Comparative Politics


Centripetal Democratic Governance: A theory and Global Inguiry

Gerring J., Thacker S, Moreno C.

Yılmaz Topuz


 Background Information : What is Centralism,

Decentralism, Centripetalism?

 Conceptualization, Empricial Tests, Research Design

 Results and Critique

 Discussion

Centralism, Decentralism and



- Centralization of power

- Founder: Hobbes

- Westminister System presuming good governance would be provided by power transfer to single centre.


- Decentralization of Power

- Founder: Montesquieu

- American Polity supporting the seperation of power among multiple independent bodies

- Checks and Balances


 On the contrary to the theory of decentralism, good governance is associated with centralized power.

 Reconciliation between centralized authority and broad inclusion.

- Inclusive: All interests, ideas and identities

- Authoritative: Providing and agreement and implementing that agreement.

 The power of authority is persuasive, not coercive: Bringing together diverse groups and perspectives to solve political conflicts.

Dimensions of Centripetalism


 Measurement Levels : Ordering Scheme

- 0 = federal , 1= semi federal, 2= nonfederal

- 0= presidential, 1= semipresidential, 2 = parliamentary

- 0=majoritarian, 1= mixed-member majority, 2 = closed list Proportional Representation(PR)

Scope condition: Democracy

The critique: The definition of Democracy

 -“Minimum threshold of democracy”

 My suggestion : Procedural minimum for Democracy

( Collier and Levitsky, 1997)

- “Fully contested elections with full suffrage and absensce of massive fraud combined with

- Effective guarantees of civil liberties including freedom of speech, assembly and association”


 The model is statistically significant.

 The author finds a strong support with centripetal form of government on all 8 dependent variables

However , if there are too many cases and observations, the significance of some cases is ruled out !!!


 Unitarism Political Stability

Do you think that political stability is a measurement for good governance?
