER JUMPS OFF THE SIDE OF THE BOAT.) Peter: (screams) (A COUPLE PIRATES RESTRAIN JIMMY.) Hook: (groaning) Unhand me! EXT. WATER – SAME (THE BOYS LOOK AROUND FROM THE CANOE.) Tootles: Where is he!? Come SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 34 EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DECK – SAME (STARKEY TAKES AIM WITH HIS PISTOL.) Starkey: (grunts) Where are you? (HE SEES PETER POP UP FROM THE WATER.) Peter: (gasping) (FOX LEAPS OUT AT STARKEY JUST AS HE’S SHOOTING. A PIRATE AND PULLS AWAY. STARKEY HITS FOX.) Starkey: HOOK FLIPS (loud moan) (HOOK PUSHES HIM ASIDE.) Hook: Fox! Come, run Fox! (HOOK HELPS HIM UP AND RUSHES HIM FORWARD.) EXT. WATER – SAME (TOOTLES SPOTS PETER SWIMMING.) Tootles: There! Peter: (gasps) Curly: Quick, hurry. Quick. Come on, come on! (THE START ROWING TOWARDS PETER.) Tootles: Row faster! Faster! Quickly! Curly: Quickly! Tootles: Peter! Peter: Come on, let’s go. Tootles: But Fox is up there. Curly: He came back for you! Quickly! Over here Peter! (HOOK RUNS FOX TO THE BACK OF THE BOAT TOWARDS PETER AND THE BOYS.) Hook: Jump! Jump! the canoe. Peter: Jump Fox! Jump now! (STARKEY RUSHES FORWARD AND GOES TO STAB HOOK.) Starkey: (grunting) You’ll make SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Hook: 35 (grunting) (STARKEY’S BLADE MISSES HOOK AND STABS FOX.) Fox: (gasps) Hook: Fox. Fox: (groans) (STARKEY PULLS OUT THE BLADE AND FOX FALLS TO THE WATER.) Peter: Fox! Hook: Peter! (STARKEY TAKES AIM BUT HOOK KNOCKS HIM OUT.) Starkey: (grunts) Hook: Peter! (THE BOYS ROW AWAY.) Hook: (cont) (crying) Peter. INT. CHIEF’S HUT – NIGHT (PETER STANDS BY FIRELIGHT AS THE CHIEF SPEAKS TO HIM WITH AAYA.) Chief: (speaking in native language) Aaya: We trusted you. of our village. trust. Chief: (speaking in native language) Aaya: Stole two canoes and used the mountain passage without our consent. Chief: (speaking in native language) Aaya: (overlapping) I should punish you. But in light of your loss I will be lenient this time. Gave you the freedom And you abused that INT. JOLLY ROGER – BONNY’S QUARTERS – NIGHT (HOOK SITS AND BONNY CROSSES TO HIM.) Hook: I want to find them. Bonny: Things have come a long way since I terrorized the Spanish Main. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 36 (SHE TURNS THE HANDS OF HER WATCH.) Bonny: (cont) What else is new? machines. Flying Hook: Where’s this Indian settlement? (HE LOOKS AT THE MAP.) Bonny: You would choose the boys over me? Hook: I’m responsible for them. I brought them here. They look up to me. Bonny: (overlapping) What will you do when you find them? Hook: They’re clever. Trained in the streets. Pickpockets. They could be useful to us. Help us find the metal dust. Bonny: Us? Hook: I’ve never met anyone like you. (SHE WALKS AWAY FROM HIM.) Bonny: And what about her? already. You’ve forgotten Hook: She passed away many years ago. Bonny: But you still carry her portrait. Hook: She had a hold on me once. you. Now I have (HE GOES TO KISS HER BUT SHE GRABS HIS THROAT.) Hook: (cont) (moans/chokes) Bonny: I’ll give you what you want Hook. Hook: (grunts) Bonny: But only if you give me what I want. There is no us! Understand? Hook: (breathing heavily) Bonny: (overlapping) I’ll let you live ‘cause I want to know what you know. All twohundred years of it. (SHE LETS GO.) Hook: (grunts/coughs) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 37 EXT. CLIFF – NIGHT (AAYA WALKS UP AS PETER AND THE BOYS GATHER BY A LARGE TREE.) Nibs: You lied to us. We never should’ve broken into Harbottles. Slightly: You were just showing off to Jimmy. The Twins: Now, we’re stuck here. (voice changes) Wherever here is. Curly: And you got Fox killed. Tootles: Curly! Curly: And we were all in that canoe. Alright, we could’ve all gotten away but he had to go back for Jimmy. Tootles: What’s the point of rubbing it in? Peter: Curly’s right. I got Fox killed. (PETER PLAYS HIS FLUTE AS AAYA WATCHES. TO HIM.) HOLY MAN WALKS UP EXT. CLIFF – LATER Holy Man: No, no, no, no. (PETER STOPS.) Holy Man: (cont) It should go… (hums) …at the end. Up…not down. Peter: You know this tune? Holy Man: Come. INT. HOLY MAN’S HUT – MOMENTS LATER (PETER LOOKS AT A LARGE DRAWING.) Peter: Where did you see this? Holy Man: In here. Peter: A dream? Holy Man: The same dream every night. the dream too, don’t you? Peter: Uh-huh. Holy Man: That music is the sound of Tree Spirit wings. You have SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Peter: 38 He’s holding the orb, isn’t he? That isn’t quite right. The peaks were different in my dream. (HOLY MAN PULLS OUT A PIECE OF PARCHMENT AND A DRAWING UTENSIL.) Holy Man: Draw it. (PETER BEGINS TO DRAW.) Peter: It’s something like… No. (AAYA APPEARS IN THE DOORWAY.) Aaya: Can I try? (SHE CROSSES TO PETER AND GRABS THE DRAWING UTENSIL AND BEGINS TO DRAW.) Aaya: (cont) Something like this? Peter: Do you have the dream too? Aaya: No. But I hunt and fish. We call that Bull Mountain. We’ve never been there. It’s too far away. But we can see it on a clear day when we pass the outer islands. Peter: So, the Hooded Man was in Neverland? Why do we have the same dream? Holy Man: How did you get to Neverland? Peter: I hit the orb with my dagger. Holy Man: Me too. With the staff. I hit it so hard I brought the whole tribe with me. Perhaps part of it’s great power enters those who strike it. Peter: Do you think the Hooded Man is still there? How do I get to this island? EXT. VILLAGE – NIGHT (THE BOYS SLEEP AND PETER CROUCHES DOWN TO TOOTLES WAKING HIM.) Tootles: (moans) (PETER SILENCES HIM.) EXT. WOODS – MOMENTS LATER (PETER STANDS TALKING TO TOOTLES.) Tootles: (cont) I’m coming with you. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 39 Peter: No, Toots. It’s too dangerous. Tootles: I don’t care. Peter: But, I do. I’ve done enough damage. Look, it’s just a dream. It’ll probably turn out to be a wild goose chase. But, if I do find the way home I’ll be back for you and the others, okay? Tootles: What do I tell them? Peter: To sit tight and wait for me. And that I promise I’ll do everything I can to get them home safe. (PETER WALKS OFF.) INT. JOLLY ROGER – BONNY’S CABIN – NIGHT (BONNY LOOKS AT THE MAP WITH HOOK.) Bonny: You’ll find the mineral dust here in the Tree Spirit colony. But the problem is it’s within the Kaw territory. The mountains from the north to the east are impregnable and tall cliffs line the Kaw so there’s no way through! Hook: How do the Indians get in and out? Bonny: We don’t know. We can watch them cook on their campfires from across a narrow ravine but if we try to rope across they will pick us off like gulls on a gaf rig. They hunt on this part of the island going back and forth as if these mountains weren’t even there. Any ideas? Hook: Perhaps we should watch them a little more closely. EXT. WATER – DAY (VARIOUS SHOTS OF PETER AND AAYA AS THEY ROW ALONG THE COAST.) EXT. JOLLY ROGER – DECK – SAME (HOOK WATCHES THEM THROUGH A SPYGLASS.) Bonny: The Chief’s daughter is a prize indeed. She’ll tell us how to get into the Tree Spirit colony. I’ll send some men to cut them off. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Hook: 40 No. Sometimes smaller is smarter. They’re up to something. Let’s find out what first. EXT. SHORE – DAY (PETER AND AAYA WALK UP A SMALL HILL AND LOOK AT BULL MOUNTAIN.) Peter: He was standing on a hill in front of the mountain. Aaya: There must be a hundred hills here. Peter: Let’s try that one. EXT. SHORE – LATER (STARKEY WALKS UP TO PETER’S CANOE AS THE OTHERS STAND ON THE SHORE.) Starkey: I find it! Hook: The prints go this way. Bonny: Right then. (SHE BEGINS TO WALK.) Bonny: (cont) Let’s go. (HE FOLLOWS AND THEY HEAD TOWARDS THE MOUNTAIN.) EXT. WOODS – DAY (AAYA AND PETER WALK.) Aaya: Your family back home must be very worried about you. Peter: I don’t have a family. My mother died when I was three and I never knew my father. So, I was brought up in a workhouse. Aaya: Is that where you met your friends? Peter: Nah. No, I was the only kid there. Punch Bag they called me. Jimmy fished me out. He was visiting one day and saw me getting a kicking. He was a good man once. The best. He saved my life but that pirate turned his head. (THEY COME TO A STOP.) Aaya: Recognize anything? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Peter: 41 It wasn’t this overgrown in my dream. Let’s find a place to rest. It’ll be dark soon. EXT. WOODS – DUSK (HOOK, BONNY AND THE PIRATES WALK.) EXT. WOODS – NIGHT (AAYA LIES ON A MAT AND PETER SITS UP IN A TREE PLAYING HIS FLUTE AND SEES A SMALL LIGHT IN THE DISTANCE. HE STOPS AS A FLYING CREATURE COMES TOWARDS HIM AND HE CONTINUES TO PLAY. THE CREATURE MAKE SOUNDS THAT JOIN HIM IN THE SONG. IT FLIES UP TO HIM.) (SHE SUDDENLY FLIES OFF AND PETER CLIMBS DOWN TO FOLLOW.) Peter: (cont) Wait! (HE CLIMBS DOWN AS AAYA WAKES.) Peter: (cont) It’s the tree spirit from my dream. (HE COMES TO THE GROUND.) Peter: (cont) Come on! the Hooded Man! She might lead us to (THEY RUN AFTER HER AND COME TO A STOP.) Peter: (cont) (panting) See her? Aaya: No. Peter: She’s too fast. (panting) Aaya: I’ve never seen a tree spirit glow like that. She’s really beautiful. (panting) Oh, no. Peter: What? Aaya: The sun’s coming up. gonna find her. (THE SUN RISES OVER THE MOUNTAIN. ENTWINED TREES.) Now we’re never THEY TURN TO A WALL OF Aaya: (cont) I’ve never seen anything like this. Peter: We’ve gotta find a way in. in there. (THEY APPROACH THE WALL.) He must be SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 42 Peter: (cont) How are you at climbing? Aaya: It’s a mile high. Peter: Then we better get started. (HE BEGINS TO CLIMB.) EXT. FOREST GATE – MOMENTS LATER (PETER AND AAYA COME TO THE TOP OF THE GATE.) Aaya: It’s incredible. (THEY SEE A WOODED CITY.) Peter: Do you see anyone down there? Aaya: No. Peter: Come on. up. Down is sometimes harder than EXT. FOREST CITY – LATER (PETER AND AAYA WALK THROUGH THE FOREST CITY.) Aaya: Where is everyone? Peter: They’ll come to us. Aaya: How do you know? Peter: Anyone clever enough to make all this already knows we’re here. (THE HOODED MAN COMES UP BEHIND THEM.) Hooded Man: That’s right. (THEY TURN AND HE PULLS BACK HIS HOOD TO REVEAL HE IS ACTUALLY FLUDD.) Peter: You? You’re the Hooded Man. Fludd: Hello Peter. EXT. FOREST CITY – WALKWAY – MOMENTS LATER (FLUDD LEADS PETER AND AAYA.) Peter: Can you get us home? Fludd: Of course. Now that I’m here everything shall find it’s proper place. Peter: You have the orb? SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Fludd: In a matter of speaking. (grunts) (HE LEADS THEM FORWARD.) Fludd: (cont) Finally after almost 350 years it’s back where it belongs. Now we an start to bring the elite of our world here to my utopia. Peter: So, how will you get us back? Fludd: Patience young friend. Aaya: You made all this? Fludd: Mm-hm. It’s easier than it looks. A simple growth solution which compels the forest to grow in the way that I want it to grow. Aaya: Who are you? Fludd: Oh, my apologies. My name is Dr. Richard Fludd. Alchemist to her majesty Queen Elizabeth the First. Peter: What? Fludd: Hard to believe, I know. But I am almost four-hundred years old. (chuckles) Come, I’ll show you my life’s work. Peter: (laughs) (THEY FOLLOW FLUDD.) EXT. FOREST – DAY (STARKEY LOOKS AT A DEAD FIRE ON THE GROUND AS BONNY AND HOOK STAND NEARBY.) Starkey: It’s only a few hours old. INT. FLUDD’S WORKSHOP – DAY (FLUDD LEADS PETER AND AAYA INSIDE AND THEY LOOK AROUND.) Fludd: I was engaged in the search for the Philosopher’s Stone, the elixir believed to grant everlasting life. (chuckles) There were others like me, of course but they were all trying to make a tangible substance which could be consumed in some way. What I discovered was that the Philosopher’s Stone cannot be made. It has to be 43 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 44 trapped. (HE PULLS A LEVER AND REVEALS AN ASTROLOGICAL CHART ABOVE THEM.) Fludd: (cont) You see, it’s a form of cosmic energy which lives at the very center of the universe…where it’s four corners meet. This is the shape of the universe. (laughs) And here at it’s center is this tiny planet. Aaya: Neverland. Fludd: Mm. And because it lives at the farthest reaches of the universe as well as at it’s center time stands still for all those who come here. Peter: So, how do we get back? Fludd: Ah. (HE PUTS THE LEVER DOWN AND THE CHART DISAPPEARS.) Fludd: (cont) When I first arrived on this planet I was stuck here, because of course the orb that I had made in London remained there. But, as you know, the harder you strike the orb the more it… (HE MOTIONS AROUND.) Fludd: (cont) So, thankfully most of the contents of my laboratory travelled with me and in time I was able to build the twin. (HE OPENS A BOX.) Fludd: (cont) I activated it here in Neverland with the power from two meteors. Peter: It’s just like the other one. (TINKER BELL FLIES UP TO THEM.) Fludd: I call her Tinker Bell because of the beautiful sound her wings make through the air. (PETER HOLDS HIS HAND UNDER HER.) Fludd: (cont) When she saw me harnessing the astral energy of two meteors she thought I was in trouble. Tried to save me. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 45 Peter: That’s my dream. Fludd: All who activate the orb are imprinted with that memory. Aaya: Why does she glow so bright? Fludd: Much of that astral energy is trapped inside her. (SHE FLIES OFF.) Fludd: (cont) Hm. Come. (THE ORB GLOWS AND THEY CAN SEE LONDON.) Fludd: (cont) We’ll take the orb below. There’s an open area where I can send you both back. Peter: No. Not yet. friends. I’ve gotta find my (A BELL RINGS.) Fludd: It seems I have more guests. (HE WALKS OUT.) EXT. FOREST CITY STREET – DAY (BONNY, HOOK, STARKEY AND THE PIRATES WALK FORWARD.) Hook: Incredible. Bonny: What’s it all for? Starkey: Es la obra del Diablo. (shudders) Atencion. There could be demons lurking behind these walls. Fludd: No, only me. (THE PIRATES HOLD UP THEIR GUNS AS HE EMERGES.) Bonny: That’s the man in my dream. (HE DROPS HIS HOOD.) Hook: Fludd. Bonny: You know him? (HE MOTIONS FOR THEM TO FOLLOW INTO AN ENTRANCE.) INT. FOREST SANCTUARY – CONTINOUS (THE PIRATES ENTER BUT FLUDD IS NOT THERE.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Hook: 46 Dr. Fludd! (FLUDD REAPPEARS.) Hook: (cont) Where’s Peter? Fludd: Please lay down your weapons. This is a sanctuary. You’re in no danger here. Bonny: Why such a big city for just one man? Fludd: It will soon be filled with the elite of our world. Artists, statesmen, philosophers. Bonny: What the hell for? Fludd: Think what great minds can achieve if they have the rest of eternity to study. Hook: Can you help us get back to London? Fludd: Yes. Hook: Did you send Peter back already? Fludd: Not yet. Hook: Then where is he? Fludd: As I said, this is a sanctuary. who enter here are granted my protection. All (PETER SNEAKS UP TO WATCH THEM.) Fludd: (cont) If you lay down your weapons I can start to prepare your return. Bonny: I don’t want to go back. (HOOK TURNS TO HER.) Hook: No? Bonny: Who wants to return to the Carribean? Do you think we’ll still strike terror into men’s hearts. Tell them Hook. Tell them how it’s changed. We wouldn’t last a week. And if we did we’d grow old quickly in a world that we no longer understand. Is that what you want? Starkey: No, of course not. SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 47 Pirates: (scattered “no’s”) Bonny: But we don’t want legions of pompous braggarts coming here either with their fancy new weapons, tellin’ us how to live our lives. No. Now you tell me how it’s done. Is there a door or another sphere like the one that brought us here? Fludd: If you don’t want to use it why do you care? Bonny: Because Dr. Fludd, I want to police it. Fludd: I won’t allow that to happen. (HE DISAPPEARS. THEY LOOK AROUND. Fludd: HE APPEARS IN ANOTHER SPOT.) (cont) I won’t tolerate violence. (HE DISAPPEARS AGAIN AND THEN MULTIPLE, MUCH LARGER VERSIONS OF HIM APPEAR ALL AROUND THEM.) Fludd: (cont) Lay down your weapons! INT. ROOM ABOVE – SAME (FLUDD STANDS IN A LARGE LOOKING GLASS.) Fludd: (cont) Gunpowder and lead have no place here. INT. FOREST SANCTUARY – SAME (THE LARGE FLUDD’S LEAN DOWN TO THEM WITH HANDS OUT.) Fludd: (cont) Leave now and your live’s will be spared! Starkey: Shoot them! (THE PIRATES BEGIN FIRING THEIR GUNS. FIRE FROM THE GUN FIRE.) Shoot them all! THE WALLS IGNITE WITH INT. UPPER ROOM – SAME Fludd: You’re dealing with forces beyond your understanding. Run! INT. FOREST SANCTUARY – SAME (THE PIRATES KEEP FIRING.) Fludd: (cont) Run for your lives! (HOOK SEES PETER AND RUNS FOR HIM.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Hook: 48 Peter! (PETER RUNS.) EXT. FOREST CITY STREET – CONTINOUS (PETER RUNS OUT AND HOOK FOLLOWS.) Hook: (cont) Peter, wait! you. I need to talk to (THE PIRATES SURROUND HIM AND FLUDD APPEARS.) Fludd: Peter! Over here. (PETER RUNS TO HIM.) Peter: (gasping) (BONNY AND THE OTHERS COME RUNNING OUT.) Bonny: Make your way for the door mates! (HOOK WATCHES AS PETER AND FLUDD RUN ACROSS A FALLING BRIDGE. HE SPOTS ANOTHER BRIDGE AND RUNS FOR IT.) Hook: This one. (OTHER PIRATES FOLLOW.) EXT. FOREST BRIDGE – SECONDS LATER (FLUDD AND PETER STOP ON A BRIDGE.) Fludd: It took me almost a century to grow my city. Look how quickly it disappears. Peter: Where’s Aaya? Fludd: I don’t know. (THEY SEE HOOK AND THE PIRATES COMING FOR THEM.) Fludd: (cont) Try and save the orb. I’ll face them here. Go, go, go, go…go. (PETER RUNS ON AND FLUDD TURNS TO FACE THEM. PETER WATCHES AS FLUDD CUTS THE BRIDGE SUPPORT AND IT BEGINS TO FALL.) Fludd: (cont) (grunts) (PIRATES FALL.) Pirates: (scream) (FLUDD HOLDS A KNIFE TO HOOK.) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 49 Hook: I don’t want to hurt you Fludd. want to see Peter safe. Fludd: Engaging you Hook was a terrible mistake. Bonny: The glass sphere Fludd? Fludd: I’d rather burn in hell. responsible for this! I just Where is it? You’re (HE ATTACKS HOOK AND BONNY SHOOTS HIM.) Fludd: (cont) (groans) (HE FALLS.) Fludd: (cont) (moans) Peter: No. (FLUDD FALLS FROM THE BRIDGE. Hook: PETER RUNS OFF.) Peter! (HE GOES AFTER HIM.) Bonny: Move! (SHE LEADS THEM BACK THE OTHER WAY.) INT. FLUDD’S WORKSHOP – MOMENTS LATER (PETER ENTERS.) Peter: Aaya, where are you Aaya!? (PETER GOES TO THE SPHERE AND HOOK ENTERS.) Hook: Going back? Peter: You can’t have it. Hook: What makes you think I want it? (PETER PULLS OUT HIS DAGGER.) Peter: I heard your girlfriend. want people going back. You don’t Hook: That doesn’t mean you, Peter. I’ll make sure you get back safely. Peter: Then let me take it back to my crew. Hook: I have a better idea. come to us? Why don’t they SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 50 Peter: Us? Who’s us!? The pirates!? Because they will kill them! Just like they…(crying)…just like they killed Fox. Hook: That was a terrible mistake. to stop it. Peter: (crying) You let it happen! become one of them! Hook: Listen to me Peter. There’s something in this world that will completely change our lives in London, make us more powerful than you can ever imagine. And Bonny and her men can help us find it. Peter: (crying) She’s turned your head Jimmy. I tried You’ve (HOOK GRABS FOR THE KNIFE.) Hook: Gimme that knife! (PETER PULLS AWAY, STOMPING HIS FOOT.) Hook: (HE PULLS OUT HIS SWORD. Peter: (cont) (groans) I taught you too well. THEY BEGIN TO FIGHT.) (grunting) (HOOK PINS PETER TO THE FLOOR.) Peter: (cont) (panting) Hook: (overlapping) I swear Peter, I will run you through if you don’t calm down and let me explain what I found here. Peter: You don’t care about me. that woman! Hook: You couldn’t be more wrong. I didn’t pull you out of that workhouse because I took pity on you, Peter. I did it because of a debt I owed…to your mother. Peter: You, you knew my mother? You just want (HOOK HOLDS OUT THE WATCH AND THE PORTRAIT.) Hook: Very well. Peter: This is my mother? Hook: I vowed to bring you up and rear you as SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 51 my own and I won’t give up on you now. (BONNY AND THE OTHER PIRATES ENTER.) Bonny: (breathing heavily) Peter: This is her watch? Hook: It was your fathers. Bonny: I hate to break up such a touching reunion but we have to get out of here. Hook: Give me another minute will you, Liz? Bonny: There is no time. tinderbox. (SHE SPOTS THE ORB. Bonny: The place is a IT GLOWS.) (cont) It’s even more beautiful than I remember. (SHE LIFTS IT.) Peter: No. No. (panting) (PETER LIFTS THE LEVER AND THE ILLUMINATED STAR CHART APPEARS. PETER RUNS OFF.) Hook: Peter! Starkey: Hey you! Hey you, wait! EXT. FOREST CITY – CONTINUOUS (PETER COMES OUT AND RECOILS FROM A PIRATE.) Peter: (gasping) (STARKEY EMERGES.) Starkey: Ha! Come on. (THEY STRIKE SWORDS AND PETER DISARMS HIM.) Starkey: (cont) (grunts) (BONNY RUSHES HIM AND THEY BEGIN BATTLING.) Bonny: (groaning) (SHE DISARMS HIM AND STARKEY GRABS HIM.) Peter: (HOOK COMES OUT.) Ah! (moaning) SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Hook: Leave him be! Bonny: Where is the squaw!? Hook: Tell them Peter. Peter: I wouldn’t tell your girlfriend the time of day! Starkey: (grunts) Bonny: I will give you one last chance to redeem yourself. 52 (HE SPITS AT HER.) Peter: (panting) (BONNY GOES TO STAB HIM AND AAYA APPEARS.) Aaya: Stop! Let him live and I will tell you what you want to know. Bonny: What is that? Aaya: (crying) How to get into the Tree Spirit colony. And the secret of the mineral dust. Peter: No, Aaya, run! (STARKEY RESTRAINS HIM HARDER.) Peter: (cont) (screams) Bonny: And you do this just to keep him alive? Aaya: Only if you set him free. Peter: Aaya, run! (groans) Bonny: Tie her up! (PETER BREAKS FREE FROM STARKEY.) Peter: Come on, Aaya! (HE GRABS HIS DAGGER.) Peter: (cont) Run! (BONNY STABS PETER.) Peter: (cont) (gasps) Hook: Peter! Aaya: No! SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 53 Peter: (groans) Hook: No! No! No! (PETER FALLS OFF THE SIDE OF THE WALKWAY.) Aaya: (panting) Bonny: There. I set him free. out of here. Now let’s get (SHE RUNS ON AND A PIRATE PULLS AAYA ALONG.) Aaya: (shuddering) Hook: Dear Lord. EXT. FOREST CITY STREET – SAME (PETER LIES SURROUNDED BY FIRE AS TINKER BELL LOOKS AT HIM.) END NIGHT ONE SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE CLOSING CREDITS Voice of Tinker Bell KEIRA KNIGHTLEY Tinker Bell CHARLOTTE ATKINSON Doctor Richard Fludd CHARLES DANCE Elizabeth Bonny ANNA FRIEL Mr. Smee BOB HOSKINS Gentleman Starkey CAS ANVAR Chenoweth COLIN GORING Peter CHARLIE ROWE Tootles JAMES AINSWORTH Curly PATRICK GIBSON Nibs CHASE WILLOUGHBY Burly Man LEN COLLIN Pompous Man PHIL KINGSTON Slightly BRANDON ROBINSON Handsome Woman LUCY MILLER The Twins THOMAS PATTEN Fox LORN MACDONALD Copper 1 DENIS FOLEY Copper 2 MARK HUBERMAN 54 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Copper 3 DONAL O’FARRELL Jimmy Hook RHYS IFANS Jeffries PIP CARTER Night Guard TONY TORMEY Pirate YARE JEGBEFUME Holy Man RAOUL TRUJILLO Kaw Chief GEORGE AGUILAR Aaya Q’ORIANKA KILCHER Kaw Scout JOSE NAVARRO Kaw Youngster / Xyahl JERMAINE NELSON Line Producer MARY ALLEGUEN 1st Assistant Director JONATHAN FARMER 2nd Assistant Director SUSAN DRENNAN 2nd 2nd Assistant Director HANNAH QUINN Supervising Art Director JOHN REID Art Director LUCY VAN LONKHUYZEN Storyboard Artists KEVIN O’BOYLE GABRIEL SCHUCAN Concept Artists DERMOT POWER ROB BLISS WARREN FLANAGAN 55 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Props Master DAVE PETERS Wardrobe Supervisor CIARA McARDLE Assistant Costume Designer DEBBIE MILLINGTON Wardrobe Assistants CATHY YOUNG NIAMH BUCKLEY Chief Make-Up Artist AILBHE LEMASS Assistants Make-Up DEIRDRE FITZGERALD LUCY BROWNE Chief Hair Designer LORRAINE GLYNN Assistants Hair SEVLENE RODDY ANNA GRONERUS Construction Manager TOM DOWLING Construction Buyer / Driver MAURICE THOMPSON Supervisor Carpenter STEPHEN USHER Chargehand Carpenter DAVID BYRNE Head of Department Painter CHRISTOPHER O’SHAUGHNESSY Scenic Artist GARY O’DONNELL Supervisor Stagehand LARRY LOVERIDGE Chargehand Rigger MICHAEL FREANEY Script Supervisor PETER CONWAY Script Supervisor CHRISTINE MARY WILSON 56 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Production Co-Ordinators CATHERINE O’FLAHERTY YVONNE BURKE Production Accountant DONAL GERAGHTY 1st Assistant Production Accountant JOAN LAMBE “A” Camera Operator MARTIN STEPHENS “B” Camera Operator CIARAN KAVANAGH Focus Pullers CONOR KELLY FIONN COMERFORD DECLAN KING Clapper Loader LOUISE McELLIN Grip IAN BUCKLEY Sound Mixer MERVYN MOORE Boom Operator MARK BARRY Gaffer NOEL CULLEN Rigging Gaffer CIARAN DEMPSEY Best Boy INGRID WHELAN Lighting Equipment CINE ELECTRIC Camera Equipment THE PRODUCTION DEPOT Stunt Co-Ordinator DONAL O’FARRELL Marine Co-Ordinator ALISTAIR RUMBALL Post-Production Producer CAROLINE McMANUS 57 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Additional Editor DAVID FREEMAN Visual Effects Editor / Assistant Editor DAVID FISHER Additional Music Editor RICH WALTERS Music Editors GERARD McCANN PETER CLARKE Post-Production Services WINDMILL LANE PICTURS, DUBLIN DI Conform MATT BRANTON DI Colourist ADAM INGLIS Additional Post-Production Services MOLINARE, LONDON Colourist GARETH SPENSLEY Sound Post-Production ARDMORE SOUND, IRELAND Sound Designer PAUL DAVIES Supervising Sound Editor PATRICK DRUMMOND Additional Sound Post-Production GOLDCREST POST, LONDON Special Effects By TEAM FX Special Effects Supervisor KEVIN BYRNE Visual Effects By ANTHEM VISUAL EFFECTS Digital Effects Supervisors MARK LASOFF SEBASTIEN BERGERON CG Supervisor LES QUINN On Set Supervisor LISA SEPP-WILSON 58 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Compositing Supervisor LIONEL LIM Visual Effects Colourist MATT BELBIN Concept Artist ROSE WANG Visual Effects By THE MILL Visual Effects Supervisor DAVID HOUGHTON Visual Effects Producer WILL COHEN CG Supervisor NICOLAS HERNANDEZ Compositing Supervisor BRYAN BARTLETT Animation Supervisor NEIL ROCHE Matchmove Supervisor AMY CUTHBERTSON I/O Supervisor MARK BRIGHT Concept Artist GRANT BONSER ITALIAN CREW Genda Production Services RIVERIA FILMS Production Manager SUZANNE REYNEKE Location Manager VALERIA MORETTI Production Co-Ordinator DONATELLA IANNETTI Production Accounts MICHELA ANGELINI Focus Puller STEFANO BARABINO 59 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE Key Grip ONOFRIO COPPOLA Wardrobe Assitants NEVA VIALE PASQUALE NAPOLITANO Hair Assistants LAURO OGLIASTRO MARIA ROSA BELLIA Art Department Assistants ANDREA MORINI VITO SANTINI Additional Stunt Co-Ordinator CLAUDIO PACIFICO Publicity FREUD COMMUNICATIONS Stills Photographer PATRICK REDMOND Transport Captain PAUL CULLEN Facilities Manager PATRICK FISHER Caterer SAVAGAE FOOD COMPANY Security STRAND SECURITY SERVICES Animals Provided By EDDIE DREW Health and Safety Officer KEVIN KEARNS Insurance MEDIA INSURANCE SERVICES Legal Services JOHANNA HOGAN MATHESON ORMSBY PRENTICE Additional Music By RICH WALTERS Music Orchestrated and Conducted By NICK INGRAM 60 SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE 61 Music Recorded and Mixes By TIM MARTIN Music Recorded At WINDMILL LANE RECORDING STUDIOS, DUBLIN Orchestra THE IRISH FILM ORCHESTRA FOR PARALLEL FILMS Co-Producer SUSAN MULLEN Supervising Accountant NIALL DELANEY Production Executive SUSAN HOLMES Associate Producer RUTH COADY FOR MNG FILMS Production Consultant SHEILA FRASER MILNE FOR SKY MOVIES Director of Sky Movies IAN LEWIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH SYFY CHANNEL CO-PRODUCED WITH INGENIOUS BROADCASTING FILMED ON LOCATION IN IRELAND PRODUCED WITH THE SUPPORT OF INVESTMENT INCENTIVES FOR THE IRISH FILM INDUSTRY PROVIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS MOTION PICTURE THE CHARACTERS AND INCIDENTS PORTRAYED AND THE NAMES USED HEREIN ARE FICTITIOUS AND ANY SIMILARITY TO ANY NAME, CHARACTER OR HISTORY ANY ACTUAL PERSONS LIVING OR DEAD IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL AND UNINTENTIONAL THIS MOTION PICTURE IS PROTECTED UNDER THE LAWS OF IRELAND AND OTHER COUNTRIES UNAUTHORISED DUPLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR EXHIBITION MAY RESULT IN CIVIL LIABILITY AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION SYFY CHANNEL: NEVERLAND – NIGHT ONE A PARALLEL FILMS PRODUCTION FOR MNG FILMS MNG FILMS 2011 PARALLEL FILMS LOGO RHI ENTERTAINMENT LOGO 62