Title: Thinking outside the Box L/O: To identify the main types of creativity that entrepreneurs use To explore the process of creative thinking and consider how creative you are What do we mean? • Thinking creatively means coming up with an idea that is unique and did not exist before. What makes a good business idea? Good business ideas… • • • • • • Solve a problem Offer a better, cheaper way Simple & practicable Can be delivered quickly Have a clear focus Anticipate trends & exploit growing markets TrueCall – an end to nuisance calls? Example - Glasses Direct Entrepreneur: James Murray-Wells Felt ripped-off by prices charged by high street opticians Researched supply-chain Simplified customer purchase & lowered price http://www.glassesdirect.co.uk /about/story/ Focused on glasses Focused on e-commerce Two More Examples King of Shaves Entrepreneur: Will King Will had sensitive skin & was fed up with razor burn during wet shaving Girlfriend suggested using oil on skin during shaving – a new product was born! http://www.thekingofshavescompany.com/corporate/pages/kos_shaving/KOS_Brand.htm Green Thumb Entrepreneur: Stephen Waring Meet someone at a wedding in the US who ran a lawn treatment service Stephen was first into the market with the same idea in the UK – launched as a franchise http://www.greenthumb.co.uk/our-history.html Good ideas need customers There is no point creating a product or service unless someone wants to buy it! Gap in the Market Market in the Gap? …but is there a Good sources of business ideas • Business experience – Good way of getting insights into what works + more realistic business plan – Less need for market research • Personal experience – Day-to-day activities, interests & hobbies – Bad experiences or frustrations • Observations – Watching closely what happens to customers (including in other markets) – Look for poor customer service Remember that • There are very few original business ideas. Well-worn ideas work too, with a fresh approach • Good ideas rarely come in a flash - they take time to develop • The idea doesn’t have to be yours – you can copy someone else so long as it is legal • Good ideas rarely come from committees! Creative thinking for business ideas 1. 2. 3. 4. Blue skies thinking Lateral thinking De Bonos Six Hats Mind-mapping 1. Blue Skies Thinking • Kind of brainstorming • No limits in what is suggested and no preconceptions about what the answer might be • Encourages contributors to throw in as many ideas as possible • Only when the flow of ideas has stopped is commercial potential considered • Lets try it....... with the Making St Chads Park more popular. • You have 5 minutes. 2. Lateral Thinking • About reasoning that is not immediately obvious • Ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic • Sometimes called “thinking outside the box” • Tries to come up with new and unexpected ideas 3. Thinking Hats Thinking hats (created by De Bono) is a technique to help focus and organise ideas. • There are 6 different coloured hats • Each hat represents a different style of thinking • The hats are ‘put on’ one at a time to think about a problem 3. De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats Neutrality Considering purely what information is available, what are the facts? Quantitative data on a market (e.g. sales) would be (white Hat) considered with this hat on Feeling Instinctive gut reaction or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification). Many entrepreneurs rely on their instinctive or (red hat) gut feel with their business idea Negative Logic applied to identifying flaws or barriers, seeking mismatch. judgement (black The black hat encourages the entrepreneur to think about the hat) things that might go wrong with an idea Positive Logic applied to identifying benefits. This is the opposite of the Judgement (yellow black hat – what are all the positives or upsides from the idea. hat) What is the best that might happen? Creative thinking Statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a (green hat) thought goes. This is the hat which encourages lateral thinking. Process control Thinking about thinking. The blue hat encourages the (Blue hat) entrepreneur to consider and evaluate the ideas coming from the other five hats! 3. Six Thinking Hats Lets try it with the new I-Phone 6 Protecting a business idea Why protect a business idea? • • • • Keep control of intellectual property Maintain “unique selling point” Maximise return on investment Reduce threat of competition Patents • Strict rules: process must be – New – Innovative – Capable of industrial application – Not be excluded (various categories) • Key benefits – Right to take legal action – Protection for up to 20 years – Able to licence right to use patent Trademarks • Something that identifies a product – Symbol – Name – Logo • Must be distinctive • Protection last for 10 years Copyright • Important protection for many industries – e.g. media, design, publishing • Protection is automatic for any original work • Lasts for 70 years after authors death • Can control how copyrighted work is exploited (e.g. licence, royalties) • Widely used as a way of protecting creative work of all kinds Homework