Final Assessment Grade Sheet

PSY-1010 Introduction to Psychology Final Assessment Rubric Spring 2014 N.
PSY-1010 Introduction to Psychology Final Assessment Rubric Spring 2014 N.
Student:______Zachary Colosa__________________________________________
Final Grade: _______________
20 -30 % Attendance & Participation
_21_ / 27 classes (#_6__ missed classes, #_4__ unexcused)
30 - 40 % Journal articles, Activities, Experiments, Text reading
(15 - 20 mix + match / 2 pts each: one for doing, one for evidence = 30-40 points)
Journal articles: Annotations -- main terms/key ideas, what you learned/questions, what you
think/reflect & respond
_____Rise of the modern mind
_DONE_ Are we born racist?
_DONE_ Rethinking racial stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
_____ White privilege
_____ Natural high
_DONE_ Psychology of love
_DONE_ Your brain in love
_____The art and science of listening
_____ Coming to attention
_____ Human perception and the invisible gorilla
_____ Addiction article?
_____ Is hypnosis a distinct form of consciousness?
_DONE_ This is your brain on yoga
_DONE_ Mindfulness meditation training change brain structure in 8 weeks
_____Warm weather boosts mood, broadens mind
_DONE_Learning & Motivation Styles Survey
_____IAT for Prejudice
_____A Class Divided - First Reaction Questions
_____White Privilege?
_____Neural transmission simulation (in-class)
_DONE_Stress worksheet
PSY-1010 Introduction to Psychology Final Assessment Rubric Spring 2014 N.
_DONE_Maslow’s Hierarchy of Being worksheet
_____SQ3R Text Reading
_____Selective Attention -- Gorilla (in-class)
_DONE_7 Day Sleep & Dream Log
_____30 minute warm weather walk (in-class)
_____Coping Strategies
Exploring Psychology text reading:
_____ Chapter 1: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science (esp. to pg.15) -- 10?
_____ Chapter 13: Social Psychology (esp. pgs. 475-481 Social Relations/Prejudice)--10?
_____ Chapter 2: The Biology of Behavior--20?
_____ Chapter 3: Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind-20?
_____ Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception (esp. to pg. 215)-10?
_____ Chapter 7: Learning (esp. 261-65)-10?
_____ Chapter 10: Motivation and Emotion (esp. to pg. 371)- 10?
_____ Chapter 11: Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing -20?
20 - 25 % Final Project
_DONE_ APA Research & Service-learning project & reflection OR
_____ APA Research on a Psychological Disorder Presentation
20 - 30 % Quizzes & Final Exam
50 / 60 Neuron quiz
_____ / 50 Mapping the Brain & Brain structures & functions quiz
_____ /100 Final exam