Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer Study of Heat and Work transfer (quantitatively) Study of “How heat flows” Thermodynamics Heat Transfer every activity involves heat transfer Page 1 Driving Potential & Resistance Students’ Interest & Capability Class Room Ambience Teacher’s Interest & Knowledge Knowledge Transfer Teaching – Learning Process in a Class Room DRIVING POTENTIAL Difference between Teacher’s interest + knowledge & students’ interest + capability RESISTANCE FACTORS 1. Time of lecture 2. Nature of subject 3. Ambience (conduciveness) However, higher potential difference leads to increase in entropy Page 2 Conduction The transfer of energy in a solid or fluid via molecular contact without bulk motion MODE Solids > Lattice vibrations Fluids > Molecular collisions T dT q dx T T0 x PHYSICAL PagePHENOMENON 3 MATHEMATICAL EQUATION Conduction (contd.) Fourier Law of Heat Conduction dT q dx T qx k x • The heat flux, q is directly proportional to temperature gradient • The proportionality constant, k, is defined as the thermal conductivity, a thermo physical property. Page 4 Conduction (contd.) Thermal Conductivity, k Silver = 410 Wm-1K-1 METALS NON-METALS k/ksilver Silver Gold Copper Aluminum Brass (70% Cu:30% Ni) Platinum, Lead Mild steel (0.1% Cu), Cast iron Bismuth Mercury Page 5 1 0.7 0.93 0.86 0.33 0.25 0.12 0.07 0.04 k/ksilver Air Water Granite, Sandstone Average rock Limestone Ice Glass (crown) Concrete (1:2:4) Brick Snow (fresh or average) Soil (sandy, dry) Soil (8% moist) Wood 0.19 0.0014 0.011 0.012 0.007 0.015 0.0058 0.0042 0.0038 0.005 0.002 0.0033 0.0045 Convection Convection occurs in liquids and gases. Energy is carried with fluid motion when convection occurs. Q hA(Tw Ta ) PHYSICAL PHENOMENON Page 6 MATHEMATICAL EQUATION Convection (contd.) Newton’s Law of Cooling Q hA(Tw Ta ) • The quantity h is called the convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K). • It is dependent on the type of fluid flowing past the wall and the velocity distribution. • Thus, h is not a thermo physical property. Page 7 Convection Process Free convection Gases Liquids 50–1000 Forced convection Gases Liquids 50–20,000 Convection phase change h(W/m2-K) 2–25 25–250 2,500–200,000 Convection (contd.) Convective Processes Single phase fluids (gases and liquids) – Forced convection – Free convection, or natural convection – Mixed convection (forced plus free) Convection with phase change – Boiling – Condensation Page 8 Radiation Energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves A,Ts E Ts PHYSICAL PHENOMENON Page 9 4 MATHEMATICAL EQUATION Radiation (contd.) Stefan-Boltzman Law Eb T 4 s The emissive power of a black body over all wave lengths is proportional to fourth power of temperature Page 10 One Dimensional Heat Conduction Heat flow out k [Aq]x+Δx Heat flow in g [Aq]x Net rate of heat gain by conduction [Aq]x – [Aq]x+ Δx Page 11 Rate of energy generation + + A Δx g Δx = = Rate of increase of internal energy A x c p 1 [ Aq]x x [ Aq]x T ( x, t ) g c p A x t T ( x, t ) t One Dimensional Heat Conduction (contd.) Heat flow out k [Aq]x+Δx Heat flow in [Aq]x g Δx 1 [ Aq]x x [ Aq]x T ( x, t ) g c p A x t As Δx 0, the first term on the LHS, by definition, becomes the derivative of [Aq] with respect to x 1 T ( x, t ) Aq g c p A x t Page 12 1 T T ( x, t ) Ak g c p A x x t One Dimensional Heat Conduction (contd.) Rectangular Coordinates T T ( x, t ) k g c p x x t n=0 Cylindrical Coordinates 1 T T (r , t ) rk g c p r r r t n=1 Spherical Coordinates 1 2 T T (r , t ) r k g c p 2 r r r t A Compact Equation 1 n T T (r , t ) r k g c p n r r r t Page 13 n=2 Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Page 14 Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) T1 T (x,t) | x=0 = T (0,t) = T1 T2 T (x,t) | x=L = T (L,t) = T2 0 Page 15 L x Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Heat Supply Plate Conduction flux q0 k W/m2 T x Conduction flux T k x Page 16 0 T k x x 0 Heat Supply qL W/m2 xL L x T k x q0 x 0 qL xL Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Hollow Cylinder or hollow sphere T qa k r k r a a Heat Supply b W/m2 Page 17 T r r qb r b T k r T k r qa r a qb r b Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Conduction Fluid Flow T k x Convection Plate h2 (T2 T xL T1, h1 Convection ) Convection heat flux from the fluid at T1 to the surface at x = 0 Conduction T h1 (T1 T x 0 ) k x x 0 Fluid Flow T2, h2 Page 18 xL Conduction heat flux from the surface at x= 0 into the plate T h1 (T1 T x 0 ) k x x 0 Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Conduction Fluid Flow k T x Convection Plate h2 (T2 T xL T1, h1 Convection ) Convection heat flux from the fluid at T2 to the surface at x = L Conduction T h1 (T1 T x 0 ) k x x 0 Fluid Flow T2, h2 Page 19 xL Conduction heat flux from the surface at x = L into the plate T h2 (T2 T x L ) k x xL Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Fluid Flow Hollow Cylinder or hollow sphere T1, h1 k T r r b h2 (T2 T r b ) b a h1 (T1 T r a ) k Page 20 T r Convection heat flux from the fluid at T1 to the surface at r = a Heat Supply r a Fluid Flow T2, h2 r Conduction heat flux from the surface at r= a into the plate T h1 (T1 T r a ) k r r a Boundary Conditions Prescribed Temperature BC (First kind) Prescribed Heat Flux BC (Second kind) Convection BC (Third kind) Fluid Flow Hollow Cylinder or hollow sphere T1, h1 k T r r b h2 (T2 T r b ) b a h1 (T1 T r a ) k Page 21 T r Convection heat flux from the fluid at T2 to the surface at r = b Heat Supply r a Fluid Flow T2, h2 r Conduction heat flux from the surface at r= b into the plate T h2 (T2 T r b ) k r r b Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Rectangular Coordinates 2T 0 2 x Governing Equation T ( x) c1 x c2 0 L T = T1 T = T2 Page 22 x T2 T1 T ( x) x T1 L K . A.(T1 T2 ) Qx L L R K .A Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Cylindrical Coordinates (Solid Cylinder) 1 d dT ( r ) g 0 r 0 r dr dr k Governing Equation dT (r ) 0 dr T (r ) T2 at at r 0 b 0 r Solving, T = T1 Page 23 T = T2 r b g0 T (r ) r c1 ln r c2 2k 2 g0 r T (r ) 1 T2 4k b dT (r ) g 0 r q(r ) k dr 2 Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Cylindrical Coordinates (Solid Cylinder) Solved Example For r=1cm g0 = 2 x 108 W/m3 k = 20 W/(m.°C) T2 = 100 °C b 0 r What will be the 1. Centre temperature T(0) 2. Heat flux at the boundary surface (r=1cm) Equations to use (derive) T = T1 Page 24 T = T2 g T (r ) 0 4k g0r q(r ) 2 r 2 1 T2 b Solution T(0) = 350 °C q(r) = 106 W/m2 Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Cylindrical Coordinates (Hollow Cylinder) Determination of Temperature Distribution Mathematical formulation of this problem is d dr k b T2 a T1 0 Page 25 r dT ( r ) r dr 0 in a < r < b T (r ) c1 ln r c2 T2 T1 Solving, c1 ln( b / a) ln( a) c2 T1 (T2 T1 ) ln( b / a) T (r ) T1 ln( r / a ) T2 T1 ln( b / a ) Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Cylindrical Coordinates (Hollow Cylinder) Expression for radial heat flow Q over a length H The heat flow is determined from, dT ( r ) Q q ( r ).area k 2 rH dr k k 2Hc1 Since, b T2 2kH Q (T1 T2 ) ln( b / a) a T1 0 Page 26 dT (r ) / dr (1 / r )c1 Rearranging, r T T2 Q 1 R ln( b / a ) where, R 2 kH Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Cylindrical Coordinates (Hollow Cylinder) Expression for thermal resistance for length H ln( b / a ) R 2 kH k Above equation can be rearranged as, ln( b / a) (b a) ln[ 2bH /( 2aH )] R 2kH (b a)2Hk b T2 t R kAm a T1 0 Page 27 r where, Am A1 A0 ln( A1 A0 ) here, A0 = 2πaH =area of inner surface of cylinder A1 = 2πbH =area of outer surface of cylinder Am = logarithmic mean area t = b – a = thickness of cylinder Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Spherical Coordinates (Hollow Sphere) Expression for temperature distribution The mathematical formulation is given by, d 2 dT (r ) r 0 dr dr a r 0 b Page 28 in a < r < b c1 T ( r ) c2 r ab (T1 T2 ) where, c1 ba bT2 aT1 c2 ba a br b r a T (r ) . .T1 . .T2 r ba r ba Steady State One Dimensional Heat Conduction Spherical Coordinates (Hollow Sphere) Expression for heat flow rate Q and thermal resistance R Heat flow rate is determined using the equation, dT (r ) Q ( 4 r ) k dr c1 2 (4r ) k 2 4kc1 r ab from last slide c1 (T1 T2 ) ba 2 a r 0 using, b Page 29 ab T1 T2 Q 4k (T1 T2 ) ba R ba where, R 4 kab Composite Medium BRICK WALL REFRACTORY LINING 2 FURNACE REFRACTORY LINING 1 Example (Furnace Wall) FURNACE WALL Page 30 Ambient Composite Medium Example (Condenser Water Tube) Tube Wall Scale Cooling Water Condensing Medium (Steam) Page 31 Composite Medium Composite Slab (resistance in series) L1 L2 Fluid Flow Tb, hb L3 Ta T0 Q T1 Q Tb T2 Fluid Flow T3 Ta, ha Q Ta T1 T0 Ra R1 R2 R3 Ta T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 Tb Q Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb Ra Page 32 Tb T3 T2 L 1 L L 1 ; R1 1 ; R2 2 ; R3 3 ; Rb Aha Ak1 Ak2 Ak3 Ahb Q Rb Q Ta Tb R W R Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb Composite Medium Composite Slab (resistance in parallel) Insulated Q B T1 A C E T2 Insulated RA RB Rc Page 33 RD RE W R RA Req. p RE D T1 T1 T2 R T2 1 1 1 1 Req. p RB RC RD Composite Medium Composite Cylinder Q Ta Ra k2 ha T1 T0 R1 Rb Q Ta T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 Tb Q Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb k3 k1 hb Ra 1 1 r 1 r ; R1 ln 1 ; R2 ln 2 2r0 Hha 2Hk1 r0 2Hk 2 r1 R3 r 1 1 ln 3 ; Rb 2Hk 3 r2 2r3 Hhb Ta Tb Q R Page 34 R3 R2 Tb T3 T2 W R Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb Composite Medium Composite Spheres Q Ta T1 T0 Ra R1 Rb Q Ta T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 Tb Q Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb ha k1 k2 hb Ra 1 1 r1 r0 1 r2 r1 ; R ; R 1 2 4r02 ha 4k1 r1r0 4k 2 r2 r1 R3 1 r3 r2 1 ; Rb 4k3 r3 r2 4r32 hb k3 Ta Tb Q R Page 35 R3 R2 Tb T3 T2 W R Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb Composite Medium H Convection into an ambient at T∞,h0 r1 T1 ro Heat Loss, q Critical Thickness of Insulation rc Insulation Radius, r Page 36 Composite Medium Critical Thickness of Insulation The rate of heat loss Q from the tube is given by Convection into an ambient at T∞,h0 H r1 T1 ro Ti T Q Rins R0 Rins r 1 ln 0 2 kH ri 2kH (Ti T ) 1 dQ k 0 2 2 dr0 ln( r0 / ri ) k /( h0 r0 ) r0 h0r0 For Cylinder r0 c Page 37 1 R0 2r0 Hh0 k h0 For Sphere r0 c 2k h0 Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Cylinder) Calculate, 1. Heat loss from tube for length H=10m 2. Temperature drops resulting in thermal resistances 7.6 cm Determination of heat loss Ta=330°C ha=400 W/(m2.°C) Insulation t =2 cm K=0.2 W(m.°C) Ra W 1 1 2r0 Hha 2 0.025 10 400 Ra 1.59 10 3 C / W K = 15 W/(m °C) Ambient air Tb=30°C hb= 60 W/(m2.°C) Page 38 Ta Tb Q Ra R1 R2 Rb R1 1 r 1 3.8 ln 1 ln 2Hk1 r0 2 10 15 2.5 R1 0.44 10 3 C / W Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Cylinder) Calculate, 1. Heat loss from tube for length H=10m 2. Temperature drops resulting in thermal resistances 7.6 cm Determination of heat loss Ta=330°C ha=400 W/(m2.°C) R2 33.65 10 3 C / W Insulation t =2 cm K=0.2 W(m.°C) Rb 4.2110 3 C / W R Ra R1 R2 R3 Rb 39.89 10 3 C / W K = 15 W/(m °C) Ambient air Tb=30°C hb= 60 W/(m2.°C) Page 39 Q 330 30 7521 W 3 39.89 10 Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Cylinder) Calculate, 1. Heat loss from tube for length H=10m 2. Temperature drops resulting in thermal resistances 7.6 cm Determination of temperature drops Ta=330°C ha=400 W/(m2.°C) Q Insulation t =2 cm K=0.2 W(m.°C) Ta T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 Tb Ra R1 R2 Rb Thotgas QRa 12.0C Ttube QR1 3.3C Tinsulation QR2 253.0C K = 15 W/(m °C) Ambient air Tb=30°C hb= 60 W/(m2.°C) Page 40 Toutside QRb 31.7C Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Wall) GYPSUM SHEATH 2 x 4 wood studs have actual dimensions of 4.13 x 9.21 cm with k = 0.1 W/m.°C Calculate, 1.Overall heat transfer coefficient 2.R value of the wall Outside Air Convection h=15 W/m2 C Thermal resistance model COMMON BRICK, k =0.69 k=0.96 8cm 1.9cm INSULATION, k=0.04 k=0.48 1.9cm Two parallel heat flow paths are possible 1. Through the studs 2. Through the insulation 40.6 cm Inside Air Convection h=7.5 W/m2 C Rsheath outside 2x 4 STUDS Tair Rconvection Rconvection Rsheath outside Note: ‘k’ is expressed in W/m °C inside inside outside Page 41 Rsheath Rbrick Tair outside Rinsul Rstud Rsheath inside inside Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Wall) Calculate, 1. Overall heat transfer coefficient 2. R value of the wall GYPSUM SHEATH Outside Air Convection h=15 W/m2 C Heat flow through the studs Area = 0.0413m2/unit depth COMMON BRICK, k =0.69 k=0.96 8cm 1.9cm INSULATION, k=0.04 k=0.48 1.9cm 40.6 cm Inside Air Convection h=7.5 W/m2 C Heat flow occurs through 6 thermal resistances 1. Convection Resistance outside of brick 2. Conduction resistance in brick 3. Conduction resistance through outer sheet 4. Conduction resistance through wood stud 5. Conduction resistance through inner sheet 6. Convection resistance on inside 2x 4 STUDS Recall, Rconvection 1 / hA Rconduction x / kA Rtotal 1.614 2.807 0.48 22.3 0.96 3.23 31.39C / W Page 42 Note: ‘k’ is expressed in W/m °C Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Wall) Calculate, 1. Overall heat transfer coefficient 2. R value of the wall GYPSUM SHEATH Outside Air Convection h=15 W/m2 C COMMON BRICK, k =0.69 k=0.96 Heat flow through the insulation 8cm 1.9cm INSULATION, k=0.04 k=0.48 1.9cm 40.6 cm The five of the materials are same, but the resistances involve different area terms, i.e., 40.6 - 4.13 cm instead of 4.13 cm. Inside Air Convection h=7.5 W/m2 C 2x 4 STUDS Thus the total resistance of the insulation section is given below Rtotal 7.337 C / W Page 43 Note: ‘k’ is expressed in W/m °C Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Wall) Calculate, 1. Overall heat transfer coefficient 2. R value of the wall GYPSUM SHEATH Outside Air Convection h=15 W/m2 C COMMON BRICK, k =0.69 k=0.96 1. Overall heat transfer coefficient Overall resistance is obtained by combining the parallel resistances as calculated earlier. 8cm 1.9cm INSULATION, k=0.04 k=0.48 1.9cm Roverall 1 (1 / 31.39) (1 / 7.337) 40.6 cm 5.947C / W Inside Air Convection h=7.5 W/m2 C Overall heat transfer coefficient is found by, 2x 4 STUDS q UAT U Page 44 Note: ‘k’ is expressed in W/m °C T Roverall (here, A = 0.406m2) 1 1 0.414W / m 2 C RA (5.947)(0.406) Composite Medium Solved Example (Composite Wall) Calculate, 1. Overall heat transfer coefficient 2. R value of the wall GYPSUM SHEATH Outside Air Convection h=15 W/m2 C COMMON BRICK, k =0.69 k=0.96 2. R Value of the wall 8cm 1.9cm The resistance of the wall is calculated using the overall heat transfer coefficient, as given below: INSULATION, k=0.04 k=0.48 1.9cm 40.6 cm Inside Air Convection h=7.5 W/m2 C 2x 4 STUDS Page 45 Note: ‘k’ is expressed in W/m °C 1 1 Rvalue 2.414C.m 2 / W U 0.414 Composite Medium Solved Example (Critical Thickness of Insulation) Calculate, the critical thickness of rubber and the maximum heat transfer rate per metre length of conductor. The temperature of rubber is not to exceed 65 °C (due to heat generated within). Ambient at 30°C, 8.5 W/m2K Critical thickness r0c k / ho 0.155 / 8.5 0.0182 m r = 5mm Maximum heat transfer rate Rins r 1 1 0.0182 ln 0 ln 1.32 2kH ri 2 0.155 0.005 C /W m Rubber k = 0.155 W/mK 1 1 R0 1.02 C / W m 2r0 Hh0 2 0.0182 8.5 Q Page 46 Ti T 65 30 14.89 W / m Rins R0 1.32 1.02 Heat Source Systems Plane wall with heat generation Expression for mid plane temperature is given by, g 2 T0 L Tw 2k x=0 q = heat generated per unit volume The temperature distribution can also be written in alternative form as: T Tw x 1 T0 Tw L Tw x Tw L L Page 47 2 Conduction-Convection Systems Fins / Extended Surfaces • Necessity for fins • Biot Number hx ( x / k ) k 1/ h = Internal Conductive resistance Surface Convective resistance FIN TYPES Page 48 LONGITUDINAL RECTANGULAR FIN RADIAL FIN Conduction-Convection Systems Governing Equation (Rectangular Fin) Net Heat Conducted – Heat Convected = 0 dqconv hPdx(T T ) t base A qx qx+dx x dx L Page 49 Z [ Aqx Aqx dx ] hPdx(T T ) 0 Aqx Aqx dx hP(T T ) 0 dx d Aqx hP (T T ) 0 dx d dT kA hP(T T ) 0 dx dx d 2T hP (T T ) 0 2 dx kA d 2 2 m 0 2 dx where, hP m kA & T T Conduction-Convection Systems Boundary Conditions LONG FIN d 2 ( x) 2 m ( x) 0 in x 0 2 dx ( x) T0 T 0 at x 0 ( x) 0 as x SHORT FIN (end insulated) d 2 ( x) 2 m ( x) 0 in 0 x L 2 dx (x) T0 T 0 at x 0 d (x) 0 dx Page 50 SHORT FIN ( end not insulated) at x L d 2 ( x) m 2 ( x) 0 in 0 x L 2 dx (x) T0 T 0 at x 0 k d (x) he ( x) 0 at x L dx Conduction-Convection Systems Types of Fin Boundaries Type of FIN boundary Long Fin (TL= T∞) Short Fin (end insulated) Temperature Distribution Heat transferred by fin T T Tb T Q e-mx (Tb-T∞)(hPkA)0.5 Cosh m(L-X) Cosh (mL) (hPkA)0.5 (Tb-T∞) tanh (mL) * Cosh[m( L X )] (hL / mk ) Sinh[m( L X )] (T T ) tanh( mL) (hL / mk ) (hPkA) 0.5 Short Fin b 1 (hL / mk ) tanh( mL) Cosh(mL) (hL / mk ) Sinh (mL) (end not insulated) Specified End Temperature At x=L; T=TL TL T Sinh (mx) Sinh[m( L x)] Tb T Sinh (mL) [(Tb T ) (TL T )] * For higher values of mL (i.e., m=4), tanh mL = 0.999 ≈ 1. Thus Qshort fin Qlong fin for higher values of mL Page 51 Cosh(mL) 1 (hPkA) 0.5 Sinh (mL) Conduction-Convection Systems Performance Parameters Fin Efficiency Q fin Actual heat trans fer throug h fin Ideal heat trans fer throug h fin if entire Qideal fin surface were at fin base temperatu re , T0 In practical applications, a finned heat transfer surface is composed of the finned surfaces and the unfinned portion. In such cases total heat transfer is used. Qtotal = Qfin + Qunfinned = η af h θ0 + ( a – af ) h θ0 Where, a = total heat transfer area (i.e., fin surface + unfinned surface) af = heat transfer area of fins only Qtotal = [ηβ+(1-β)] a h θ0 ≡ η‘ a h θ0 Where, η‘ = βη +1 – β = area – weighted fin efficiency β = af / a Page 52 Conduction-Convection Systems Fin Efficiency, η Performance Parameters Fin Efficiency Each curve is specific for specific fin configuration L (2h/kt)0.5 Page 53 Fin efficiency curves are available for fins of various configuration (eg. Axial, circular disk fins of various length, thickness etc) Conduction-Convection Systems Performance Parameters Fin Effectiveness Effectiven ess Q with fin Q withoutfin Although the addition of fins on a surface increases surface area, it also increases thermal resistance over the portion of the surface where fins are attached. Therefore there may be situations in which the addition of fins does not improve heat transfer. Pk / (Ah) > 1 Page 54 (to justify usage of fins) Conduction-Convection Systems Solved Example A steel rod is exposed to ambient air. If one end of the rod is maintained at a temperature of 120 °C, calculate the heat loss from the rod The condition for other end of the rod is not specified explicitly. By considering L/D ratio, it appears that a long fin assumption is applicable. Using the simplest analysis to solve, computing mL: Diameter = 2cm Length = 25 cm k = 50 W / m. °C Tbase=120°C Tamb = 20°C h = 64 W / m2. °C hP hD 4h 4 64 kA ( / 4) D 2 k kD 50 0.02 m 16 and mL 16 0.25 4 m2 Therefore, expression for Qlong fin can be used. Q Tb T hPkA Tb T (D) D 2 kh 4 120 20 Page 55 2 (0.02) 3 50 64 25.1 W Conduction-Convection Systems Solved Example (Fin Efficiency) L t CIRCULAR DISK FIN Circular disk fins of constant thickness are attached on a 2.5 cm OD tube with a spacing of 100 fins per 1m length of tube. Fin Properties: Aluminium k = 160 W / m.°C, t = 1mm L = 1 cm Tube wall temperature = 170 °C; Ambient temperature = 30 °C Heat transfer coeff. of ambient , h = 200 W/m2. °C. Calculate, 1. Fin Efficiency and area weighted fin efficiency 2. Heat lost to the ambient air per 1m length of tube 3. Heat loss with that if there were no fins on tube Fin Efficiency, η Fin Efficiency Page 56 Fin efficiency is determined using the graph shown aside. The following parameters are calculated, firstly: ro/ri L (2h/kt)0.5 L 2h 2 200 110 2 0.5 kt 160 10 3 ro 1.25 1 1. 8 ri 1.25 The fin efficiency is determined from graph 0.9 Conduction-Convection Systems Solved Example (Fin Efficiency) Calculate, 1. Fin Efficiency and area weighted fin efficiency 2. Heat lost to the ambient air per 1m length of tube 3. Heat loss with that if there were no fins on tube L Area Weighted Fin Efficiency t CIRCULAR DISK FIN Tube OD = 2.5 cm 100 fins per 1m tube length kfin = 160 W/m°C t = 1mm; L = 1cm Ttube = 170°C; Tamb = 30°C hamb = 200 W/m2. °C Ratio of heat transfer area for fin to the total heat transfer area, β Fin Surface per cm of tube length = 2π(r02-ri2) = 2π[2.252-1.252] = 21.99 cm2 Total heat transfer surface per cm of tube length = 2π (r02-ri2) + 2πri (1 – t) = 2π[2.252-1.252] + 2π(1.25)(1 – 0.1) = 29.06 cm2 β = af / a = 21.99 / 29.06 = 0.757 Area Weighted Fin Efficiency, η’ = βη +1 – β = 0.757(0.9) + 0.243 = 0.924 Page 57 Conduction-Convection Systems Solved Example (Fin Efficiency) Calculate, 1. Fin Efficiency and area weighted fin efficiency 2. Heat lost to the ambient air per 1m length of tube 3. Heat loss with that if there were no fins on tube L Heat lost to ambient per 1m length of tube t CIRCULAR DISK FIN Tube OD = 2.5 cm 100 fins per 1m tube length kfin = 160 W/m°C t = 1mm; L = 1cm Ttube = 170°C; Tamb = 30°C hamb = 200 W/m2. °C Total heat transfer surface a per 1m of tube length a = 29.06 x 100 cm2 = 0.29 m2 Q = η’ahθ0 = 0.924 x 0.29 x 200 (170 – 30) = 7503 W Heat lost per 1m length of tube with no fins Qno fin = 2πrihθ0 = 2π x 0.0125 x 200 x (170 – 30) = 2199 W Clearly, the addition of fins increases the heat dissipation by a factor of about 3.4 Page 58 Transient Conduction • If the surface temperature of a solid body is suddenly altered, the temperature within the body begins to change over time. • Variation of temperature both with position and time makes determination of temperature distribution under transient condition more complicated. • In some situations, variation of temperature with position is negligible under transient state, hence the temperature is considered to vary only with time. • The analysis under the above assumption is called lumped system analysis. • Biot Number, Bi = (hx) / k • Lumped System Analysis is applicable only when Bi < 0.1 Page 59 Systems with Negligible Internal Resistance Q Lumped Heat Analysis • The convective heat loss from the body (shown aside) has its magnitude equal to decrease in internal energy of solid. Q hA(T T ) pcV Volume V Area A dT hA dt T T pcV T∞ T On Integration, T=T0 at t=0 T0 Page 60 hA t C1 pcV T T exp (hA / pcV ).t T0 T 1/hA T∞ ln( T T ) Solving and rearranging, S Cth=ρcV dT dt Systems with Negligible Internal Resistance Biot Number • It is a non-dimensional parameter used to test the validity of the lumped heat capacity approach. Bi hL c internal resistance convective resistance k • The characteristic length (Lc) for some common shapes is given below: Plane Wall (thickness 2L) Long cylinder (radius R) A.2L Lc L 2.A R 2 .L R Lc 2R.L 2 Sphere (radius R) Cube (side L) (4 / 3)R 3 R Lc 4R 2 3 L3 L Lc 2 6L 6 • The lumped heat capacity approach for simple shapes such as plates, cylinders, spheres and cubes can be used if Bi < 0.1 Page 61 Systems with Negligible Internal Resistance Response time of a Temperature measuring Instrument T T exp (hA / pcV ).t T0 T • For a rapid response of temperature measuring device, the index, (hAt/ρcV) should be large to make the exponential term reach zero faster. • This can be achieved by decreasing wire diameter, density and specific heat or by increasing value of ‘h’. • The quantity (ρcV/hA) has the units of time and is called ‘time constant’ of system. Hence at time t=t* (one time constant), T T e 1 0.368 T0 T • At the end of time period t* the temperature difference between the body and ambient would be 0.368 of the initial temperature difference. • In other words, the temperature difference would be reduced by 63.2 percent. • This reduction in 63.2 percent of initial temperature difference is called ‘sensitivity’ • Lower the value of time constant, better the response of instrument. Page 62 Systems with Negligible Surface Resistance Large Flat Plate with Negligible Surface Resistance Ts T0(x) for t=0 Ts = T∞ (t>0) x L Page 63 • When convective heat transfer coefficient at the surface is assumed to be infinite, the surface temperature remains constant at all the time (t>0) and its value is equal to that of ambient temperature. • The systems exhibiting above said conditions are considered to have ‘negligible surface resistance’ • An important application of this process is in heat treatment of metals by quenching, viz., the dropping of a metallic sphere initially at 300 °C into a 20 °C oil bath. • Mathematical formulation of this case is : 2T 1 T 0 x L 2 x t T T0 (x) at t 0 for 0 x L (initial condition) T Ts at x 0 for t 0 Boundary Conditions T Ts at x L for t 0 Heat flow in an Infinitely Thick Plate Semi-infinite body • A semi-infinite body is one in which at any instant of time there is always a point where the effect of heating / cooling at one of its boundaries is not felt at all. • At this point the temperature remains unchanged. • Mathematical formulation is : Semi-Infinite Plate Ts at t=0 Qo To x 2T 1 T 2 x t with initial and boundary conditions, T T0 at t 0 for all x T Ts at x 0 for all t 0 T T0 as x for all t 0 Page 64 Systems with Finite Surface and Internal Resistance Mathematical formulation : Infinitely Large Flat Plate of Finite Thickness (2L) 2T 1 T 2 x t T T0 at t 0 (for - L x L) h T 0 at x 0 (centre line) x T∞ T h (T T ) at x L x k h T∞ at t=0 -x x x=-L x=0 x=L Page 65 Chart Solutions of Transient Heat Conduction Problems Heisler Charts (by Heisler, 1947) Infinite Plate Time History Mid Plane hL/k T(x,t) - T∞ Ti- T∞ 0.1 1 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 Fourier number, ατ/L2 Page 66 Chart Solutions of Transient Heat Conduction Problems Heisler Charts (by Heisler, 1947) Infinite Plate Time History Any Position, x 1 x/L 0.2 0.4 T(x,t) - T∞ 0.6 Ti- T∞ 0.8 0.9 1 0 Page 67 0.1 Biot Number, hL/k 100 Chart Solutions of Transient Heat Conduction Problems Heisler Charts (by Heisler, 1947) Infinite Plate Heat Flow hL/k 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 10 20 40 50 Q/Qo Page 68 h 2 2 Bi Fo k2 Where, Qo cV (To T ) Lumped System Analysis Solved Example Determination of Time required to cool 4 mass 5.5 V R 3 2.037 10 3 Volume 3 density 2700 Aluminium Ball ρ = 2700 kg/m3 c = 900 J/kg K k = 205 W/mK 5.5 kg Tinitial=290°C Radius R 3V / 4 Characteristic Length Lc 1/ 3 0.0786m R 0.0262m 3 hA T T .t exp T0 T cV T 95C T 15C T0 290C Tfluid = 15°C h = 58 W / m2. °C Time required to cool the aluminium ball to 95°C Page 69 ? hA 3h 3 58 9.1 10 4 / s cV cR 2700 900 0.0786 95 15 80 exp( 9.1 10 4.t ) 290 15 275 3.4375 exp( 9.1 10 4.t ) t 1357 s Lumped System Analysis Temperature Measurement by Thermocouples Solved Example The temperature of a gas stream is to be measured by a thermocouple whose junction can be approximated as a 1mm diameter sphere (shown aside) Determine how long it will take for the thermocouple to read 99% of initial temperature difference Thermocouple Wire Gas T∞ h=210 W/m2 °C Junction (Sphere) D= 1mm ρ = 8500 kg/m3 k = 35 W/mK c = 320 J/kg K How long will it take for the thermocouple to read 99 % of Initial Temperature difference Page 70 ? Lc = V/As = (1/6)D = (1/6)x0.001 = 1.67x10-4 m Bi = hL/k = (210x 1.67x10-4) x 35 = 0.001 < 0.1 Therefore, lumped system analysis is applicable. In order to read 99% of initial temperature difference Ti – T∞ between the junction and the gas, we must have T T 0.01 T0 T Lumped System Analysis Temperature Measurement by Thermocouples Solved Example The temperature of a gas stream is to be measured by a thermocouple whose junction can be approximated as a 1mm diameter sphere (shown aside) Determine how long it will take for the thermocouple to read 99% of initial temperature difference Thermocouple Wire Time Gas T∞ h=210 W/m2 °C Junction (Sphere) D= 1mm ρ = 8500 kg/m3 k = 35 W/mK c = 320 J/kg K How long will it take for the thermocouple to read 99 % of Initial Temperature difference Page 71 ? T T 0.01 exp (hA / pcV).t T0 T hA s h 210 1 0 . 462 s cV cL c 8500 320 1.67 10 4 exp (0.462).t 0.01 t = 10s Transient Conduction in Semi-infinite Solids Solved Example A water pipe is to be buried in soil at sufficient depth from the surface to prevent freezing in winter. What minimum depth is required to prevent the freezing of pipe when soil is at uniform temperature of Ti = 10 °C, the surface is subjected to a uniform temperature of T0 = -15 °C continuously for 50 days. Also the pipe surface temperature should Page 72 Transient Conduction in Semi-infinite Solids Solved Example Water Pipe (to be buried) Tsurface = -15 °C ? SOIL Tsoil = 10 °C Condition : Tpipe wall should not fall below 0 °C What burial depth is needed to prevent freezing of the pipe ? Page 73 Temperature Distribution in Semi-infinite Solid T(x,t) - Tsurface Tinitial- Tsurface Error Function, Page 74 x 2 t Determination of Burial depth T ( x, t ) T0 0 15 0.6 ( x, t ) 10 15 Ti T0 For ( x, t ) 0.6, 0.6 (from graph) For 0.2 10 m / s and t 50 24 3600s -6 2 the error function is given by, Page 75 x 2 t x 2 0.2 10-6 50 24 3600 0.538 x Determination of Burial depth 0.538 x 0.6 0.6 x 1.12m 0.538 The pipe should be buried at least to a depth of 1.12 m to prevent freezing. Page 76 Application of Heisler Charts Aluminium Slab Thickness=10cm α = 8.4x10-5 m2/s ρ = 2700 kg/m3 c = 900 J/kg K k = 215 W/mK Tinitial=500°C Tfluid = 100°C h = 1200 W / m2. °C Page 77 Mid-plane Temperature and Surface Temperature after 1 min? Determination of Mid plane Temperature 2L=10 cm ; L = 5 cm ; t = 1min = 60 s αt/L2 = (8.4x10-5 x 60) / 0.052 = 2.016 Bi = hL/k = (1200x0.05) x 215 = 0.28 Using above two parameters in Heisler Chart, T T 0.68 T0 T T 100 0.68(500 100) 372C Page 78 Determination of Surface Temperature For x/L = 1 and Bi = 0.28, T T 0.88 T0 T T 100 0.88(372 100) 339.36C Page 79 Energy Loss h2αt/k2 = (12002x8.4x10-5 x 60) / 2152 = 0.157 Bi = hL/k = (1200x0.05) x 215 = 0.28 Using above 2 parameters in Heisler Chart for Heat flow, Q/Q0 = 0.32 Q0 cVT0 T c(2L)(T0 T ) A A 2700 900 0.1400 97.2 10 J / m 6 Page 80 2 Heat removed per unit surface area Q 6 0.32 97.2 10 A 6 2 31.110 J / m Page 81