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Nervous System
Name _____________________________Date___________Per____
I. Nerve Structure and Function (pg. 1005-1006, 1010-1013)
A. What is the function of the nervous system?
B. What is the role of a neuron in the nervous system?
C. Label the following parts of a neuron: dendrites (receivers), cell body, nucleus, axon (the conducting fiber),
myelin sheath (insulating fatty layer that speeds transmission), Schwann cells (they make the myelin), Nodes of
Ranvier (gap between Schwann cells), axon terminal (transmitters)
D. What is the purpose of the myelin sheath surrounding the axon?
What is it made of?
What is the name of the cells that produce the myelin sheath?
II. Brain structure and Function (pg. 1010-1013 & lab)
A. Describe the characteristics and functions of the brain.
Exterior side view of brain
B. Label the parts of the brain shown on the right. Specify the function of each
C. What connects the two hemispheres of the brain? What is its function?
D. Label the parts and functions of the following parts of the brain.
E. Describe the following structures of the brain and their role in the nervous system:
a. meninges (dura mater):
b. cerebrospinal fluid:
c. ventricles:
Part III: Organization of the Nervous System (pg. 1010, 1013-1015)
A. What are the two major divisions of the nervous system? What are the parts and functions of each?
B. Label the white and grey matter in brain and spinal cord.
Cross-section of brain
C. What is the difference between the white and gray matter other than just color?
D. Label the neurons involved in this response. What is their function?
Part IV: Reflexes (pg.1013-1015)
A. What is the spinal cord? How is it protected?
B. Describe the somatic nervous system. Is it voluntary or involuntary? Give an example.
C. Describe the autonomic nervous system. Is it voluntary or involuntary? Give an example.
D. What is a reflex?
E. Describe the patellar reflex in detail. Use a diagram in your answer.
F. What is the responsibility of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system? Give an example.
G. What is the responsibility of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system?
H. Draw a flow chart to show the divisions of the nervous system. Use the following terms: central nervous system,
peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, and
parasympathetic nervous system.
V. Communication among neurons (pg. 1005-1009)
A. What is a synapse?
B. What is the small gap between neurons called? Label
this structure on the image to the right.
C. What is released into this area from the axon terminal?
Label this structure on the image to the right.
D. Is the signaling activity of the nervous system
chemical or electrical? Explain.
E. What is a membrane potential?
F. Review the action of a sodium-potassium pump. (pg 103)
G. Describe the electrical and chemical conditions of resting potential.
H. Describe the electrical and chemical changes that occur during an action potential.
What is the refractory period?
J. Why does the nervous system consume a large amount of energy?
K. Describe the role of neurotransmitters in transmitting a signal across a synapse.
L. Describe two possible effects that neurotransmitters may have at a synapse.