E-learning in preparing of mathematics teachers and

E-learning in preparation of
mathematics teachers and
in mathematics teaching
Working meeting to project EuroMath
Innsbruck, 2004
Project E-learning in preparation of
mathematics teachers
 The determining of mathematics teachers’ competence
for use of ICT and working-out of system of
information education of mathematics teachers
 The projection and realization of courses with using
of ICT and educational materials for preparation of
future mathematics teachers and also as a part of
further education of mathematics teachers
 The exploitation of ICT for modernization of
traditional methods and forms of mathematics
teaching and learning
The information education of
mathematics teachers
After determination of educational aims of
information education we develop a
educational content divided into two degrees.
General knowledge and skills comprise basic
level, which is described in ECDL standards.
We divided superstructure part typical for
information education of mathematics teachers
into six basic sections.
Superstructure part – 6 basic sections
1. Production of mathematical documents and presentations
– technology of production of documents and presentations
containing various kinds of objects enabling accurate
processing of educational content and active elements to
provide individual educational ways and feedback.
2. Exploitation of Internet in mathematical education –
mathematical portals, searching and gaining information,
teaching materials and educational programmes, electronic
collection of tasks, dynamic WWW sites. Evaluation of
possibilities of use of gained sources in educational process.
3. Basics of algorithmization – proposing and notation of
algorithms, evaluating effectiveness of algorithms for
solutions of problems in various fields of Mathematics.
Writing and implementation of algorithms in languages
Pascal and Logo.
Superstructure part – 6 basic sections
4. Mathematical calculations and modelling with
spreadsheets – use of numerical and graphical tools for
quantitative processing and analysis of data in tables,
realization of iterative calculations, implementation of
mathematical algorithms into the tables.
5. Dynamic geometrical systems – construction and
examination of dynamic geometrical constructions,
measurements of figures and their use in calculations,
graphical display of dependence between quantities,
analytical expression of figures and its exploitation in tasks
6. Mathematical software of CAS type (Computer Algebra
System) – carrying out numerical and symbolic calculations,
graphical representation of data, production of interactive
mathematical documents, searching for accurate ways of use
of programmes of this kind in solving mathematical tasks.
The courses for information education
Described contents of information education
have been implemented mainly in three oneterm courses starting in the 2nd year:
 Introduction to ICT – general part
 ICT – general part and the first 2 sections of
superstructure part
 ICT applications in teaching Mathematics –
the last 3 sections of superstructure part
 Voluntary subject – Basics of algorithmization
The development of information education
Considering quick development of ICT, it is
very important to lead students towards selfstudy and active development of their
knowledge in this field
It has been created an electronic educational
course for teaching of the subject ICT
applications in teaching Mathematics which
covers numerical and graphical tools of
program MS Excel for solution of
mathematical tasks
The description of educational course
 The course is built on basic principles of modern
conception of education (e-learning)
 Implementation of electronic teaching materials is
based on linking www technologies with
technologies united in MS Office package
 To provide an interactive and motivating working
environment there are www sites enriched with
dynamic elements (two and more - phase pictures,
active tables, active text fields with buttons for
checking of their content)
Educational contents of course
The content of the course is divided into seven
lectures. Each of the lectures consists of 2 to 4
teaching units
Each teaching unit contains tasks, which are
solved directly in environment of program MS
Workbooks contain sheets for student’s work
and sheets with example solution which is
supplemented with additional information
Educational program - ETECIS
 We created at our department several educational
applications for support of mathematics teaching
at secondary at primary schools
 Educational program ETECIS is focused on
teaching of elementary theory of numbers. The
program produces attractive and stimulating
environment for computer assisted learning of
 Next picture shows motivational problem for
topic Remainder from division and divisibility
The motivational problem
Computer assisted learning of
These courses are parts of a multimedia CD
aimed at integration of ICT into teaching of
Mathematics that has been produced at our
department for support of mathematics
teaching at primary and secondary schools
Educational multimedia CD is provided for
schools through project Infovek, which
administrates integration of ICT into
education in Slovakia.
Computer assisted learning of
 Educational program and hypertext GRULP
 Graphical solution of linear programming
 Slovak version www.science.upjs.sk/diplom/grulp
 English version www.matheonline.at/materialien/Danka.Timkova
 Other educational applications and study
ŠMIS (School Mathematics Information Service)
The electronic collection of
mathematic problems
 Is a part of School Mathematics Information
 Allows to improve preparation of teachers to
mathematics teaching
 Is based on database system MySQL and its
interface is implemented in JavaNet
 Development and verification of electronic
collection is realized at present by teachers of
mathematics at two secondary schools.
The possibilities of collection
 Selecting problems by specifying of classification
criteria, printing a copy of selected problems (for
every user)
 Inserting new problems into the collection, changing
the text of a problem, changing the classification of a
problem, deleting a problem (for selected users)
 Inserting, changing, deleting criteria for the
classification of problems (for administrator)
Another intentions and plans
To create interactive multimedia courses for teaching of
Mathematics in the system ToolBook II Instructor
To specify the parts in didactical preparation of mathematics
teachers - suitable for realization through e-learning
To compose selected sections as educational courses, which
will be provided in LMS Moodle
To develop a system of further education of mathematics
teachers focused on integration of ICT to mathematics
teaching at primary and secondary schools by means of
mathematical programmes (Cabri geometry, Derive, MS
Thank you for your attention
Stanislav Lukáč, Danka Timková, Faculty of Science
of University P.J. Safarik Kosice
Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia
slukac@kosice.upjs.sk, timkova@science.upjs.sk